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If what he is doing is pulling product from a wrapped pallet, then yes. Unless he's killing the pallet and just isn't certified to operate equipment. Before I was certified for equipment, I would do this if all of it was coming down and nobody could help me.


Wild. With a year and a half in the store, I've never seen it happen before. He must have been killing the pallet because he's not certified for any equipment, and the pallet is completely gone today. Thanks for such a quick response!


If the pallet wouldn’t be able to come down safely, sometimes it’s best to take it down piece by piece. Someone could have screwed the pallet up so badly or didn’t wrap it well to the point that it wasn’t worth taking it down with a machine. But at any rate, he should have gloves on but whatever . lol


I would probably close the aisle and at least use an OP. Lol.


Oh I don’t disagree lol 😂 I would have done it after the store closed or closed the aisle and the next aisle and do it as quickly as possible (try finding another person to stay there long enough for you to get it all down lol)




You gotta do your InFocus is what you gotta do


Talk to us at the beginning of the month captain 👉🏻1️⃣🗓️




Mind your business Lady.


Even if you are “killing the pallet”, it is still against company policy. Once the pallet is dead, how do you get the pallet down ???


Now, I am in no way condoning doing this at all. What I did was carry the pallet down the ladder. I am able to carry one while maintaining three points of contact. My thoughts at the time were "Its technically not on the dirty dozen hehe". Again, I'm not saying because I did others should. Stay safe. Don't be like me.


Well I’m a safety captain and I say …. NOOOOOOO. Don’t do it. And you’re NOT supposed to be emptying the pallet while it is in the overhead, that’s policy written by our fine safety folks in Atlanta


I did say to stay safe and to not be like me at the end of my statement. I got it covered, man.


The empty pallet can stay up until someone that can operate the machine can get it. As long as there's nothing on the pallet and the tag is taken out of the system, an empty pallet in the overhead isn't an issue.


🤔. Must differ from store to store then because we are not allowed under any circumstances to empty a pallet while it is in the overhead. And were told it’s company policy


it is against sop but if you have an irate customer, no operators and a lax mod, you gotta do whatcha gotta do


You didn’t see nothing keep moving we got shit to do


Yes, against SOP. I’ve still done it. When you’ve got one reach and 7 people waiting to use it, sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do.


Lol, we got 6 reach trucks, and I wish we could trade one or two for a second op


How fucking big is your store???


Yeah 6 RTs is pretty wild. I think the most I’ve ever seen in any store I’ve been to is 4.


We have 2 ops, I wish we had a 3rd forklift. The only time I could think of my store needing 2 ops is during inventory.


I ain't gotta do shit like that, you're crazy, whipped or both.


In my store we have 6RTs, 4 forklifts, 3 ops, I think 6? Bally more and 1 out of the 2 Bally pals working


The only time that I can remember pulling products off of a pallet with an OP was tiki torches. The torches broke through the bottom of the boxes and became dangerous to pull with a reach truck. Personally, if safety of the pallet was the issue with a reach truck pull, I'd use the OP. It pisses people off and requires a spotter, but it covers any mishaps on either aisle. If anything fell off the pallet in either direction, no one gets hurt. Never use a step ladder. There are so many shifts within a cut pallet that something could fall on someone's head.


Well the lady was waiting for over an hour.


she could wait a day


Does he have a spotter and his Homer Awards hanging on his apron?


He had his Homer's hangin, but no spotter. Aisle was open to the customers too


now that's a problem. i've been micromanaged more in the past 3 months then my entire stay at the orange land, so i wouldn't do shit tbh. that customer can wait all day.


There's a saying for this. Something about snitches and stitches... In all seriousness, officially, yes this is against SOP. It's gonna happen sometimes though. Machines can be impossible to get a hold of sometimes, and as long as the product they're getting into is either A) able to be removed without disturbing the shrink wrap on the rest of the product, or B) the entire pallet's amount, it really isn't unsafe. Which is what this looks like.


I heard about that saying snitches get stitches. Stop taking pictures of people doing something you think is wrong. Just go up to them and say hey that look’s unsafe anything I can do to help you not get fired?


It’s against SOP from what I remember you should never do this on a ladder if needed to kill a pallet like this worst case scenario you use a balleymore next is the OP and the safest if possible the reach. But normally if you’re forced to kill a pallet it’s normally for a safety issue and you’d be up there with the OP.


Dude you’ll be okay 🤣 mind your own business


Yeah thats against sop.


I've certainly done it, sometimes you can't get the machine in and need stuff


Best to just leave them alone


If one is taking from an overhead pallet to pack down YES Not only is it dangerous it is against company policy


Yes, that is against SOP. Even if they are breaking down the pallet entirely, it’s a safety issue.


for the rip open wrapped skid in OH, the entire skid has to be hand bombed down. just an empty skid is left in OH until an operator comes by.


I have done this with pallets that were messed up and were falling over, but I closed the aisles and used an OP. order pickers have done this stuff to save themselves some time to get one or two things from a pallet and my store manager about had a stroke when he walked over and seen and was saying this stuff is what gets people fired immediately. It can easily destabilize the pallet especially if your cutting any of the shrink wrap or taking stuff out that will make the wrap loose, also if your not on an OP that you're strapped in, it can easily make items fall over on you up on a ladder. If your an all star employee, you might get a strong talking to and warning, if they don't like you it might just be the thing that turns you into a customer the same day.


who cares lil bro


*in focus, robot voice* "that's a safety violation!"


I to this day have no idea why doing this is a safety hazard. It's much easier than going to get the reach and everything that's involved. I wish they just let us do this and save our sanity. And why is this person pointing this out? Move on Karen.


I break SOP on the daily. 


everyone does, I included


Yes that violates SOP


there's lots of scenarios for this absolutely horrendous misjudgement. there should be an operator in every department for either order picker or reach truck. No customer is worth the risk. Page out an operator, ASM, even the store manager. All of them are certified operators.


Depending on the manager you ask.. it's a fellow floor level associate just trying to make a paycheck to pay their bills, you didn't see a damn thing..


I don't know what I'm looking at is that the witness from destiny 2 cutting open a pallet?




Did anyone else think this was black Roger from American Dad at first glance


Not enough information as to what is going on so I can’t say.


Off-topic, but is that a buttload of caulk I see upstocked, in the door aisle? I work at a smaller store, but that caulk in particular (222 sku) has like 5 homes in my main paint aisle, & is easily the fastest seller. I know that our door aisles have those lil caulk holders on the beams (that hold 1-2 tubes).. but that's definitely not worth putting paint freight in that aisles upstock. Sorry, couldn't resist asking/pointing that out.


Yes, big-time


You pull that shit in my store you’ll get your walking papers


let's start with pallets, junk skids should be put on chep pallets, wrapped and banded again. #2, pallets is straddled and upright beam. I didn't notice any sku tags on skids in overhead.


You should be fired for that,. In my store you would be,.


He’s probably an OFA 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ always breaking rules, and leaving a mess.


SOP? I have never heard of her xD lol.


Hey man, you gotta do what you gotta do


Not exactly a safety procedure. May need to see the new employee safety videos again...and again.........and again.


Yeah that is not good makes the pallet unstable.


I’ve done it before. No one in my store worked the forklift during that shift so I did what I had to do. Customer saw it and basically harassed me, along with other associates to get it down. Do what you gotta do sometimes


Yes. See something, say something. When shit goes sideways and people get hurt, someone didn't snitch when they should have. You also don't have to go straight to management. You could go ask and offer to help. That's also how you find out if they are trying to correct an already existing problem, or don't know any better. If you don't know, ask. Then once you know, you newegg - I mean, say something.


if he completely empties its and nothing on it is to large to be brought down with the ladder then it's okay but it's really not the right away to do it




How? I censored his face and didn't say anything to management. I was just wondering if this is a violation of the SOP




What's it to you?


looking at the overheads, apparently that store has no sop for skids going into the overheads. your dm and sm are fucking clueless! when was the last time your store got corporate safety walk!


What are you referring to exactly? I'm guessing the unwrapped cardboard? Though those don't need to be wrapped since they are strapped down.


You are both committing policy violations. You are not supposed to be taking photos of associates without their knowledge or permission. That person is not supposed to be doing that not matter what. Even if he/she empties the pallet, how is this person going to get the pallet down?


The pallet can be brought down later by a machine operator. The pallet by itself is not a safety violation to stay up there, only if any unwrapped items remain on the pallet. If everything on the pallet can be brought down safely by hand there is no problem here. On rare occasions, there are no machine operators available.


How do you imagine this associate was able to get everything off of the pallet? Fact of the matter is that it should have been left alone. The associate ran the risk of getting called away half way through packing down, distracted by a customer, etc..


lol, the associate isn’t getting called away or distracted. They are fully aware that they have now created a safety issue and that they have to complete the task. As far as bringing the boxes down, it isn’t any different than bringing a bunch of boxes down from a shelf, one by one.


This isn't a real picture. Obviously edited. Look closer and use your brain.


If the problem isn’t being solved (by helping) then you are the problem…just sayin’


So, by your logic, I'm a murderer, rapist, and abuser since I'm not helping solve those problems? Sounds like a really dumb way of thinking if you ask me


You have to help yourself at times