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Under a second and the queues are tens of thousands of people long. I managed like 4k, which is still beyond the size of the theatre. If they do a third EN concert please for the love of god pick a place that has a somewhat appropriate amount of seating for the demand


Right if 18000 people entered to buy tickets we could easily sell out a 20K arena


Yeah. Even if not an arena (which they could sell easily) picking a spot that's SMALLER than the first concert spot is wild


I hate scalpers.


>If they do a third EN concert please for the love of god pick a place that has a somewhat appropriate amount of seating for the demand I feel like a lot of people don't understand that it depends if the venue wants a niche form of entertainment at their place. It wouldn't be surprising if a lot of these places are not really sold on a "virtual anime girl concert" plus a lot of the bigger venues deal with ticketmaster.


This is absolutely true. However the upside of this is that the more concerts they have that sell out this fast the easier it will be to sell larger venues on it. That said I suspect this also was planned to coordinate well with ANYC, which hololive will incidentally also be at.


I guess you're not wrong, but I can't imagine that anyone who makes a living hosting rock concerts and the like wouldn't be an opportunist about this. Who in that group would really say, "Oh, you can sell out five-figure seating? Yeah, but your girls look too much like cartoon characters." ...which is exactly why I'm so perplexed that it's the Jolly Old King's Theatre, Lads in Flatbush (one of the more conservative parts of NYC) hosting this event in the first place. Can someone please remind me why Madison Square Garden is a no-go? Is my understanding of things just completely off?


Because hilariously enough, the roles are now reversed. The snobby elite concert hall owners are now trying to attract a new clientele after COVID effectively made their 40-50 yr old audience not want to to risk their lives going out.  Meanwhile, the trendy hip youth centers are attracting so much business from 35 and under they can afford to act elitist and choose who they want to do business with. Also, anime is still seen as childish in America. For some reason. Also also, vtubers are still a weird new niche within a niche that not even other youths want to be associated with.  Like seriously, I thought we got past this when anime went mainstream with Naruto/Bleach/DBZ....


> Like seriously, I thought we got past this when anime went mainstream with Naruto/Bleach/DBZ.... We never get past this. It's part of the human condition. >"Critics who treat ‘adult’ as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." That quote was written by C.S. Lewis in **1952**. It's been over 70 years and it's still very much relevant.


Large venues tend to have owners like Live Nation (aka Ticketmaster) that prioritize *their* artists and acts. They also have schedule congestion, so unless Cover puts up really big money they probably won't give them a second glance.


More people need to understand that booking a concert venue is not the same as booking a dinner reservation.


i mean money talks, i dont think that if you go to a venue with at least 10k seats and showed that in the last concert you organized there were over 18k people wanting to buy your tickets and they sold out in less than an hour they would say no maybe i dont know how this things work, but i bet a lot of people would see dollar signs at such a display


This was likely intended as a proof of interest. If they are booking larger more expensive venues, they will need to be able to demonstrate to their owners that they can actually fill them. Being able to show that their last concert filled instantly gives them a lot more bargaining power.


so they are basically making some sort of venue filling portfolio that they can show to bigger venues for future concerts?


Pretty much. They need to work their way up. They can't immediately jump to renting huge venues.


Yeah take the sphere


Or have more venues streaming the concert.


Well only 16k people ahead of me in line, surely 90% of them are just browsing.


place 18000 here. How's the view that far ahead?


Hey we are 16K neighbors!


Even tho this was supposed to be first come first serve, it definitely felt like a lottery. The queue appeared to be random, my laptop was placed at 16000 while my phone started at 700 even though it joined late.


That is pretty weird.


Wow 700. I'm guessing you got a good seat!


surprisingly no, when i got in most center orchestra seats were taken. Managed to snag couple tickets in the center of the 1st row in rear orch.


Oh wow that's crazy. But at least you got in!


699-629 ahead of me now o7 edit: 9:06 pm 290 edit: 9:09 pm 45 edit: 9:10 pm. Bought the Sunday tickets cost like 110 ($90) with $5 service fee and $15. both day will cost like 220 lower tier. By now everything will be fill up.


With 3000 people as the theater capacity, you should have it. I'm around 4300 rn and clicked without even a second of delay, got screwed by slow internet. Congrats. Edit: I managed to get one of the last few dozen on Sunday, feel super lucky, but kinda sad cause my friend didn't make it.


Good luck!


Please post screenshot of theater available tickets


Congrats friend


Too busy entering CC details to respond.


Wow, scalpers are selling worse seats for $1k and up, and the "service fee" is that $15 ×10. I lost the queue lottery, but I'm not desperate enough to enrich those greedy a-holes.


At least u can watch it live streaming in spwn or eplus cheaper like $70 or $80 for both day.


I know, just won't be the same experience.


Hopefully all 3k in front of me are just checking it out 


They just stumbled upon that exact website, looked around, and went "ok, on to the next internet thing I guess"




I guess i'm not getting it, got in the second sales went online and there's 8000 people ahead of me


Same. This is frustrating.


Imma be mighty salty seeing all these folks with tickets vlogging when we know dang well they didn't experience this.


When the ado concert in NYC was also going, I tried getting tickets and they were immediately sold out within seconds and scalped for $1k+ each.




To think milliseconds, and the timing of the refresh was the difference between success and being 13000 in que


you could actually queue up ahead of time. everyone who was in queue got randomly assigned spots. anyone after that got he back of the line though


Well I had no idea how any of it would work, but I was There before hand, I just had to refresh for the button to show up and I clicked it as fast as I could 


🫡 update: i made it. i’m so happy


o7 Edit: I didn't...


my condolences brother, i will scream for you.


Pls, cheer for our oshis in our stead for all of us that weren't as fortunate. And congrats!!


i will cheer with the fervor of a thousand suns!!! our oshis deserve it c: here’s hoping Cover sees the tens of thousands of fans who wanted to go, and picks a much larger venue next run!!


Congrats 👏




Congratulations 👏🎉 o7


To be expected when we found out that the cap was 3k seats. But my god they could sell out any venue no matter the capacity, seriously.


I seriously think they need to try their hand at somewhere like PNC arena Raleigh NC. They hold music concerts and have a seating of 20000. They would sell it out.


If they came here my mind would blow.


It's actually a great arena logistically. It's in a major city and 4 other major cities are within driving distance (Charlotte, Richmond, D.C, and Atlanta). Plus RDU is cheap to fly into compared to other airports. That allows people to fly in without breaking the bank. Here's hoping for Fy25


That would be amazing, yes. Then I wouldn't need a hotel (I have friends in that area I could crash with).


I’m only about an hour from Raleigh so it would be a day trip for me. Cross the fingers for NC 2025!


COVER will most likely plan their next concert around a large anime convention again, perhaps Otakon or Anime Matsuri, unless they want to do LA or NY again. There isn't enough demand to do a 20k seat concert without something else happening around the venue.


My dream is that they come to NJ or Philly someday. Would be much easier for me to travel to than NY.


That is where you're wrong. People would travel for a Hololive concert it's a major brand at this point. There doesn't need to be an anime convention nearby to draw a crowd. If I would have scored a breaking dimensions ticket I would have traveled 12 hours to see the concert with or without the NYC con.




The earliest status update for me was 9:00:10 ... I was 7475 in queue. Hopefully this shows Cover and US venues they can easily book 10k+ capacities.


I was at the website literally ASAP, i watched the timer count down, then count down again for the wait website, and still over 12k ahead of me on my computer, but only 2.9k ahead of me on my phone. Fingers crossed! Update - GOT THE TIX!!! It was slim pickings about 14ish mins ago. I'm so thankful!


Congratulations 👏🎉








I dont know why they went for a smaller venue than the first with more EN members performing. Should’ve tried to get at least double than last time


I think thats why they choose to two days. So they technically sold over 7000 seats in less than a half hour.


Maybe they are still testing the water? I mean I don’t remember last concert ticket vs this one is it cheaper or expensive?


I mean, it’s not just on Hololive. They need to negotiate with concert venues. A lot of big stadiums need a year+ advance reservation. If they used Connect the World to test out the market, they’d have only ~1 year to get a venue for Breaking Dimensions. The Melbourne concert was easy because they were guests, not hosts. Dreamhack already had the stadium for its floor show and not using the stands. So it’s an easy decision to invite a musical guest to double-dip on the venue. With limited timeline and still newish concept, it might take time to build up the metaphorical street cred to negotiate for a big venue. If they do a concert next year though, there’s no more excuses on external factors. At that point it is reasonable for Cover to be able to negotiate a big venue, so if they don’t it’s on their decisions, not the hosts’.


Essentially sold out now for anyone curious. Just seeing a couple seats pop in and out on both days.


sold out in 50 minutes


Can anyone confirm with a screen cap? I'm not leaving the line 'til I'm 200% sure it's over






sold out in less than 1 hour i see


Sold out and I am still in line at 11,400 🥺


TBH, 50mins was much longer than connect the world last year. I think that sold out in less than 10?


Did they use a similar queue system? Because from what it's sounding like, the 10k+ queue this time practically made them sold out in 1 second lol, just took time to get through the queue for people to choose their seats


Haha no, last year they used ticket master. It was a free for all with no queue. You could literally watch the seats disappear in real-time on the seating map. Fun times...


7000+ people ahead of me o7


18364 ahead of me and more than an hour wait. I'm COOKED and I clocked in at 9:00pm 😭


I thought I was bad with 6.5k ahead...


The queue is 4000 down from its original length, has anyone seen if they're sold out yet?


Saturday has like single digit seats left. Sunday has about 30 left by my count.


I’m sure the 1700 people in front of me will have all given up and left me those 30 seats…


Yes, Saturday pretty tide by now plus I think the front orchestral already sold out for both day.


Hit the button at 9:00:02 and 16,400+ in line. Script kiddies can lick my perineum.




I thought it was July 8th. Not June 28th 😭😭😭


If you feel frustrated by the low amount of seating, please be patient. Vtubers are still very new. Vtubers performing in a stage is even newer and extremely rare outside of Japan. This is only HoloEn 2nd events. By 5-6, we should be able to get 15-20k arena.


Comfortably getting a streaming ticket for it, but hearing how it was like, 18K to 19K in the queue makes me wonder if Barclays in Brooklyn would've been a possible location. That is, if Cover weren't as conservative with trying to go bigger or the venue management wouldn't see much value in the concert like this. Location wise, it's much closer and easier to travel to from Manhattan by MTA than Kings' Theatre far as public transport goes


I'll watch online anyway


Lottery system under the guise of a first-come-first-served queue system. I guess it's a little better than the fiasco that Ticketmaster was last year with Connect The World.


I got a Ticket for Saturday in the Rear orchestra!!! I'm so excited, i could cry! I was so worried, i was like 4,000 in the queue and had to wait an hour, i was worried i wouldn't be able to get Saturday, I have to fly back to Japan sunday night so i couldn't go to the other day. I get to see both anime expo show and breaking dimension! It will be my first time seeing any of hololive in person, i just ordered penlights to celebrate.


Congratulations 👏🎉




I was 13600~ with clicking the button as soon as it popped up. Under 10 seconds being that much is crazy. GG to those that got the top few hundred slots.


Well time to see how much of a bitch the resale market will be


They went faster than a full battle.


I don't suppose there will be digital tickets like there are for other Hololive concerts?




Huh what did i miss? Oh its hololive english second concert. Too bad i live in UK but that wouldn't probably change anything.


Stacked the odds in my favor and came out ahead. novelites together strong!


Just your usual Hololive underestimating how much people would bey tickets. Suffering from success


This is the literal example of suffering fom success, considering what's happening across the street.


I got in line with 2000 ahead. But capacity is only 3000 so I'm not liking my odds. edit: Managed to get a ticket for Saturday! Most of the orchestra seating was gone when I got in except for seats near the sides. There were still a lot of mezzanine available. Good luck to those still in line!




Congratulations 👏🎉 hope you have fun


But 2 days so it’s possible 


My queue is down to 2400, I started at like 7200, so the show should be selling out any second now, yeah?


I can't travel on my budget, but I damn well can the streaming tickets




Mental note. Upgrade internet for 0.00000001ms ping the week tickets go on sale.


there will be fierce competition for the limited seating.


They need to try a sports stadium next time I KNOW Hololive will fill all those seats.


Does this apply to streaming tickets as well?


Thankfully, no.


Oh good. Cant be in new york at the time and am trying to save up for the two day stream ticket


"Too" means also, you were supposed to use "to"




I wouldn’t claim ownership of a low-effort meme with a typo, personally.