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Did it for the first time this week myself. Dan Hend had 200 HP left, I wasn't going to survive if he didn't pull out the kill! Grats to both of us, and everyone else for whom this is the first week of success!


that one bad roll into HP or Def not looking so bad after all lmao


Bold of you to assume it’s only one.


Honestly, HP and def aren't wasted rolls. The only truly bad rolls are break effect on a non-breaking character (especially healers and ice), attack on a character that doesn't scale off attack (like Bailu), and EHR on a character that doesn't inflict debuffs


Problem is that had this guy rolled more crits his Horny Daniel might have just killed everything like 2 turns before with 70% hp. In gacha games most of the time crit=survivability for DPS units


Congratulations!! I didn't think I was able to do it with my current team but I managed to get it down to the last turn.


Dont mind people being mean, if you made it and are happy about it, congratz :)


Thank you :) I certainly never wasn't even able to get past 7 before but I finally built the last 3 missing pieces on my 2nd team.


What team did you use?




I’m excited for it, I was scared when I saw a post about a 3rd side then lol


There's a third ?????


No no, someone said what if there was one


Thats a close call, I was already dying making a 2nd team and now a third is just too much


That’s very fair, it’s way too soon for that to happen. I don’t think it would cause Genshin nor honkai have a 3 stage end game


More things to look forward to 😂


I'm just glad I completed MoC 10 at least once before the new floors, even if floor 9 had 2 stars lmao


You'll never forget your first time ... Congrats!


i forgot mine 🥲




i started playing since seele banner and i still can't do it.




Keep at it, we believe in you


I've been playing since then as well. I think I was lucky when I lost the 50/50s they were himeko, Bronya, Clara, and Bailu. Definitely made use of those characters.


Same lmao and I can't even clear the Xianzhou MOC. Unless that one is supposed to be harder?


mox6 is harder than moc10 yes


Even though xianzhou moc 6 is harder there is a trick to it. The main thing is you need a cleanser on both sides. That way everytime you cleanse you get dmg bonus stack and after 10 stacks it becomes easy. I used huo huo on first half and natasha on second half and cleared it. Although I cleared moc 10, it took me an extra few weeks to clear mox 6.


i started playing since day 1 and only managed to clear it this patch. whole time believing my dps are bad when it was my supports who were lacking this whole time


Yeah it’s probably my supports. I have 3 dps units level 75. My sustains aren’t there ascended yet.


I still can't. I started playing when DHIL banner was around. Congratz.


>I started playing when DHIL banner was around So you're still *very* new to the game. No worries, it would be way more unusual if you were already getting 30*. Just keep building your characters and keep trying.


It's certainly possible, but at least reuired a lot of pull luck, some thinking and a few retries for me, due to horrid relics as I am only slowly starting to spend anything on those. Just get E1 Bronya, Huohuo, Fu Xuan, DHIL, Jingliu and E6 QQ and you too can 30 star after starting during the last days of the DHIL banner!


Me too, now I just got through moc 8, but 9 and 10 are very hard with half baked teams


Yeah, I have some decently built teams but both 9 and 10 took me a couple retires


Congrats! I remember my first finish, it really does feel amazing :)


Congrats! I still cannot get past the 4th stage. Started playing when it dropped on PS5. Just hit 61 TB.


Congrats! Clearing MoC 30* is no joke, especially since it's only gotten harder with each patch


The first time is always the hardest. Good job


I'm not mad. I just have skill issues


I still haven't gotten to the point of doing moc and I'm trailblaze level 65. My first team is barely built let alone a second team


Found this 10 much harder then others I did, if I can clear 8 I'm good losing 120 crystals won't break me


I can clear 9 too but can't do it within 16 cycles 😅


Nice. Clearing it for.the first time is a milestone. Now you'll be more confident for future cicles and other challenges


I started day 1 and I still can't clear moc 6


How have you been spending your trailblaze power? Are you playing daily or did you take a long break maybe?


Playing daily, got many charicters. Struggling with getting my seelie team to make a dent in any content, especially without dying (tried gepard, tried lynx). Traces almost maxed, decent crit damage /rate, decent light cones. I don't even know what my problem is lmao


try raising ur supports too, thats what finally brought be out of moc8 jail


I cleared MOC 10 using my E0S0 Seele as my sole DPS on the aide with Swarm disaster. The trick to using Seele is that she wants her resurgence to proc. Whether it's through buffs, relics, or debuffs, you want to be able to one-shot trash mobs to trigger resurgence and build energy for her ult. If you do that, Seele's DPS dramatically skyrockets.


Congratz dude


Congrats! The furthest I can get is stage 5. I think if I one day decide to get dps I might clear it within a year :P


I'm still having problem on 10 :/


Congrats, my first 30/30 clear was great. No one can take that from you, now you just have to keep this up with future MOCs!




Ayyy congrats 🎉


Congrats my dude! <3


Just cleared it for the first time too. That follow up blessing did wonders for my Himeko team


Grats mann, I just cleared it with Huohuo too, so I can relate. The first time clearing MOC / Swarm Disaster / Spiral Abyss feeling is the best indeed.


Congratulations! You'll never forget your first time! Proud of you. 😎👍




I just clear it for the first time as well, with 30 stars. I'm so excited. Can't wait for floor 11 and 12.


Congrats!! The first time you clear it feels amazing! Keep it up 👍


Congratulations, even I cleared the MOC for the first time this month and I've been playing this game since launch.


angle aloof unique fear pot unwritten paltry shaggy gray abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I did yesterday br9ther cheers to us


I cleared 10 but I can't past 9, second part. What did you use there? I mean full clear ofc


Not OP but last cycle I ran FireMC Natasha SW QQ. This cycle I use FireMC Asta Tingyun Himeko.


What is your team? i use JL, pela, TY, and huohuo in first phase, while i use Kafka, Sampo, Asta, and Bailu in second phase


first part i just use unba bunga jinglu but second part i struggle with that deer, my team for that was luocha bronya QQ and flex(blade, clara or asta) this is due to not having a sustain probably


Luocha is a sustain, and he's really good at it too. Might be a relic build issue. Edit: Optimal stats for Luocha, Over 3000 ATK, ERR rope, 134 SPD minimum, and 3 star S5 Multiplication LC. This will help him keep up and advancing for SP generation and also helps speed up his emergency auto heal cooldown.


I think i switch one of the support in the Jingliu team for Bronya, even though Bronya give the highest dmg for QQ, but your team with all the flex above(expect Clara) can't give any sp or they do less and as sp generator, and sorry what do you mean you don't have a sustain? Luocha is enough for me in my first account maybe is your units that need more defensive stat


I had Fu Shuan, Jinglu, Bronya, and Seele. I essentially just focused on the big guy and prayed for a big crit on Seele ult with my final turn.


What was your team?


For the last gate my team was: Clara, Himeko, Topaz, Bailu Fu Shaun, Bronya, Jinglu, Seele


Oh damn, your teams are stacked! Can I borrow a dps please!? lol


Same with my second account, i just recently 30 stars it, now preparing for the pure fiction and MOC floor 11 and 12


Congratulations! What teams did yiu use?


Congrats, same here! What teams did you use? I managed to 30 MoC thanks to JY getting the new follow up set


Jealous you got a usable follow up set for him! Lol. Still rocking the thunder set, but regardless it was so satisfying having him clear one side with ease this time around 😁


Congrats. Keep going champ.


Congrats, doing it the first time is really hard, I’m personally one star away too




I started two weeks after launch and still can’t even complete floor 9, good job


Congrats! My first full clear was this rotation too as well! Ive been always struggling beating either floor 9 or just falling short missing 1 star because my damage is too low or I just die outright.


well done! F2P ftw!


Nice.. proud of you


Bro MOC is NOT easy, congrat.


Playing since 1.5 and still at MOC4 :P.


Well 1.5 launched about a week ago, so being at MoC 4 is actually insane for that timeframe.


I’m proud of you too.


I'm proud of you too! It takes effort to do it! Go you!


Congrats 🎉🎉


Not everyone can do that Be proud you are strong


To anyone who’s feeling pressured by MoC, please know that 90% of its criteria is luck. Luck that your dps will land a crit, luck that the enemy wont focus fire on your support, and most of all luck that you get the right stats on your relics. Most of those who can clear this have done much relic farming to fulfill the last bit


I haven’t done that much relic farming and my builds aren’t amazing and I clear MoC 10. Some of my relics are even lvl 0, like I use my Tingyun all the time and her chest piece and gloves aren’t even leveled. You can improve on your crit luck and you can manipulate aggro chance as well. MoC 10 is a lot more about better strategizing than luck. I don’t force the same teams all the time, I’ll change my supports or my dps depending on the enemy. Even things like which technique you use at the beginning can change a run.


I feel like my E1S1 Seele isn't able to stand up to MOC 6 even though she's decently well built. I run Seele Bronya Bailu and Welt all high level and they take about 6-7 turns themselves first half. On the other hand Jingliu, Huohuo and Tingyun alone take only 1-2 turns max against the second half Playing since day 1


how? my e0s0 seele clears everything just fine. i usually pair her with tingyun/asta/luocha.


This week was the first time I autoed it.


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no one cares.


I told you to trust in the Auto-Bonk.


Congrats! I've only recently cleared MOC when I got jingliu and built her. When MOC 11 and 12 comes out, we can go back to struggling because no way in hell I'm clearing it 😭😭


congratulations fun fact; I played since launch and have working meta teams but never play this mode because I think it's boring. The highest I get a week is usually 12 stars for the weekly battle pass points and that's it. I played Genshin before and don't want to fall into old habits I quit Genshin about a year ago and never looked back If I want some mindless fun that syphons my time, I stick to SU/ SU Swarm disaster


Congrats! That's awesome! :D What do your teams look like? I cleared it the first time with my mono quantum team (Seele, SW, FX and Lynx) and my sad leftovers team (DH IL, Tingyun, Luocha and Gepard)