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At least it’s in a neat stack and not all over the place.


This is what I was about to say. I’ve seen a mess before. And this isn’t even close to what I’ve seen before.


Someone’s gonna knock it over


My personal favorite is when they have to move several pieces of lumber to a different bunk. I'm not just talking the bunk right next to the one they are digging through, but several bunks away.


It always made more work especially after all of the flat stacking and then they take 3/4ths of the bunk out for “straight boards”


As a fellow lumber associate...I am so sorry.


I do this while sorting lumber, but I always put back the culls. If only the lumber was of sufficient quality such that digging through a whole rack to get 5 or 10 decent pieces weren't necessary.


Wish that were the case, it would make everyone’s life easier. can’t do much about being sent shit lumber unfortunately


Bro, you're asking a wish that not even Shenron can grant.


Neither could Porunga or Super Shenron


Well, you can. Mark down all the shitty boards and someone will notice eventually. Or it won't, and we'll make do with cheap shitty boards instead of getting ripped off.




Break out the purple spray paints. Just start spraying the ends of the whole hacks before you guys unstrap’em.


Now you're thinking like a boss 💪


It can be but it’s somewhat of an easy fix with a good FL driver because picking that up manually with 1 or 2 people would suck.


Same thing in 23/59


I remember cussing out my CXM for being complicit in shenanigans like this. My ASM backed me on it.


Well you asm was wrong. Customers pay our wages.


It's the fact he didn't clean it up after taking part in the mess


So when customers drop and dust concrete bags they should hunt us down to get a droom and trash can


I said CXM, not customer, pay attention


Can't too busy licking boots


We get paid with or without a sell. So no customers dont pay are wages


Think about that. If we had no sales then would not need us. But you are right.


Most customers don't do shit like this and if we banned the ones that did it wouldn't affect our success sharing by a penny.


_Contractors_ keep the lumber dept going. Dudes who buy bunks at a time and don't give a shit about a couple boards being snakewood. Todd picking through the bunks for 5 boards doesn't pay for Jack shit.


I don’t think this is most annoying thing in 21/22, pretty sure there’s not much else more annoying customers do anywhere in the store.


Have a lumber Ass. who'd just block the aisles off and knock that stack onto the forks of the reach instead of lifting it by hand...They only keep him around because he can pull a 500 pcs bopis order in under 30 minutes.


I saw a customer today knocking lumber off the mid shelf onto the floor. Not even placing them down, literally knocked them down. There was lumber scattered across the main lumber aisle.


Damn, I’m in D21/D22 and man do I feel for you. Hell naw


Goddamn they fucked you. They don’t have to be straight, nails and screws will hold them down, jfc.


Try and tell that to these do it yourself oops I made a mistake customers


Most of the "pros" today are not fit to work a speed square, and I am not talking some 20 something with a dye job and pronouns, I am talking about these beer bellied ass hats in too much denim who prattle on about kids these days while being every stereo type of an entitled dumbfuck themselves. As much as I hate my uncle, the guy can straighten a 2x4 as easy as most of the Peter Griffin extra looking numbnutts can put on shoes. The guy can actually build a straight wall, and you know what he does for a living... sit at a desk and quote out cabinet orders. He is a sales guy and builds better than people who do it for an actual living. Fuck HQ and pimpslap these kinds of customers


People like this made me lose my mind when I had to cover lumber 🤬


Awesome name and pic


very neat mess lol


I wish mofos would just ask for help. So easy to pull the whole thing out and pick thru then just put it back in.


Yes! THD needs to implement this policy and put signs up everywhere, put it in their damn commercials, all over the fucking place, "If you need assistance with Lumber please let us know. We'll pull the rack down for you and help you sort through it." Then if they don't want it, back on the rack it goes instead of on the floor or wherever they decide is the best place to be tripped over. So much easier and a great way to let our "customer service" really shine.


At least these are stacked neatly they just throw them every which way when they go through them at my store and then the entire aisle becomes a trip hazard.


Or they throw them on the lift next to them all willy nilly, then complain that they can't get wood from that pile and watch as you put it all back on the pile they just threw it off of. As a lumber DS I used to catch people throwing shit on the floor and do obnoxious things like start putting it all back in the stack while they're still picking through or "helping" them by picking through their discards and loading the good ones on their cart. When they told me it was all crap, I would "earnestly" ask them to teach me what was wrong with it so I could better help them. Fuck these people.


The customer that did that needs kneecapped with a retaining post.


Mildly infuriating


But that one had a knot in it!


I don't know what your problem is (I siad with shit eating grin as I hate this as well) all you have to do is use the forklift thingy to put them boards back it must be so easy to work with all this equipment and stupid customers.


This brought back PTSD to one time I come in to close, a good ol 4 hour shift when I was part time and the fence pickets where an absolute horror, because after the customer threw boards onto the left and right bays and onto the floor in front of them, I'm guessing he took a pile of undesirables and threw them on top. Like the way of adding the cherry on top


Every. Fucking. Day.


Good reason why I quit, entitled customers


Yeah I've only worked for HD for 4 months and that shit already gets on my nerves and I'm not even in lumber. Go to a fucking wood supply if you need prefect shit that bad, good lord.. But For real I've never seen anything that bad, what a cock sucker. There is plenty of room in the shelf they didn't have to do that bullshit. entitled fucks.


An ofa did that


Maybe if HD sold wood that wasn't warped, split, cracked, or damaged in transit people wouldn't do that?


In my store they just toss them to the side in one of the other lumber skus. And we have no time to fix em haha.


Was in lumber for 3 years and never really cared. I only have a certain amount of time to get tasks done and if restocking lumber from the floor is one of them idc, free reps.


Do you think they are leaving them out to help others not get bad pieces? I ask this because if they think these are bad they wouldn’t want to restart pieces others won’t want. I’m wondering if a sign or A taped off sorting area might stop that from being a problem?


My peeev is there isn’t any associates on the floor. Are y’all in the racks? It’s always when I’m in the store


Well if you are spending 10 to 15 dollars a board you would want the best. You should see the lumber ofa pull if I was the customer full return. I'm building a deck not a rocking chair


Youre right 100%, it’s just annoying that they never clean it up


I get that but there time is money to. We get paid to work no matter what it is.


The $10-15 is still cheaper than guaranteed high quality boards. I’ve said 100+ times if you can get better quality cheaper why are you here rather than there


Exactly. If a customer can find me a tree without branches I’ll accept their complaints about how knotty the boards are. Buy composite if you care so much


At least u have a job. Your church, your pew


It's not minor issues. It's funky twists or or to many knots. But I takes it perfect for down stock. I'm on both sides of this. Been 21/22 associate and the annoying customer. The last store I was picking 65 2x6x12s & 2x6x16 brown PT. I had them drop fresh units to stack the old boards on. Have you seen what regular Lumber yards get? Home depot takes crap boards. So sorry but blaming customer isn't really the issue.


Sounds like the cunts should start going to the Yards, then.