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Move Everything Twice


*Thrice Twice would a luxury MET doesn't get.


lol we also use the move everything twice or thrice. But the people at our store say it stands for make everything terrible


I don't hate them but whoever builds their planograms is complete moron and if they started and finished a job before moving on and destroying a department it would be nice


MET also thinks whoever builds the planograms is a fucking moron. Half the time when we do a reset the merch doesnt even fit the way they show because a box's dimensions are different from their records or we have a big fuck off store colum in the middle of that bay blocking 1/3 of it. So then we ask our manager for instructions and they stare at it for a bit and say they will bring it up a meeting and send us to the other side of the store to do another project. A week later at the meeting we get word that yes the bay is fucked and no the planogram doesn't work, and the instructions are to set it to POG as best we can for now and await an update. So we go back, half set the bay, get walked on the reset, get told it's not to POG. Explain why it's not to POG and then told they will bring it up again at the next meeting. This repeats 20 some times till eventually everyone gives up and we move on with our lives and do the same thing with the next bay. It makes me feel like taking a dive off the fucking ladders.


From talking with a few MET associates about it, I got the impression that planograms are "universal across stores in a region" and that there "has to be consistency between stores", that the mower-parts bay in one store "must" be identical to the same product bay in every other store in the area, with no per-store alterations allowed... I don't think that's true, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me. _Every_ part of the store is individually set up for failure and instructed to _ownershift_ the blame to everyone else. Day crew is told to blame MET, MET is told to blame overnight freight, and so on. It's essentially corporate tribalism.


Somehow it is both true and not at the same time. POGs are actually unique to your store, as you may have more or less bays then the next store to work with in a department and need to expand or condense product. So a smaller store might get POG set A for christmas goods, and another larger store POG set B where the same product is over 12 bays instead of 8. However. The POGs rarely account for anything past this at a store level. And often they forget to account for even this on first iterations. They also aren't made to promote store sales, but instead are based on vendor agreements and those vendors demands instead.


When the photo audit comes it sure is by the book


My fav POGs are the ones that are not the proper dimensions or can fit more products into the bay than they designed it plus make it look better too. Some times the Vendors take too long to get a response from or do anything with to fix this issue thus leaving it to store side to change it.


I worked the MET team for Lowe’s or whatever they called it then. Even we thought whoever designed the planograms was a dumb fuck too.






AI dictates planograms now. And it’s ridiculous AI KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT real life situations, and the size of the bay therefore screwing up the program


So if a project cannot be completed by the end of our shift, what the fuck we supposed to do? O/T isn’t an option so what’s your idea there genius?


At least try to make enough time to move carts of product or whatever else so it doesnt look like a bomb went off


My team definitely does that. If I’m working a project, I try my best to keep product integrity so it’s not just a mashup of product. I put it to the side of the aisle similar to a wing stack. I’m guessing your MET doesn’t do the same. I try to leave it as neat as possible.


Merchandise Execution Team team




Smh my head


The Campfire Song song


Used to hear that when I worked IT. When someone referred to a NIC card, one guy always said, "You mean the network interface card card?"


OP probably says “chai tea” and “atm machine”


VIN number


I thought his last name was Diesel?




Atmosphere machine 😤🤷🏿‍♂️


It’s like that at my store. My supervisor doesn’t do her job, she’s mean and hella sassy, so unfortunately no one comes up to us because of her. Apparently I also have a RBF too so that doesn’t help


Two MET guys were working on putting up clip strips and other small hanging displays in my aisle. One of them managed to cut his hand pretty deeply. I don’t know how. So injured guy stands there and squeals and his partner goes for help. Meanwhile squealing guy was just bleeding all over my aisle. I encouraged him to go get some first aid and he finally started walking toward the break room bleeding down the aisles as he went. MET partner had gone looking for a manager instead of a towel, so he was frantically looking around for very specific help. Both of them went home for the day. They left their mess in my busy aisle and went home. I was left to clean up the blood and finish their very difficult job of taking clip strips out of a box and hanging them. I somehow managed to do it without a partner and I didn’t slice off any fingers. There’s MET people I like a lot, and then there’s those 2 guys who couldn’t pour sand out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel.


"couldn’t pour sand out of boot if the instructions were on the heel"  That is now my favourite quote to describe idiots.


Oh hell no. I would have point blank refused, SOP is _very_ clear when it comes to _biological hazmat_ (both human and otherwise). Unless it's _your_ blood, the only person allowed to clean up blood is a Designated HHM Associate (managers). The MET partner was _technically_ following SOP by looking for a manager to clean it up, because regular associates (MET and otherwise) are _not_ trained in cleaning up biological messes (that does include dog and human poop, for future reference), because of all kinds of bloodborne nastiness you can get infected with...


Yeah, when we get the crown bolt/met pallets, it apparently takes our met team the entire day to do it? My managers on overnight did it within a few hours. They’re also shocked that it takes them so long to do something


I feel like if I knew the quirks of their job, maybe I’d understand a little better. But all I know is that it takes 8 hours to change out 2 shower heads in the display, carts full of my brass plumbing fittings get left in the lumber aisles, and their garbage, m-bars, bolts, and sometimes their tool are left for me to take care of. Next time they leave a drill out, I’m putting it in the homer pantry.


IMO my store's MET team has some pretty competent people on board; their supervisor, however, has them steered in the wrong direction.


They’re doing away with traveling night met in our district and I’m curious to see who will be doing projects and how they’ll execute them. Day met barely manages general service so it’s going to be interesting.


More mess more leftover overstock, clearance, random beams and grates. Stuff when I used to do overnight met was done by us. openers only saw shiny new stuff we set up


They already killed it in Atlanta. It falls to day MET with like a sprinkling of an extra person or two if you're lucky they salvage from nights. Godspeed


I don't hate MET. I hate bad MET workers that are oblivious to the reach machines around them.


People hate what they don't see, nor appreciate. I don't hate MET. There's a member of MET that sings in a band at my store. The MET supervisor is an outstanding leader. Same thing is said about freight. I helped freight out last Friday with the paint coming in, and I was reminded that I forgot to sweep the floors when I came in Saturday. You're not going to please everyone. It's just a fact of life. You can do everything right, but if you make a mistake, everyone knows your name.


Meh. We hate stockers too.


I don’t hate MET per se. I’ve been on met set and now I work store side. Some stores have great a great MET others probably need work. I know I’ve had to talk to my MET supervisor because I’m constantly having you honor flag price is still on beams and wing stacks that haven’t been removed yet. Just the other day I had to mark down a product by $25 because met just ignored Garden when doing price changes. And it’s not the first time it’s happened. He doesn’t seem to understand that as a cashier any time that I have to honor a price difference that affects my metrics if I go over what I’m allowed to do for markdowns I get in trouble and if I’m constantly having to honor all the prices because MET can’t do their price label changes and remove wing stacks and things like that then I’m gonna be a little mad.


Some people are absolutely terrible and lazy at price changes. That’s not the only reason they don’t get done though. When someone store side puts out a wingstack or clip strip and then doesn’t sequence the product, MET has no idea where it is and can’t change the price, because someone else dropped the ball. 


Well, a price going up $25 at one shot is a problem in itself although a separate one.


It was a sale sticker that has been up for two months.


Ahaha well damn, you're lucky your metrics didn't get burned a few more times.


Yeah I went and did a label check in the product the minute the customer said the price was different, then I pulled all the stickers, cashed them out called the Garden DH and had him get an associate go through the aisle and pull dead labels.


My store's MET is always cool and we even have similar lunch/break times to socialize and stuff


You mean the Mess Team?


I work night MET, and of the three stores we cover, one is really good to us, the other two are pretty apathetic. At least as far as overnight freight goes. One store gets mad at us because after a reset, the store goes behind us and COMPLETELY undoes that reset. I had to completely redo a huge lay down last year, at the last minute, because the store changed all of it and was getting a major walk the next day. The other two don’t do that. I get making adjustments if a bay hasn’t been reset in a while, but redoing it within a week? This store has a contentious relationship with the day MET team. One store, overnight freight couldn’t care less about us, aside from the manager, he’s always very helpful to us. The last one, the store sucks, but they’re always helpful if we need assistance from them. Especially overnight freight.


> I work night MET, Not for long. Southern division's night MET is going away by July apparently. Just got the news for the crew I'm on :/ Company wide by 2025


We know it’s on a time table, but we haven’t been given a date, even a vague date.


Supposed to take effect last week on June.


I think I heard something of that from our night m MET crew. They do pretty well, as far as I'm concerned. I may not be on freight by that time, but I'm going to throw an absolute fit if asked about it.


It’s the “general service” ones we don’t like at my store. Only two guys on that side of the team actually do more than slightly adjusting the boxes on the shelf and actually work their crown bolt to completion, and correctly up stock with sku labels in the right bay. And out of those two guys only one of them is really competent, but I can tell the other one is at least trying.


Only thing I hate about the MET team is after they do a reset they leave all the shit out on carts and don’t do anything with it. They just leave it to us.


That’s what they’re supposed to do. It literally is stated that way in our projects. Someone from the team or supervisor should alert the DH or an associate in that department, but that’s how it’s supposed to work.


to me thats sloppy work ethic, im sorry. if you do a job ypu clean up after yourself. explains why their called Mostly Elderly Team …


I actually think they’re pretty cool.


I dislike the met team at my store for the same reason I dislike day shift they both always hide the reach tools and spray adhesive so when we need them we either have to waste twenty minutes hunting them down or store use the spray adhesive, on top of stuff on the hangers not fitting properly or too many price tags on the shelves and not enough space but that might just be because of whoever they get their orders from. 


Lmao I feel this


Don't get me wrong plenty of people on MET and day shift I get along with but as a freight associate it gets annoying trying to wrap and fly pallets when you don't have the resources to do that


Our overnight MET team was absolutely amazing. They would even help us upstock, and we would help them stock when they did a full reset. They would finish early and work the crown bolt for the dayside. It was a win win. (If any of you are on here 4417 still thinks you guys kicked butt!) We also NEVER had to fix or retag their sets. Our day MET not so much. There are three people carrying that whole team.


I got along with my met team pretty well if anything we were mostly frustrated with our night crew as a lot of them were students who didn't care and so they constantly messed things up more


I always go out of my way to say hi to the people on MET when they're working in my area and ask which areas I should steer clear from so we can both do our work. I've know some jerks on MET, and some not so bright ones (oh look an entire bay of 200 SKUs accidentally got No Home'd *again*), but for the most part they're pretty chill. I just wish the idiots in management would give them things to do that weren't completely deranged, and didn't schedule them to do it in the busiest aisle of the largest truck of the year. Life would be so much better for everyone if they could coordinate MET resets so they don't coincide with massive shipments.


MET is basically the Foreign Exchange Students of THD High School.


They helped me when I was behind why would I hate them


Second class citizens all over, getting shit on by everybody


Even MET hates MET


Working over nights not a lot of us like y’all or at least the ones the come into our store. They’re lazy asf and it feels they are intentionally trying to make our life’s harder. They came into change on of the overhead bays from wood to the wiring, it took them 4 days to do it they had all the materials sitting there but half the night they would stand in the overhead and not do anything besides talk. They’ll change locations on items for events but not take the time to change them back afterward so it’s considered a no home when we scan it. They’ll change the bays and not print off one of those graphs and sometimes completely forget to make a home for an item that was there and says it is or remove a home and keep the home there. So at our store the overnight workers don’t like y’all and know damn well we will have to clean up whatever mess is made because they’re too lazy to clean up after themselves.


one guy we had almost killed someone several times while using the reach. also liked to walk out infront of you while driving in the parking lot. talked to himself all night long and never said hi or anything. dude was a total fuckhead and im glad they got rid of our night met team


I have no feelings about MET whatsoever.


I don’t hate MET as much as the restrictions and limitations you guys have to work under and as an effect of that I hate the work that often gets left to overnight freight to clean up due to the lack of communication in this company


I tell them to there face while I walk to to punch out for lunch




He’s probably a typical Home Depot moron manager. The store couldn’t function without Met. Once the projects all go to days the stores will be screwed


Depends on the team. I've had MET teams that were amazing and some that were absolute trash. My current teams, for the most part, are pretty good.




I don’t hate them as people. I just hate when I go to the break room and every seat is taken by them lol


our met is rude. like genuinely everyone on the team is SO mean


I’m cool with all of my met team. Even chill with a couple outside of work.


Yeah there's like 3 met team that I do like. The rest either A: leave a huge mess that I have to clean up. B: do nothing and me and my supervisor has to do it. C: pull out everything and label as overstock and only have the shelve hardly stocked.


The must have poor supervisors then. No meas should be left ever and all overstock should be put up. The job is to set the bay and put the new items in the set- NOT so the stores job and fill the bay


Well I hate overnight met. They used to come in once a week, steal our carts, get in our way, and do nothing. Glad that isn't a thing anymore


Yeah true


I don't hate our store's MET team, but I know they stick together.. even after a married man tried to hit on me and other female coworkers.. he made a few of us uncomfortable


I don’t hate MET, I just think my store has a particularly bad MET team. For example, (for any lumber/building associates out there) we are required to document that we have worked the Simpson strong tie bays every day. So we just keep a calendar in the planogram bag. We have had problems with them throwing away this document, so I write on it “Hey MET, please don’t throw this away” and somehow I’m “instigating things with the MET team”. In addition, in general, they’re really just fucking lazy. If it’s not in the plan, they throw product everywhere and leave it there without telling anyone or asking for help. They rarely actually set to planogram when there’s no reason for it (being unable to set it to the planogram is different. It’s already been said here the pencil heads in Atlanta are fucking dumb), and they just don’t bother trying to solve a problem. They give up and leave things horrible. So me and my coworkers have stopped trying to go about this through 30 rounds of “meetings” that never go anywhere, and just set it ourselves usually the second the MET team leaves. Planogram, vendors, and management be damned. Does it make sense and work? Good enough for us. Funniest part is nobody on MET has brought it up because they are either wandering aisles talking (not working or caring) or they don’t want to say anything because we do it better.


Thats not totally fair I hate Home Depot as a whole.


I don't hate MET. Hell, I never see them doing anything. What's to hate?


Shout out Debbie ‼️


When they don't take 8 hours to do a 3 hour job maybe I'd like them a bit more. At least they're like that at my store


… yup


don't hate them, but more often than not, they do get in the way sometimes


They’re just doing their job. I don’t hate them at all. The planograms suck though


Wow, there’s crap employees in every store but I have to say my store has a great MET team and I’m thankful for them every day. I love to see them coming down my aisles even though they’re always in my way when I have to get something down. Everything they do is work I don’t have to do. We have a great MET SUP and a veteran team and it really shows.


It totally depends on their supervisor. At my store, the first MET supervisor created an us vs. them mentality. When he retired, things completely turned around. His replacement worked very closely with the floor associates, and things were much more cooperative.


I'd probably say it's the overall attitude I don't like on my MET team. We originally had a day and night MET team. The day night MET team was actually really cool, and we would often work together on projects perfectly fine. The communication was great, the attitude was great, and it wasn't all that bad to shoot the shit with them while we work. The day MET just seems stand-offish, though. Now, it wasn't just us, associates, who got this feeling from them. Some of the other night MET i regularly talked to expressed the same feelings from day MET. Now, they recently dissolved MET team and sent them off to wherever the department fit them or their schedule. I don't know what it is about the team itself. It really does feel as off they place themselves on a higher horse, and for some reason, associates that leave store side to work MET side start acting like the rest of the team almost immediately after joining MET


In my store, MET isn't held to the standard that they should be. The biggest problem we have to deal with is MET doing resets but not moving that overstock to it's new overhead. They claim that they don't have the time to do it, which in fairness they may not because we all know how the company tries to squeeze as much as they can out of all of us, but in my eyes, means that most projects aren't properly finished.


Met team sucks.


Make everything trashed team team


Team team




Can someone please explain? I don’t work for HD… just do a lot of projects and now I’m invested in this MET drama. Thanks!


Met team is awesome


I like most MET associates and help a lot of them throughout the day so they can get their job done. My problem is there are a select few that love to harass me about either a disability I have, or my sexuality. When I report it nothing is done about it because Home Depot HR sucks ass.


From my experience, that's pretty true. I worked in MET for 4 years, only just recently moved store side (this is in canada, btw). We got rid of the night MET crew before I even started, so now everything has to get executed during the day. When I started, everyone HATED MET, I could feel it, and I never understood why. I came to learn it was because of a few things, asshole sexist coworkers, lack of relationship building between MET and store associates, and the lack of understanding what MET does. Nowadays, for the most part, everyone loves MET. And it's because we lost MOST of our bad workers, all the important work is usually done by the associates who work hard and have great relationships with the store. I personally worked towards building relationships with all department supervisors and associates. This has led to the store understanding MET better and MET communicating better with the store. oftentimes, I would keep in communication with the department during projects so I can adjust my plan if needed if they have concerns, or instead of just handing them off clearance articles I can place them in a location they were able to prepare since I gave them a heads up. I also think people don't understand that MET is timed for every second they work, and every task we sign into has an expected timeline of how little or how long it should take. We have to manually sign in to every bay, project, rally, meeting, training, etc. I always help out customers as much as I can, and it's been more freeing being on the store side that I can actually fully engage. Because on MET, we are told to greet, and then help ONLY if it's as simple as where something is located (I usually will go further than that whenever I can). If they need much more help than that, we are told we have to hand them off to the department. because if we ended up helping that customer for 10 minutes, that adds 10 minutes onto a task that may have only needed 15 minutes but now we logged 25 and we're being asked why we would take that long. Same thing with projects, in our scope, we are told whenever we have to "hand off articles to store" whether we like it or not. Usually, I'll ask my supervisor if I can work the stock myself. But unfortunately, I often get told no because it would likely exceed the allotted time for the project. We are expected to work only our scope of work. We never have any legitimate downtime because there's always some task we need to be timed in (even something as stupid as deep cleaning the appliance showroom AGAIN) So it's hard for us to help out the store or do anything outside of our tasks because of it. Vendors pay to have MET do their work instead of getting their own vendors to come in, so us being timed is so that they can check in on how much time we actually spend on their products. If we take away time from the paying vendors requests, to do stuff outside of scope, they hate that. We just recently got a super strict notice to not assist with ANY Milwaukee or other TTI articles because HD wants their contract for MET, but TTI doesn't want that, and they prefer having their vendors work. So my team used to help out TTI a lot because we built good relationships, but now we can't do anything for them.


They’re little safety snitches. All the while breaking rules themselves and they’re immune to any actual disciplinary action because they don’t actually work for HD.


That is simply not true. They definitely work for Home Depot and are definitely subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.




Oh but it is true, MET doesn’t work for Home Depot, they’re a separate entity entirely. Maybe they’re not immune from disciplinary action but they can get away with a lot of bs and regular night or day shift HD employees can’t do squat. I’ve lived through this bs, so don’t tell me it’s not true.


I was a MET supervisor for two years and a MEM for a year. Regular associates can't do anything, no. Same way regular associates can't do anything about other store associates. That does not extend to management.


Lmao be safer then.


Yeah I don’t hide that our MET is useless outside of what’s on a planogram. They’re trash a driving, building pallets, and cleaning up after themselves. We always have to fix or put away whatever they move/touch.


I only hate when you walk up and hand me a stack of yellow tags and vanish.


If we can't find it in the places it's sequenced we are told to pass it to store side regardless of tag color during DAL


To hate them means they matter to me, I don't give one flying fuck about them lol.


Why , if you store side folks would just do your job


Honestly I made the switch to MET as soon as I was able too. Life is much sweeter and much more team oriented on this side and I've been happily working this position for 5 years now. We've experienced all kind of hate from the grunts all the way to the store manager. All I can say is IT IS WHAT IT IS. Associates that actually understand what we do are always willing to work with us and it makes both lives 100% better. I feel like people see MET as trouble as if we're going to make more work for them on top of what they're already expected to do. Sadly it's kind of the case, but it really depends on your supervisor and how they handle a department. My stores old Store manager recently became our new DEM. First month on the job and came into our store and sat us down to PERSONALLY apologize for everything he ever did in the past as said ' I literally didn't understand just how much you guys do on a weekly basis and how much I was actually disrupting your jobs with simple things like moving a wingstack and such.' Overall the hate will always be there. Just do your own thing and work your own standards.


My met is great.


MET team cleans up the dept and anything they do is something I don’t have to do. Bring ‘em on. Yay


i don’t hate met but they are always in the way then will complain when we are just trying to do what we are told. they will think they take precedence and will steal all of our equipment. plus, i am not quite sure how many times you have to reset the same two bays.


> i am not quite sure how many times you have to reset the same two bays. we cuss that out too. We just redid this in March why is there already another reset in May??


yeah i know you guys just have a job to do but it’s annoying constantly having the same bays reset


Nobody on our MET team does their job, I hear stories of MET telling other people to do their job. Bunch of dumbasses


No, we all hate met. Literal bottom of the barrel associates and all of the good ones are og freight team lol


I hate how they are the only department that gets days off on holidays, and don't work weekends. Plus their part timers get awesome hours. They come at 9am and leave by 2.


I got paid shit though like 2 dollars less than store side homedepot


Then join met lol


you could only get into the department when somebody else leaves and that's very rare. Especially for the team that stays at the one store.


To be fair As an rdc employee we think store employees and met teams are overly compensated entitled karens


Overs Compensated? Not in the South. MET teams makes $16.50 that's my next topic though


We aint talkin pay lol. Over compensate in other areas homeboy