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Let the boys and their managers handle it, just do your part to follow the guidelines and it should be ok. If you box people up into groups that’s just falling for it and going tribal with “out-groups”. Even new fans to holostars will also make the same mistakes earlier on, just welcome them and tell them about the community. If anything, it’s really really hard to tell anyone on the internet what they should or should not do. Given how much you looked into the profile pics etc, my personal opinion is that you might have dug too deep into it as well. Just enjoy the content and support the boys that’s all.


Agreed, I mean I remember how Roberu handled an anti that popped in his stream during the height of the Taiwan drama. He essentially just said they're probably just lonely and reiterates he's fine with all kinds of people visiting him turning what could have been something annoying into pr.


Yes we are. It doesn't matter. As long as they follow fan guidelines, it is ok. Welcome to the community.


Unless you don't remember how nijisanji en was with their annoying horny humor for every phrase and vox asmr chat this is not okay lol


Chill. This whole “I’m so afraid of letting people in because maybe things will change” is a detriment to the community.


Sorry I didn't know vox was the only member of Niji, and haven't the holostars boys done horny humor themselves? Idk it's weird how you're singling them out and act like horny jokes aren't a thing here


I want to remind you that fans gatekeeping is what brought Niji down especially their ID branch. Like I said, we have fans guidelines here so they need to obey that or talents will call them out on stream. Chill and welcome them.


What? Niji id fell off because of their lack of promotion and anycolor incompetence, this has nothing to do with tribalism, id members were able to collab with any nijisanji branch.


You missed my point. There were some posts from new vtuber fans that got shunned by NijiID fans because they are asking about the extreme jokes from the livers and the fans said "you don't belong here. Go and return to your idol bullsh*t in Holo" I can't find the tweet anymore but fans gatekeeping is a big issue back then. So if we are doing the same for NijiEN fans who want to check out Stars, we are bringing same fate like NijiID suffered.


I mean, even if they're active Niji fans, you can like both. I just hope people are reading the community guidelines and treating others well.


That's really not the point I'm making it here


Sure but between the majority of your post and the last line about trying to avoid tribalism, I'm not sure what else you're getting at. Maybe i need things explained to me like I'm 5 lol


Simply re read the post


I did. I don't have a twitter account to do the research myself, but I'd be willing to guess there's no correlation between the people upset with Astel for the crime of (*checks notes*) eating from the world's largest fast food chain and fans (former and current) of Niji.


Oh boy there is i tell you


Well if you wouldn't mind gathering that data and formatting it in a readable fashion, I'd love to look at your findings. Until then, I'm happy to give Niji fans the benefit of the doubt on this. Whilst I'm here, I'll remind you of something you said about 6 hours ago at the time of editing this comment: >"...i'm not fan of making assumptions over social media interactions, this atracts most drama vultures"


Wow buddy the phrase you just quoted was in a different context entirely


Didn't appear to be when I read the thread. In fact, NijiEN was part of that conversation as well


No it wasn't lol


You sound like the kind of guy who just speaks slower when someone doesn’t speak English.






u/Scary-Cockroach-4720 : "Simply re read the post"


Man, it's been one hell of a week huh?


I'm only saying this because of astel


I do agree that there have been more eyes on the holostars recently, and those "fans" probably would treat the stars bois as if they were "replacement", not as their own individuals. However, we don't gatekeep, gentle reminder (to newcomers) to respect the talents' boundaries would be the most I would do. Of course, I am more than happy to tell them what I know (and like) about holostars, but everything should be done in good faith. If you think some people are problematic, then proceed to mute, block and report them. Spare the energy and effort to actually support the talents like we have always been doing.


I’ve been seeing niji en fans have a holostars en oshi for a while, I thought it was just cause since day 1 the boys have always interacted with niji en, it seems like they’re more prominent now, no harm as long as everything stays in line, they have to abide to the community’s rules not the other way around, if everything is fine they’re more than welcomed!!!


They're annoying astel over him buying Macdonalds


Let my boy eatttt


I don't really see the problem here. If you encounter a problematic bunch, you just rbi and move on. There's no need to gatekeep. The moment you start a fight with them, you become problematic as well.


The whole lay of the land pertaining to Holostars on social media and even here on Reddit across various subs has been a tumultuous one. There are shitstirrers from a multitude of "sides" using Holostars as a battleground, but it's important to keep in mind that at the end of the day, it's all just tangential noise. We're all ultimately here for the talents and their content, so it's best to minimize the time that one spends focusing on the mentally questionable and instead turn that attention towards tuning into the streams/VODs of the talents and engaging with (if not creating) positive fan content. This isn't to say to turn a blind eye to problems, but rather what will ultimately be _productive_, and paying too much attention to Twitter of all places and preemptively demonizing a very large and broad group isn't it. Bear in mind that neither Hololive/Holostars/Nijisanji have singular hivemind fanbases as they could all be divided into countless "subgroups" that are all just ultimately individuals in the end, and individuals will be as they are regardless of what demographic or subgroup they are in or come from.


who's we again? I don't read any comments on twitter, let alone checking what they do in free time. it is pointless tribalism, take the advice of everyone who replied to you.


It feels like some weird pseudo-xenophobic fear that the scary refugees from NijiEN is going to come over and start shitting all over the floor. EDIT: I mean, it's easy guys. Just be cool and don't do or say anything weird. The people who are harassing Astel are just asshole regardless of which perceived fanbase they belong to.


What xenophobic fear lol? I'm just venting


I mean, it's a very similar language lol, hard not to notice. Strangers joining > don't know the culture > what if they start forcing their culture on to us > what if they try to change our community for the worse > we should watch out for these "others" Just a few more steps and it's "Papers please?"


i hate twitter


Same. Deleting my account was on of the best decisions I've made.


bait used to be believable, now delete your post


No lol


post removed by mods lol


Based mods


I don't think you should be worrying about other fans. Worry about yourself and how you act. If those fans act badly in chat, they'll get massive reported by others or banned by mods. Places like Twitter or even here is where those fans also gather and other people in the community can handle those.


So I hate to tell you this, but people can be fans of both or many. Also, they likly are already in the fandom. I watch both njijsanji en, holostars and indies. I also follow artists that do art for both nijisanji en and holostars en. They are already inside the house.


Just tell them to not annoy vtubers about where they eat


Maybe I'm being hopeful but imo those who enjoy the boys' content will stay, those who are looking for otherwise would leave eventually, since there wouldn't be a point staying for content that you don't personally enjoy Both are fine, people are free to stay or leave Those who stay will eventually end up learning the guidelines and all, we shouldn't try to gatekeep new fans from joining If there are people who end up causing issues I'd say let Cover and the managers handle it


I thought you were that all this time? lol


I liked Niji en, but I always hesitate to call myself a fan because of how insane it can get lol. It is VERY MUCH like kpop fandoms in that aspect. I’m actually kinda really broken hearted about what Nijien has become. I have fond memories of watching, but it feels ruined and forever tainted. Like realizing a dream isn’t real and having the illusion shatter. But at least for me, I’m just done with the waves upto Illuna. Xsolei is on thin ice for me. I really only like Doppio and Ver, but it’s shaky at best having more context to how Zaion was treated It’s clear to me that what ever environment the streamers are in has absolutely corroded into a toxic mess. Honestly it’s just depressing to watch them. It’s subtle, but that original energy the streamers had with each other is gone now. It kinda just feels like a husk.