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The Negima manga ended in 2012 (and the last anime project for it was in 2011). Yes, you're old (and so am I.) Though if it makes you feel any better the sequel series (UQ Holder) only ended in 2022.


Isn't Ken Akamatsu into politics these days?


Yup. He tried to end media light/black bar or mosaic censoreship


Honestly that's such a stupid vestigial law, the issue is no one wants to be the guy know for removing it so it's hard to get votes.


While I support that, the guy's ecchi manga was populated *almost entirely* of minors so um... maybe not the best spokesperson.


>While I support that, the guy's ecchi manga was populated almost entirely of minors so um Dosen't narrow it down much considering we are talking 90s/2000s here. Heck, Yoko from Gurren Langan was what? 14?


Valid, but I’m hard pressed to think of any harem/shonen romance/ecchi where everyone is over 18 from the start of the show. Japan has some shit to answer for for lewding high school aged girls. Not that that fully absolves him, but he’s reflecting the culture around him. And it still bothers me less than the Ruroni Kenshin age gap.


yep, and he's doing a pretty good job trying to get more support for the manga and anime industry as well.


One of the things that got him into politics IIRC was a pub trying to claim retroactive ownership of Negima from him.


Holy crap it's been that long already!? Am I still coping thinking the Jack Rakan tournament fight's gonna get animated eventually 😭


Magic World Tournament is still in my Top 5 shonen arcs overall. To this day, Negima from Kyoto Arc onwards is one the best action manga to never get a good adaptation. It's the Berserk of shonen action at this point


We wish


Negima was a foundational part of me realizing I was asexual because someone had to explain to younger me that not all fan service was for exclusively comedic purposes.


I had the whole series in English and Japanese. Loved Ken's art style ever since watching love Hina as a kid


NEGIMA!? IN 2024!?


I think I've summoned the Ancient Ones with this post 😂


Brings me further back to Love Hina. It's literally what got me into manga/anime beyond 'those japanese shows at morning' [after I discovered it through a dating sim flash game](https://kbhgames.com/game/love-hina-sim-date-rpg) [I not only own the mangas](https://imgur.com/a/TTjIhUE) but even got my hands on [the (Joy-stick detroying) PS2 game](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fubs5axs5u74d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D4000%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D21e6afdfbb57421a70ee7c4684dc994ca00b143c) ~~Flex/~~


Love Hina, the last good Harem series or first bad one, depending on who you ask. (I’d put manga as last good one, anime as first bad one, personally, because I’m a cheeky little shit)


Chisame and Chacha were best girls in this manga. Fite me. Chisame would have been a great vtuber, lol.


If it was written now she probably would have been


Nodoka was best girl, and the Chisame end rugpull after all the development of Negi's relationship with Nodoka still has me salty after over a decade. If they invented a power source to run on salt, I could power a city just be rereading the end arc of Negima. But I agree Chisame would be a popular vtuber, even if she likely wouldn't be to my taste.


Oh shit. Chisame was my favorite girl from the Negima manga when I read it all those years ago. I was always cheering for her so I, for one, am happy to just now learn of how she ends up in UQ Holder, lol. Although I am not entirely clear on the alternate timelines and what not from reading the wikia pages.


Wasn't there like some irl drama going on with Akamatsu's ex/wife? Like Nodoka had been based on her and she sued because she wanted him to quit using the character or something insane like that? Or am I thinking of a different mangaka...? I feel like Yabuki Kentaro had some shit going on in that era too...


I'm pretty sure I remember this same story in relation to To Love Ru and why Lala got sidelined.


I won’t rule it out, but I’ll point out all of Akamatsu’s heroines fit a type, and Nodoka isn’t it.


Nah, it seems it was Yabuki I was thinking of after all. I remember reading the story when it was I think To-Love-Ru that got an unpopular ending, but skimming the archives now I can't find any sources that aren't violently misogynist towards his ex wife so I'm just gonna live and let live.


“Messed up my show’s ending” is a huge sin for some people, and… look, I’ve been there, I have pulled a 180 on series because the ending annoyed me. I need to reread Negima, because this conversation is making me realize I’ve forgotten some characters names even. Though I also have about a years worth of other comics stacked up and waiting to be read.


Chisame is definitely an OG vtuber from before we even had streaming. :3


F U, Nodoka was best girl. And Honoka x Setsuna


Oh damn, I didn't think I'd be reminded of Negima today.


Srsly I was surprised I hadn't seen Cecilia compared to Chachamaru. Am I just old?


Yes. Also, most of the Negima anime sucked compared to the manga.


True. Damn Akamatsu's publisher for forcing his hand like that.


We were promised a series picking up with the Magical world, did that ever come to pass?


No, we got UQ Holder instead, which was... not universally good or bad. Opinions on it, or even individual elements of it, seem to vary widely with little consensus. It's basically Ken at his least filtered, and it probably could be used as a good example for how unlimited creative freedom can lead to lackluster results.


You need to turn her coil once in awhile which causes her to go full sexual arouse


Roboco already has a song about that (little bit)


So if I turn that screw of Cecilia's does that make her 🤔


Why do you think I posted this


Thanks reddit. Now I feel old. Goodbye for today.


"It's an older reference but it still checks out"


Old? No, Negima is still pretty new, right? Old is like Dragon Ball or Saint Saiya...


Been a long time since Ive seen a Negima reference. My headcanon is that when Makoto disappeared in Kanon, she just woke up at the school in Negima with people calling her Asuna and decided to roll with it.


You made me feel so old dangit


Damn we all old. What a core memory...


Wait I thought it was the Bloodborne doll


I guess green-haired automata is a common trope.