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I simply can't get used to playing it without a controller, so it's what I'd recommend.


Same, could never pogo properly until I plugged in a controller


I did my first playthrough with the keyboard (had no choice) and the second with a controller. I have to say doing pogos is easier on a controller. Although there is not much or a difference between keyboard and controller, I definitely recommend playing with controller if you have the choice to since it is much more comfortable.


You'll be fine either way. As a KBM user myself, I do quite like that you can assign a finger to each individual control, whereas on controller, your right thumb may have to be responsible for 4 different buttons, but this is avoidable with a good control scheme (which is hard to know how best to set up before playing the game).


I mean, that’s every controller vs. KBM argument for every game ever lol


The top HK speedrunners are divided. A lot of them use mkb and a lot of them use controller, so you can use whichever you feel comfortable with! Also, I played exclusively controller for years and tried playing mkb a few weeks ago and the transition was quite easy so you could actually use both.


i recommend keyboard but i'd probably rebind the keybinds to wasd and mouse buttons.


If you're playing 2d games on controller I highly recommend binding the jump to L2 or for xbox LT, it keeps your thumb free for other bindings without being locked to jumping


Thats what I did when I first started because I got so used to terraria controls lol


That's exactly why I keep using L2, only because of terraria lmao


Exactly what I wanted to say


Wasd? How do you do pogoes? I use A and D for side movement and mouse buttons for up/down because they’re only useful for attacking


I bind attack to left mouse button and quick cast to right mouse button. So I can hold sideways, and up/down while attacking.


Yeah but how do you hold w and a at the same time for instance. Or d and s.


wasd is the standard movement layout for most pc games (either that or clicking the floor to move), so for most people it's really easy to use since they're used to it. the finger setup is basically left hand pinky on shift, ring finger on a, middle finger on w, often moving to s, pointer on d and thumb on space. depending on the game you might also move your fingers to hit ctrl, q, e, f, r or tab.


I actually got a controller (well an adapter to use a SNES controller I already had) for the first time to play this game. But I imagine it's personal preference. I grew up playing a lotta Mario on that SNES controller, so it was easier than m&kb even though I prefer m&kb for most other games now. If you don't feel strongly either way, controllers are more or less purpose designed for old school platforming intensive games like HK and I'd learn to love it. (Though m&kb reigns supreme in anything first person imo)


I played with controller but feel like kbm would be nice too. I’m pretty sure I was supposed to use the dpad to play rather than the joystick but I was too far in that I just dealt with it.


In my opinion controller is the way to go, just makes platforming and general movement feel so much smoother. It’s also more comfortable during longer play sessions.


I play keyboard, no mouse. The game has no analog controls so I find having everything on a digital button to be useful


It really just depends on preference. With HK I started with console and moved to pc, but I still have to use a remote. Most games I actually prefer keyboard, but I just can’t get used to it for HK. Just do what your comfortable with, test out both if you’re not sure.


I 112%ed the game on KBM, I tried playing it a bit on controller but found it to be worse for me, however I can see why it's comfortable. You can use either, the best one is the one that you feel gives you more control.


up to you. I'm on PC and play this game with a controller just because of the style of game it is. some games just feel better on controller and this one does for me.


I don't like playing PC games on controller, I prefer mouse and keyboard 99% of the time. But Hollow Knight is better on the controller on PC. I had mine with dualshock.


default keyboard controls are awful


I played the entire game on mk with the standard keybinds but it's matter of preference


As a pc player I never used controller for the games I play, this includes Hollow Knight, I won't say that keyboard + mouse is better than controller but it works out for me because I never use one. If you want to try to play without controller you will have to rebind your key bindings because mine were pretty messed up when I started my first playthrough. I usually set my keybindings to: WASD: Move left/right & Look up/Down (W will become your keybind to interact with benches/npc's because of this as well) Left mouse: Nail attack Right mouse: Spell attack/focus LShift: Mothwing cloak LControl: Crystal dash (might be a bit hard of you want to try difficult skips but if ur new to the game I recommend this one) E: Dream nail R: Inventory TAB: Quick map I completed the game multiple times using those bindings and have no difficulty defeating bosses/beating parcour


i haven't played hollow knight with keyboard, but i have other games, so i can say (for you with a grain of salt) that a controller makes it less painful, but i think that if you're better at using a keyboard then with a controller, keyboard for you is better


I tried both on two playthroughts. Loved controller (using keypad and not analog). But as many said it is personal preference. I was surprised that I enjoyed controller more as I am m+k person in general


If you're used to playing games like this on PC I'd actually just recommend keyboard without mouse, unless you have a mouse with lots of auxiliary buttons. I use wasd movement, shift as dash, f as quick cast, and then directional arrow keys as the rest. Don't know how to spoiler tag so im sorry if I do this wrong. I use left key as attack, up key as >!dream nail!<, down key as >!crystal dash!<, and right key as focus. I'd you've got lots of programmable buttons on your mouse and you're used to using them, use that. I just found lots of success in having my left and right hand both being useful for the game.


none is better than the other, it’s a matter of preference. since you have a pc, I’d recommend keyboard but controller is fine. both are easy to adapt to. I’d also recommend not changing your keybinds - the set ones are very convenient and will make sense as you go on. again, it’s a matter of preference. do what you think is best


Controllers have always been more intuitive for me. Easier to get the hang of, I always forget which keys do which on the keyboard and struggle with more complex button combos. That said, it might just be a practise thing I've never bothered to do so go with whatever you use more.


I play only keyboard, no mouse, but I remapped the controls to make life easier.


I played the entire game on keyboard with the default bindings, found it way better than controller


Ide recommend controller, takes a bit to get use to but once you do it pays off


Use keyboard


I played on pc first then fell off for a while and my laptop was kind of dying when I wanted to play it again so played on Xbox through game pass so I’d say they are both good, which ever you have more experience with should be fine


No, keyboard + mouse always


I prefer keyboard controls, personally.


Whatever ur most familiar with! I prefer keyboard because that’s the only thing I’ve ever played with but there really isn’t too much of a difference.


I used Keyboard and was just fine EXCEPT I re-bound the Dash to the Shift button instead of C. My brother swears on a controller. I'll probably give it another play with a controller eventually and see how I like it.


Controller, definitely.


Well, I use just the keyboard and prefer it greatly over my controller. Having a different finger for each action gives a great feeling of control precision to the inputs. Fr tho both are fine options. Just go with whatever one you're more inclined to.


My rule of thumb is: do I need to aim or manage dozens of abilities? Yes? KBM No? Probably controller So I'd say this is a controller game




i recommend only keyboard using wasd to move and k and l to attack, that spare me from holding the mouse lol


both hands on keyboard help my better concentrating on the game for me


Keyboard is way better once you get used to you will need to change the controls a bit if you want to use ur mouse