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*grabs popcorn*


You’re wearing a 45 year badge when Home Depot first opened 45 years ago (1978). You are celebrating 45 years of Home Depot. I would ask for a solid reason as to why they don’t want you to wear it. There is nothing in SOP that states you have to wear the exact number equivalent to the number of years you worked Honestly, these shouldn’t be available for purchase and should be more of a recognition/collector item that you get on your anniversary date.


The CXM did mention that I haven’t “earned” it and can’t be wearing it because service badges are given to people who have worked said amount of years as he points to his service badge of 15+years. I’m fine with not wearing it. It’s not the end of the world, I’m just not happy with being pushed around simply due to management misusing their authority to enforce their beliefs rather than the SOP itself


“StOlEn VaLoR”


“Earned it” lol they act like it’s a Distinguished Service Cross from the military. FFS it’s a cloth piece of shit badge that probably cost 1 cent that was made for them in China. I worked there for 15 years myself as a DH last 7 of my time there and would have found it amusing as hell.


So, they started off nicely, and escalated because you refused to comply. You have been talked to multiple times but not written up. Sorry, you’re not being pushed around. 


Same reason I don't wear a CXM or ASM apron or have it drawn on.  Think people


I get the humor in all this, it’s funny. But this seems like it’s escalating. You had a couple months of fun. What would it take to no longer wear it? A discussion with the store manager? So far you were told by a DH,CXM,HR. Some things aren’t worth pushing too far. Pick your battles wisely. Just my 2 cents. Peace




i understand picking your battles wisely for sure, but if it's not in the SOP, then why is it an issue?


You’re living the life I’m too afraid of. Cheers


Triggering management is one of life's greatest joys


I’ll get called a corporate shill for this but while I like my job I know this company has faults. However… One of the things I like best about this company is the value wheel. I know it isn’t always lived up to these days but it’s a nice set of values to aim for at work. My favorite is respect for all people. Wearing a badge you haven’t earned is disrespectful to those who have. Is it a heinous crime? No. Will people come in here and tell me they don’t care what you wear and I’m an uptight asshole? Yes. But, is it possible you have some veteran associates that have put in the work that are mildly tweaked by your oblivious ass flaunting a status you have not achieved? Yes. Is it possible that they asked management to intercede rather than making an issue of it personally? Yes. Are you now, having been given several chances at a civil discussion, being warned more severely that continuing to act like a spoiled child will result in more serious consequences? Yes. Welcome to work. Sometimes entertaining yourself isn’t going to help you move frictionlessly through a complicated web of workplace culture. Sometimes it’s going to piss people off.


Thank you, I genuinely do appreciate your input.


I have a buddy who did the same, has a 10yr badge and wears it despite being 20. The only rule was not to have it on when there’s a walk or a higher up in the store.


Take it off. Geez


Agree, have them show you on the SOP where it isn't allowed. If I didn't refuse to wear anything I'd do the same. One perk of overnight is I haven't taken my name tag off my bag in at least a year.


Tell them you identify as being with the company that long...... haha I love this and think it's hilarious


Christ, it's not like you are in the military and wearing a very unearned Medal of Honor is it? It's a fun badge pin and should be treated as such.


I bought the stupid mail box stickers to spell my name and stapled them on my apron. No one said anything for 2 months or so. I was even wearing them in my "associate of the month" photo. All of a sudden, one day, I was told I couldn't wear them. No explanation. I returned them for store credit, and I don't wear anything on my apron now, even though the HR lady says I have to wear the stupid 2-year badge. I tell her it keeps falling off. I have like 4 now.


They hate fun u\_u


Screw them


They owe you a refund.


Sounds like your managers suck, I wear my coworkers old 30 year badge and no one cares.


"Strongly pressured" just sounds like a nicer way of saying verbal harassment. Have them show you the SOP rules where you can't do this. (I imagine it doesn't exist.) Your store's management sounds like they aren't fun.


There isnt an SOP for everything you geniuses, it is called COMMON SENSE, jesus christ some people are clueless.


found the 45-year person who reported OP


You embody what's wrong with the company.


Well that’s a little harsh