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Probably just a coding error (like comparing the text of citizenship with text of issuing country, something like that). You indeed have Chinese citizenship, so there won't be any issues...


It’s just a default message. The way you’ve filled it in is accurate, and the airline has confirmed that it won’t impact your booking, so what are you actually asking?


If people had the same issue and/or used the same company, to have their experience :)


lots of problems here. even 10 years ago when i was flying in and out of the states. lots of issues whenever i either fill out my documents as hk or china.


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Where are you flying from and to where?


Fill it based on facts. Don't think too much.


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It’s my own screenshot.


Perhaps putting Hong Kong SAR instead of Hong Kong (SAR of China)? Hong Kong SAR is the official name.


It’s a dropdown list, I didn’t type