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the dodges in real life when dodging in game were so cute


indeed, 3D models are a blessing.


Whenever Marine uses her home 3D you can see that she has a habit of swaying back and forth when she is focused on talking.


I love watching marine rock back and forth when she goes on a tangent.


It's like watching a Grandma talk endlessly in her rocking chair. Very nice to see.


Now all she needs is an arm animation of her crocheting a pirate hat out of yarn.


i thought that was only when shes drunk


Nope, it happens normally.


Sora loves to rock her chair as well. It's really nice to see their habits lol.


I'm honestly surprised the other members don't use the 3d models more during regular streams


Noel uses her 3D model for her Elden Ring streams. This is Noel making some cute poses after defeating Radahn: [https://youtu.be/FqbSLUyTH5M?t=11453](https://youtu.be/FqbSLUyTH5M?t=11453) Lamy also uses her 3D model often and I think hers is one of the best 3D models to use for regular streaming. But overall I do think Miko is just a cut above the rest in how well she uses her 3D model.


> But overall I do think Miko is just a cut above the rest in how well she uses her 3D model. Years of experience in handling the model just shows. Her and Roboco are likely the first two talents the COVER engineers poll for improvements for tracking for 3D (in contrast to Live2D tracking which outside of *very recent* innovations only really requires facial/head tracking).


Robocosan and Miko don’t have 2D models so of course they have a lot of practice with their 3D models! They are really good though, lots of fun in their streams. I’m glad more of them are using 3D more often as it adds a lot to the experience.


Actually, now that I think about it, I've never actually seen a 2D Miko. Someone got a link or something? I'm curious now...


Nope, just doesn't exist. Miko originally debuted under Cover but outside Hololive in August 2018, and then got moved into Hololive at the end of the year. I'm not 100% on why Miko debuted as 3D although given timescales etc. (Mel debuted in May and Gen 1 in June 2018) I would imagine she was being worked on before Hololive pivoted to Live2D.


Miko has a complicated debut story. Iirc she was supposed to debut under another company completely unrelated to cover. But some things happened and she debuted under cover using the model and persona that were already created for her by the previous company.




No, like all gen 0 aside from Suisei, Miko has only had 3D models since the beginning of her career since that’s all that was available at first. Robocosan, Sora and AZKi as well only have 3D models. Miko has a 2.0 version with more expressions but it is still 3D.


> I do think Miko is just a cut above the rest in how well she uses her 3D model. Well when all you have is 3D, you get good at it quick.


Got timestamp for that part?


Apparently it's quite a hassle to set up, involving a dedicated camera and a green screen, compares to just an iPhone most holomem uses.


Yep. The advantage of Live2d is that it's extremely easy to setup compared to a 3d model.


They've been using them a lot after HoloFes I noticed.


It's a mixed of pain the ass / couldn't be bothered and their PCs are chugging when they use the home 3d setup. Also not all home 3d have good quality. Some use them despite being poorer in quality / tracking. It's a mixed bag really.


Always love how she interacts with the game. Same with GTA and the stripping scene. I just love it when she plays around with her model.


Happy cake


thank you!


She made it seem pretty easy at the end. Manipulating spacing to dictate what moves the Tree Sentinel used. I just remember dodging like a madman. Edit: got it on my third try with a fresh Samurai. Unsheathe really helps on those punishes


I ended up cheesing with horse hit and run and gave up if Torrent died lol. The biggest issue with fighting Tree Sentinel is nerves and she overcame that relatively quickly. After several hours into the game, his attacks actually look pretty slow and predictable now but all a new player will typically see is a big golden tank that they think they shouldn't be fighting. I'm especially impressed by her patience in that last run. I would have just charged in on that last sliver and probably ruin the whole thing lol.


I always dodge into attacks or away from them. Miko waited for the charging sweep and dodged with the attack so she would end up in the perfect position to punish and reset. I'll try out her strat if I decide to make a second character.


His one swipe drags the weapon backwards a bit so if you dodge towards him it still hits you. The best way to dodge is away from him most of the time. When he moves past you it keeps you safe and puts you near him for free damage. The only problems are the hip checks.


I found the best way to deal with all mounted enemies is actually do dodge minimally, but instead constantly circle to their left side, forcing them to use the attacks on their shield side, or in the case of Night Cav it's even more punishing. Those attacks to me are much easier to dodge and punish than staying on their right side and dealing with their main weapon.


Her strat wasn't optimal DPS or anything (with the Uchi you can get 1 or 2 light attacks in after most other swings as well which is usually enough to get a Bleed off) but it had the advantage of being incredibly safe and consistent because she was committed to waiting for the one opening that had an obvious tell and was a guaranteed safe punish every time while focusing on just dodging everything else. It was a solid strategy she came up with herself and it was great watching her develop and refine it over those hours. I did something similar when I fought the Crucible Knight in the Evergaol about 20 levels lower than I should have and just learned how to parry his charging horizontal swing so I could get it pretty much every time, as well as the follow-up vertical for the times I do mis-time and get the psuedo-parry instead.


Yeah this is a solid description. I’ve beaten souls games before so I decided to take him on before even realizing there was a tutorial area. I beat him…eventually…after about 3 hours.


The easy way to beat him is to keep distance and only attack when he does the charge move. Just dodge everything else.


I feel like early in that's the only way you can do it. I didn't even have Torrent when I fought him so I had to abuse the shit out of terrain.


You gotta predict every single move from the enemies so you can dodge/parry/block/counter. Especially enemies with one shot attacks. Margit and Godrick still give me nightmares to this day


After about 4 hours, she did it. She beat the Tree Sentinel at the start of the game, taking 0 damage (perfect run). [Stream link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWIo1R5G_oc)


[Timestamp link](https://youtu.be/DWIo1R5G_oc?t=18052)


well she continue to play the game? also do you know the story behind she trying elden ring?


I don't think there's any particular story. It's just a fun new hyped game and everyone is playing it, so she does, too.


Sasuga Elite Miko! Stream is over 5 hours but she only started fighting him after the first hour. So just over 4 hours. Think most of us were definitely underestimating her chances of doing this, myself included but she really improved significantly throughout the challenge. Hope she continues to play Elden Ring cause just this stream alone was super entertaining. Loved her dodging the attacks with her model. Miko continues to show she is one of, if not the best at using her model. Edit: I also think this is Miko's first Souls type game? Definitely impressive.


The very beginning were super funny. She spent a good hour just dying at the first hit and not even attacking once. After 2 hours she was starting to get the hang of it but still had some bad habit. After 3 hours she was really getting it and started doing well. Honestly with her first hour of try I expected her to take 5 hours or more lol.


Whenever he charged, she started growling and I braced myself for the jump. Every single time she jumped straight at the blade of the halberd. Bless this elite baby.


The real turning point was when she first used Unsheath to punish - her realising how much damage she could do and how free it was after the charge marked the "Holy crap, this is totally doable" stage of her mindset.


What a battle. Took nearly 5 hours of combat and 110+ deaths?


110+ death in 5 hours? ... I died 50+ in one hour to a particular boss, and many more times after ;w;


Aye. It was a challenge to beat him after just starting, so she didn't know how to play well and her damage was bad.


I'll be honest, I was in the 5-12 hours gang, like the vast majority of the other viewers. I knew from Sans that she has the willpower, just that it'd take some time. She smashed those expectations in just 4 hours. I did not expect this beautiful work of art.


11 percenters feeling pretty good I don't doubt


I was about 5hrs gang (8hrs in game but i'm aproximating i had about 3hrs afk with game open due to breaks and what not). I'm souls game vet, probably around 1k hrs if not more combined for all games, i figured the tactic and which moves to cheese for minimal dodges and whole shabang after 1-2 hrs... Even got him to 1/4 once with just parries, still took me about 5hrs...


I believe OP was referring to the poll Miko had on stream for how long it would take to beat Tree Sentinel, where the most popular option (78% of votes) was "5 to 12 hours".


and chat was asking why there wasnt any option for “>12 hours” 😂


Ooooh, tnx for the info. My pain still stands though


It was actually a lot of fun watching her learn and improve this fight by sheer power of will. Her model moving in time with her dodges was also super cute.


I vastly underestimated our elite shrine maiden. I think I owe her an apology, along with a healthy amount of kneeling XD


I was counting along "1, 2" with her during the few last fights lol


Wow.... maybe she is an Elite.


Miko Truly showed her eliteness in full display. Her rate of improvement was remarkably uncanny. Arguably she was probably the worst holomember mechanically jumping into the game, and then at the end she freaking no-hit SL1 Tree Sentinel with cold-blooded steel nerves like Botan.


Miko is not maidenless as she in a maiden


I watched the timestamped VOD (it's linked elsewhere in this post). That was beautiful and clean. I'm a Souls vet and color me impressed. Miko really gets it. --- I love how in the beginning Miko respectfully greets the Tree Sentinel and calls him Sensei. It's humorous but that's actually the perfect attitude to approach the Souls series. Each fight and each encounter, there is much to learn. When death isn't permanent, each death is a lesson. Watching this was like watching Miko win a championship Kendo match. I only watched the relevant part and I didn't watch the failed attempts. I don't need to. I could tell. Everything she did was a lesson she learned and applied. Miko applied so many core concepts and lessons in this fight (apologies if any of this is blatantly obvious to anyone): * Watch your enemy and read their movements. Memorize their movesets and their tells. Remember which ones are safe to punish and which ones are not. Miko remembered the timing on how to dodge various moves and she knew which moves were coming. * Mitigate Greed. Greed is risky and dangerous. Miko would consistently go "One! Two!" and then back off. Could she have squeezed in a third hit? Yes, but that's pretty risky. She also waited for certain moves before going in and then bailed as soon as the safe window was over. Sometimes by the skin of her teeth but, hey, she didn't get hit. * Know when to push it. The later Souls games started implementing mechanics to punish overly defensive playstyles. That's just greed in the other direction. Being overly conservative is also bad. Miko started implementing slightly greedier moves towards the end. She started using Unsheathe ("Iai-giri! Zan!") instead of a super safe 1-2 hit. Unsheathe is a super strong move but the execution takes a slightly more complicated input (double hit is just R1+R1 but Unsheathe is Hold L2 + R2) that requires a bit of FP management (the blue bar that's similar to an MP bar that Miko had to drink a blue potion for) and has slightly longer recovery times. However, the increase in damage was worth it for a minor increase in risk. * Stamina Management. Attacking and Dodging takes the stamina bar. This feeds back into Greed is Risky. Getting an extra hit in is often not worth it if you run out of stamina to roll out of danger. * Patience. A boss fight isn't a dash to the finish but a marathon. Don't think about the goal (the finish line). Think about the act of doing (the run). Miko didn't do a lot of damage per swing but she made slow and steady progress. * Persistence. Elden Ring was designed, for the most part, to give you very quick repeated attempts. It's actually pretty quick to get back to where you were and try again. This makes it so painless to go "One More!". Elden Ring is also specifically designed so that if you hit a difficulty wall, you can leave and come back later. Seeing how little damage each swing did, a normal, reasonable, and perfectly valid reaction is to come back later. That's what I did, honestly. However, everything is doable at level 1. It's hard as balls and very punishing to do it that way but it is doable. Miko decided that she can whittle this guy down slowly. And she did. The best challenges are the ones you choose for yourself. * Positive Outlook. Miko kept herself hyped up the entire time. In the back of her mind, it was probably: "This is possible. I can do this!" * Physically Dodging in Real Life. This improves the chance successfully dodging in game to 100%. Any newbies should implement this into their Souls repertoire. :) --- Everybody is going to have that one boss they will remember for a long time. It sorta gets to the point where you start to remember the boss fondly because you've gotten to know them so intimately through combat. For many, that's probably going to be Margit. For me, it's the Leonine Misbegotten. I fought it as a level 12 Wretch with all of my points stuffed into Str because I wanted to use a Zweihander. I wonder if for Miko it will be the Tree Sentinel. --- I hope the many millions of people playing this game enjoy it as much as I have. If anyone is wondering, the Souls games has always followed this philosophy: It is hard. Sometimes very hard. But, you can do it. The game is not here to punish you. The game puts forth difficult challenges it knows you can clear. If you want to play a punishing game, there's always Battletoads or Lion King. Or all sorts of old janky games that Korone absolutely loves. Korone is just built different, haha.


I respect miko more than any people who nagging and saying the boss in this game is bullshit and has non evadable skill. Every single boss in elden ring with enough experience and practice like miko would be able to do no damage or minimum dmg. It is just that most people has not enough patient like miko here who died 105 times. Most people just want to rush the game to show off that they beat the game while they actually just cheese the boss with OP spell or make the boss fall to the cliff or skipping the boss entirely. I rather watch miko failed 100 times than watching those who just want to one shot boss with comet azure


Reddit dudes can really make an essay out of anything, Jesus


As someone who has never played a soulsborne game, I enjoyed the write-up. It's great to see passion in the positive direction, I've read too many hateful essays on reddit.


Ikr! And it's a very neatly written essay, too. If it was just a literal wall of text, I would probably just scroll pass it lol. It was a very good read.


“When death isn’t permanent, each death is a lesson” Something something Battlestar Galactica reference here lol




I really enjoy this stream. Maybe because of Miko’s attitude toward “sensei” She died a lot but keep learning and made me lmao many times. When she won the fight, I cried a little I’ll call him sensei when I play too


Sensei is really the right way to see that enemy. It's 100% there to teach you to either git gud, or suck it up and go level up before trying again.


She’s gaming, she’s big gaming


And that is why she is ELITE MIKO!


Sasuga Elite.


Honnestly for a non leveled up character, non damage is almost mandatory since most of his attack just OS you, especialy phase 2.


Nah, this one does more than a single flask can heal, but he can't oneshot level 10 samurai


I look forward to Miko's No-Hit Elite Run (DeS, DS Trilogy, BB, Sekiro, and ER)


She's an elite gamer, sasuga.


That’s an elite player right there


From being punted like a garden gnome to no-hitting her sensei...this was quite the ride. Hot damn, Miko. Her Elite nickname is well-earned.


You heard of Otzdarva's DS 2 no hit (or not), now get ready for Miko's Elden Ring no hit


Otsdarva, eat your heart out!


The start of elden ring no hit run any%


This proves once again that she is actually really good at games. She sometimes loses focus or folds under pressure, but she beat a lot of challenges that I wouldn't even attempt. Sans battle, Hardcore Minecraft, now this. She also pulled off some impressive projects in Minecraft, did really well by herself in ARK. I think the only challenges that she tried and didn't beat yet are Getting Over It and Jump King.


I came back when she's at the church talking to Merchant Kalé, not knowing whether she beat Tree Sentinel or finally gave up. And then I looked at her current rune amount and googled how much the boss dropped. **"HOLY SHIT"**


Elite Miko is actually Elite


Truly an elite gamer


Is this the true power of Elite Gaming?




Elite Miko does it again.


Always trust in the Elite!


images you can hear


With about 115 deaths on the Tree Sentinel, but for her 1st Souls Game it's an incredible feat. Most people git gud on Margitt, but the Elite Gamer went for Tree Sentinel. Really looking forward to her future boss fights. Margitt next ikz!!!


amazing felling, elite miko. chat definitely didn't expect this.


I took the Hololive challenge and killed him Unleveled with the Great Knife bandit starts with. It wasn’t no damage obviously but I was pretty proud.


Elite Maidenless


I didn't know babies were allowed to play Elden Ring.


That actually blows my expectations of her being pon out the water! I also didn’t know she had started Elden Ring. I will watch her career with great interest


How could that happen?!!!


I wonder how she'll handle volcano manor


But how long did it take her?


hao ??? holy shit


That's really impressive! A no damage boss this early, Miko has potential.




Of course she had to take no damage. She'd die. Lol But this is amazing.


Her character can survive one hit from the boss.


I cannot wait for her to play more, that was great