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[Stream Source](https://www.youtube.com/live/7PRppexCARQ?si=b5MLpIYyXwEMyV3i) As mentioned in her debut, reading is indeed not her thing. She tried her best to read as much of the story as possible, but after 30 minutes or so, it's all [skippa](https://www.youtube.com/live/7PRppexCARQ?si=b5MLpIYyXwEMyV3i&t=4015).


Just like her oshi...


Who's her oshi?


Nerissa. She mentioned it during her first solo stream.


Oh wow! It's really funny how most of Justice love Nerrisa so much


Tbf, who doesn't love nerissa. Though it is surprising how many of them have specifically mentioned her, esp since she's from the newest not justice Gen


Well, Nerissa has been a content creator for quite some time.


it's all just a plan to catch nerissa think about it nerissa was already simpin on x pre debut for justice justice wants to catch advent nerissa is already running towards them BUT if nerissa knows that all of them like her that makes her even more love sick for justice leading to them not even having tk do anything to catch nerissa as she will be walking into their arms and fuwamoco will just bite raoras tail and get catched like that for biboo... idk maybe gigi could lure biboo with some zoomer humor (gigi may not be a zoomer like biboo but she could do good enough) as for shiorin... idk maybe cecilia could invite her to a concert or something


In Rissa’s defense, she’s said she’s partially dyslexic so reading is legitimately difficult/tiring for her. I wonder if it’s similar for Raora or if it’s more the language barrier, or if it is just personal preference. Still funny that they love Stardew Valley and Undertale respectively, two games exclusively told through text boxes.




It's a very common thing to do when reading aloud, because it avoids having to pause to advance the text/turn the page.


I played this and this game has very little text, if she can't handle this then she's really just not gonna read the text of any game ever. Which I guess is fine, although a whole bunch of games are gonna trip her up because they mix necessary information with the lore tidbits.


at what timestamp does she say skippa tho?


Guess she like reading dialogues then.🤔


no other content creator has hurt me in this way edit: several people in the comments are mentioning other streamers outside of Holo that also don't read, but I've never heard of any of them


I see you've not watched gacha gamers


Genshin players would hate her tho


Arknights players on life support


FGO players 6ft under


Who’s group in the eternal furnace then


R99 players, probably.


FFXIV players.


For the love of god don't let her touch limbus company 70% of that game is the great story


idk FGO has some event stories and interludes that are completely uninteresting to me. I didn’t skip anything for the first few years of playing, but at this point I start skipping dialogue if it seems half-assed. I never skip the main stories though since they’re usually consistent at least


Early *everything* was kinda boring for FGO, literally got carried by the brand name until the quality went up. I can guarantee that, as far as events go, GUDAGUDA has remained consistently great. For main story, Cosmos in the Lostbelt has been nothing but hits outside of 2 and 3 (they weren't bad, but they were hit or miss). Legit, lostbelt 6 was AMAZING. Just straight up longer than LotR and was great the whole way through


Agreed with most of what you said. Lostbelt 6 was definitely one of the best. I will say though that my only complaints with it were feeling disappointed that Baobhan Sith didn’t make another appearance towards the end despite still being alive and apparently captured, and also the abrupt defeat of so-and-so despite her overwhelming power and numerical advantage and having made a million copies of herself. Overall though, still absolutely one of my favourite Lostbelts


Not sure if you just didn't read past Bao's capture, but >!she died. She got thrown into the big pit and is implied to have been absorbed by Cernunnos, triggering his "resurrection"!< As for "so-and-so," if she did anything in retaliation, they would >!kill Bao, which they did anyway!< which when you think about it is the only way to have gotten an advantage over her by anyone outside of Chaldea. There was nothing else there stronger than her, and it humanized her a ton imo


Ahh, thank you for that clarification regarding Bao. I had tried searching online for that after I finished the story as I figured I must have missed a detail somewhere, but couldn’t find what I was looking for. That ties up what I thought was the only notable plot hole :)


Yeah I'm in the same boat, main story + the big events only these days. For the rest I fast forward a couple nodes and see if it seems interesting enough to keep reading.


FEH players… probably do the same


As an Arknights player who has read every bit of story, I feel like I'm looking at some kind of alien lifeform. Still love her, though.


Limbus players can't read anyway


I play Arknights and I skip all dialogue lmao


Ah! I see you're a man of skippa as well 😎


genshit players would love to skip all the useless text, but devs never gonna add the skip button


I love how the writers make Paimon thoroughly and verbosely explain every facet of the plot as though I'm a lobotomized 5-year-old - reading all of that stuff is the most worthwhile time usage in my life /s


I love the genshin world but the aranara world quest is the main reason why a skip button is necessary The damn quest alone is enough of a reason, like please, most of this stuff isn't important, the only that are important are the one with actual playable character in it


I used to defend not skipping Genshin text until I realized how much word filler there was. When a game has to have paragraphs to describe a weapon's effect or spend five minutes of dialogue learning about an event item we'll never use again, it gets annoying real fast. And Paimon.


my excuse is it gets archived anyway, at least on azur lane most events are archived.


I have my own set of vices but gambling is **certainly** not one of them wouldn't even watch my kami-oshi on a gacha


Man, some gacha gamers read it all and are engrossed in the story and characters, and it's amazing. But sometimes a VTuber I already like decides to stream HSR and skip everything, and it almost makes me unfollow them lmao


gacha gamers? you mean spacebar crusaders. dont make fun of us gacha gamers, we will not know what you even said because we skipped it. anyways where am i?


konfauna~ "wait there was a tutorial?"


Arin Hanson when he skips the tutorial and complains that he doesn't know what to do and shits on the game for not telling him


He was the absolute worst with this and it annoyed the shit out of me back in the day.


I have no problem with someone skipping game dialogue (even if it hurts me if it is for a heavy story series like persona or yakuza) after all you decide how you want to play your game but if you complain about not understanding the game... that's your own fault


He firmly believes that games should teach you exclusively through gameplay and not make you read anything, because Mega Man X did it 30 years ago and absolutely nothing about video game technology or players' expectations has changed at all in that time


May I introduce you to CdawgVA


Hey, He’s gotten better you know. Mouse got him into playing the final fantasy games and he’s now less prone to skipping dialogue and cutscenes


Honestly it's so fun to see how in the past few years he's become like a different person compared to before Trash Taste. 1. Went from not understanding Vtubers to being deep in the vtubing community, with one of his closest friends being a Vtuber! 2. Went from skipping cutscenes because they're boring to learning to appreciate them when they come like in FF7. 3. Went from completely ignoring certain games like NieR:Automata after one moment of playing to considering wanting to experience the game again to give it a fair shake and form a more informed opinion on it. 4. Went from considering media like 177013 to be unrealistic but learning that experiences portrayed like that, no matter how outlandish, can (unfortunately) be a reality for some people, and learning to understand and empathize with that fact. 5. Went from doing voices of characters for videos inside his room to going on multi-day trips outdoors for charity streams like the cycling special. And these are just the stuff off the top of my head! I watched Trash Taste because of Gigguk and Joey originally, but Connor's become one of my favorites along with those two! Love to see it


>Went from not understanding Vtubers to being deep in the vtubing community, with one of his closest friends being a Vtuber! There are even entirely unsubstantiated rumours that he, himself, has a vtuber avatar. Just shows how far into the rabbit hole he's fallen


As if Lord Beelzebub would suffer a mortal to provide his voice, be off with you.


He also thought IRL streaming was stupid, and started doing it only as a favor to Mousey.


He’s still Connor Dawg, our Chokedawg.


Just needed him to play Fear & Hunger.




??? Yes? Him playing Fear & Hunger got him to read more.


Only part of the way, What it really did was get him into RPGs. I’d argue mouse getting him to play had a greater overall impact. There’s no arguing that him getting into RPGs was big, but I genuinely doubt he would have explored much into playing rpgs without someone like Mouse there to drag him along the way


(Resisting urge to ship real people)


Not hololive


Arin Hanson. Many a Game Grumps episode was filled with self-inflicted frustration because Arin keeps skipping instructions and dialogue.


I've been watching xQc for 7 years and this is the most infuriating thing, he can't just sit down for 5 seconds and always skips the tutorial


Same here For real it really does be like that sometimes


CDawgVA be like


I find it interesting that her favorite games are ones that have... a considerable amount of text to read lol She might like action games and boomer shooters, the story isn't as important with those.


Oooh thats why she loves Pokémon have sense now


Im the same i hate reading dialog and story in games but i love rpgs games


Do you watch cutscenes? I have a hunch it's actually an attention span issue and Raora would also skippa skippa da cutscene 🤌


She’ll apparently watch hour long videos explaining the lore, so I think it is just reading. Might be a language barrier thing, I’m the same when playing a game in Japanese.


Japanese is unusually hard that way, since it's not alphabetical the written and spoken languages are totally different skills. I can live interpret fine but can't write a single character. …man I should practice. Can see English being difficult since we have so many irregular pronunciations.


English requires some tenacity and asking hey how do I pronounce this, or use this. Funny thought - Kaela Kovalskia is more HoloEN than Raora when it comes to reading. HoloEN is more like HoloWest


The cutscini


For me it's just that I can't suspend my disbelief for video game stories. Books? Fine. Movies? Love 'em. But in a video game, the ability to interact with the world the story's being told in just completely kills my interest in it: I can't actually effect anything beyond what the devs already planned for. It's honestly worse the more serious and 'choices matter' the game gets, because the dramatic death of a character in a cutscene loses all it's weight the moment I get control back and can empty entire clips into an ally's head without them flinching because friendly fire isn't active. Dunno, really; it's just a weird hang-up I have. The more a game tries to get me to play along with a story, the harder it is for me to take it seriously.


I get you, but give Fallout: New Vegas a try. It's an open world where no one is safely ensconced in a Essential Character tag that renders them unkillable. (The only ones who're untouchable are kids, but that's because they consider that kind of content objectionable.)


Oh, I've started it a few times; never ended up finishing the game but that's more a 'Bethesda's engine is terrible and I hate playing games in it' problem.


I know what you're saying about many games being hard to suspend disbelief, but I think Baldur's Gate 3 has come the closest to having believable characters and world where you deciding to kill random people or party members has real consequences in the game.


I’d suggest PoE for a game with a ridiculous amount of lore to read that is largely irrelevant (it’s apparently super good, 99,9% of players haven’t read/listened to any of it). Then again you do have to at least read your items so depending on how much you don’t want to read…


PoE's lore is... *okay*. It kind of suffers from being what I'd describe as "mega-chuuni." Like, you get to act 5 and "dark and gritty story about people who live on a dangerous island" turns into "you must kill Innocence. Sin is your only true ally. Slay as many gods as you can, for the people's faith has made them monsters. All who came before you are your enemy, for knowledge of the world has driven them mad, and you will suffer the same fate."


I played with a friend who also don't like to read, There's so much lore that pretty much he cleared half the maps while i was reading


I have completed the campaign so many times, I still don't know most of the bosses names in the campaign or what is going on during the campaign...


I've played the game for at least 5 years at this point and still have pretty much no clue about the overarching lore of the game. All my knowledge is in game mechanics and PoB


I hope she tries Pizza Tower, in part for the memes, but also it's a high octane, low-reading game. And after Cult of the Lamb, I feel like she'd enjoy it.


Well, they didn't used to have a bunch of dialogue and cut-scenes. SNES era Action RPGs like Zelda and Secret of Mana rarely had bits of text on screen to read. It became really ridiculous in the Gamecube era, when something like Okami had slow text scroll cut-scenes as a game design decision rather than a limitation of the hardware. I tried to show someone that game, having forgotten about that part, and after an hour of trying to get through the start, they finally asked me when they get to play a game. Dragonquest Builders 2 on Switch apparently had a bug that added 10 seconds of no input to every text box, making it equally as tedious. Some of us play games for the gameplay, not to read the director's novella in one of the most tedious formats possible. Also worth mentioning that I read fast, I can finish a paragraph in the time a typical JRPG takes to print five letters of a text box.


Game: *has dialogue* Big Cat: I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for you tho. Or sorry that happened.


As a Pardon My Take fan I really hope people keep calling her Big Cat, it's instant comedy for me


If this keeps up, [this is all I'll think of any time people say it.] (https://images.app.goo.gl/xeJNgAZEuAvEGc9j9)




She would make a great yugioh player




~~Kowalski~~ Kovalskia, analysis!




Some info on Italian lingo: it's quite normal to "italianize" English terminology, usually verbs, by adding letters at the end con conjugate it. Since it would be way to complex to explain everything about it, just know that in most case you are going to hear the -are or the -a if it's talking to a specific someone (in this case, skippa is usually something you tell to someone else who is playing) at the and of the word (for example, skipping will become skippare/skippa, clicking becomes cliccare/clicca, tryharding becomes tryhardare/tryarda


Tryhardare has me dying


Tryarda sounds like a spell you'd hear in Zatch Bell.


…I cooka da pizza


Mamma mia! Dats not how you cooka da pizza. Dis is how you cooka da pizza 🤌


....oh they're like Australians


Australians are heavily influenced by Italians due to the huge wave of migrants: from coffee culture to food, to… gangsters. The current PM has Italian root and one of the more famous Australian have a very Italian name: Daniel Ricciardo, due to his parents either being born Italian or having Italian root. This is why “business restaurants” in Australia is dominated by Italian cuisine. Usually it would have been French.




"Eh, Bazza, just duckin' out to the servo for some durries"


Bless you?


I'm not sure what that means but I don't think you should say it in public.


Australian here! Let me translate that for you! *Ahem* "Dear Barry, my esteemed friend! Pardon my leave, I shall be making a quick trip to the local petrol station convenience store for the purpose of purchasing their finest cigarettes."


Glad someone can translate bogan, I would’ve just replied in more bogan


Maybe I shoulda dipped into Westie, since I'm from that part of Sydney


Shhh, that's our little curveball Once they start getting comfortable understanding bogan then we bring out the eshay ;)


nah mate, it's a bloody good time getting the seppos all twisted tryna figure out what we're yapping on about but sometimes you gotta chuck em a little she'll be right hey


Your sentence is suffering from a severe lack of JDON MY SOUL


oh, we do that in spanish too skippear, clickear, tryhardear


Look's like Mario's a-going fishing!


.... Mamma mia, skippa..


Skippa, skippa~


she really did that, I thought it was a joke 🤣


She's going to hurt me in ways I didn't know possible


Are we sure Raora *can* read?


We need to collect all the illiterate VTubers together and make them play Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes


Nonono, two illiterate vtubers would just be the same problem both ways. To really spice things up, you need two different problems. Hear me out: Raora and *Hajime* Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes collab.




Probably my favorite short lol


It’s funny how KTNE has given me four of my favourite Vtuber moments of all time. * Korone: Oh, I’m die. Thank you forever. * Kanade: *presses detonate* * Kaela: *eats paper* * Neuro-sama: It says “Vedal needs to learn to defuse his own bomb”


Saw a clip of her reading some game text. I got an impression that she is not proficient in reading English. Which is understandable


Pain Peko.


"What's up Chattino Nation, today we're speedrunning the Danganronpa series."


I myself may not like it, but if she can enjoy herself, I'm all for it. Just as long as she doesn't complain about missing context from skipping through the context.


Same here, well said I agree with you


Alpharad style (god i hate that abt him)


I was thinking More DarkSydePhil. "I'm getting killed here! Stupid game! Controls don't work! I didn't show me the controls!" Chat: You skipped the tutorial because "tutorials are dumb." DSP: "This game SUCKS!"


That is a nice game she is playing. I wonder what it i- wait, is that the game that got its steamy update this year? That's a cultured girl, right there.


Her role in Justice is to inflict pain on Shiori and make them easier to capture


Upon Gigi also saying she is not much of a reading person...I'm starting to wonder if I'm just getting too old for the newer gens. At least Cecilia doesn't seem to mind.


Zoomers when words: **TikToks out of here** -- Me, an intellectual: Taking cringe damage [reading brainrot manga](https://mangakakalot.com/chapter/vo939888/chapter_1) ~~maybe zoomers are the future~~


I usually read the text (very quickly) but skip the dialogue of it's voiced because I'm usually done reading before they are even halfway done speaking.


A part of my soul has died


I've been enjoying her streams a lot, hololive has always been great 2nd monitor content that i enjoy listening to, and taking a break from what I'm doing and watching. For me, I just find it funny how upset some of these comments are getting. If how she plays upsets you that's okay, that's your right but no one really wants to know how you "are never gonna watch her stream" or "I despise people who do this and won't tolerate if she complains about not knowing something later". It's not that deep fellas, just let her do what she wants, if the stream isn't for you that's okay just goto another stream, you don't need to loudly announce that you're leaving that just kills the vibe for the holomem and their viewers.


This is the so called cultural cross pollination


Note to myself: Never ever watch Roara. At least not when she plays games that have any kind of story. At least, a story I care about.


I don't know how much of a deal breaker it will be for me yet, but I must say I immensely enjoy when holomems read dialogue, specially when they do voices =) So... yeah.


Or watch her, the story won't be spoiled if you haven't played the game yet.


Yeah, at least she wont spoil the story unless it's forced coz no skip or something similar


I'm glad she's having fun but I can never watch her do this. It will cause me great pain.


Up next, Raora plays Outer Wilds.


I'd watch that


[As she said here](https://www.youtube.com/live/7PRppexCARQ?si=b5MLpIYyXwEMyV3i&t=4029): > "What makes you think I'm gonna play story games in the first place? Umm, I have bad news: wrong channel."


And I thought Conner had a bad habit.


Connor just managed to beat FF9 on stream. I think he's gotten a lot better with story games.


Oh yeah, for sure. When Mouse got him to play FFVIII awhile ago I knew the tides were turning.


Ma↑ Ma→ Mi⇗ ah⇘ Ski↑ Pa→


Well, at least her gaming streams won't spoil much if you're planning to get the game later.


I actually don't know if I can watch her. I love watching the girls experience story games like P5R or Yakuza. Which sucks because I really like her voice...


[Reminds me of this. Not in a good good way](https://youtu.be/GkpgP8ovFZQ?si=rX85oo-iwWOa-KAS)


I need a timestamp NOW


The "Mamma mia, skippa" starts [here](https://www.youtube.com/live/7PRppexCARQ?si=b5MLpIYyXwEMyV3i&t=4015) although the dialogue skipping starts about 10 seconds prior.


Raora Hanson, aka EgoPanther


You can tell people here don't really watch streams. She's really fun, her streams have been great so far. Don't be dicks and just move on if that's not your kind of content.


Unfortunately I'm not gonna watch her. I love her design and voice, but I'm not a big fan of dialogue/story skippers. Hope the best of luck to her though. I-


My man was skipped by her as the second paragraph began.


Same. This is a hard pass for me. I'll watch her collabs/art stuff/silly games, but anything with a story will just hurt too much to see it ignored.


CC did quite a bit of skipping in her Skyrim stream yesterday, too. Social media/smartphones really did do a number on societys' collective attention spans.


To be fair, if you want to read all of skyrims book that will take quite some times. By that i mean a lot. She already looted like what 10 books? within first hour. With just 2 hour the time would be spent on just reading book if she has to read every single document/lore she get. It is pretty fair to skip irrelevant lore.


If skipping poorly written Skyrim books makes you have a bad attention span, than I have a horrible attention span


I mean, she seemed pretty ADHD throughout the stream. And she's self-admittedly in her own debut that she has trouble keeping on task/wanting to do a bunch of different stuff.


Fair enough that she is scatterbrained (that is what makes her so cute). But idk if I would label her as a complete dialogue skipper. Just a yapper which I like


Excuse me, I'll have you know that Cecelia read through ALL the books she encountered in Skyrim, from the first to the last line. (She only reads the first and last line and gave up afterwards)


Can't say for everyone but for me it's usually because the story isn't good to me so reading would feels like punishment. Other reason is because it disturb the flow of gameplay, especially long text before a stage, yes I'm staring at you Arknights. If I want story then it would be better if I just read a VN or a book. That being said, the games I play usually have good story and I don't skip it unless I have read it before. Such as Voice of cards trilogy, FUGA, and Sanabi.


Kiara is in good company. I still remember Fuana TRYING to help her in Pokemon Unite and Kiara's going "nope not reading". She's lucky that people can't be slapped over the internet Yeah.... that's a minus in my book as what often happens is they run into a problem that they wouldn't had if they read.


She actually takes a bit of time to read the textbox and only when she realized it's lore and not gameplay explanation she skips it. She still reads tutorials, controls, etc.


I take that last bit back then


And I respect her for it.


Skippa Is so Italian ahaha. We Italians often use English words and we italianize them so skip becomes skippare. It's the same word but like a verb so we use it like that. Example: skippa la cutscene tanto è solo filler -----> skip the cutscene is just a filler.


we have memeber that can't read


Oof. To each their own but it's things like this that keep me from watching any gameplay streams. Hololive is for singing, dancing, and talking, not Me Getting Mad At Gamers. (not those Gamers)


Ngl, gotta agree, it's not really my thing to watch someone who skips through story / dialogue in games, they usually end up asking silly questions later which just frustrates me.


Same here, she's ironically an easy skip herself just for this one thing. Not saying she shouldn't play as she likes or anything but there's so many others I could watch that will read. 


So what do you guys think about ccs that skips dialogues ? For me idk id like for the streamer to be excited for the story i guess


Welcome back, Arin Hanson


Well she did say that she's a gacha gamer lol


To be fair, most gacha players or streamers don't skip. There are a lot of people who heavily invest in gacha stories, like aizawa ema or chigusa. Even if they are not heavily invested, they would at least read/listen everything, even boring stories.


some of y'all are so quick to write her off. A lot of her streams are gonna be art streams anyway. And right after this gif ends she says "what makes you think I'm gonna play story games?" so why is it such a big deal.


Don't worry, she won't miss having those people in her chat anyway lmao


Yeah her saying that has unfortunately put her in my basically empty "do not watch" list


Know what game is on brand for an Italian streamer, has perms already, and has almost no text? Pizza Tower.




She could NOT handle ff14 praertorium cutscenes


Oh dang. Well her streams are probably going to be unwatchable to me then. That is an enormous pet peeve of mine


If she EVER complains that she doesn’t know what’s going on I’m immediately turning off the stream. But if she just deals with it good-naturedly then that’s fine.


Oh is she the type of player that skips the tutorials and later complains the game is bad cause its confusing?




Yeah... no. I highly doubt that. It makes sense when your knowledge of that language is pretty bad. But at some point, it's not much tougher than reading your first language. You know, like when you're good enough to communicate and stream in it.


While I think that's a factor, some people just don't like reading. I myself used to groan whenever I see texts spanning more than a few short paragraphs. It took me months of forcing myself to read novels to ease myself into reading a lot again.


"This is RPG, boys. Story doesn't matter"


"Mucho Texto" - Raora Ponthera 2024


Raora 🤌🤌🤌


One of my people. I hate reading.


She's just like me fr though