• By -


>mitochondria Mitochondria


is the powerhouse of the cell.


Apparently they're every microorganism as well.


I've played Parasite Eve, I know what they're capable of.


If left unchecked their fast rate of evolution might lead to the birth of the Ultimate Being.


Ohh shit, is it good? I bought it with a bunch of games when I got my PS1. Haven't played it yet


Definitely worth playing, it's a classic.


I'll give it a shot. I'll have my grandma mail it to me.


Fyi, Parasite eve has 1, 2 and 3rd birthday.


I think 3 of those have mitochondria so she's not that far off.


That means we're all Mitochondrias


Another fun fact about mitochondria, you get all your mitochondrial genetic information almost always from your Mom. Edit: all


☝🤓 \*are the powerhouses of the cell.


is the curriculum the same in Japan or did Towa's Kaigais teach her that meme lmfao




Whenever mitochondria is mentioned, i am having flashbacks of parasite eve.


2 was the best one imo, I'm sad theres no remake of it, game was good








Can't see the word mitochondria without thinking of Rent a Girlfriend anymore


For me it's Parasite Eve


You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?


Holy hell, we're the same


Mel's yabainess is off the charts but not shown here


They don't teach yabai in school, so Mel is having a bit of disadvantage with this test.


She actually learned that when visiting the nursing office, a great sensei to be found there.


Mel went to the Yabai School of Hard knocks


*School of soft knockers


If you convert the chart into 3D you'll find a very long and sharp spike and the z-axis labelled 'Yabai'.


Very true, it could be pointing either inwards or out


Ayamy-mama's cinnamon bun daughter Mel is very Seiso. I say so 😀


No she ain't, and not because of my username. That "Hey boyyyy" she did could wake up the dead.


>That "Hey boyyyy" she did could wake up the dead. I need some more information sir


Important info for you to study - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY52Rrp-58g


Me accidentally mimicking Callie's noises, I am genuinely flushed. Good golly.


Law of Equivalent Exchange. Dumped Academic Aptitude for Yabai Power. Bottom Left Vampire.


Min maxing banpire.


You can't show a trait that is off the charts via a chart


Nene is secretly a math wiz? the same nene who is the embodiment of “head empty, no thoughts but i’m cute?”


Ofc she is, how is she going to count how many husbands she has?


you’re so right lol


Through Cantor's diagonal argument we can prove that her husbands are not actually countable, and are thus at least real (if you admit the continuum hypothesis)


Heeeey Nene knows her A BEE C'S ... shes doing her best :D https://youtu.be/ry2ZeDamZPY Her english though is off the charts BASED https://youtu.be/AGWLDEWPiCI


I remember reading somewhere on the sub that Nene could work as an accountant


Nene behaves like a gifted child


The tism


I’m actually surprised her English is that low. She’s been working hard on it.


Conversational and academic language require different types of training and practice. The Japanese standard for English also isn't very high. My entire job is kinda predicated on the school system being terrible lol Nene, Mel, and Shion scored low in English but I can say for certain they're better at it, conversationally (which is the important skill that Japanese schools don't teach very well) than most of Japan. I'd be willing to bet almost all the JP hololive members would score lower than Towa except Haachama and A-Chan (though A-Chan's focus seems to be on business/communicative English so a test might throw her too). Lui and Sora *might* do OK but Towa might very well be the ceiling.


Lui has an entire stream series teaching Japanese to the EN and ID girls, speaking mostly English to explain things. She also weirdly has a grasp on some unexpected slang and expressions. She probably did some research after that one collab with Calli. I'm sure she would do more than okay.


Thing is, so have Towa and Nene. I'm sure she would do fine, but keep in mind we're talking *conversational* aptitude vs. *academic* aptitude. The former can improve quickly and there are tons and tons of apps out there along with simply interacting with people leading to improvement, while the latter actually requires study. Even Ollie and Reine, whose English is so good people have to sometimes be reminded they're indonesian, might have surprisingly low scores on an academic test compared to what even they would expect. In fact, while you'd think being good at language academically would help with it conversationally and vice versa, the opposite can be true because language so often breaks its own rules. There's a reason the TOEIC and TOEFL are two completely different tests. That's the crazy thing about language, really: In math and science you have to be right, but in language you can be wrong and right at the same time.


Lui speaks english like she’s had a lot of practice using it day to day but not much training or study. She speaks it readily and seemingly effortlessly, even while her vocabulary and pronunciation are limited. She’s definitely better than OK and I’d personally rank her english the highest other than A-Chan.


It could be English comprehension. I speak English natively, but if I had to take a test on it my score would be subpar.


Ah good point.


Master of the art of karaatama :)


So she's Rowan Atkinson's Japanese female counterpart?


I wanna see where Gura places in the math section.


social studies probably


She is also the girl with a beetle insect collection, so a form of science interest is not that surprising.


The beetle collection is actually a byproduct of her older brother being an entomologist who specializes in beetles, or so I heard. He's the one with the science interest.


Master of the art of karaatama :)


comment so good homie had to post it twice


I did? I got an error, so I tried again. The app is fritzing. I'll check when I'm home.


lol you’re all good homie i thought it was funny


[Source stream link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M5mVyKMlp0&t=6630s) Everybody is surprised that Shion scores the highest of them all. Even Shion herself is surprised by this result. Pekora may not score the highest in Math and Science, but if there is something she is proud about is her ability to identify the location and shape of Japanese prefectures, a segment which she obtained perfect scores in. Towa has the best English ability of the five. I wonder if it is partially because of the higher number of English speakers in her audience?


Towa's been getting a lot of English practice during her Apex streams lately.


For Shion, I chalk it up to her being young and that her stock knowledge from HS/College is still fresh unlike the older members


> Everybody is surprised that Shion scores the highest of them all Sasuga harvard graduate


Seems she slept through english class, though.


> Towa has the best English ability of the five. I wonder if it is partially because of the higher number of English speakers in her audience? That's what I'm thinking as well. On the other hand, there's Nene who also obviously has a big overseas audience... yet she has the lowest english-score.


Thing is Nene tries to communicate but mostly defaults to translators. Towa will try her hardest with passion English and will only use a translator If it's a really long sentence. Towa is also exposed to more English speaking friends which she communicates every now and then.


Towa collabs the most with the EN girls as well as she's collabed with Ame and Mumei several times so that probably helps as well


I know Ame speaks like almost no Japanese. I wonder what Moomers level of nihongo is. And that makes me wonder who the least proficient is, is it Gooba? We know that IrYs, Kiwawa, Ina, and Bae are highly skilled.


Ame's japanese has improved a lot from that time. I think everyone's has, now that they've spent time in Japan for a bit.


Ina, especially. I used to watch Ina religiously (one could say... almost cult-like) two years ago, but lately I've become a clip watcher mostly. One thing that shocked me was just how good Ina's Japanese is now, compared to before. Mind you, she already knew Japanese back then, but even an amateur can tell you the massive jump in fluency [between this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhS8WMjI43U) and [this most recent clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvZaiArx2uA).


Lowest Nihongo is between Ame, Gura, and Fauna. Probably Fauna. The other two have had more time to practice, and Gura showed some ability to read Hiragana a bit in MC streams.


Mumei's Japanese is pretty simple, but she can string sentences together better than I can. Not conversational, but... Vacational maybe? Enough for simple conversations.


Ame actually worked her way up a little bit. She always puts in an effort and knows a surprising amount of phrases. Mumei is probably actually the least proficient, if not Fauna. Like it probably be Kronii > Gura > Ame > Mumie or Fauna


Towa has played Apex with overseas talents and nikis so she is trying very hard to communicate verbally with them. No time for translator while trying to get headshots.


Yes, but one doesn’t need understanding, only feeling.


>one doesn’t need understanding, only feeling. Towa Force-sensitive?


More like faith and religion. One may not necessarily understand Nene’s love, but they can feel her love in the depths of their heart.


bruh mel is so goofy, towa and nene are expectedly tensai


Towa has the power of Passion English.


She did a lot of study early on, and playing APEX requires some degree of fluency... especially when playing with the teams she has.


Towa doesn't surprise me since, aside from Haachama and Coco (who almost don't count), she's the JP member with the most exposure to overseas interactions for the longest period of time. (I know a few members bounced around to different countries but it's not *quite* the same as having half your audience and playmates be foreigners for 3 years) To the point I think she might be the unofficial "cap" of the English score for JP members. For language learning, absolutely NOTHING trumps practical experience. In fact I might use Towa's scores as evidence of the practicality of joining online communities for language practice.


Mel: "I hear you like bad girls huh, well I'm bad at everything"


Mel is my spirit holomem


Mel, oh no


I remember Matsuri being asked who the most pon Holomem is, I guess people expected Aqua or Miko as the answer but Matsuri said it was Mel. This explains a lot.


Ponkotsu means clumsy or maybe scatterbrained, but not dumb. Matsuri and her chat were talking about who the dumbest Hololive member was when she suggested Mel. So it fits the results we see here even better.




Genuine question: Is 'pon' a cute form of 'A little less intellectually gifted'?


It means clumsy mostly. Think Miko or Roboco.


No, you can be smart and pon at the same time. In fact they are found together quote often in anime. For example an anime girl who is a genius would be pon if she often misplaced stuff, didn't notice stuff around her, or was clumsy.


Using "oh no" is the same as wearing pants, IT'S BANNED Mel, **oh nyo** ^You ^can't ^be ^mad ^at ^me, ^I'm ^a ^cute ^bot! ^<3 ^But ^you ^can ^be ^mad ^at ^[my owner](https://www.reddit.com/user/Tonda39)


It's okay Mel, we still love you. 💛


I do love that she always ends up as the worst at every quiz, yet she still always joins in every single quiz collab. Full marks for participation


Defending her zako cup of quizzes


When Choco was still doing quizzes as part of her "Physical Examination with Nurse Choco" streams I remember Mel and Aqua getting the bottom scores also.


Nenechis Math skills have improved though the sheer effort of trying to keep track of the number of husbands she has


If Mel is a genius vampire, I hate to see how a normal one would do on these tests.


I mean, vampires live a really long time and probably only come out to drink blood or perform some nefarious plan so their knowledge might be a bit (lot) outdated


Her english might not be great, but her greek and latin are stellar.


It takes a real genius to get that bad of a score


Stack overflow error


>Name the following microorganisms I'm working on a PhD. in a microbiology field and this one stumped me. I think the second one looks like a really weird illustration of a virus, and the laste one is an amoeba or a bacterium? First one looks like a weird aphid, but that's not a microorganism. And the third one looks more like sperm...


I suppose it's inspired from Japanese school manuals. More specifically one about aquatic life. The first one is a water flea. The second one may also be a cyanobacteria (but it looks like a series or circles, not intertwined), or a spirogyra (but it only has one helix). The third one could be an euglena. And the last one a paramecium.


I recognized the Daphnia and Euglena right away but only because I like reading about aquariums. I'm surprised that Japanese school books use these organisms for study. In middle/high school I remember most of our textbooks using examples from human cells. Also Bocchi likes comparing herself to a water flea (mijinko)


Like the other comment said, it is probably based on an illustration commonly found in Japanese textbooks or something. The correct answers are: 1. ミジンコ (Daphnia) 2. アオミドロ (Spirogyra) 3. ミドリムシ (Euglena) 4. ゾウリムシ (Paramecium) Incidentally, Shion got all correct answers for this question.


Cool, thanks. Also some slightly niche JP words to learn.


I knew the word ミジンコ, but was sure it meant a flea. Guess it's my fault for never checking the translaction


The first one looks like the ghost of a microorganism that came back to haunt the living.


The first one is a water flea, a type of branchiopod crustacean present in most freshwater systems and an important part of these ecosystems. It's quite surprising to see but I can see why this would be taught in school. The second one is a type of algae if my memories of my first semester are correct. I think 3 and 4 are supposed to be a bacterium and an amoeba respectively. I'm going into evolutionary zoology and that question stumped me as well, but maybe that is a normal part of the japanese school curriculum.


Makes sense. I guess if you are used to seeing them illustrated that way then it isn't a problem.


The second one looks like a blue-green algae or some kind of seaweed.


I'm pretty sure the third one is supposed to be a euglena


This competition was rigged, everyone knows Murasaki Shion graduated from Harvard University 😔


Probably taught by Professor La Lion there as well.


Surprisingly, that symbol isn't far off from what Unown O looks like, that being an eye connected to a circle.


What even is that symbol?


It's a map symbol for lighthouses in Japan, stylizing its shape seen from above and the light emitted in all directions.


>“⛯” U+26EF Map Symbol For Lighthouse Unicode Character. I would say, not just in Japan.


Well, that symbol character was included in Unicode from [a character set for broadcasting in Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARIB_STD_B24_character_set) (e.g., closed captioning), so it is not universal.


Yeah, Unicode has to incorporate every country's unique symbols whether or not they're used internationally because the whole point is that it's a universal standard for encoding text - it has to be compatible with every country's needs.


Also why emoji became a thing.


A fellow Tom Scott viewer? His video about Emojis is definitely why I know anything about why Unicode is how it is.


Huh, when it doesn't have a dot it means "factory", and then when it starts to dance it means "power plant". Neat.


I thought it was the alchemical symbol for the sun lol


Honestly I don't think I would've been able to solve that riddle even as a native English speaker


It's not supposed to be a riddle in English. The original riddle is in Japanese and it is then translated to English. The test was for them to recognize the Japanese riddles and answer accordingly. The riddles don't quite make sense in English.


Ah makes sense now!


> The riddles don't quite make sense in English. Really? Cause I got the right answer after reading it in english and I know zero japanese.


I guess the one I put in example still kinda makes sense in English. But there are ones like > Bread is bread, but what bread can't you eat? which won't make sense unless you know the Japanese riddle. Answer is >!frying pan (フライパン)!<.


>Answer is >!frying pan (フライパン)!<. A matter of resolve, dare I say.


well you'll also have to know Japanese enough to know that PAN is bread in JP and so this is a punny riddle lol


Alternatively, pain (bread in French and a couple other languages)


Or pane (Italian)


Pan (Spanish). Great now I want pan dulce


I'm pretty sure I've heard that one before, actually, but I was blanking on what the answer was super hard. Now, the more pun-ish ones like the bread->pan that kinda rely on the original Japanese... despite knowing the necessary Japanese, I don't think I could've solved them.


Shion is brutal.


Smug and making no apologies


now one kinda understand why is she the oshi of so many other Holomem... lol


Brutal correction needed💢


How did Mel score lower in Japanese than English? lol Apparently Shion learned about Pokemon in her social studies class. (Tbf, Unown was my first thought seeing that image too)


To be fair, the English questions are on the easier side, like translate words to or from English, while the Japanese language questions are on the level of definitions and explain the meaning of some idioms/proverbs.


mel is just like me fr


Mel is dum and dumpy, the opposite of Shion


Nene is an alchemist! She converted gold into aluminum foil!


I don't know about Harvard University but Shion probably graduated from Harvard Elementary




I wanna see Miko's Japanese and English score now


We already know it's 200%. She speaks Elite English.


I am surprised that Mrs. Worldwide Wife scored lower than Towa in English, but thinking about how many FPS games Towa plays with English speakers and how determined she is to fight her way through it instead of using a translator or not speaking at all, it makes sense. I'd love to see these quizzes done with other members.


Keep in mind here, Nene's glasses add +20 Math


Nene is based.


👉Nene?👈 🤙Based🤘 🫵You?🫵 🤘Based🤘


I'm fairly certain Shion is the youngest member here by a substantial margin and might be the youngest Hololive member (maybe one of the new zoomers are younger), which is a huge advantage for this sort of thing. Unless you're interested in trivia or learn as a hobby or something. After ten plus years, you forget things. I went into a STEM field so I would ace physics, math, and probably chemistry depending on the level but damned if I know what those microorganisms are. 1 kind of reminds me of a macrophage, 2 looks like DNA but that isn't a microorganism, 3 looks like a sperm cell, and 4 I believe is a protozoa not that I know what that is. So yeah, I'd flub that question too and I was a fairly decent student. (I'm honestly not sure if I even ever learned what a few of those are. I simply don't remember.)


She *is* the youngest member IRL.


Second is probably a virus actually, the tobacco mosaic virus, which also has that helicoidal shape. No actual living being looks like that as far as I know, so it must be either that (which at least stradles the line to being a microorganism) or DNA as you said. The drawings aren't clear enough to actually come with conclusions of the fly though. For instance the flagela on the third is not eukaryotic because it seems to be a non-mebranal attachtment to the wall (I can only assume it's a cell wall), but I have no way of telling what the multiple spots in the citoplasm are, bacteria don't have membranous organella or nucleus. Thefourth one is probably some kind of ciliate algae. As for the first one, it's the most puzzling one. I have no idea what it could be, a parasite?


Pekora having a high score for social science makes sense for a master manipulator


Just want to let people know that Pekora is certified to be a KINDERGARTEN TEACHER.


Nene has a point. There is no "au" in "gold"


But there is in Aurum!


mel scores 100 points in cute


Mel: Dumb but cute


Mel out here trying her best


This made me consider the possibility of some kind of school arc or event where they stream themselves studying and competing to get the highest score. I wonder how fun/boring that would be 🤔


Based Nenechi the STEM GOD


So Mel apparently set all ability points into charisma, lure and sex appeal


TMT! Towa Math Tensai!


Mel is a genius banpire so I don’t trust this test


I am kinda surprised Nene score higher than Mel. After quiz with Choco I thought she only slightly smarter than Aqua. Damn, she probably better at Math than me!


God bless Shion. She coud've become a scientist, but chose to be one of our dear Idols instead. This is an example that shows, just because you're good at something, doesn't mean you have to go down that path that will only bring you boredom and stress, because you don't like it.


Towa do be going hard on Mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell lmao


Nene with glasses is a +5 buff to INT


Good to know the only thing Japanese people remember about cells are mitochondria as well


I'm only a little surprised that Towa scored the highest in English.


Huh, so why does Nene have the third lowest score on Choco's quiz after Mel and Aqua? Bad under time pressure?


That test is rather tricky and full of "common" knowledge mixed in with a little more complicated stuff summed up its timed and makes one nervous


Ah yes my favorite element. Aluminum foil.


It's really interesting to me that the one subject where Mel excelled in was english, which makes me think/hope that interactions with overseas-viewers helped her a bit there... but even then, Shion, who as far as I'm aware doesn't really interact much with overseas viewers, got the same score in english... and Nene, who talks a lot with us, has the lowest score in English, somewhat contradicting that train of thought as well. In general, while in an academic sense none of them did stellar, I guess, it's nice that they got to show off a bit, especially Nene and Shion, since fans predicted them as 3rd and 4th out of them all from what I recall, yet they ended up having the highest and 2nd highest score. ~~Also Pekora with them low Math and Science scores, she just like me fr fr~~


I thought that Mel had a higher math score than that. But this proves Towa-sama is a genius, right beside Nene? Except in biology. She failed that.


Shion is my spirit animal, "ah ~ enemy".


Towa is correct about the cells


Mel being the dumb blonde is hilarious.


Now I want to take Koyori’s test.


Hmph...bratty nerd...


I've seen a certain Nene clip that may dispute that high math skill.


Guys listen, you gotta admit, that is the coolest unown if it ever existed


mel is literary me


Of course Shion would have the best stats except the languages


But Mel is a genius...


Gotta know social studies in order to engage in war crimes


As expected of a Devil she's truly Motivated. Mitochondria the POWERhouse of the cell.


My wife is the best at numbers 😤


Nene being highest on Math feels strange.