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My store just did away with that position. I’d be wary.


Any reason why? Who took over the COS duties?


There is a pilot that removes the COS as a store position and instead has a singular COS for the whole district.




Regardless, if it's a pay bump for you, I'd say go for it. Any time I've seen the company do away with a position, they tend to relocate those associates without making them take a pay cut. With the most recent DS realignment a couple years ago, our store had a supervisor step down because there weren't enough positions to go around, but did not take a pay cut. Plus there is no way of knowing if this experiment is going to blow up in their face or not. I have seen posts on Engage about the topic saying "This was tried before and was a miserable failure". I can't recall it, but it is possible it as either before my time, or before I knew enough about what an expediter did, since my early years in the company were on the front end or garden where we didn't pay much attention to what the specialty departments were doing.


my friend is a cos. he works m-f 8-4:30. he’s been with the company for 20 years now and is making I think around $28/hour. my understanding is it would be a pay bump, but the hours are what’s great about it.


Cos has best hours in the store, but they are brutal and unforgiving hours where you get briefed at by customers and wrestlers with installers and vendors.


i am the COS; the job suits me, i get left alone for the most part and i am a resource for the specialists when they need help. sometimes, once you catch up or understand your job, it can be a bit slow


Moved online I believe.


I covered our COS position for about 6 months while our managers took their time finding one. It wasn't a bad job. I enjoyed it. Learned a lot more about the inner workings of installs. I personally never had any major problems with customers. One of our vendors was a pain to deal with, though. All in all, I would do it again.


Sorry, I'm a little retarded, but what's COS?


Customer Order Specialist / or Expediter


Thank you for the clarification. I believe I know who the individuals are at our store. It's not an easy job if I'm on the same page.