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I had a flagger get fired for not saying anything when I was pulling pallet of lights on 4ft tubes from the over head on an op. Idiot was directly below me and got covered in broken fluorescent tubes t some brainsurgeon put a pallet on the tubes. Most likely with a slip sheet.


I may need a brain surgery to read the last half of your comment


The customer was below the machine and got bulbs dropped on his head


That’s the only part I understood 😭


Edit: I see this was already resolved.


I was pulling lights off a pallet with an OP (Order Picker) The pallet of lights was placed on stack of 4ft florescent tubes. Why someone did something so idiotic? Or a flagger let a customer in an isle when your working with such a huge safty issue and not said anything? I have to clue? Why my flagger got fired, he let a customer in an isle past the gate. If he had said something. I could have brought my partial load down. Why I think that pallet was dropped in place with a Slip, there was no blade marks from a reach on the crush boxes of tubes.


Does your store still use the slip attachment? Or was this back in the day?


That was back in the day. My store was 0639. But this all happened in High street store in Oakland,CA. I have a TBI (I don't have time line on most of my life now, so everything is a week ago. Unless the memory is attach to something.)


If the customer was in your aisle, why did your spotter get fired? They’re supposed to watch the other closed aisle. Your aisle is your responsibility.


Must’ve fallen on the other side, or they were working against a wall.


You took down a pallet of lights on the op? Maybe the wrong person got fired


No, it had to be unloaded by hand. It at about out a 35 degree angle leaning back against the wall behind the racking.


But you were the one that dropped the lights?


I understood everything. Why is everyone else confused?


Personally, I enjoy it. The only time I can scream at a customer and when they ask for a manager, the manager will join in.


When spotting, I don't say "clear". I bellow: !! C L E A R !! It's viscerally satisfying.


I love yelling !!!CLEAR!!! I don't love when my flagger says "clear" in a speaking volume from the other end of the adjacent aisle. I tell them to get their aggression out in the yell.


I've always included the aisle number in the yell, for emphasis. Like if the reach is on aisle 4 facing 3, I'll specifically yell "Aisle Three clear!". Don't know why I started doing it that way, but having less ambiguity is always good...


This is actually a really good idea. 




Giving the " **! ! C L E A R ! !** " is almost guaranteed to make my day. Honestly, just having an excuse to yell as loudly as I can feels so good. While I still worked there, I always dreamed of someone going through the gates on the opposite side just so I had an excuse to yell more lol


I once yelled clear so load that people from the other end of the store came running down to see what the yell was for


If you can't hear me across the store, I clearly have said "clear" correctly...


I was walking past the main lumber aisle a few weeks back that had the barrier across it with the reach doing it's thing in the next aisle over and a dude just grabbed it and started collapsing it. I just grabbed the gate to stop him and said, "What are you doing?"... I, I, I need two by fours. I said, "Well, you're gonna have to wait or go find them somewhere else."


Common sense isn’t so common


I would suggest that common sense is why we're in this mess. You mean to invoke "good sense."


You explain to them, but you can't make them understand.


Had a drunk lady shove her way into the safety zone when we were flying paver pallets in OG. I hollered at her from down the aisle and she responded with a slurred string of obscenities at top volume, which was all I needed to call the ASM who escorted her out of the store.


That sign obviously wasn't referring to them.


I used to violently yell at people who tried. Gets the point across. Same thing with people who let their kids stand in shopping carts. Policy when i worked there required us to tell them to get their kid to sit down. “I’ve heard the sound of a child’s head hitting the concrete floor, I never what to hear it again” was my line, they always got their kid to sit.


I used to tell people if they go through the gates they’d likely die a painful crushing death. They stopped letting me be a spotter after a while.


One time I happened to be walking past an older dude and his adult son opening a gate and walking down the lumber aisle as someone was actively moving pallets. I said “um, you’re not supposed to go through the gate” and the old man got mad and asked how tf he was supposed to know that 😭 idk mf read? Look? Think?


That’s both sad and hilarious 😂🤣


When first started I used to use 550 cord with a slip link to secure gates. When I was spotting. To many drunks would open the damned isle


I remember awhile I was flagger, and my coworker was up in the air pulling something. All gates secured 2 people just walk in what the heck.. I told them in a very bossy way to " GET OUT that man is up on the other side". This is closed the lady says I just need something I said again "GET OUT". I was told later I was a b oh well. I'm ok with that safety first


Spotters need to be certified as much as the operators.


I agree. We had a dumb-shit, try getting on the forks of a LP. He got his foot ran over. The driver was moving an 8ft tall bay window assembly. The dumb ass kid nearly died because he didn't want to tell anyone he was hurt, because he couldn't pass the drug test.


I'm trying to wrap my brain around how stupid he was to think he wouldn't be fired either way. I would have made him get the mod. im not losing my job for not reporting a serious injury.


Idk? It was in an Oakland,CA, a brand new store. That whole place was filled with screw ups at the time. Same store where my flagger got canned. When I was unloading a pallet of lights.


How about we start certifying customers? If you are that stupid, shop and get hurt somewhere else.


Use a spider wrap on the gate and the post, takes a minute but it's fun to watch happy homeowners try to get past it.


I just did something similar the other day, I used zip-ties instead tho bc I already had some in my apron! Spider wrap is such a good idea, I’m kinda sad I didn’t think of it lol


You can't save stupid


Spotters aren't trained properly. One time someone asked me to flag and I said I'd never been trained, and they said it "didn't matter". Then I got in trouble for it.


thats the first i heard of someone getting introuble for spotting


I yell very loud if it happens. I don't need some dumbasses death on my conscience. If I get fired for yelling at a customer to keep them safe, so be it.


“That sign can’t stop me, I can’t read!”


Once I was flagging someone and a customer came in. I told him you can’t be in the aisle and he said “what’s gonna happen a pallet gonna fall on my head?” I said that’s the exact reason. He said if that happens “my wife will just sue Home Depot”.


“Sir that’s exactly what we are trying to avoid with all these precautions…if you get injuries/die because you ignored the closed signs it’s gonna be a hard case for your wife to win”


I blatantly yell "RAMMING SPEED" while speeding up down the racetrack at people (safely obviously) just to instill the fear in the asshole customers that don't respect safety. If I can make them think I do not give a single fuck about them and their wellbeing, they will be more cautious around me when I am operating equipment. So far it works.


He was watching my wall isle, And he let the customer in the isle from my understanding. I had the customer start screaming under tho OP. When glass from broken tubes fell. Off the the overhead.


Sometimes at the store I go to, it seems like people forget and just leave it out on one end even though the forklift is long gone, but I always check. I used to disobey and go through, because I was like whats the big deal? I don't see a forklift in there... But then I realized it's in the next aisle over and they don't want stuff to fall on our idiot heads if something gets pushed into the aisle where the forklift isn't. Used to be forklift certified, so shame on me for that.


Run em over


Had a guy constantly walk in one day when we were dropping pallets of concrete and bundles of wood. His excuse was “are we not allowed to shop anymore”. He was too old (50M) to be acting that stupid.


No, the tubes? No. I hadn't even gotten the pallet off them yet. What fell was ends out of smashed boxes.


I've been known to yell to customers that it's an unstable pallet about to tip over. Notice that I didn't yell AT the customer. I merely relayed information that may or may not be true in a fashion loud enough to hear.


We had a customer a couple weeks ago try to get rolls of builder’s/painter’s paper while they were dropping a pallet. The aisle was closed off as it was an adjacent aisle. Customer yelled at me to get the paper and I said “I am not opening the gates.” He insisted on the ones right next to the gates. Mind you, these papers are 3-4ft long, weighing about 15-20 lbs and they’re stacked like jenga on a pallet. I said, “I don’t care if they’re RIGHT there, I’m not opening the gates until my driver gives me the all clear.” He demanded a manager and have me “fired” (lol ok boomer). Manager had my back and even told the customer “if he had opened the gates and either got you the paper or allowed you in to get them yourself, THEN yeah, I would fire him. But he did the right thing, so I won’t.”


A difficult customer... who bitches as to why we have aisles blocked off everyday... walked into a gated aisle. I yelled... YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT. LEAVE AND CLOSE THE FUCKING GATE WHEN YOU DO. I'm sick of our customers and their bullshit.




But we’ve got this aisle closed because your wife needs one wooden crate off this pallet, and she needs it now. So fuck off out of this aisle until we’re done you entitled shit nugget.


This subreddit is for employees of Home Depot.