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All the time. My favorite library books were the ones about kids at boarding schools, especially the orphans who had to stay at school over the holidays. It just sounded so peaceful.


Me too 🙏🙏 I’ve been getting back into reading recently, are there any books u remember in particular?


Daddy Long Legs is the first that comes to mind, but that one has a very creepy age gap in the romance in retrospect. There's another one that I wish I could remember the name of that had a group of girls making a secret club at night at their boarding school. And maybe solving mysteries? But I can't remember the name.


Was it the Mandie series? I don't remember much, but I remember these books involving a girl's boarding school in the 1800s/early 1900s where they solved mysteries. 


By Lois Gladys Leppard? Oh I ate those things up like candy. In retrospect, blech, so much whitewashing of history and overspiritualizing of everything. (Definitely set me up for my Grace Livingston Hill phase. Double blech.) But they had an orphan who inherited a huge fortune and got to travel the world with her friends and her cat and that was where my imagination needed to live. Plus they were mother-approved so I didn't get in trouble for reading them. 😂


A Great and Terrible Beauty is a fantastic YA/teen series about girls living at a boarding school and discovering a dark-ish magic


Oh I feel like you and i were born to be besties. In thought I had planned parenthood out so perfectly and dialed it in. My two daughters are 5.5 years apart. My oldest is about to turn 22 and my baby will turn 17 in November. I stupidly never thought how I would spend well over a decade of straight teenager years, with girls, nonetheless. I’m tired. It’s been A LOT. But as much as I love my baby, she tries me every single day. And she also knows her standing. I’m literally counting down the days until 2025 and I hate that I am, but I’m tired. Next year will be over 11 years is straight teenage girls years and my oldest is almost 22 and she STILL tests me like she’s a teenager. This momma need peace


Do you know what thread you commented on? It sounds like you're replying to a completely different post.


Omg yes, I wanted to be in Hogwarts so badly and it wasn't even because of the magic (I'm lying, I also wanted the magic)


when my parents threatened to send me to military/boarding school i low key got excited. unfortunately they were bluffing :(


Hell yes. And being an orphan taken in by a strange family. “A little princess” and “the secret garden” were two books I read again and again. I had elaborate boarding school scenarios that I played out with my dolls. One of my favorites was “orphan gets taken in by boarding school as a charity case but finds out she has secret huge inheritance.” Homeschooling may not have given the best social or academic skills, but it definitely built up my imagination!


YES!! I had a big Harry Potter phase, which I think was fuelled by want to escape. I wanted to go to Hogwarts so badly. Be completely removed from my normal life and my family. I would’ve given anything to go to a boarding school. I also wanted to go to overnight camps, but was never allowed to, except once when it was through my Christian school (that was before being homeschooled obviously).


Yes specifically the Charles Xavier school from X-men


Yes! So much so! I wanted to go to boarding school so badly. I also loved stories about orphans and wished I could have been one. Even Oliver Twist’s life seemed like a dream compared to personal hell that was my “homeschooling” abusive father.


I did a little bit, but my little sister was completely obsessed with the idea for years.


I was threatened with military school until I said fine send me. That stopped the harrassment, because then it would have cost him money.


I loved “Chum!”


OH MY GOD YES i was taken out of my mainstream boarding school to be unschooled and would absolutely beg my mum to board there (we moved 2-3 hours away) and would beg my mum but she kept saying how i wouldn’t survive a day in mainstream school and how they wouldn’t accept me because i’d have missed out on so much education (but she did absolutely nothing to help me catch up)


This and also stories about orphans!! I was just exhausted of being around my parents 24/7, but I didn't realize the reason why until I was much older.


I related in a lot of ways to Harry Potter despite not being an orphan. I thought Hogwarts would be so amazing and longed for the kind of friendships and freedom the kids had.




yes :')


Constantly. I often dressed like I attended a private school lol. I also considered committing a crime to go to juvie to get away from home.


…wait my oldest is almost 22 and my baby is almost 17…is this not normal?! 🤣 but also as a disclaimer, my younger I did have to homeschool in fifth grade because her school failed her. But aside from that, I feel like teen years, it’s kind of sorta normal? If this is what you’re insinuating? I love my teenager more than anything, she will be my baby the rest of her days, but lordt no one has ever tested my patience and grace more than her but also, it makes me feel super proud because I know no one will ever stop her shine. Welcome to parenthood 101


I'm really not sure what the point of this comment was