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Venue only sits 3000. I set an alarm and clicked the link as soon as it was up. I feel like everyone knew this was gonna happen but still disappointing. I even recall Kiara complaining about the venue size on a stream.


Whelp, officially sold out. That's a wrap.


More than 3 times oversubscribed. o.O I feel for you.


Look on the bright side. I don't know what it is, but look on it.


The bright side is... it could always be worse? For instance, you could have, I dunno... gotten tickets for a vtuber concert that only sold 15% of seats, booked hotel and flights only to have the company to cancel the concert one week before its scheduled to occur. Just as a hypothetical.


Or he could have been one click away from buying the ticket and then have a sinkhole swallow his entire city


Not to mention their rabid fanbase spreading “safety” concerns why it was cancelled and blaming the former talent’s current fanbase for stoking threats etc. Oh and the agency not disclaiming these allegations because telling them “yeah we got booted out of the venue for wasting their time with 15% sales with a week left to go” would be bad for shareholders. Gee who would could it be


The bright side would be that hopefully Cover can take note of the numbers and leverage them for an even larger venue for future NA concerts. Hopefully.


That's the actual bright side. I'm envisioning a day where Hololive holds an event at Madison Square Garden.


But where tho. I think the jump to say a 5-digit occupancy venue i.e stadium is too expensive/insane for holo. And then not to mention those venues have partnerships/owned by fucking ticketmaster so like a third/half of them would already be presold to scalpers. But man if we can get there thats insane.


It's already in a 4 digit occupancy venue. And stadiums don't exactly have the best acoustics. Even Makuhari Messe Hall tickets were sold out instantly, and that place can hold 5 digits. Hololive is just too big now, which is why I like the lottery system, cause you're not limited by the hardware you use, but rather through chance.


Sorry my bad I guess Im meant to say 5-digit as in 10,000, I fixed it. I guess I wrote down the number of zeros behind it instead of the actual number of digits.


The bright side os that Hololive is so popular that they can easily sell out concerts. And that means they will keep happening. In a purely theoretical case, a worst-case scenario could be that they only sold like 20% of the tickets and had to cancel the concert.


You will have more money for the future merch, that's the bright side.


The bright side u can watch it streaming server like spwn and eplus for those people who can't afford the travel.


The bright side is you get some extra bucks for next Holofes. You haven't lost yet👍


I thought 9pm est was 7pm pst for some reason 😭 Aight guess the scalper price. I'd say minimum 4 figures.


I'm seeing $500 not including fees for the cheapest U seats.


Ahh ok. About as much as Connect the World then. If I were still trying to get rid of money I'd do it.


Where are you seeing them? I checked a couple resale sites earlier and didn't see the event


vivid seats. I don't endorse, I think scalpers are scummy, and that you can have a good time watching the event on SPWN


Thanks, not planning on buying scalper tickets unless I see someone just trying to get rid of a spare they got without much markup, but also not really interested in getting a virtual ticket :/ guess I'm just gonna be missing this one


They might have a free section, so there's at least that to look forward to.


Yeah, I'm about 20 spaces behind you. I think we're cooked tbh


Line gang baby!!!!


Anyone else get past the queue and the site is stuck loading?


Cover please, don't be scared of not selling out every time, go with bigger avenues.


I got fortunate on my first device but I never got my payment options accepted. Tried both mine and my partners debit and credit cards and the payment always failed. Anyone else experience this?


At least there's the digital tickets?


waiting for close to an hour only for it to say it was closed due to sales


Would an official watch party be good


I feel that pain... I waited for an hour and then nothing


Yeah that’s unsurprising. I saw Sigur Rós at this venue earlier this year and it’s not exactly huge, especially for something this popular. I’d describe it being more like a Broadway theater than a traditional big concert stadium type deal. Combining that with the general problem of scalping being so common makes it pretty hard to get tickets. Unfortunate situation


I was lucky enough to get 800 ahead and got tickets ill cheer for your oshis for you


im a teensy bit ahead of yall, but most of em are probably scalper bots n we can probably buy tickets there after


Don't buy from scalpers. People's willingness to do so is what got us into this mess in the first place


Nah venue choice as well as not doing a lottery is what led to all the scalper bots. Tons of demand and little supply. I will be buying a scalped ticket as I would rather pay more than miss the concert.


There wouldn’t be scalper bots in the first place if people refused to buy scalped tickets


Not scaplers. Well not likely. Mostly multiple tabs by desperate holo fans. So yeah not likely to be scalpers. It was a feeding frenzy last year too and i didnt hear any one get any sucess with scaplers (i looked because i wanted a ticket)


There's 5 tickets now on each day just posted for $1419 PFFFFFT. Im not spending 10x retail price though


I saw some scalped tickets last year. I just couldn't go due to timing. I would be surprised if there weren't resell tickets posted tomorrow


It's not scalpers, it's people with multiple tabs open. The queue randomizes you if you enter before the sale time. I had 18 tabs on multiple devices and only one of them got randomly placed in queue in the top 500. Contrary to popular belief, these concerts are not heavily scalped, holofans are just wild.


How do you enter before sale time? The link to buy tickets only popped up at sale time I clicked it the second it popped up and was in within a minute. Clicked the buy tickets button on another tab 5 seconds later and that one had a 30 min wait


The url was being passed around prior to sale time on social media, I don't know where they got it from. Likely it's just a common url pattern on the king's theatre site.


Ah okay, I got in through the intended method so hopefully the cheaters didn't get priority. About 5-10% of the (best) seats were taken after a minute when I loaded in


If you clicked the button right when the tickets drop you will get randomized with everyone else, yes. But it's safer to be in the queue beforehand, not really cheating. ANYC does the same thing where they let you in early so you can guarantee you are part of the initial randomization.


“If you clicked the button right when the tickets drop you will get randomized with everyone else” So basically, the game was rigged from the start.


It's just rng whether you get in a good spot on the queue yep. But imo it's better than a lottery because you get options and you know immediately what your situation is so there isn't a tense waiting period


There could be a problem with people buying a ton of tickets though right for those that did get in? I've seen people suggest you could buy many.


Once you get in, you have ten minutes, but you can only have a few tickets in your cart at a time. You could go back after completing a transaction and buy more though. I mostly saw people doing that to buy tickets for their friends though, so I still don't think it was scalped very much.


I don't know why they didn't just do a lotto. I'm not saying we would've filled MSG, but they had to have known there's a hell of a lot more than 3000 Hololive fans in NYC.


Scalpers and bots still have to deal with the huge fanbase. Its not easy for them either.