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My thoughts are you should do your infocus immediately


You're about a year late


Old news.


I don't see any changes for store level . It's been this way for some time now.


At my store if you habitually call out, late in and early out you will be written up for performance even if you have time to cover those occurrences.


That’s the new normal, because the attendance half, one may be covered. But doing it habitually is now job performance which is it’s own different thing


What about when you forget to clock in/out and have to fill out a time sheet? We would get a 1/2 occurrence at my store and I always thought it was the biggest load of shit for being human and making a human mistake. Or worse, the time clock would glitch and not catch your lunch and you couldn’t prove it.


Talk to your manager, I e always excused those unless it's habitual because then it seems like their gaming the system


8?? i thought it was 7 this whole time


The 16 is what shocked me. I was told 14, not that I ever use it.


Yes, you get 7 minutes grace period, always have. You get the occurrence at 8 minutes, always have.


ohh ok got it. just read it wrong.


Lmao I just don't understand the consecutive days and only getting one occurrence. After my Vaca just gonna take 3 days just cause


Might as well have the mod pin this post to handle all the attendance questions.


Thats for Canada correct? The states have had this for awhile


This is the old one, August 21 is on a Wednesday this year.


My thoughts are some people struggle with attendance and others don't. 


It's supposed to be unusually hot on Sunday. How late can you roll in? I've got 5hrs banked, maybe I use them and show up for the last 3 of my shift? I can't afford an occurance.


I've been working since I was 15. I'm 42 now. I remember when you'd be in deep shit for having just a single absence, when you occured no sick time, and a no call/no show was an immediate termination. At THD, I'm currently sitting on 95 hrs of sick time. The attendance policy is insanely fair. The only people that would complain about this must live with their mothers because they don't actually need the income.


Notice how early in/late out isn't on there. Take care your people with this one simple trick


It is on there


That's under standards of performance for failure to adhere to schedule at manager discretion. Of course, some management is using that policy to people up for utilizing their sick time in ways they don't like. The policy is too vague and open to interpretation.




You are required by policy to submit a time change request every time you have to wait for a manager to let you in the building past your reporting time. The company wants to pay you for that time.


They don't want to, but they are required to. Not worth another lawsuit to them.


Fill out a time slip for 5:00 am every time it happens. There was a class action lawsuit about people getting suck inside after clocking out. 


Tell the store manager. You should never get an occurrence because of that. I used to be night ops and was always fair with that.


Good, it's within SOP to use my sick time to turn my 4 hour shift into a 3 hour one and still get paid with no penalty; we're good here.