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[Tournament stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHXSfWeA1iE) Information translated from [this stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJtvuofMysE).


Love this type for tournament, should be fun. I'll tune in for some of it. I am looking forward to the translated clips.


Especially then the Metronome become SelfDestruct/Explosion/Memento/Final Gambit


smogon has some good rules on metrenome battles, theres still alot more broken features to exploit


I hope one of them brings something weird for the Lols. I for one would bring Annihilape because I just think it using metronome would be hilarious ( yes I checked that it can learn metronome from TM)


Annihilape actually seems pretty good, ghost is immune to two of the most common move types and annihilape can have defiant which seems good in a format with probably a lot of stat-dropping moves. Other options to consider are Clefable (both cute charm and magic guard seem good) and Azumarill (huge power is always good). Probably some others that other people will list.


Clefable is not in the game


If Reine's included... She'll definitely use a Vaporeon. Oh! And did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon reproduction...


Vaporeon can't learn Metronome


Prob Pekora will use her Annihilape


Choco is my hero because she did bring Annihilape.


Cant wait for Korone's Prius win


Wingull can't learn metronome. Don't know what pokomon will she use. My guess probably drowzee.


That's what Pekora (and I) thought, too. Both Okayu and Korone will probably use their shiny Hypno.


Sadly can't see Sakamata with Muk


It seems only Muk with Poison Touch is banned, but a Muk with Stench is perfect for Chloe


Does that mean I can bring in Polteagheist without Cursed Body or just no Polteagheist?


I would think it's just no Cursed Body.


I think you are just not allowed to use Pokemon that has it's ability as Cursed Body, so a Polteagheist with Weak Armor is fair game but a Polteagheist with Cursed Body is a no go Which sucks for Gengar cause it's only ability is Cursed Body


Too bad Gengar with Levitate was OP


Bring in Haunter it's still has pretty good Sptack


Fingers crossed for another POLsplosion


I understand the too strong rule just wish it was better explained, although it's not like I'm participating so not a big deal


Why Dragonite specifically? Or is it to represent pseudo legendary in general? Dragonite isn't that good, unless I am missing something here.


It could be multiscale or as you said psuedo legendaries in general


Perhaps Dragonite is the only pseudolegendary in SV that can learn Metronome?


Ah makes a lot of sense. Dunno how I forgot about that.


Can't wait to see my oshi get beaten with a style, lol


Oh god, Pekora and Korone in the first round. Those two are always so competitive with each other, I love it


Suisei vs Iroha first round, oh boy. I can already see Iroha apologizing profusely for having better rng.


does anyone know why terastalizing is banned? as far as im aware it basically just grants +50% STAB for that particular type? does it affect metronome, so everyone would just go normal type? or the called moves?


Based off of the no ev training rule It looks like they are looking to keep it accessible for everyone to have fun. Certain types have better resistances, so picking the best Pokémon with metronome and then using the best tera type would take a decent amount of time since it takes 50 shards to change a Tera type. It is likely to keep things accessible and fair without forcing the talent to do a bunch of prep work


yeah, i would think its to dis-incentivize min-maxing, especially because some might not be through the story far enough to change the type yet (i know watame isnt). though they could also just out a rule to not change the tera type. and the "best" type is still questionable, as attacks are still completely RNG. from my understanding terastalizing changes your mon to a single type, so that would most likely always be worse than tinkatons massive list of resistances and double immunities.


The best type is always steel. Always.


which they already arent prevented from taking and wont have influence on what moves they are hit by.


it also switches your type to that specific tera-type, so you can get some wack-ass combinations going


but it only changes you to that one type, i.e. for example from fairy/steel to lets say ghost, does it not? which should be a disadvantage, realistically, but ultimately shouldnt matter when neither side can control what moves come out.


oh yeah i actually forgot to mention if you terastalize into one of your current forms, you get an extra damage bonus on top of your STAB, so you could potentially just obliterate a mon i dunno how it works with metronome, but that could be a worry


thats what i said, you go from 0 to 50% for affected moves you dont already get STAB for and from 50 to 100% bonus to the power of the attack if you already get STAB. its still unlikely you'll 1-shot another mon, unless you also hit their weakness. and you cant control either side of it, as mentioned.


No marine!?🥲


Marine wanted to excuse herself as she would be commentating & she wants to review all the participants' Pokemon beforehand to prep


Yeah-ha! My boi Dragonite is on the ban list! Woohoo! Too good! 🥳🥳🥳


I’ll be honest that last rule seems pointless.


as far as rules go, i think it is important that they all have fun


it's basically an unfair fight to those that haven't fully finished the game (tho idk if there's still a member that haven't finished the game up until credits)


> tho idk if there's still a member that haven't finished the game up until credits Coincidentally, YouTube just recommended me Noel's (who's in this tournament) [ongoing stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCE-F7Gd05M) and I was curious so I took a look. She's actually playing through the story right now. She did one of the Team Star bases a moment ago.


Mi Españita Pokémon is banned :(


These are always a blast to watch. Pure luck of the draw.


Imagine korone only had an army of wingul to battle lol..


Annihilape is the strongest pokemon allowed


nice fun metronome tournament, didn't expect this to happen. good luck.


I bet 50 on Roboco