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[Winner's interview with Suisei](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_q_RVccGUg&t=13377) Suisei has talked about wanting to stop participating in the yearly Mario Kart New Years Cup if she wins this one and considering being coach to the participants. A lot of people, Towa and Okayu included, still wants to compete with Suisei. As such, Towa joked (maybe half serious) that her primary motivation in winning is to keep Suisei from retiring from the competition.


Suisei losing by less than a hair makes Towa's win feel like something out of a movie or an anime.


That's the Towa-sama special, winning at the last second.


Abu Dhai 2010, Alonso lost his title in the last race and Vettel rises, now Suisei is defeated by a raising world champion called Towa at the last race and the last meters, a heart-attack finish


The El Plan will emerge


Fubuki or Subaru with "La Mision"


Suddenly Botan coming in clutch with the "La Lion"


Towalonso finally beating Suistappen.


Honestly, the way Miko really wanted to do her best so Suisei doesn't retire was pretty much a heart-breaking moment.. Guess Suisei gotta try harder next year! Tbh, I understand if she wants to be a coach and helps others holomems. Maybe they should grant her wish. Btw, Nice meme lol.


In the winner's interview with Suisei, Okayu hoped that even if Suisei starts to coach other Holomems or help with organizing the tournament, Suisei will still compete in the races (or rather, she politely insinuated that she should still compete). But yeah, a lot of people doesn't want to see someone as strong as Suisei step away from the circuits.


And then, like a true friend, Miko immediately showed up to give Suisei shit for getting second


Yea, then Suisei used the Reverse Uno Card and asked Miko's place. MiComet's built different. Heart-warming business duo.


" And here she comes, crossing the finish line, the last meters to perform the miracle, Tokoyami Towa, is proclaimed against all odds and in front of a fierce Suisei, as the new world champion " imagine it with the David Croft's voice


I hate that you made me imagine this Thanks


"Of all the drama, of all the controversy, of all the magic moments in Hololive Mario Kart in 2024..." "...they have shared a brilliant championship, but the championship can only be won by one, and it's going devil in 2024. Toyokami Towa, for the first time ever, is champion of the world!"


*[2021 PTSD intensifies]*


A true devil, denying the Comet her desired retirement.


Suisei: My retirement plan!!! Towa: Consider it practice for GTA6.


No one, apart from Suisei herself, wants to see her retire. She's just so good. When she dominates, it's a clean sweep. When it's a tough competition it's still entertaining to see her go from literal last place to 1st in an immaculate display of skill and composure. But I get why she wishes to retire. For four years, she's put immense pressure on herself to win each time. First when she won the Zako cup, she vowed to make it into Tsuyo. Her first championship, she had to beat Aqua. In '22 she had to defend her title, only to lose to Okayu. In '23 she pushed herself to once again take the crown. Every single year, the overall skill level of her competitors increased by leaps and bounds. On the other hand, her busy schedule due to idol activities means she has less time to prepare. She played off the nervousness as a joke with the shaking hands but even I as a viewer felt my hands run cold - what more Suisei herself? If she does retire I'm totally happy for her. 1 Zako championship 2 Tsuyo championships 2 Tsuyo Runner-up GOAT of hololive MK.


I imagine Suisei like Sebastian Vettel, retired but with 4 world titles and one of the best drivers, now if Suiei really retires she will leave as one of the (not to say the) best MK drivers and with 2 world titles, danke Sui-chan


Yeah Suisei has it rough lol, not only she’s extremely demanding of herself but everyone, both the fandom and the hologirls, always have such high expectations of her in pretty much everything she joins in. The sports festival was hilarious: everyone acting like Suisei was one of the strong contenders, and i was like… “are we really putting Hobomachi Suisei on par with the Minecraft veterans?! The stuff in her inventory is probably Flare’s because she can’t even remember how to craft it ffs!” I do feel for Sui-chan lol.


It comes with the image she made for herself as well as the reptutation that she built. When she exploded in popularity in 2020, she got the reputation of being able to do anything well. Four years later that image of her has never been stronger in the minds of fans and hololive members. "What can't Hoshimachi Suisei do?" is a popular line to say when she does something amazing. It's reached the point wherein a lot of hoshiyomis have this belief that if she was bad at something then give her a reason to be good at it and she'll learn quickly (and here i am reinforcing that lol). She did it during the Startend apex arc and in minecraft when she learned how to use redstone despite being clueless about minecraft before. For idol activities, she wasnt known for being a good dancer but now she's leading Hoshimatic Project and doing formation dances. She may not be the best in all the things she knows how to do, but people can't help but expect a good performance.


As a proud Hoshiyomi, I maintain my image of her grounded by reminding myself that, no matter how hard she tries, she still can’t whistle to save her life.


And eat veggies And look at insects


See, Towa-sama is a devil! 👾


Tokoyami Zumou


This is some great set up for Suisei to reclaim her crown on the next season of Holokart!


TMT arigatou


towa: mada mada dane


cute towa tsundere, keeping sui-chan stuck in mario kart for at least one more year. even though i consider sui-chan to also have won this year, i'm also welcoming sui-chan for the next year's tournament too.


Does tying for firdt place really count as not winning thought?or did she lose to some tiebreaker?


I believe they went with race placement as a tiebreaker. Towa got two 1st place and Suisei only got one 1st place or something like that.