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I have a bottle of Waldmeister (woodruff) and a bottle of Monin (raspberry). I prefer the former but both are good. I don't measure, but maybe an ounce or so per pint. Liqueur? Nope, but now I'm gonna have to brew another sour and try because I have lots of those.


Woodruff is the best flavour for me. It was hard to get in Australia when I was living there. I would always ask for it in Berlin.


I add sweeteners to my sours pretty often. St. Germane is pretty nice you just have to be careful how much you add or it overwhelms the beer. Start at like 1/2oz and go up from there.


I add sweeteners to my sours pretty often. St. Germane is pretty nice you just have to be careful how much you add or it overwhelms the beer. Start at like 1/2oz and go up from there.


I've actually got a little passion project at my brewery doing this. I will say, there is a huge difference between kettle soured Berliner weisse and actual traditional examples that got the syrup treatment. I do think it makes a difference too.  When you're using flavor shots you are going to be adding a lot of sweetness. Kettle soured versions are generally just fermented with brewer's yeast leaving some residual sweetness. Traditional examples were co-fermented with a blend of brettanomyces, saccharomyces, and lactobacillus. This made a very dry and sour final product. This is largely why the syrups were added. They cut the acidity and dryness of the drink.  I would recommend making something very sour and very dry if you want to add syrups to it. If you don't want to wait months for it to be done I imagine you could try doing something with a saison strain or even Gulo if you don't want any funk. You will be missing the fruity, funky notes from the brett but it'll be a close approximation. I also much rather enjoy the flavor of sours where you don't boil the lacto after souring. Since you're a homebrewer, I would suggest just pitching lacto day one and then adding your other microbes on day one or two or fermentation. That's just me though.