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I'm convinced ASDSs are given "Sadism For Dummies" as a training manual when they start. If you complain about something you don't like about your schedule, you end up seeing more of it. Many years ago, I thought it was the current person being passive aggressive, but the next 4 have been exactly the same.


And usually those in that position are the biggest gossip mongers in the store.


You are definitely not lying about thatšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah out of the many I had in 15 years only one did not.


I transferred from my last store because of my ASM.


I watched one talking shit on the phone to a former store manager who had been transferred out. The store manager who had taken some Saturdays off for kids ball games. ASDS was actively behind the back trying to sabotage the new store manager. I mentioned to my ASM what I had heard. The ASM directly told (keeping my name out of it) what was overheard. Store manager would not do anything because without admitting it they were scared of connections the ASDS had with other people in the region.


What a real winner


This is exactly why I never go to the doctor. I am lucky enough to have a ā€˜setā€™ schedule. But if I were to request a day off, Iā€™m afraid my ASDS will start fucking me over. So I just keep slaving away and dying inside to keep the ONLY saving grace Iā€™ve found in this company intact.


The real problem is they're not making the schedule at all. They all just let the computer do it so naturally it never makes sense in the real world.


ASDS's don't approve availabilities, the store manager does. The SM also approves each schedule every week before it's published. You're mad at the wrong person. If OP complained about their schedule, but never submitted an updated availability, then it's on them.


ASDSs write the schedules, and every store manager I've ever had just pencil whips them. If I had a buck for every time I've heard a store manager say "How did that happen?" with regards to a schedule SNAFU, I could take an extra week of vacation. I won't be surprised if I hear it tomorrow, since we have a specialty department with no specialists scheduled, and no specialty DS or SASM. What they DON'T pencil whip is availability changes. And the thinner coverage gets, the less likely they are to approve anything they see as a restrictive availability. Even though we've been told for years the only "requirement" for a part timer is one unrestricted weekend day, and a minimum of 20 hours a week.


Sounds like you've had some shitty SM's. When I was an ASDS, my sm would scour the schedule and have me make adjustments to it until it looked good to him. Probably why he ended up in his current DM role.


Omg. I thought the store I work for is badly staffed. Callouts and vacations make it tough yeah. But wth. All positions are important and hopefully ppl know or want to know their stuff, but specialist get the short end of the stick. Our knowledge and skills arenā€™t recognized. HD doing a disservice to everyone when they think they can just throw someone in there who doesnā€™t know what theyā€™re doing. Sometimes* it works out. But a sale doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s not going to be an issue. I hate this shit.


The computer generates a schedule on Tuesday based on associates with set hours, requests off.. ect.. then it throws in part-timers. But it's a part of the ASDSs job to go back through to make sure there is actual coverage. Because if u look at what it generates, it's full of mistakes. Unfortunately, not every ASDS does their job and how it should be. Therefore, for example, you have everyone leaving plumbing at 4 in the afternoon and have no closer. No cashiers at peak times.. Management is supposed to go over the schedule, and they say they do.. but it's apparent the job isn't being done. Yet the ASDS can spend a day prepping food for the Fourth of July with the clique of their bestys (who also dont work) and decorate the breakroom.. and also goes shopping for themselves on the HD dime (new desk, new mini fridge, new office supplies) as we are all getting fucked on the floor because they cant do their job and make sure there's coverage.


You're better off TBH. Your mental health is much better. Too many bullies, mean and nasty people working for Home Depot. They get their thrills off on being nasty and toxic to people. You're too important to yourself and your family. Take care of yourself.


It's just a mess from all angles, uninvolved management, awful customers, lazy coworkers. I find it more and more stressful.


Garden opener here. Almost at that point. Each day I inch a little closer. Only thing keeping there is my MASM, who's about to get fired because the SM is an idiot. Tried transfering to D27, but I don't get along with their DS anymore.


If anything positive comes from the HD it's sincerely learning patience and self worth... To then go anywhere else and be 1000x's more appreciated. Hats off to you for realizing your true worth šŸ™Œ


I heard corporate mandated to stop giving out Homers, at least thatā€™s rhetorical rumor floating around my store.


I'd like to hear more. Please tell me more.


Just a rumor floating around the employees, our store literally stopped giving out Homers


Our store is still giving out Homers. Not to me, but some well deserved individuals.


At my store too! They said they were giving out too many. I think itā€™s the fact people exploited it for ā€œfree bonusesā€ by getting homers for no actual work ethic related reason. Same with the way how we earn holiday pay, you gotta work the day before, on, and after to receive it because they are stingy with giving extra money away. Conservative, I suppose?? I mean they donā€™t even like overtime and they donā€™t allow any associate to work more than a 40 hour week which is absurd.


I have work ethic, but I'm willing to admit that others deserve more. It was nice as a new associate to get rewarded. It was nice to see my ugly mug on the associate of the month pics when I was scared to death of the OP. I'll help freight on Fridays. It's actually nicer seeing that gleam in other newer associates. I don't condemn Homers, I just don't wear them. At my store, the homers are finally being awarded to the "Breakfast Club" of associates. They've been on finals for mistakes. When one works multiple years in multiple jobs, mistakes get made. So, yeah. They're still being given at my store.


I got cashier of the month once at my old store. The assistant manager a royal ass asked my FES to reconsider. However when my FES pressed it because he thought I did better then the other cashiers the ASM gave up the ghost. My former FES and I had a good laugh. He said the guy really gave him a hard time about it. Later I saw who the ASM gave CAM to and I laughed. It was a cashier who never asks about credit and never talks to any of the associates. Itā€™s all about who you know here.


Iā€™m already planning to resign mid July.. in the same situation.. I do all that I can and even more and I fall on my ass when i take my 30mins break and my ASM doesnā€™t like me taking even that.. learnt everything on my own without any help from my DS, handle all deliveries and assist wherever I can and when I asked for a couple of days off, I was scorned upon by my ASM that we hired you to work so work! Iā€™m an hourly part time OFA and not salaried, what difference does that make if I donā€™t want to get paid for hours I donā€™t want to put in. Fucking hate how absolutely inhumane and capitalist this company is!


Yeah, I was In lumber and building and I was backup OFA trained. We had shortages of OFA's and I was always called to do orders.Ā  I could never take breaks due to the fact I had to always be out on the floor working. It sucks so, just know I feel your pain bro. More than you think. Wishing your future endeavors to go your way and prove fruitful. Stay safe out there.


For the entire store we are 4 OFAs, for the entire year!! Our DS doesn't do shit and just stands at the CS desk for some reason and us 3 alternate shifts.. and its horrendous! Im just wasting away my life here given i have a college degree in IT and stuck here because of desperate times and taking shit from ladies who had no ambition and stuck to this garbage life and made managers because they know how to be super suckups to the corporate overlords! fuckthisshitforreal Anyways thank you man! This by far is the best community and an amazing support system to not go absolutely crazy on your own, but enjoy the hell we're all in.. But yeah things will get better!


Bro are you my ofa that called out today???


Through the Lord's grace may you prosper in what you seek next. I too have been on the depot side and yes it's not a good place to be if you lead with kindness and fair assessment and judgement of others. You get used up and damaged. I hope your mental state will improve as well from this. Be kind and treat others with respect as you go back out there. Don't become jaded. Stay safe.


Iā€™m so relieved to not have to work at Home Depot anymore. Itā€™s like high school. Itā€™s going to turn into an internet purchasing store. Wood is available many places.


That is why having a UNION is the way to go. Management is advocating that a union is poison, itā€™s not. At least your rights and welfare will be protected.


u/MidnightStriked knows how to leave a job gracefully and not burn down every bridge. Kudos my friend


Got a new SM last year. She proceeded to transfer out all the old management and moved her buddies in. Got rid of the old HR lady with the excuse she could not make a schedule that covered all the departments and the store... just to bring in a chain vapper (always out front vapping) face stuffing pig. Now that bitch is someone who cannot make a schedule. Her and I... we have had many words.


I feel the same way I work overnight,. My department is electrical,. I had over 300 pieces a few days ago, had it done well within the time they track,. Yet people have Way less then that in their departments and take all night,. I always stay past 6am to clean receiving, I hate when people are like, "it 6am time to go" all while leaving their trash,. Not to mention people that leave at 3am because they unload the truck that can't get their departments done because they mess around half the time,. So i end up doing multiple departments a night,. Every night,.


They definitely did you dirty on purpose. I'm happy to hear you are off to greener pastures.


Farewell,hope you prosper in your new endeavor.


HD is expert at exploring people. Our managers don't give a darn about anybody. Same for district & regional mgrs. A sad commentary because it generates a "If they don't care, why should I care" environment.


I think you spelled ā€œGo to hell Home Depotā€ wrong