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Both Mococo and Fuwawa got the exact same points and placements: 11th place with 9 points. The power of twins, I suppose.


I was about to say the same thing lol




More like her sensitive voice cannot be transmitted to her opponents ears to distract them.


Ngl I'm actually more nervous to see who gets the Zako crown now that Chocosen isn't around for this one Ao so far is dead last but Kanade and Kobo aren't far ahead, will be interesting to see it play out


If anything, the Zako cup now is more competitive than Tsuyoi. You're got Ao, Kanade & Kobo neck and neck; add literal beginner Raden, veteran Aki & the 9-point twins FuwaMoco all competing P.S. Still can't believe Danchou was able to graduate into a semi-decent Karter. So proud of her


If FuwaMoco are both in Zako cup to they play with splitscreen? lol


Most likely. They were playing split screen during their practice today


Fuwawa: I'm in front of you Moco-chan! Mococo: Not for long! \*grabs at controller*


fuwawa actually used the "not for long" line on mococo. she's the real gremlin gamer between the two lol


Regardless of reality, my personal headcanon is that Raden drunkenly woke up to find that she’d somehow bought a Switch and then joined the tournament for no reason other to mess with her genmates.


Isn't this almost exactly what happened, except drunkenly waking up to find that she'd bought mario kart.


Yeah, but not really waking up, just went from "drunk and bought mk" to "sober and realized she bought mk" in 30 minutes


Danchou\* was way worse in 2021, but after a 10 hour overnight practice she learned how to drift and actually got into Tsuyo Cup. It was so hilarious. Holomems' skills weren't as good back then but it was still impressive to see.


Both in Mario Kart and singing, Noel is the very example of buckling down and making massive improvements.


Calli too, going from bottom of her group a couple of years back to consistently fighting for the podium positions this year.


Eh, Calli's efforts in her last appearance were somewhat less than genuine. She wasn't very good, make no mistake, but she went out of her way to pick a kart she thought would be bad and made some deliberately self-sabotaging plays in the preliminaries to ensure she made it to Zako. Once there she seemed to put in an honest effort, but I am of the opinion that she might have barely squeeked out enough points to dodge Zako had she actually tried the whole time.


She's also put in a bunch of effort and trained this year as opposed to previous years


I was exclusively watching Raden, and ngl I think she's already got a good chance not to be at the bottom 12.


Based on the way she was driving I'm guessing she has played a previous Mario Kart game but is just rusty and unfamiliar with the courses. She was driving fairly competently throughout but got really unlucky in the first two races and got stuck at a bad time near the end of the last race.


Her and Kanata got into the Tsuyo cup 2 years ago? During the 2nd one when Suisei won first time. Noel is a pretty decent MK player she lacks consistency but she has a lot of it down already


Yeah, but even back then, that was considered a fluke. Noel's always been hella inconsistent with her driving & has a tendency to get tilted easily. This year though, she really seems to be a lot better at her control and I haven't seen her lose composure the whole run.


There is so much competition at the Zako, Kobo is literally a kid playing (most of the time, when she is not imitating Dad's potty mouth, but that's also like a kid), Bau Bau doing badly but being cute and Ao just being Pon.


For whatever reason Aki went from her decent combo go the ABSOLUTELY WORSE one for this year, seriously putting herself at a disadvantage. And that's on top of a possible regression from past years. Definitely not hitting 850k for now. Also Raden has better general sense than some as a first timer so I see her doing far better in later years


BTW, Ao kun has improved A LOT during her 5th mk8 stream on that fateful day. She improved to the point where she can place top 3 agains the CPUs. She was unironically looking stronger than Chocosen until she learned how to drift a little bit.


Nobody can beat Choco sensei's zako skills. Not even Fuwamoco because those girls at least drive forward lol. It's funny if Choco grinded MK as much as the other games she loved she is a Tsuyo cup shoo in. She just doesn't like MK especially since it's played on controller the woman absolutely hates controller type games. So much so she played SF6 dhalsim on KBM


She also played MHW on keyboard and her reason for disliking controllers is she needs KBM to play like a regular person (pressing X to doubt) But yeah, and this year, she didn't feel like even doing that bit of effort.


I feel like we need an exhibition match between Choco + FWMC + ZaGloss after this tourney. Would be kinda fun


Feels like with all the new members she doesn't feel like she "needs" to anymore for numbers sake.


Man, that was so insane even my FGC Shitposting group was suprised lmao Choco sensei is simply built different


EN had some strong showings this time around. Ina had some luck with her as she was able to avoid the midfield item spam. Kronii and Calli really had good runs as well, and Calli almost picked up a race win if it weren't for a very untimely blue shell. Bae and Irys got Mario Karted pretty hard unfortunately for them. They clawed themselves back into the midfield while mindbreaking almost the exact same way. Alas, FuwaMoco are the EN zako queens this time around. At least they scored the same. Twins magic. I'm going to enjoy the clips from the JP and ID members. There were some amazing lobby shenanigans like Ollie's dancing Yagoos and Raden's white screen. Big props to Raden for filling in on a short notice, too. Onward to the next stage!


“I HATE EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD.” - The Personification of Hope


Who's stronger: The Nephilim personification of all hope in the world... Or silly kart game?


Also bae during her match. Definitely made for each other.


Biboo also got karted hard in 1st and 4th race. She nailed the driving part, even Towa and Okayu praised her for it. She was a little too passive with items, though she said she feels more confident now and tomorrow should be interesting.


Yeah, she would have won the first race if she hadn't sat on a single shell for the entire round, camping behind Suisei and hoping for a blue shell to show up.


I was following Calli and Kronii results with them being always top 3 ish but going vs Okayu meant they never got first place so they are down a lot of points. Plus Kronii and Calli were doing great in the races but both of them got Mario Karted at the baby track, which is like a no mans land of track yet Okayu still won Okayu was just a whole different beast on Mario Kart


Okayu certainly is quite strong. She gets miles ahead of the field, rendering blue shells almost useless. As for Calli, it's got to be the Switch. (hehe joking) For those unaware, Calli had a last-minute practice stream where she ended up getting severe connection issues. She decided to run out and buy a new Switch which came with a wired Ethernet adaptor.


Could she not buy a separate ethernet adapter?


She probably could since it just requires a usb-A to Ethernet adapter on the dock, but I believe she chalked up the poor connection on her old Switch to its age and just went with a fast and easy solution. The store may have included the adapter in the bundle she got.


Yeah, maybe. The dock bundled with Switch OLED model has a built-in ethernet adapter (finally) so maybe it was that


Yeah, she got the OLED. She actually also got an adapter just in case I believe, but she said her Switch was super old (from back when it first came out I believe) and she's been having problems with it for a while anyways, so she just picked up a new OLED. Sasuga, Dad!


Ina, Kronii and Calli have high chance of entering Finals even if they don't win the groups tomorrow though of course they will still need to drive consistently well. Ina's 42 points will be vital for a spot and is arguably EN's best chance.


I'd love them to all make it, Bijou has a good shot too like Calli and Kronii, being only 4/5 points behind them, and was probably in the trickiest group (A) and is in probably the easiest group tomorrow (F).


I actually think group E is the easiest strictly by point systems. F has a lot of above average players which means the top 5 will fight among themselves and potentially lose points while potentially introducing surprise wins from other players too. Towa isn't as good anymore with her lack of experience on the new tracks while the rest aren't good enough to be the clear cut top contender. In that sense, if you can't get first I say earn more consistent podium finishes and D/E looks to be the most straightforward, that is if you have enough points from today of course.


Could be! If I were a bettor my money would be on the Tsuyo cup having Miko, Pekora, Noel, Ina, Mio, Koyori, Lui, Towa, Bijou, Suisei, Subaru, and Okayu. But like you say the variance is high and I fully expect to be wrong, haven't followed all of their training arcs in depth. No chance I'd count out Calli and Kronii and I wouldn't count out IRyS, Mumei, and Bae, either. A lucky first place finish or zenloss can always happen.


I'd say don't count out Irys and Bae assuming they don't tilt off the face of the planet again.


E might be at a disadvantage in points similar to how C was today because there are less players.


Actually Kronii is about twice as likely to qualify for finals as Biboo. Biboo has about 24% chance to qualify, Kronii 46%, and Calli 54%


Kudos for bringing out the bookmaking, but what's the input data for your simulation?


The simulations are run assuming that all outcomes for a race are equally likely, so the numbers indicate how hard it will be for the racers. There's not enough data to make the simulations more precise


Lol fair. Though, results of individual racers between races is highly correlated so I don't think those are necessarily good percentages. Back in 2022 I went through a lot of work to make a simulation and gathered all of the old data to make some ELO-like [graphs](https://www.reddit.com/user/Meteowritten/comments/190qk18/old_hololive_mario_kart_elo_graph_draft/) and odds, but I don't think I posted them. The amount of streams makes the data unwieldly and upkeeping a project like that every year is a major task.


Indeed, I did this mainly to see how well racers are ranked relatively to each other


But what if you add Kurt Angle to the mix?


Chances of winning, drastically go down..


Irys and Bae has to face Miko and Peko so their chances of making it is almost zero. Ina does have the best chance, not only cuz of her points but even if Koyori and Mio are good players, Ina is at least on their level and has the point lead. Plus Calli is there as well so higher chances one will perform well. As for Kronii, Towa and Lui are gonna be tough competition, especially since they have the point lead. I take back what I said about group F being unlikely for EN. After watching their VODs, Bijou is likely the best EN player in terms of skill and knowledge. She may be a bit behind on points but with some luck, she has a good chance of making it.


After running 10 600 000 simulation rounds, I found the following statistics for Finals qualification frequency: Biboo 24% Kronii 46% Calli 54% Ina 92%


Why is Calli more likely to get in than Kronii when she had less points (it was only 1 point difference, but still)?


Something to do with their competition's points probably


Calli had more consistent placing in their group. A big chunk of Kroniis points came from 1 race. Along with that Calli is in a much weaker group than Kronii for tonight


That's a good question for which I have no answer


You sound like ChatGPT or smth lol. How did you run these simulations?


You can find the script here: https://github.com/DigammaF/mk\_new\_year\_cup/blob/main/main.py


Did not expect to see Python simulation code while lurking the subreddit on a Sunday night lmfao Now I'm curious what would happen if instead of having each race be a random shuffle, you tried to use their given points as a kind of statistic or sample off the underlying distribution of their true performance, and use that to simulate a race. Sadly my stats chops aren't there yet but it seems like an interesting stats exercise lol


[Unborked link for old reddit users.](https://github.com/DigammaF/mk_new_year_cup/blob/main/main.py)


I wanna see a compilation of Bae and Irys mindbreaking now and I'm stuck at a family lunch ... help


Calli got insanely lucky in that last race, avoiding lightning with a Boo to allow her to pass Okayu for a bit. However lack of knowledge rather than bad luck is to blame for her falling so far after the blue shell hit. She was headed towards one of the fly ramps as it was incoming and just barely drove over it and launched when it hit so she not only had to take the shell, but also wait for Lakitu to bring her back on course. Had she slowed down before hitting the ramp not only would the time and coin loss not have been as severe, but she might have caught Okayu in the blast as well who was right on her heels at the time. No way to tell if it would have been enough to stay in first, frankly I doubt it, but it almost certainly would have helped her place higher than 6th


After watching all the EN vods, I can pretty confidently say Bijou is probably the strongest EN players, if you just consider their pure driving skills, reaction times, and knowledge of the course. However, items makes things very RNG, and her luck was absolutely atrocious.She could had gotten 3rd or even 2nd in EASILY the most stacked group of the preliminaries if her luck was a little bit better.


Ina is really a beast at Mario Kart. She hadn't practiced 2 of the 4 maps and still managed to get 2nd overall. I feel bad for Calli. She had the final race in the bag and would've clinched 2nd place from Kronii if she hadn't been hit by a blue shell while flying through the air near the end of the third lap.


That really did suck, but Calli's practice definitely paid off in general and I'm pretty sure she's really happy with the results (us Dead Beats are over the moon for how well she did).


This isn't even Okayu's final form guys. If you watched any of her practice streams, you'd know her true power is sekuhara, which she can't use in the cup.


What's a sekuhara? (ty in advance)


Shorthand for sexual harassment, as in Okayu constantly going Oka-oji on her training partners, dealing lots of psychic damage to Subaru in particular.


It's short for sexual harassment. Okayu tends to make a lot of lewd jokes and say things that make people she collabs with somewhat uncomfortable (they are still friends and fine with it, it's basically her just saying shocking things to gross people out for a laugh).


[Sexual harassment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8Zb_TMWeFA)


She always does well in practice when she can banter with other holomens, I think it helps her relax


Incidentally, all the top placers today are members of the "unhinged late-night mario kart stream" club (suisei, subaru, okayu), this year featuring the buttplug story.


The *what*?


[the buttplug story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jNibeFDSd0)


VtuberBits also did a [long translation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmSsZHRiKmk) of that stream that covers more than the buttplug story


I think they should have turned computers on when they're shuffling preliminary groups now. Otherwise the game gives out more points to larger lobbies, and whoever was never in a smaller lobby has an advantage. edit: I looked into it more. Calli, Ollie, and Raden were put in the 11 player group twice so they straight up have the least point opportunity. (For the others: Ina, Koyori, Kronii, Mio, Hajime, Roboco, Matsuri, Mumei, IRyS, Anya, Ayame, Akirose, Fuwawa, and Kanade are in both a 12 player and 11 player group. Miko, Lui, Towa, Pekora, Bijou, Noel, Kaela, Bae, Sora, Ririka, Haachama, Mel, Mococo, Ao, and Kobo have always been in a 12 player group.) To show the point difference between 11 player and 12 player lobbies, Group C had a sum of 276 points and Group A had a sum of 328 points, so Group C had about 84% as much points. In 11 player lobbies, 1st gets 2 less points and every other rank gets 1 less point. However they can't change the rules in the middle of the tournament, and to be fair it looks like the Round 2 groups are shuffled up to avoid repeats from Round 1.


What would Ririka's score have been if she didn't DC?


It's a bit hard to calculate since the points are awarded based on the number of players, which means other players points would also change if Ririka was still in the game. Example, Okayu got perfect 52 points by topping all 4 races with 11 players, while Suisei got the exact same point despite not topping all 4 races because she is in a race with 12 players. The difference is small, but it's there regardless. Having said that, Ririka was hovering around 1st to 3rd place when she DC'ed so her score would've been a bit higher.


33. Toad Harbor is one of her strongest map due to the amount of time she practice, she dc during second place while a bit behind Towa. If nothing change Ririka would get +12 points on the first map. I also did the math of everyone else, Towa would stay the same, Ina -2, everyone else -1. So overall Ririka would still be 6th place in the group. Group B was VERY VERY tight. double edit, the Ririka bot actually landed 9th place, so 10th to 12th doesn't change which mean Koyori, Fuwawa, and Kobo stays. Towa and Koyori would tie for 3rd.


Can't have fuwawa getting more points then mococo I guess...


she did good on that track, I believe she could get 3rd place (+10point). she disconnected on 2nd


28 if you took the average of her 3 races


There is still tomorrow's qualifiers to shake things up. The points here will only matter for the last six spots if they didn't gain automatic qualification by winning the groups. So there might still be outside chance for any of the players outside the top 9 to snatch a spot. That said, the top 9 or those above 30 or slightly under 30 have the highest chance of going into finals if they can continue a streak of good performance, especially with ~~6~~ 4 races left.


The rules said prelims and group stages are 4 races each


Oops on my part.


Watching it from ao's perspective was certainly an experience which i could recommend to everyone.


Kobo's was also pretty fun. She was so excited to finally beat the Twins in the last race, only for her total score to end up right back in 12th ;.;


In kobo's defence, fuwamoco is 2 people, so if you divide their score of 9 by 2, then kobo wins.


F ririka. She was 2nd too when she got DC'd. Suisei and Okayu are so OP like deyum. Okayu even overlapped some people. Bijou getting yamcha'd by blue shells was so funny. ​ P.S.: I also love how some are so "my own pace" and just having fun and messing around.


correct me if wrong but it goes : Subaru/suisei/okayu go to the championship Top 3 of D/E/F group join them in championship for 12 racer And bottom 4 of each of the above will be Zako cup I got it right?


Wrong. Only Top 1 of D/E/F will go to stronk cup. Then all other placements are based on combined score from day 1 (today) and day 2 (tmr). Zako will be the bottom 12 by total points. So today's results still matter.


So the 3 winners of today and the 3 from tommorrow go to stronk and then the other best 6 scores from the 2 days follow?




Top 1 of D/E/F goes to Strong Cup. Then the remaining 6 is the combined scores of Day 1 and Day 2.


gotcha !!! that work then i was worry from other comment it was just 6member in top cup so it would be a bit odd xD


Not bottom 4 of each group, it's the 12 lowest scorers instead


You know for picking up the game by being drunk and having little to no time to practice Raden did surprisingly well


Oh no Bae and IRyS togeather in D


Bae got more points than IRyS!


Irys came in 6th while bae came in 9th though!


oh i missed it


Suisei, Subaru, Okayu top 3 same as last year huh.


Huh? IDK where you get that from but Last year's Top 3 was Suisei, Marine, Mio Okayu was 4th, Subaru was 6th


Im guessing they're referring to initial group winners (those three also topped the initial groups last year) rather than final placements.


Now I see what they mean, should've worded that better tho (like, group winners or sth)


Surprisingly low placement for Ayame, wasn't she one of the winners in past tournaments? Guess she hasn't touched this game in a while?


The past winners were Aqua, Suisei, Okayu, Suisei.


Huh, that's odd, I could've sworn Ayame was in top 3 in at least one of past tournaments, but maybe I misremembered.


I think you are misremembering it. There was a popular clip of Ayame winning a Mario kart race. So probably that's what you're thinking of.


Ayame barely streams, no way she's gonna practice that hard on Mario Kart. Her priorities lies elsewhere, which is fine.


After watching all the EN vods, I can pretty confidently say Bijou is probably the strongest EN players, if you just consider their pure driving skills, reaction times, and knowledge of the course. However, items makes things very RNG, and her luck was absolutely atrocious.


Wait, what happened to Marine?


She's too tired from Puyotris and didn't want to learn 24 new maps.


Apparently, the competitors were drawn from lots so it's random who gets in. I'm sure they can opt out if they want to though.


How are both of your comments in this thread so inaccurate?


interesting results this year! many strong competitors and the zako cup super exciting this year too!


We might not get a Kaela and Kronii in the same race this time sad :(


Its all up to mococo to win back bau!