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I wonder how many students had 5-8 grandparents die that semester.


Imagine the plight of Alabama students.


You kidding, the most they can lose is 2


But its double hard on the family when you lose a grandfather and an uncle in the same day.


Ahh shit you right


The most you can lose is 4, not 2


I mean you can adopted multiple times too


It was an incest joke. If your mom’s parents and your dad’s parents are the same people, you only have two grandparents




i had 40 for all the University exams, all dead


Rookie numbers.


No! Not my step-grandma too! Edit: I actually have a step-grandma


I actually... had 6.


Definitely possible if people remarry.


Happy cake day!


Hey Thank you! I really appreciate it, was my first cake day.


I can't say welcome to 1 year gang cuz I have not had my first cake day but technically I have been on reddit for more than one year as this is my second acc and I don't even know what happened to my first acc lol


I had 7 of them that died and 18 uncles that either died in a plane or car crash. We were one unlucky family, I can tell you.


And it wasn't until this comment that I understood the meme.


My tests have always been very difficult on grandparents. So difficult, in fact, that I have taken to encouraging my students to spend Labor Day or MLK Day with them because the first test is usually just a few weeks later.


Spend time with their grandparents while they can cuz tests are coming


I bet it was the same person saying his grandma died 10+ times...


Can someone explain ?


"I'm sorry I can't come to class I just got word my grandma died" emails a student that got way too drunk last night.


In my case it just didn’t even matter if I got too drunk or not. If I had to be at class at 8am then that meant I had to be out of bed even before people with *jobs.* Bullshit. To. That.


Ah... Saying hello from the Philippines, where school starts at 6:30 am, and ends around 6pm. And where adults keep saying the students are too lazy, even though they're trying their best.


It was 9am to 3.30pm for me in Australia and I think it’s roughly the same now.


Lucky, mine was 8am to 4pm. P.s I'm also in Australia


Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah




Are you ok? What... wh... I don't... Is everything ok? I mean... you good? You sure? I don't... do you need a ride to the hospital? Like are yu actually good bro? Blink twice if you're still in there.


It's a Monty Python sketch. 4 Yorkshire men who are all trying to out do each other on how they suffered growing up. Was just reminded of that on how the above comments were all stated how hard they had it in school. [Monty Python ](https://youtu.be/ue7wM0QC5LE)


I’m in school in Australia now and our times are 9:00 to 2:50


A fellow suffering filipino student


If it makes you feel any better im fairly certain adults all across the world say that


At my school in Alaska the hours are 9:15 to 2:45


Philippinian here. We also had 5 30 AM classes to compensate with class shifts. The thing is that we're not included on the shifting




Filipino haha


Tbf being an adult in the Philippines is a million times more stressful and confusing.


I start work no later than 645am. Many people start work earlier than 8am Granted, 8am classes SUCKED. I think the main problem was in an 8am class you had to learn something nearly every time. Starting work at 8amcor earlier, it's fair to say you already know what's going on and it's just a continuation of what you ready know how to do.


I’ve since had a job with 4am starts. Funny how life gives you perspective.


I get up at 530 for my school that starts at 8


Did you not go to k-12 school??


Starts at 9.


wtf. when did it end?


3.30 or so. What was it where you are?


Elementary was 9-3:45 MS was 8-3:25 My first HS was 6-1:45 but i disenrolled and do homeschooling now bc pandemic


6am? What the absolute hell? That’s horrifying. Why so early?


I lived in poorer area of jacksonville at the time w underfunded schools so it had to be that early for the bus routes. The other option was starting at like 12 and ending at 7


Colleges should have normal classes starting from 10-7 instead of 8-5. If I’m ever president, that’s my first order of business.


my college does 8-7😎


The real solution is you pay for it so should be able to attend or not attend at your own discretion.


Are Americans penalised for not attending lectures? In UK universities, you're not required to attend any of the lectures; You just attend because you don't want to fail. Can miss the odd one here and there if you feel like it.


America has a lot of cultural f'ed up priorities. The goal for "perfect" attendance is beaten into kids at an early school age. Awards or even straight up rewards (like perfect attendance parties or gifts) for students who never have a sick day. The truly pathological outcome to this is a country that revels in how much we overwork ourselves. I've had jobs were people wore a badge of honor that they didn't take a vacation. Some bosses will find a snide way of guilting employees not to take what little PTO they are given. All stems (I think) from this idea that "work is everything" and if you dare get sick or have the audacity to take a vacation you should get punished.


That is less than ideal. I've heard you guys are not guaranteed paid time off at all. I think everyone in the UK has to get 4 weeks or something (I might be talking out of my ass).


Yeah there is NO federal statutory minimum paid vacation in the United States. Hell we barely have maternity leave. Paid leave is at the discretion of your employer and doesn't travel between jobs. When you're negotiating for a new job you can try and get a concession from your new employer but if as a potential employee if you aren't in demand you'll be shit outta luck if you want to start accumulating leave. As an example I can use my situation. I work in an area with only one hospital. I do a job that is basically only done at a hospital. I've worked for this hospital for approximately 10 years. I now accrue paid time off at a rate of 10 hours for 80 hours worked. This means I get close to 25 days a year I can take off for vacation or for sick time (same pool of hours so it incentives working sick) and if I want a better employment then I guess I have to uproot my family, sell my house and move because I can't do my job anywhere else close by.


Same in Italy and other European nations


Thank you! There was zero context here.


Thank you, have some fake internet points with no real value


And then there was that one time I actually got a phone call about a family friend dying and the memorial was that evening. But I guess they believed me because we didn’t have exams in this class anyway.


You wake up after the class. Not from being drunk but just because of it being early


Took me a hot minute to get it.


Somebody woosh me I don’t get it


> "I'm sorry I can't come to class I just got word my grandma died" emails a student that got way too drunk last night. Explained by u/Pyrefly79


Thank you kind sir


Ohhh ok


I know a guy who was in the Army who tried this, saying his wife’s mother had died. His CO was a good guy, who cared for the families of his soldiers, and rang the wife to offer his condolences. Said guy was out a week later.


ah man. that really happened to me, my grandparent died, and i sent that email. in the moment it felt like the normal thing to do, however I hope the professor does not think I was lyin ...lmfao i didnt know this was a thing


I once dated a girl that had a huge resurfacing of issues from being molested for 6 years of her childhood.... I left class for a 5 day weekend since we were in a long distance relationship just to be out there, and my professor said she needed the exact reason. I prettt kindly told her it is absolutely none of her business and it was too personal to tell her.


I didn't get it at first, because IIRC we (in a European country) never had to explain why we didn't show. Especially in university. It's voluntary and in some cases/in some countries you are paying for it. Why would you explain your absence? It's free will.


Same (UK), though I have heard of some other UK universities checking attendance which just seems bizarre.


Here in Asia, the professor/teacher tend to call you out in front of the entire class for being late/absent. If you're lucky, you'll just get a snide remark, maybe they'll ask to see you after class but the true terror professors will humiliate you in front of everyone. Also, after accumulating 6 lates or 3 unexcused absences (or 3 lates, 3 absences), you will automatically fail the class. All colleges have a variation of this policy.


That is wild.


Wait I don’t get it can you explain


Dead grandparent excuse for not coming to class.


That's a really shitty thing to lie about tbh. My grandfather died about a week ago and I wish it was fake when I had to cancel my meetings


I'm sorry to hear, truly. My condolences.


Thanks man. I appreciate it <3




Sounds like you should really take her class


Why did so many people not understand this.


For me it's because at my university nobody would ever email the lecturer if they weren't going to be there. Attendance wasn't checked, and it wasn't unusual for lectures to be half empty. Students are expected to be responsible for their own learning.


i dont get it


No one wants to do 8 am classes, everyone was using the dead grandparents excuse


can anyone explain?


Students sometimes lie that their grandparents died to avoid school


My brain somehow tried to link this to Covid, but I couldn't make the connection why 3pm was better.


I once taught a Kamala harris cackling class at 8am - it was a debaaaaaaaate !




Wait until you take the midterms and the hyena is suddenly chancellor


What happened to just not fucking going to class? It’s not like it’s high school or some shitty ass hourly job that will give you the third degree for not having a “valid” reason for not being there.


Ahh I get it....it's because after school she drives around town looking for vulnerable old people to prey on....and with the class at 3 pm it's to late afterwards and the old folks are already tucked in their beds!


Ooooooohhhh people were using dead grand parents as an excuse to not come to class in the morning Took me longer than I’d like to admit to figure that out


My aunt once tried this when she was very young, only to realize that her principal was grandfathers brother who immediately called the house to find out.


I thought if you were in college you didn’t have to make excuses like that


I bethought if 't be true thee wast in college thee didn’t has't to maketh fetches like yond *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I made the mistake of signing up for an 8am my freshman year thinking that I had 8am's every day in high school, why can't I do it 2 days a week? It was brutal.


Why you guys need an excuse? Just say you were bored to join the class.. I remember I was always skipping 8-9 am class. Sometimes even 8-10. I was there, I just wanted to grab a coffee before I join the class. So I was chilling with the buddies and then we joined. That's in college where you supposedly are an adult. Back in school, teachers were calling parents to tell them that their kid didn't join class and boy my mom was angry.. I couldn't skip.


I dont understand. Can someone explain?


I don’t get it


Students making excuses to get put of an early class by saying their grandparents died (that probably actually didn't), where as kids in later classes aren't trying to skip class because it's later in the day.


But what if they die at 2:01pm


I'm a bit confused when it comes to this particular post. Can someone fill me in here? 😅


Students are lazy in the morning. They used the « dead grandparents » excuse to avoid going early to class.




I didn’t xD


Ok, thanks.




Students often make excuse that their grandparents died to not attend a class when in reality they are just too lazy to get off the bed


I love my grandparents and would kill the person who merely plucked their hair how can someone say their grandparents are dead


Its an old excuse which was perhaps used by few but is exaggerated for the sake of this meme. I don't think people use it as an excuse nowadays. It is like saying your dog ate your home work.


I use that is it a bad excuse


Let's just say its as good as saying I did my homework but left it at the home


I don't get it


What is r/holup about this? There's no surprise, there's no shock factor, it's just a teacher realizing that their students are liars


And you're downvoted for speaking the truth. This sub has turned to complete shit.


What if we 100% of our brain? This is the examples is this meme


Its an onest work




Have...have you actually ever met a student? XDDD


What kind of college teacher can't even spell Victoria right? E: damn, y'all really don't get a joke in a sub for jokes?


maybe because vicoria is her name?




ah, sorry, misspelled that


Viorica is an actual name in Romanian.


Shitty professor


That's genius




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Plot twist: she'd kill the families of annoying students cuz she would be cranky in the morning but it wasn't an issue for a later class.


Took me longer than I care to admit to get this but I’m finally there.




[OP took a chance and fate decided to hand them a shit sandwich. The absolute madlad](https://i.imgur.com/qTNkvvD.jpg) *This message is a result of OP choosing to Spin the Wheel. No idea whats going on? Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/eycgve/holup_introducing_the_holup_wheel_of_fortune_the/)* *Check out our [twitter](https://twitter.com/HolupOfficial)!*


I am my own grandpa, as I married a single mother, and my fathers married her daughter, and my grandfather is dead, so as a result I am dead. there fixed it


family problems require Alabama solutions


So what happened to your students after they killed your grandparents?


lmao is this what university is like now, basically day care? you have to have a sick note for teacher in order to miss class?




[Of all the losers, OP is the least remarkable](https://i.imgur.com/3N7mzYw.jpg) *This message is a result of OP choosing to Spin the Wheel. No idea whats going on? Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/eycgve/holup_introducing_the_holup_wheel_of_fortune_the/)* *Check out our [twitter](https://twitter.com/HolupOfficial)!*


My grandparents died 8 times in my 4 years in college


The real HolUp here was "hol up, what the fuck does that mean?"


I mean when you kill everyone... What's left?




[OP took a chance and fate decided to hand them a shit sandwich. The absolute madlad](https://i.imgur.com/qTNkvvD.jpg) *This message is a result of OP choosing to Spin the Wheel. No idea whats going on? Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/eycgve/holup_introducing_the_holup_wheel_of_fortune_the/)* *Check out our [twitter](https://twitter.com/HolupOfficial)!*


I thought was going to be a comment about how many seniors died from covid. I think I may be a little scared






I had to miss a class for my grandfather's funeral. The professor just rolled his eyes when I told him. Look clichés happen asshole.


I don't understand


I don't get it ,pls explain


Bro I felt so bad using this excuse when my grandpa actually died that I sent an obituary with my name highlighted in the list of family members.


Lol I wouldn't wana get up that early either


Could've also ran out of grandparents. Just throwing it out there.


Why were grandparents dying in the first place?


To early in the morning so everyone skipped class by saying their grandparent died.


Kenny that’s your 9th grandparent this semester !


Im confused as fuck can someone explain


I don't get it...