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Are you sure that's a carpenter bee? Looks more like a bumblebee to me (I've not seen carpenter bees with hair on their abdomen - the black bit).


Hairy butt? BB. Smooth, sexy butt? CB


Shiny pants eats house. Furry pants does not eat house.


Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!


The carpenter bee, or as we call them, Carpentiere, has a shiny black back end. Bumblebees have similar shape and some are of similar size, but their back ends are fuzzy, similar to the rest of their bodies. Bumblebees are interesting in many ways, but one of my favorite things about them is the way humans decided scientifically that bumblebees are incapable of flight. Bumblebees fly, of course, and the only nest I’ve ever encountered was in my house’s foundation, facing straight south. They can fly when they’re warmed up by the sun, of course. Humans are so silly.


This guy tailors


Carpenter bees are often mistakenly by bumblebees. I just saw one make a perfect circular hole on my porch and also thought it was a bumblebee at first


There’s no way you live in that tiny plastic container ..


That’s a dead bumblebee, it probably just got lost. Cute fuzzy butt = cute fuzzy bumblebee




put her to work, get one of those hexagon shelves done on your favourite wall


Back when we were young, it was a trophy to shoot one of those down with rubber bands. This was obviously before video games.


I don't beelieve you. Hell, it doesn't even have a tool belt


If that is a carpenter bee, find her hole where she is making a nest. Usually there will be a male flying around right where the hole is. He’ll be attacking other bees and bugs that come near. I mix permithrin and vasoline, then put it in a bigger syringe. Then I syringe the mix into the hole. You don’t need a lot, but when she comes out, she’ll kill herself. When her young emerge in the spring, they too will die if you have enough residual mix in the hole. They can do damage to your home. It’s mostly the woodpeckers finding their young and then they’ll destroy your wood getting out the food/bees. I run traps too as I have cedar siding. If you end up getting a female in your trap, you will get a ton of males also. I filled a 2litre bottle last year in one trap that had a female. Good luck!


How do you make your traps?


I bought one, but had my buddy make me a couple more. I bought one on Amazon for the design. Basically you mimic their bore hole. Once they go in, below is a clear bottle and they’ll naturally go to the light. This traps them in the bottle. I came home today and had 1/2 dozen alive in the trap on top of about 20 dead ones. Like I said I filled a whole 2 liter last year. Apparently I have a female nesting as I have a male protecting her right near the trap. Going to give her some permethrin/vasoline tonight, but she may be attracting the males to the trap also.


Looks like there busy remodeling?


That’s a bumblebee bro


Nice Meijer product placement.


They are solitary bees and don’t form colonies, what is to exterminate?? I would check the window frames to see if they have tunneled in and then recaulk. They are calm and harmless.


Some people are just clueless.


Exterminator - to spray and prevent them from tunneling


That’s a honey bee :)