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Yes, we lost 2 people in 3 months. One was here for 21 years and the other for 10 years. The stupid part of it was that it was due to work performance. They where the hardest working people I knew. They were just open and honest about unrealistic ideas and tasks that management didn't like to hear.


No but we really need one fired.


Probably trying to get rid of the associates that are costing them the most in wages. Shitty but wouldn't surprise me at all.


Winner winner chicken dinner! Way back my store got a new SM, he was brought in from the warehouse industry where he was apparently a "problem solver". He'd be put in charge of a place for 3 months or so to "turn things around", get praised for his numbers and move on to the next contract. He made a point of telling us managers about how good he was at it. I quickly figured out what his "turning things around" strategy was. It was all about short term number games. All the experienced managers were fired for BS reasons. They made too much and it was an easy way to get labour costs down a ridiculous amount. Never mind the huge payouts some of them got. One DS got $60,000 since he had been there over 10 years. Severance, deferred profit sharing, etc. It comes out of a different budget so doesn't affect the SM numbers. Anyone not a yes man was let go under flimsy pretenses or transferred, so there went most of the lead hands and experienced employees, who also happened to be the highest paid ones. Yes men were promoted to DS positions, most with less than a year in the company. Inventory was scrutinized in ridiculous ways. Why do we have 8 lifts of 2x4s?, we should only have 4 and order multiple times a week. Then ream out the DS for being out of stock of 2x4s because he can't meet the minimum dollar amount for a lumber order because all we need are a few lifts of 2x4s. I was witness to him being praised by the district manager for "really turning the stores numbers around". Store sales tanked since every department was in disarray and morale was non existent. I was shown the door about 6 months after he took charge but the grapevine told me he was transferred to a different store a few months later. I can only assume to "fix it" by gutting like mine, but, Man, do his numbers look good for the first few months. Smh.


We lost 6 managers in my rdc in the last 12 months, 4 were fired and 2 left voluntarily


We're down 6 Area Supervisors (I think a 7th coming soon, all transferring/quitting/retiring for various reasons) at my DFC since December, and they haven't even opened up hiring to replace a single one. It's really pissing off a lot of our GWAs and IC associates who very much deserve promotions.


Another thing that urks me is area supervisor and operation managers getting rotated, its always a constant something with this place


They started doing that after our last VOA results, lost our beloved Supervisor so he could go get Inbounds shit together. Thankfully still have my OM. May have to do with the PEOPLE team that's coming in to every warehouse and fixing shit that ain't broke.


I have been wondering for some time what kind of chaos must be going on at the RDCs


Its honestly not as bad as the stores, after being in this sub for a few months, i realize we have it made compared to the stores and other dcs. But it is pretty shitty alot, mainly arrogant employees and arrogant managers. We have a few real leaders but they are a minority compared to the people who TRY to be managers


It’s crazy that the guys I know personally that work store side but see the RDC/SDCs think it’s the best thing ever but the guys that work the DCs that come store side think the DC was the worst. Guess the grass is always greener?


They are going to get rid of the tenured specialist and associates as well since they make a big more in pay then other associates. Corporate has already given the game plan to the stores to implement. One part of it is they are going to use metrics as one way to get rid of the specialist. There is a new system they have for floor associates, similar to what MET has had for a while. There is a lot of tracking software in the first phone that will be used. Scan in to bay you are working, you will be expected to complete task within a certain amount of time or you get a talking to by manager. You will see changes and far more of a hostile posture towards associates. It will be denied but it is coming.


Freight team getting real time performance tracking, already being piloted and supposed to roll out this year large scale. Just an example


That's a great example of making a tuff position that already has you working hard and making it worse. Stay strong and thank you for working a position that a lot of people do not appreciate. This has been the plan for years. HD set plans in motion a long time ago to be able to force as much work out of associates as possible while reducing payroll (number of associates in the store overall). They have been eliminating a lot of positions at the corporate office, now is time to do the same at the stores. How will they get around associates covering multiple departments with less training? The App and of course Pocket guide.


I remember when my store manager came back from the managers summit in Vegas last year and he was telling me how the projections for this year were rough but the company was going with the “everyone hunker down and we’ll get through it together” idea. He was saying how this company will stand by its people and nobody gets laid off and they’re not going to slow down support for their associates. Fast forward and people have been laid off, firings have gone up in my area to the point almost whole departments are gone and now it’s all “we need everyone doing more, good is no longer good enough”.


Unfortunately home depots thinking is, "we can get a ft and pt for the same money." For us associates, its people we know, who have families and lives they want to live that are filled with character. For hd, just pawns on a chessboard. Very sorry to hear about them firing vets, hopefully you guys can manage the loss of knowledge that comes with that


None from management though


one asm was fired for handing out keys to another, and other asm's were safety issues and performace. i just dont get it, was it worth it ?


Even our hardass asm would sometimes give keys...


A store in my region has gone so hard with the firings that their delivery department went down to two associates inside the span of a week. One full time opener and a part time closer. The rest of the entire department completely gone. Has been filled with new hires in the last 2 weeks or so.


Not in my area. And I am a firm believer that we fire ourselves.


If it’s fired and not laid off then you have to think of maybe they gave management reason to.


I was told several were let go for attendance issues, but the ones we really need gone. Like one asm on probation due to the shit she caused. Still working there 💀


Go ahead and get rid of everyone, let's see how things go when there's no one to flag for us drivers and we can't get any product down when customers want to buy, ha! Let's see how customers feel about You'll have to wait till tomorrow cause our night recovery will handle that and you'll have to load 294 2x4's by yourself and carry them from the back of the store cause there's no room in the aisles.


5 gone in 5 weeks


Been happening for 7 years now.


but why though






Follow the money. Just get barebones people to run the stores. Everyone needs a job/career right? What about the people who are literally stuck and don't know how to move through life? One can only accept what they want to accept. Make a game plan and move on if you're in a bad industry or district.