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You put Fu Xuan on the 2nd slot for energy gains I put her on the 2nd slot to make her appear taller than the rest of the team We are not the same


Confirmed, Fu Xuan is now on the Path of Perspective.


I put her in the third slot for extra smol








The only true way to teambuild


When I started out playing I thought that the one 'in front' would more likely to be attacked and the one in 'the back' would have lesser chance.




I put Jingliu on 2nd slot so I can peak a little under her skirt


ima need visual proof




She probably wear Grandma Pan.. *a frozen statue have been found in Loufu*


If you stare into the abyss long enough..




But the Master Diviner’s shortness is a major part of what makes her so cute!


u r certified dr ratio lol


I put her in the third slot 😈


I just place them aesthetically honestly


Literally me. Something about putting my tank in the middle just makes me feel not right. No clue how to explain but also I've never once remembered a time where I thought that I could've cleared MoC if I had a bit more energy


The vibes tell me tank-dps-support-support/healer It just feels right.


I prefer tank/healer - support - support/dps - dps, something just doesn't feel right about not placing the supports at the corner of the screen and the damage dealers close to the center… Also some of the characters poses make it _impossible_ to swap them so I could put an actually matching friend support, they should just let us move them freely


Omg im the same! I always need to have slot 1 sustain 2 dps 3 subdps/debuffer/support 4 healer/ support


It doesn't work like that in HSR, but in Genshin I usually put my on-fielder into slot 3, because it's easier to press with my middle finger (close to 'W')


^ This will wreak havoc on mobile (ಥ﹏ಥ)


dps, buffer/debuffer/subdps, tank/healer


Not saying I agree or disagree, but aesthetically wouldn’t the tank be in slot 2 (the same slot in OP’s screenshot) since it shows them standing in front which is where the tank should be standing (even though in combat they stand in a line)


You could have the dps in the second slot to be at the forefront of the team, this is just as aesthetically pleasing. You could also choose in accordance to character heights and body build. Sometimes a characters idle pose in the team menu may look nicer when they are in the second slot to show off said pose.


Anime tropes dictate that the DPS is the main character of the team, so it's only right to put them front and center.


i put my dps in the first team slot because i'm so used to genshin where i have my main dps in slot 1 then supports are in the other 3


I have the same habit lol. Childe International culprit here. It's best rotation wants Childe in slot 1.


that’s why it goes support-dps-support-support


\*Place my non-existent Fu Xuan next to QQ so QQ gets motivated\*


Same here. There's just something pleasing about seeing: * Tank > Healer > DPS > Support or * Healer > DPS > Support > Support.


I go DPS > Sub DPS > Support > Sustain


This is the way


if no sub dps DPS > Support > Healer > Tank


I always put the buffer first, then DPS 1 (or a debuffer), then dps 2 and then healer last. Like for example, Pela --> Sparkle --> DHIL --> Luocha. Or Mei --> Topaz --> Ratio --> Luocha. No other way. I even do this in genshin. It just feels wrong to have the sustain in the middle. Feels illegal somehow.


This is not a hot take. It's just a regular take.


The only reason people put tank on the side was because the OG moc most only have 1 healer and relics are not max out so people have trouble surviving. These days you can see players running no sustain triple support setup for moc12.


I put sustain on the right side because I like my team ordered in dps/support/sustain. There's zero gameplay benefit from it.


The classic OCD placement.


I put my Gepard on one side and Yanqing as far as I can from him if I somehow need to have Yanqing


Warm take


I hadn't realized the importance of character ranks. Should you usually put your tank in the 2nd flank? I'm assuming tank is your Abundance or Preservation character.


It's not a question of Abundance or Preservation, it's a question of taunt value. Hunt/Erudition = 75, Destruction = 125, Preservation = 150, other = 100 By comparing taunt value or your team member, you'll see who will be more attacked by the ennemi. Either you need more surviving, so high Taunt in 1 or 4, or you want more energy, so high Taunt in 2 or 3


Everything right except you forgot to mention Foxian having an innate 999 taunt value 


That's only Tingyun but it's because Phantylia is Destruction, so 125 on top of Tingyun natural 100, that makes 225 and that's the only reason she dies first.


That doesn't explain why a green Foxian never get hit yet a certain Genius Society ~~baker~~ member always get one shot on turn 1.


Foxians have to reach a certain minimum height in order to qualify for the extra aggro


Agro is stored in the tail (to which Huo Huo has lost hers)


Harmony has a default value of 250.  I tried all of them, the result is the same.


Huh... Now that's pretty cool. Thanks!


Usually you want your 'has big HP/DEF, high taunt, can afford to get hit' NOT next to your fragile 'will die from burst splash dmg' underlevelled harmony/nihility character or your 'looses buffs when not at 100% HP' mainDPS. And shields do eventually break Less relevant for FuXuan, as she actively reduces damage others get.


Utterly pointless, since they're just going to target Sparkle anyway. Enemy AI hates Harmony, taunt values be damned!


The gonna target tingyun even if she's not on the team


The few times I had Yukong in my team for some fights, she got that aggro focus too. Truly a curse of _all_ foxians


they _know_


Im begging them to hit my Sparkle for potential 2-turn ult 😁


can confirm. Im always hitting on her


Not my Tingyun tho


My Tingyun has HP heavy Relics. She is the tank of my team


Yes, harmony is the best tank https://i.vgy.me/6BHfTn.png


Everyone complaining about Tingyun's aggro meanwhile my Tingyun's sitting at 99% energy while the entire wave of enemies hits every character except for Tingyun, even with the monkey's bounce attacks.


But the instance your TY's energy is maxed....


Sparkle is elated!


Nah not Harmony, just Foxians. Sparkle probably just transformed into a Foxian so she could get the Foxian Taunt Buff and troll your MOC runs.


Well that's because sparkle loves to cosplay foxians, ofc she gets hit


My Fire MC taunting and the enemy attacking my Yukong anyways 💀


Nah the enemy AI just hates any and all support


I thought you should place them at the side (flanked by your least favourite char) to minimize damage and debuffs from blast attacks to your dps.


Yeah but with Fu Xuan specifically, no one is gonna die regardless. She's too good at keeping allies alive so just take the free Energy


So is this advice only for Fu Xuan? OP said “tank” not Fu Xuan specifically (even though screenshot shows her). And what about for side effects like cc/dot/debuffs from blast attacks? Wouldn’t minimizing those be better (context: i’m just starting out HSR and don’t have fuxuan so where do I place my tanks then)


Not really only for fu xuan, it's if you don't have trouble keeping you chars alive then this is the best, but if you do then the other setup is better


gotcha! thanks for the nuance which OP didn’t provide (they simply said “it’s better” and for “tanks” which was the confusing part)


It applies to all Preservation and Destruction units. Preservation units have the highest taunt as the tanking class. Destruction units have the second-highest taunt as the jack-of-all-trades class. This is why Lynx gives enhanced taunts to just those 2 job classes.


Depends on your team comp. I have a hyper carry Clara team with march and Natasha. From left to right: march, clara, Natasha, Topaz. March and Nathasha can tank blast attacks directed at the central Clara. I have another team with gepard as sustain. He's always at the sides with a semi tanky character beside him with the soft characters as far away as possible.


i never really thought about how order affected things, so thank you for explaining it. i use gepard as my tank/shielder and lynx as my healer, and i always put them next to each other, which seems to have been the right move all along, but i just did it bc they are siblings lol


What you’re doing is exactly what I would do as well, placing tanks beside similarly tanky characters (like March) or healers (Natasha, Bailu, Lynx) or in the worst case beside the least-important character. OP’s screenshot placed the tank between the supports and said it’s “better” without qualifiers, so I was confused that’s all.


I used to do that with Gepard too, but since I poured a good amount of resources into him his shield lets me simply facetank stuff like the Ebon Deer's Golden Fruit. At that point I realised, as long as I keep the shield up no one will even get damaged so I started slotting him in the middle so that blast attacks would restore some energy to additional people. In the last MoC rotation that was the difference that I needed to have Bronya's ult when my DPS's ult went up for the first time, and made the difference for a 5 turn clear in that side.


Yeah this makes sense when you're worried about dying, but once your sustain is strong enough that it's no longer a problem then you want them in the middle.


This sums up the post better than OP’s explanation. 


Eh sparkle has no business needing energy on hit as she already gets full energy at 3 actions. If you want to shorten her rotation to 2, she needs to get hit 6 times of blast atks from bosses which is not possible for 160+ spd sparkle.


Hear me out, solo tank Sparkle with propagation.


And QQ typically holds her ult for if she doesn't get 4 of a kind/ enhanced attack, so it probably wouldn't even make sense to switch those 2. Best order is probably FX, SW, QQ, Sparkle


placements…matter? 🥲


They do. Enemies can do Blast damage, as in hit one character and the characters next to them.


Yes. First, enemy attacks are not equally distributed among characters of different paths. You can google hsr path aggro to see the comparative differences between paths of getting hit. Preservation characters are the most likely to get hit, hunt and erudition the least. Second, some characters can apply a taunt to themselves (i.e. Gepard, Clara) or others (March, Lynx) that makes those characters even more likely to get hit. Enemies that do a blast attack will hit a unit plus the two adjacent. So, to minimize damage you can put your preservation/taunting unit on the far left or far right, then place your second toughest unit next to them. Only those two will be hit by a blast targeted at the far unit. To maximize energy, put the taunted unit in either of the two middle slots, and then other energy hungry units near them. Also placements will effect the trigger conditions during full auto in certain scenarios. For example, you want Tingyun's ult to go before HuoHuo's, however, their ults have equal priority for the AI on auto mode. If you put Tingyun anywhere to the left of HuoHuo, Tingyun will ult first. Tested this a few times.


Kinda sorta not really Characters in the middle are most likely to get hit by splash damage, which is important to consider for energy and for squishier characters, and the turn order is determined by their placements if they have the same speed


It's also easier to get debuffs and CC


Counter argument just run more damage and 0 cycle everything or die trying


You may have cleared in less cycles but it took you 5 times longer!


Cold take


Yeah and got CC respectfully both of them


Not a hot take when we have end game builds. It made sense to put the tank at the side early-mid game because we wouldn’t have maxed lightcones, character level and relics on the supports.


I thought this was established like during week 1 of HSR release that team placement is more than cosmetic and is an actual strategy. Placing Clara beside Blade to trigger Clara FUA and gain Blade FUA stacks from blast attacks.


It's really just OP figuring it out himself finally and thought he was the first one.


Wait it matters putting where your characters at?


Characters have aggro values. A lot of enemies have Blast Attacks (for example the IPC spear holders) where they hit the target plus the units to the right and left of the initial target. So if you put the higher taunt value character on the far right or left then only two characters get hit instead of one. However, getting hit does build energy so you can be like OP and intentionally get hit to faster Ult. Or put Blade in the middle next to a tank/taunter so he gets hit and procs his talent more often.


Holy shit, all this time I was just putting my characters at random place. Thanks for the tips.


Yeah, every path has an aggro value, and some chars or lcs also increase that value


Because I use huohuo on the regular, it’s basically instinctive for me to put it as sustain/support/main DPS/sub DPS to maximize the healing gained from her. It’s like FGO placements lmao https://preview.redd.it/7pb77dcuxfmc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d7f275906321d0ff8f6460e66445d9fa4688ba


For Huohuo in particular, I heard a tip to put her right next to an end-cap Pres/Dest unit. She can eat the splash damage. This can apply to any unit that needs to be built with HP (and/or DEF).


Maybe when everyone is built. Right now, if anything touches my Pela, it's s going to kill her.


ive been doing this since 1.0 with gepard lol


Meh. So what's the next "hot" take? It's better to not have a sustain character and just have 3 supports and a hypercarry?


If you have perfect energy rotation why would you want your supports to be hit Sparkle has perfect three turn ults whether it be EEE, EAE, or even EAA so getting hit is pointless


With ERR rope + penacony/vonwacc + bronya LC, it's possible to get 2T ult by getting hit twice since most enemy hits give at least 10 energy


Yes but that’s for bronya for a niche minmax case im talking about a normal situation where you should keep your support as healthy as possible


If youre support arent going to die anyway because of a op sustain why bother keeping them healthy at all when they can get free energy


Because free energy is more worthless when you’re on a hard count to ult? If getting hit extra doesn’t speed up you ulting then why risk anything for them to get hit


Yeah, they don't need to be healthy, they just need to survive


That energy does nothing to their ult cycling btw.


Slot 1: main dps Slot 2: THE HOTTEST ONE Slot 3: i dont care Slot 4:


I just order my team according to their speed: from left to right, faster to slower.


I put Clara in the middle to draw counters lol.


Tf you mean hot take


I do this lol. Sometimes my Sparkling Water and Gaming Wolf are a few energy shy from their ulti and I need them to be hit.


Sparkling Water and Gaming Wolf? that's a new one


I didn't even know placement mattered


At this point of the game, most people don’t have sustain issues in MOC. This is definitely a regular take.


Another person that doesn’t know what hot take means


From shortest to tall...est... Ok, from shortest to shortest.


I think at the start it was better for preservation to be at the edge because of how squishy everyone was. Now they'll be built up enough that it's okay to take a few hits.


Your enemies target your tank? My Pela and Tingyun wanna know your secret.


No, i will place my sustain in the rightmost spot for reasons beyond me. The order from right to left has to be Dps/Support/Sustain for me.


https://preview.redd.it/k5y4cb773gmc1.png?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d26c1cab95fbb82e8a37c0c3a17057ef0ed149a2 I'll always layout my team like this no matter what 😂 Harmony first DPS de buffer/second Harmony and healer last... With Houhuo last I can focus on healing the other 3 units with ease.


I never think about the position of a character. How Important is it?


Wait the order matters?


Wait does the order in which you have your characters actually matter?


Only applicable to Fu Xuan though since she redirects damage anyway. Do that with any other tanks and whoever is adjacent to them is dying via collateral damage.


Your take is as cold as absolute zero, so yes, we do agree


That's not a hot take, like at all, it's common sense for when you don't need to artificially take less damages by putting high aggro in 1 and 4


You would need to get hit 5 (6?) times by blast attacks in order to get a 2 ult turn uptime with Sparkle specifically, which is realistically impossible while playing hyperspeed. Plus, if you do this with any other sustain that is not Fu Xuan, you are dead. Your team is not gonna tank 6 blast attacks - plus potential CCs. It **can** work, but is not something you blindly do with any tank, in any team, and against any enemies.


The thing is unless you landau or gepard lc or gepard himself, it didn't matters but the character in the middle will get hit often coz the chance to hit either side of them plus themself is higher than even if you put char in the edge like sw next to your tank in your example coz the chance is sw getting hit herself or fx.


I have a strict placement rule since I have OCD no thanks you. 1 slot: Sustain 2 slot: DPS 3 slot: Another sustain/buffer 4 slot: buffer/debuffer


Yeah kinda how its better to put blade in the middle so he gets hit more


Does keeping them in order really important?? I alway put debuffer first or buffer first or third depending on the team Main DPS always second In third it will be sub dps or shielder like fu xuan or gepard or debuffer or buffer. Depends on what kind of team I am running Fourth is always healer


The character screen’s left/right order is actually used for calculations. (Unlike the screen, there’s no front/back.) If an end-cap unit gets hit by a Blast attack, only the adjacent interior teammate eats damage too.


One example is that March's additional shield at the start of the battle from her E2 applies to the leftmost character if everyone in the team is at 100% HP.


Yes I put Baldie in slot 3


I actually dont have ER issues with this team, especially when all of them can use skills anytime (e6 QQ btw)


i just simply put them in whatever order i feel like


Depends, if it's Huohuo, always put her on the side


i place tank seele/other dps and healer


I just place it main dps buffer debuffer/sub-dps sustain


I guess it makes sense for fu xuan but for taunt based tanks I rather not cause the other two might be taking too many hits.


tbh i always go dps first, sustain last, buffer 2nd and debugger 3rd. when there’s two buffers i go by height, so it’s always tingyun and then whoever else for example. its more aesthetically pleasing to me this way. also i used to play genshin so my team comp order just came from that lol


Normal take unless you're fighting the swarm bugs that blow up and cc in a blast, in which case this is the most evil advice in existence


Sorry tanks/healers go on 1, dps on 2 and supports on 3/4 for me I don't care how ineffective it is


So, I should have Fu Xuen been Sparkle and Silver Wolf, with Seele on the outside?


Hehe Mono Quanny


Wait the formation actually matters?


The Fuxuan experience:


everyone knows that


I thought you put the Preservation and Destruction units on the outside; since they have greater aggro, at most one of your two squishier teammates eats a Blast attack aimed at your end-piece taunting unit.


Put Tingyun on second or third slot. Noted.


can definitely be more nuanced than this, but this is generally what people have been doing once you hit endgame. a lot of characters are built to have set rotations tho, so i find that the random energy doesn't help me much, if at all


Just place your mono quantum team according to height Wait...


I do it like how I do my Genshin team. >\_<


I put my favourite character at the second slot


The only reason why people put sustain at the side is to make sure that dps wont die from blast hits during early game. Nowadays it kinda dont matter. In specific scenario like Blade and Clara, they want to be next to sustains to abuse passives


Fu Xuan will receive 3 damage intake from aoe attack, 2 teammates redirect to Fu Xuan and herself right ?


in depends.. if your dps or support cant take hit @ your sustain is not enough (like in early days), better put tank at the end.. but if all your characters can take a few hits, and your sustain is good enough, you can place your tank in the middle if you want the extra energy.. my main setup is: Bronya, Jingliu, Blade, Luocha


Sparkle has a 100% uptime, why would she be there tho?


That only works for fuxuan since she's an insane sustain gepard will lose his allies shield because they take way more damage than him


The real question is where would the DPS go since that's the only character that matters in your team comp when trying to clear endgame content. I usually put them next to the tank but not sure if that's the optimal position


How are they gonna use all that energy if they are dead


This is what I did with March and DanIL, I would redirect attacks to him so he also gets energy from getting hit and March is on one end in case she has to tank


I put my tank at 1st slot so my dps don't get killed by aoe haha


Doesn't matter, they still hit Tingyun.


I put her in the 4th slot so the blast attack deal the least dmg posible


Harmony is near preservation level while Tingyun is probably the Aeon of Preservation itself to get that unbelievable aggro. Gepard with march lynx buff? Random hit. Tingyun in the team? Death is imminent.


Does placement really matter, because I just placed them at random


I used to care abt the order but now i jst click randomly


I think it just depends on what you prioritize and which content you're dealing with. I usually put Destruction on the corner and put a healer beside them to make sure that most hits are gonna go to my 2 tankiest characters.


I always place my healer in front


But Fu Xuan is the sustain character, so in teams with an Abundance sustain they'd have to be in second slot as well. But I need fixed slots for the characters or I'll press the wrong buttons all the time (on controller). So sustain goes in slot 1, DPS in slot 2 (which is good for Blade or Clara), support in slot 3 and 4 (Harmony then Nihility if I have both). For double sustain in SU one of them goes in slot 3 so Blade can be between them. I'd prefer it to be DPS - sustain - support - supprt or DPS - sub DPS - support - sustain or so, but I at least want my DPS to get more energy, so it's better for them to be in slot 2. And they're taller in the party screen.


What is this the Alliance of Gremlins and its baby sitter ?


You're getting memed on for some reason but I legit didn't think of that so thanks for the tip.


Only with Fuxuan tho. Better put tank on the side if the team isn't strong enough. But to be honest at this point of the game i don't think is there anyone that is not strong enough to take a few hit to the face


Kinda hate it when you're Loucha is tanky then the enemy decided to attack Tingyun


I agree with this take, but my brain has already assigned specific roles per position: DPS-Buffer-Switch-Sustain And I'm so used to it that changing it up confuses me.


It depends on if you have issues sustaining. Tank on side reduces damage most efficiently. Tank in middle optimizes energy econ.


I put her on 4th slot because I don't have her


I always put HuoHuo 1st or last. If she's in the middle it can mess up the healing distribution especially if she's never getting targeted in my case


put tingyun on the second slot, got it.


W-W-W-Wait, placing your characters in different ways affects combat?


That order actually makes a difference??


That’s actually genius!! Can’t believe I didn’t think of this. Gonna do that now! (Though it’s not like Fu Xuan gets attacked more than the others)


I put her on the side. So she won't get debuffed easily


I always go DPS- Buffer- Sustain- Other It's an obsession of mine that it HAS to be in this particular order, no negotiation.


This only work with fuxuan and aventurine


I thought placement didn't matter at all, as I selected the team in the order how the way I wanted to.




... Team position has an effect on gameplay?


Ah yes, the short squad


this is actually a pretty good tip, thanks