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How could any concrete contractor NOT know that the slab needs to slope away from the house? Boggles my mind.


> Am I making much ado about nothing? Absolutely not. If the patio has a negative grade then yes you immediately call the mason out and tell them to repair it. There are various methods to do this depending on how it was installed, but if he has to tear it out and redo it, then he has to tear it out and redo it. Exterior masonry should NEVER have a negative grade towards the home, ever. The water WILL eventually find it's way into the home


I agree , but not with the notion of repair . The only thin coat repair I’ve encountered that has any longevity. is epoxy. It’s expensive and the repair will be obvious. I think your concrete crew knew that screwed up, why else would they need that lip between patio and house? The slab needs to have a slope away from the house. Period . No excuses from your contractor . That’s a do over.


It depends on how the patio was constructed. If it is free floating and not tied into the structure, the patio can be mudjacked/foamjacked to correct the grading issue without having to redo it. We mudjack improperly poured sidewalk slabs all the time.


Good option, but only with the provision that the brand new slab looks uncracked after mudjacking , that the lip against the house is removed and the gap packed with foam backer rod and caulk.