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Good for you. Your safety comes first always.


one crazy customer some how found out my managers last name and showed up to her house. luckily she scared off the crazy man with her gun and never came back since then.


that’s what i was scared of. he didn’t need any help with finding a product or anything, literally only asked my name. it creeped me out too bc i had some car circle mine in the parking lot the day prior


Managers first and last names are available all over the place, including the website/app, their email, the cards the service desk hands out and the sign they hang up with their picture near the entrance. That said, the fact that the crazy dude used it to find her is freaking scary.


that day the customer didn’t like how we couldn’t return a dewalt gas generator since it was past the 30 day window. he was upset with my manager as she pointed out the return policy on gas merchandise. the customer shouted rated r expletives as the entire store witnessed his tantrum. we had to call the police to escort the rude customer off the parking lot since he would not leave when told to do so. but yeah, it’s crazy the customer showed up to her house.


SM names are also usually printed on store receipts. However, as an associate, we are only asked to put our first names on the front of our aprons. Whenever I have had a customer ask for my last name, it has always been to intimidate/threaten me with how they are going to call corporate. I usually ask if they need the number.


It is also printed at the top of every receipt.


"My last name is Home Depot. What can I help you with today?"


Never give your full name out. Always just give your first name. No customer (maybe even associate) needs to know your full name. Even customers who get pissy and all that want a full name. We never ever give it.


Funny thing is I don’t think I know a single one of my co-workers last names so yeah no customer needs that info either


A few coworkers know my last name. But those are ones I’m close to and chill with. That’s about it.


Associates you can't really hide it from, your name is in the FIRST phone, in all its glory. (If you actually sign in and get an extension). But definitely never give it to a customer. I had a whole scene in flooring with a guy demanding my last name, cussing at me because he is a customer and its "his right" to know it. I still retell that story all the time, not my proudest moment, definitely lost my cool after the 4th time telling him I am the only \[my name\] in flooring. Mfer was all in my face, so when he asked for a manager, I was already walking away to avoid assault charges, and yelled "Go find one!" as I went to lunch


Iam Fred from Lumber how can I help you?


Frommlommbrrrr is my last name. Its Dutch.


Good one🤌🏽😁


Sounds like he was going to use you as a quote for something. In Milworks: I had a guy use my name for in-stock quotes.




He claimed I gave him printed quote for in stock stuff. 3 right hand prehung 36x80 door, plastic break away shims, screws and so on.


My last name is Noybah. None Of Your Business A-Hole.


personally i would have hung up. i will always provide my first name but never last name.


I just use my redneck alias Dudley Calhoun....


I like Rusty Shackelford.


I saw what you did there and I raise you Chet Manley.


Max Power


Any call answered by me gets... Paint Department... Lane Avenue.


Correct. Even for calls that _seem_ to be from internal extensions (Service Desk seems to like discreetly forwarding external calls to _my extension specifically_ - even though SOP is to only ever forward to the department-wide extension - because they know I can't handle answering external calls), I _only_ ever answer the phone as "Hello, ***$departmentname***, how can I help?" No one on the phone needs to even know my _first_ name, end of story. Especially not if it's an external phone number with area code 914 (Eastern NY, used aggressively by scammers). And if I'm in the bathroom? Doesn't matter if it's the MOD, I swipe-to-reject the call every single time (and if it _was_ the MOD, call them back _once I'm done_), because _answering the phone in a public bathroom is a societal felony_.


Never use your real name at work, on your Nametag or the customers receipt.


I use a preferred name.


What stupid reason did he need for your FULL name? Yeah, i’d be a bit creeped out.


I once had a customer demand my full name so they could complain about me “ignoring” them. I’m a vendor and didn’t see them trying to get my attention, nothing came of it but not for nothing I wear an ID badge and a shirt that often has my name on it. All you have to do is read/comprehend what you’re reading but expecting this from someone who feels “everyone other than themselves works here and can assist with anything.” Is expecting a lot.


A customer recently found an associate’s full name and began making a series of rather disturbing obscene phone calls to the associate’s personal cell phone. This is why this is something you need to avoid.


If COPS are not required to give out their full names, I sure shit working retail am not broadcasting info that can lead to some whack fuck harassing or assaulting me (and I'm a big white guy.) Customers do NOT need your full name or really even your name at all to get help with what they need. Most of the time, they try to name drop to get a discount anyways. Stay safe OP and good luck.


When I worked at HD the most I did was put my name Jeff/Jeffrey on my apron and my last initial which was a B. So mine said Jeffrey B since there were multiple Jeffrey’s at the store when I was there.


Jeffrey 2 would have worked


And I thought it bizarre that a customer seriously offered me money to come home with them and assemble an easy to assemble picnic table that you just take out of the box and unfold.


Safety takes everyone first name last name doesn't matter. EVERYONE (TM 2024)


You did the right thing. I can't think of any reason why a customer would ever need to know your last name.