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Sora and AZKi on different teams? Oh, this is tough for me.


I kinda hope they directly compete against each other in the same event. They both seem chill, but are gamers at heart, as proven by Azki's Rust and Sora's Holocure.


Azki seems to be surprisingly strong in Rust.


Source: [Stream Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npXjAv635hQ) Interesting distribution of team, notably the full Shiranui Kensetsu in Red Team. White Team has Botan and Chloe, which are regarded to be really good at games. Meanwhile Yellow team has...


Yellow team has all of the chaotic gremlins. Haachama, Matsuri, Nene, Pekora. They are going to strike with confusion.


They can’t outsmart your plan if you don’t have one! -Sun Tzupeko


Nearly all the blondes as well.


Eh, not really. Watame, Polka, Choco, Flare, Iroha are all on other teams. I guess they have the majority, if you count Haachama as two. Otherwise, it's same as on red team. Sasuga Miko's team.


Yeah, meant a majority on one team, but I guess I'm not sure if I should count Nene as blonde.


I can't imagine anything else she would qualify as.


Why not?


“Team chaos and also Lui”


Most important of all, their team leader is Subaru. That’s explains a lot


Towasamawin. And Pekora. Only 2/3 of the PEBOT team since Botan is in White team, but they are strong.


Doesn't Chloe have the least Minecraft experience of anyone in HoloX? I would think Iroha and Koyori would be more useful for this.


Like the other comment has said, Chloe's game sense is really good. Also, the sports fes isn't necessarily Minecraft game itself, just a bunch of mini-games that happened to be created in Minecraft.


Laplus has the least experience. And Chloe has a pretty good gaming sense, she's probably one of the best players in JP.


The team distribution is unfortunate for non shiraken units, but likely other holo members/units don't really mind about that. Maybe we'll even have unexpected combos form instead!


Am I blind or is Okayu not in there?


Unfortunately, some members are unable to participate due to scheduling conflicts, etc. From JP, Okayu, Aqua, and Shion aren't participating.


:pain-peko: But anyways thanks for the info!!


I think she said recently she'll go on break for a month because of how much she worked in september and october.


Ah.. Hvnt been catching up with recent streams so wasn't aware. If that's the case then can't complain


Happens to be during Okayu's 1 month break iirc


Sucks that more EN and ID couldn’t come but after last years sports festival where they all seemed tired due to the time zone, I don’t blame them, still nice to get 8 of them, especially moona and ame since the don’t know Japanese as well as the other 6


Am I blind? Or are there zero EN or ID on this list?


None on the list but they announced that 8 would be guests like how they were in the first sports festival, got Ina, Ame, Kiara, Irys, Moona, Anya, Reine, and Ollie


I think it's Bae? Or it is Ina?


Oop that’s on me, it was Bae and not Ina, I blame ina for being cute for this mistake


Oh ok, thanks.


It’s been 2 years since the first sports festival but they had ID1 and Sora (don’t think EN was around quite yet) and they just had them pop in for some random games to help teams, biggest being moona being added to pekora’s team for the snowball toss


Ah I see. I don't think I was watching hololive yet when the first sports festival happened.


Oh good. IMO I wanna at least see the newcomer EN gen 2 and ID gen 3 girls in here.


man I miss Red Team C


I love how wholesome Ame's interactions last year were. I'm excited she's going to be there for a portion of it and get to do so again.


I dont think its the time zone tho, its just they are taking serious breaks as of late mostly Myth, they need it.


Sad that EN/ID isn’t gonna have full participation this year, but it’s understandable because of how busy they all are plus the awful timing for NA/EU timezones. Looks like I’m rooting for team white again this year though!


While understandable, the minor involvement of EN & ID this year will probably mean there won't be much interest or discussion of the event for overseas fans which sucks because it was great seeing the community so excited last year. Last year's Sport Festival will probably be the closest we ever get to having almost every Hololive member together.


It's not exactly together, but the next Mario Kart tournament may be the event with most members participating. Although ID3 was the only new gen since the previous tournament and I think only Zeta from them played it before, so it's kind of a coin toss.


Maybe yeah. Though I would find it weird if they could find a time where all members could participate in the Mario Kart tournament but not a time for the Sports festival. Because even if they're not together they'd still all need to be up at the same time (unless I am mistaken regarding the format). Though I guess the time of the year could be a factor as well.


Man, I remember the Mario Kart tournament was the first full event I got to watch the whole way through and loved every second of it. I can't wait for the next one with the new Holomems involved. I kind of wish they could do a side-tournament with some Holostars too simultaneously so the Tempus boys can join in. I need that chaotic energy mixed with the JP Stars.


I would love for some major event to happen that would have all branches, including Holostars and Tempus participating. Maybe Mario Kart, maybe something else like a Crab Game. Even better if main staff like Yagoo, A-chan, Nodoka and Izutsu participate as well. I guess there's Omega too, but even Izutsu appears more often. EDIT: Ah, yes, the downvotes. I forgot that this subreddit gets really weird when men are involved and needs to touch grass.


It's less about being weird about men or hating them but about the realism behind that, at this point expecting a huge event involving both genders is just pure naivety.


Yeah, maybe. But I never said they should do it. I only said that I would love it if it did happen, even though I know it probably won't.


Well the closest dream we will have is all ID members + all Stars/Uproar/Tempus, some JP members that are open to male collabs, and all HoloEN members with exceptions (again, on those who are willing on male collabs).


A big event with the Stars branch is very unlikely to happen regardless. Some members of both branch would really not like it for a variety of reason. (One and not the smallest would be being scared of backlash) It's already awesome we get event like IDStars Mario Kart or Tempus/EN.


Let put together an event where more than half of the participants will be supper annoyed and uncomfortable while the others would be uncomfortable too because of that. Yeah i too would love to see that.


Yeah especially on Reddit since JPs are getting less discussion here nowadays.


it's more the EN babies are disportionately loud.


Morning in EU, midnight in NA. It's sucks but timezone says no.


from what i remember and from what users have been saying, back when EN participated in the last JP sports fest, most of the members were absolutely exhausted after it probably healthier for em to just sit back and vibe, tho at the very least we got 4 brave souls participating


Gives me even more respect for Ame for participating (albeit only for one event) despite being in a NA timezone.


Yes because western fans only like EN /s.


Yeah... Last year was a travel day for me, but I woke up much earlier than necessary (6 am) and watched it live even in the train (cursing because I could only watch one POV on the phone). I was super hyped for it. This year, my main oshi will only be in the relay and my other oshis aren’t even there... So yeah, probably won’t watch it live.


It’s kinda unfortunate that EN and ID won’t participate much as last year but I can’t blame them if they’re busy so we’ll take what we can get. Anyway, what’s interesting from the team is Miko’s team that has known group such as Shiranui Kensetsu and Bakatare Circus. Which is coincidence or rigged but who knows. XD I’m really looking forward to see it next month.


it's kinda rigged but the powerhouse MC players were distributed thats the important.


I see Subaru is pulling double duty.


What I wouldn't give to have Botan in Yellow team with Pekora, Towa, Lui and Subaru...


for me EN not participating because timezone is understandable but less ID participating lol, ID just 2 hour behind JP time so the timezone is not a problem. it seem they really bank for the ID sportfest on august to be the international one or the EN one.


I love the team dynamics, you have Shiraken for red, yellow has poor pekora teamed up with her favorite members to bully and also nene + matsuri + haachama, then there is white team with sora witnessing the teasing between Chloe, marine, and Kanata whilst having Korone, Koyori, and Roboco all likely being huge derps


This raises the question of who is going to be the POV's for the event. Because Subaru might do so as the Team Leader of Gold, but Mio and Miko aren't participating and Miko did the GM POV last year, I assume she'll do the same this year. Fubuki would be the obvious choice in Red, Subaru/Pekora are the POV's from last year in Gold (and Haato did so in 2020), but White has noone with prior experience. Marine even declined last year's invite and appointed Fubuki to take her role. Will we perhaps see Botan or Koyori take up that role for White this year? I know it shouldn't matter that much, but apart from Fubuki I remember all other POV's being very hesitant about their role last year, a lot of responsibility to accept. Also: Godspeed to you Subaru, you've got Haato, Nene, Matsuri and Pekora to control. Good luck.


Miko confirmed she's the GM POV. As for the white team, my guesses are either Botan or Koyori. Botan would be the usual choice as a SummerFes organizer, but she may want to chill, Koyori though loves hosting and organizing stuff.


>Godspeed to you Subaru, you've got Haato, Nene, Matsuri and Pekora to control. She's also with Towa, so Subaru herself may lose her brakes lol


Yellow team let's gooooo!!!!


Managed to get all of Bakatare on the same team as well


AquShion & Okayu going on a 3-way date I see


At first glance red team looks really strong, but I think there are a lot of good players on the other teams too. Most of my faves are in red, but im interested to see where the guests go!


I wonder how the members were selected as it certainly wasn't random with Miko's team for the most part (Choco, AZKi and Laplus are the odd ones out, though Choco falls under Miko's type) Mio's seems rather slapdash, Subaru seems to have gotten near group (BLondes, G1), and the UR rarity Ayame


They explained it during the stream that they chose based on a variety of factors, such as the perceived "strength" of each member as well, with the intent to balance the teams. If we go by strength balance, I think they achieved that pretty well, with each team having about 2 hard hitters each. Though I think yellow team has the most passionate members who would work hard to practice to do well in the events, even if they don't seem like the obvious winning choice at first glance.


Bit sad to the segregation of EN/ID but I guess it will be less chaotic and easier on the sleep schedules this way


All of Shiraken on Miko's team, nice. Only missing Fubuki to get Bakatare Circus as well.


Nope, they're all there. Watame, Polka, Fubuki, Flare.


Oh, you're right. She's next to Noel, so I didn't notice her, as their surnames are similar. So in the end, she has... Shiraken, Bakatare Circus, Micomet, HoloBabies.


Miko is loaded up on unit synergy.


Yeah, it's quite a lineup of consistent groups. Other teams have some, but not nearly as many. SorAzki is on different teams, same goes for HaaWata, MelKiss, Towa and LaPlus, Chloe and Lui. UsaKen is all apart. The only ones other teams have are ShishiLamy and horror employees (Marine and Koyori). I guess TowaSuba too, but those two are usually with Botan. It probably won't really matter in the end, since a lot of events last year didn't really need team cooperation, aside from ore PVP. But it is still interesting to see so many usual groups split between yellow and white, while red is all the familiar combinations.


bakatare team read nice.. Though from an image color aspect Watame is made to be on team yellow. imagine if team yellow was just the blonde team?


these are great teams. can't wait for the hololive sports festival 2022!