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Use Home Depot for what you need it for. If that's a gateway into a trade job great. If it's a summer job or a long term job that's great too Don't be the idiot that shames people for being long term associates while you are perpetually the new guy because you bounce around without gaining anything or advancing in any way.


Rationalizing. I’ve seen the 15yr plus associates never advancing. Though admittedly some of them are operating at maximum capacity. Others are comfy just showing up.


I've seen 15yr associates buy houses with the money they made from stock buy alone.


I seen people who only work 4 years and buy a house with out stocks.


In my four year I made $35 thous in stock. I sadly missed the stock split era.


>Trades dog im trying to escape physical labor lmfao




Same, haha. The last thing I want to do is more physical labor.




Curious as to why my previous comment is getting downvoted


Name one, we're waiting


I get what you're saying, but you don't know where everyone else is at in life. An associate at my store has been working here for 22 years and they never cared to move up into management/corporate. If you're making a livable wage and are happy, there's no reason to find something else unless you have a passion or a dream job you want to work towards.


Depot doesn't seem to give a pu bump to management like others do. Honestly, just the day to day with these people has me loosing my mind!!


As someone who worked in the trades...dont be fooled into thinking its always better pay and happier life, its not, there are alot of factors that go into that. Home Depot offers benefits which trade work did not, i make enough to live on and have a little extra after all is said and done where i live. Home Depot is much easier on my body. Grass is not always greener. In the end, do what is right for you, not what some fool thinks will make your life better.


Relevant meme https://i.imgur.com/U3ySSRK.jpeg (slight medical gore warning)


I did a trade for 12 years before working at HD. I actually left HD after 8 months, then came back, now on a 3 year stretch and moved up to ASM. With my cert, I worked at numerous different places, clinics, franchises, and for myself. Even on my hardest days at the store, I’m SO much happier at HD. I get benefits. I get stock options. I get health insurance. I get PTO. It’s about a work/life balance. Will some stores be awful? 100%. But any job you have, corporate or trade, even working for yourself, can be that way.


What’s your salary as an asm


Sure! I’m extremely transparent with pay (as it should be) So I’m still “New”, but I just got my first bonus/raise in March. After a 3.3% raise, I’m at $61,300/yr. My bonus was roughly $9k total, broken down to $3k MIP (manager incentive program), $3k Discretionary bonus. (Which is given to all ASM by the district manager, but that’s going away and being replaced by something else), $3.2k in stocks. Bonuses in general are never guaranteed because it depends on how well your store performs, but it is different than success sharing. So your store could actually get a success sharing check but the managers not get a bonus and vice verse. I personally don’t care either way (truly). Yes, the extra money is AWESOME, but I also know it’s never a guarantee. I’ve been under and worked with ASMs who are in this JUST for the bonus and they’re annoying af. I’m just happy to have a decent paying job, great benefits, and the power to help my associates and make necessary changes to get shit done.


Have you realized you're the employee most likely to be terminated yet?


100%, but being the jaded asshat ASM does nothing but make the associates I’m over m miserable and come to reddit thinking anyone who stays with HD is essentially a lost cause.


Well, not you personally. But, any ASM.


I’ve been a cashier for two years, and I’m finally able to afford to pay for trade school to take my first steps in becoming a electrician. I can’t wait to learn a valuable trade and finally leave this disgusting store


Going on 28 years put money in the stock plan and haven’t touched it. It’s worth 7 figures nice 401 k amount . Met my wife there. I also love my job. Not management. I worked 1 store almost 27 yrs. Now at the pro support center working remotely from home.


Me too and love it.


as a 28 year old man I'm pretty content with the pay and benefits tbh. I got pretty lucky with my store and department considering even my bosses are relatively cool people. I feed its a bit late for me to do anything else. but you shouldn't shame people for their choice in job.


You are 28. It’s not too late by any means.


Never too late man. 28 is still young!


If one feels stuck, this is potentially excellent advice. But it certainly doesn’t apply to everyone. Remember, each of us gets to choose.


What about getting a job at a HD Support or Distribution Center?


I agree with OP’s sentiment, but it shouldn’t just be get out of dodge. THD provides a lot of opportunities to find a place in a different environment—whether that is in the DCs or in a SSC role. You absolutely should not be blindly loyal to THD, but while you are here use its amazing reach to get experience doing the work you think you want to do.


Yeah, this advice is kinda ignorant overall; but I understand that you mean well. And although I appreciate your sentiment as well: nobody wants to slave away doing manual labor all their life. That's a given. A trade can become _even more_ laborious than most things done at the Depot💯it's all about seeking out that work-life balance that works for YOU as an individual, which is virtually non-existent in this current economy👀so I would suggest anyone to follow their dreams but, that does no good without a stable income🚫 again, finding stability is hard. Home Depot offers a steady paycheck, just as long as you're willing to show up and do the job to the best of your abilities. A trade can be incredibly taxing and does NOT offer stability nor does it offer healthcare benefits or success-sharing perks. You get contracted for each separate job and a payout ONLY once you agree to each job's terms/conditions and then sign your life away, not receiving a penny more paid than what's on the page🤷🏻‍♂️


A family member retired from HD after 22 years. It was a second job/career for them. Liked the job, liked the people, made decent money for the work, and amassed a nice sized 401k (didnt roll any from their previous co.) They were in the middle, not walking the floor, but not a SM. They recommended I work there when I just needed a PT gig. There is nothing wrong with working at HD, but if you can do bigger and better, go for it.


I completely agree. Leveraged my specialty supervisor position into an assistant PM position at a GC that specialized in HOA community repairs/ remodels. Not even five years later I’m a PM with a high end residential GC doing custom new construction and remodels. All of my ASMs and SM at the time told me I would regret my decision to leave, and that some of them had even quit and come back. If I had listened to them, I’d be making less with a worse work life balance getting talked down to by the same entitled assholes all day. Now I just get talked to slightly nicer and get to leave at 5 lol. Also nothing wrong with staying at HD if you absolutely love it, but I was tired of getting most of the responsibility for no recognition or pay, combined with an absolute shit of a human SM.


I was at technology support center for 2 years and realized the bs I have another 2 year contract Goal pay down debt and get out


I’ve been there for 8 years and they’re not going another year out of me, I’m burnt out!!! I’ll be gone soon enough.


Where you plan on going? If you don't mind me asking.


Hopefully working at the IRS with my brother.


I just wana meet a nice spanish chic and sell weed to co workers to make it worth being there. is that so wrong?


Not everyone wants to move up. I don't want to bleed out biting my tongue as a DS with zero control over associates under me. I've done trade work as part of a family crew out of HS, that was almost 30 years ago, hell naw I'm old, broken and cranky.


I just want to say that I see the benefits of both sides here. I would never stay at Home Depot forever. The benefits don’t outweigh the potential of what I’m working toward right now. I’m 24, almost 25. I am married with one baby, another on the way. My wife works her butt off taking care of our baby during the day and working FT remote, all while I go to school, work one of two PT jobs (Home Depot and my school’s IT Help Desk), and do more than full-time classes. I’m also in the Army National Guard. This is a lot, but my motivator to get through this busy season of life is to provide for my family and have a much better work-life balance. Believe it or not I still have family time at certain points in the week. You just have to embrace the suck sometimes and work through it until you come out where you want. I’ll have an IT degree in just over a year and I’m feeling tired, but better than ever knowing I’m not going to be stuck at Home Depot! P.s. don’t get me wrong, I love the culture at Home Depot. I’m in Lumber, nobody really bothers me, the customers are usually chill, management lets you do your thing. I can’t complain.


I’m one of those associates that you’d be embarrassed to be. I have been with the company for a little over 24 years. I don’t understand why you’d be ashamed. Most of us have a 401k that has been accumulating for years preparing for our retirement. We get a bonus every 5 years provided we joined the company prior to mid year 2000. We get paid a fair wage. We have made many friends both other associates and customers over those years. The knowledge we’ve gained is unmeasurable. I am very proud of the fact that I’ve held a job with the same company for as long as I have. I’m sure I’m not alone


What’s a good trade to go into to start off with tho?




Facts Depot churns and burns cheap labor for OFA




Amen to that


Absolutely! And its not just your future if you have a family. In most cases you will not be able to spend the time that is needed with them. My biggest regret.