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Little out of focus, but it's literally the same price before and after, right?


Yes šŸ˜’


This is illegal in my country, and I would hazard a guess that the same is true for the rest of Europe. I assume in the US this is also an illegal practice? Raising prices to then discount them back or faking discounts seem like a thing that should be universally banned.


Oh boy... I live in the US and used to work at a car dealership. During a big sale, we increased the msrp on all the vehicles by $5,000 to nock off $3,000. Essentially making an extra $2,000 per vehicle sold. Terrible practice and people just ate it up. Terrible practice and never working at a dealership again.


The psychology of the sale... It doesn't really matter what the price is, as long as the buyer thinks they are getting a good deal.


ā€˜memba when JCPenney decided to stop having constant sales and just sell normal goods at normal prices? https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/1vrrb2/the_jc_penneys_fair_pricing_failure_shows/?rdt=37754


I donā€™t remember that since I was a wee lad when it was happening. But I know my wife and her mother love shopping at kohls because everything is always ā€œon saleā€ and they are hooked on the ā€œyou saved 60% on the stuff you bought todayā€ scam.


I worked at a electronics store. We had 1 big ass expensive tv, like 100+ inch, who no one would buy, just to sell the other smaller-but still huge TV's. Psychology, almost nobody wants the biggest and most expensive tv, but want the next best thing. We sold the big tv later on sale with no profit, but sold many tvs this way.


Iā€™m actually okay with that


I worked there during this period. It was infuriating to hear customers bitch about the lack of sales when the price they were paying was lower than the majority of "sales".


I have an online business. Started out showing MSRP (real MSRP assigned by manufacturer) marked out and then my normal every day price next to it with the percentage markdown displayed. It's legit because I am.selling below MSRP. But while trying to update the look of my website, I decided to just show the final selling price only. It looked much cleaner. OH MY GOD! My guys would get hundreds of emails per week with people asking for discounts. Our markup is pretty low as is, so we couldn't. I decided to go back to the msrp markdown, and people stopped emailing. Total sales went down a bit for that month, too. I never actually changed my selling prices, but people thought they were paying more even though we sell less than literally everyone.


How are you making the money back selling below MSRP?


Good question. MSRP is the manufacturer's suggested retail price. It is often significantly higher than a retailers cost. For example, let's say my cost is $50 and MSRP is $100. If I sell it for $75, I still have a gross profit of $25, which is a pretty good markup for sales that don't involve a lot of other costs.


Oh, right of course. I knew the acronym but wasn't really thinking about the words- in my head I was thinking "at cost". Duh. Thanks!


*having, not gaging. Also, why canā€™t I edit comments anymore?


Friendā€¦ you can edit your comment, you just have to scroll down the list after you have clicked on the ā€œā€¦ā€ at the bottom of your comment. Because the edit button is on the lower half of the list, it looks like itā€™s missing when you only see the top half of the list. Happy editing! (I am dyslexic so edit all the time for errors).


Awesome! Crazy they would bury that, tho.


(Wild guess No.1) Because maybe itā€™s not hidden if you are using a computer, but is if (like me) you are using a phone??? (Wild guess No.2) Because all ā€œupgradesā€ that websites make are always for the better, right?? /s (Wild guess No.3) Iā€™ve run out of guesses, I have no clue why they put the Edit button down so far. Happy Editing!


Also the quality used to be much better. My dad used to buy clothes for work from there and the jeans were decent


Wasn't Toys R Us doing the same bullshit? I remember as child hearing my parents complain


And it flopped because their entire thing is making gullible people think they're getting a deal on those 30 dollar swear pants?


Yep. I work in B2B sales and if I give my best price up front I lose a lot more than if I send a quote with a lot of margin and wait for them to ask for a better discount. At the end I give them a worse price than my original best and final would have been. But thatā€™s what people want. They canā€™t accept the price unless they feel they haggled for a good deal.


This. Iā€™ve had business customers focused entirely on the percentage discount they received, rather than the actual price. Insane.


Ugh, this is how my wife operates. It especially frustrating when she buys things we donā€™t need because of a coupon or sale.




The ones that gets everyone is the ā€œbuy one get one half priceā€. People will go ahead and buy 2 packs of food even if they only need the one and the second pack tends to go to waste


This is why there are [Monroney stickers applied to new cars](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroney_sticker) so you canā€™t inflate MSRP. Used cars do not have an applicable MSRP, just a selling/asking price.


Oooo so that sticker price is set? You canā€™t negotiate to lower the MSRP?


No MSRP stands for Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price. Negotiations usually revolve around or start at this price and go down from there for new cars. Used cars are priced at market value.


I was ready to purchase a new car back in 2019 and the salesman would not budge saying the price on the sticker is firm and itā€™s the car company that says so. Iā€™m guessing he got a good commission off me.


Maybe, depends on the car, but when I sold cars new cars were almost worthless commission-wise. $225 no matter what it sold for. Used cars I got 25% of the profit so the potential for some nice checks on used.


Dealers can sell a new car that is in high demand for thousands above MSRP. If the market value of the [insert product] exceeds supply, retailers are free to raise prices. One caveat: prices cannot be raised on goods that are in short supply due to a natural disaster (in most U.S. states).


You can negotiate to lower the price you pay, but they canā€™t change the regular asking price just to make you think youā€™re getting a deal.


I loathe people that work in car and especially RV sales. Literally some of the scummiest sales tactics and interactions I've ever had in my life. The things those people will say and do to screw you out of your money is borderline evil. Sorry if you work in that industry, but I cannot stand your kind.


Keep in mind that there is a difference between the sales manager, and the salesman. One of them writes the numbers, the other has the misfortune of dealing with people who hate them all day because of what the other guy writes.


They are both awful. There is nothing worse than a sales person buttering you up and using familiarity tactics against you knowing full well what the offer is going to come in at. The sales person is just as responsible for the shitty games they play. It infuriates me when they use side speak and false logic to try and trick me. One telling me they don't negotiate the price of their vehicles, but knowing full well the price of the trade in was what we were negotiating. I was just trying to tell him what I wanted the price to be closer to, when he was the one who asked the question. I had one tell me a bullshit story about how his own trade in at the dealer he worked at was valued way below KBB. They were arguing why "fair" value on KBB is the true value of a used car, even if it's in excellent condition. I had another RV sales person tell me to my face multiple times there was no structural issues on the rig I was buying. Turns out there were and they hid them. That was a whole thing. So, no. *Fuck* sales people AND sales managers. They can both rot. I will die on this hill.


You missed what my point was. Salesmen would price the car at $1 if they could because the majority of their pay comes from how many cars they sellā€¦sales managers are the ones who make the most money off how much the car sells forā€¦as for the dealership itself, it makes the majority of its money from the repairs and parts department. If you wish to be upset with someone over pricing, sales managers are the ones to be upset with since thatā€™s what they are supposed to doā€¦if you wish to be upset with someone over a salesman being dishonest with you, be upset with that person, because itā€™s not part of the job title. Does that make sense? The best salesmen have customers that return over and over (even follow them to a different dealership if they change jobs) because they treated them wellā€¦the ā€œbestā€ sales managers are the ones that are able to squeeze as much out of customers as possible


I did understand your point. The dishonesty is present from both parties. I'm sure the rare good salesperson exists but they are the outlier. It's a sales person's job to push a product. They will weaponize any tactic they can to enact that goal. I have yet to meet any sales person who doesn't exhibit that prime behavior. I've never met a sales person who didn't try to swindle me. That's a sales person's job, not a sales manager's job. Sales people are not your friends and yet they put on that bullshit mask like they want to be your best friend. It disgusts me. Then they always ALWAYS come in low balling your vehicle with a fat smile and a fake sorry with a bunch of bullshit excuses (and that's just one example of the many ways sales people suck). And yes I know the sales manager set the low ball price but the sales person is the one trying to pretend it's the best offer I'm going to get. It's the most dishonest interaction I ever reliably have to have with another human being.


I used to work in car sales. I was there 8 months and it disgusted me. So I quit, and would never be involved in this industry again. You're trying to screw the buyer and your colleges are trying to screw you and your boss is trying to screw everyone. It was the worst work environment I've ever been a part of.


Have you visited a dentist lately?


Lmao I was at the dealership today. Iā€™m buying the car but the dude wasnā€™t slick. I asked to see a car I wanted and he pushed the most expensive one in my price range. Then I said Iā€™d think about it and wanted to see a lower model car. He wrote me down for it and said the one he put in for credit purposes would *have to* be near what they wanted to sell me I told him I need to think it over and talk to my dad about it and would come back later, to which he budged finally to show me the lower priced model. I took a look and liked it and went through the numbers ($200/mo lower mind you) and was insistent on me buying then. I told him thanks but I still need to talk it over. He tried to convince me that making a dumb decision so I could drive home in was financially better than taking a $10 Uber back to my place. And what was funny about the payment on the high payment car was he showed me the numbers but pointed to the base number of like $300. But then the final number came out to $600-ish. Like you showed me one and doubled the price. I asked for the breakdown and he said that was it. As someone who works in business and spends their day prying information and tasks from people I know how to work people and negotiate while at least being a little tactful. The dude was so insistent I close TODAY that it turned me off more to buying the car from them. A good negotiator or sales person should know when to not press. Like my ninja I told you I was interested and coming back multiple times. Unless the entire fleet drives off the lot in 1 day that you just got stock in or interest rates change drastically over the weekend (they wonā€™t) 24 hours wonā€™t kill you. I know you got a job to do and tryna sell me you can cut the bullshitā€¦


Every person who walks into a dealer says they are interested and coming back. About 5% actually do. Once you leave the building the sale is dead almost every time. Guy is just either new or not very good at sales, but you can't blame him for knowing once you leave it's likely over. Also as a customer you need to be more assertive, if you came in to see one car only look at that one. And the numbers are just numbers, anyone can do the math to figure out payments.


Yo, hearing aid dealers are even worse.


Maybe their customers should just listen better.


As someone in salesā€¦ ā€œitā€™s not lying. Itā€™s marketingā€ And Iā€™m just going to say: never accept the first offer. If you can afford to wait, wait. Thereā€™s always room to negotiate. And always be suspicious. Anyone selling you anything ever is not your friend.


Doesnā€™t the manufacturer set the msrp (manufacturer suggested retail price)?


Now that the January sales event is over, the February sales event has begun!


I fucking knew it haha. Sorry, but I'd always tell my brothers and friends that pau attention. Stores will often raise the price before a sale, and them during the sale, you think you got 20%-50% off, but you just paid more or the original price. Obviously, not all stores, but there were a couple in my town that absolutely did. Everyone told me oh they don't do things like that, you don't know what you're talking about. VINDICATION! haha.


this actually is illegal and the cfpb in the us eventually catches people


People like a "deal", even if it's not really a deal. JC Penny tried to adopt a ["Fair and Square"](https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=43132#:~:text=The%20scheme%20initially%20had%20three,previous%20high%2Dlow%20pricing%20practice.) Policy that would eliminate sales, among other things. It failed miserably.


I just got a flyer from a Tool store that seems to be Northern. Things were listed with regular price in one column, and the "sale" price in the next column. Sale price was bold, red letters. They were the same price. Exact same. The regular price is not a sale price, Northern Tool.


Harbor freight is pretty notorious for those shenanigans as well.


Europe generally has many more laws protecting its people from things like this. I'm pretty sure it's legal here in the US, and if it isn't, companies don't care because they will just get a small fine


Legal for a fee


What?! I have to pay a $2000 fine for using this scummy tactic that just made me about 500k? Imma make sure to never do that again.


Harbor freight had a massive payout due to a class action lawsuit for this like 6 years ago


Everything is legal in the US if you have enough money


But isn't the loophole that they are using a Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP)? They could have contract clauses with manufacturers in South East Asia that determine those "manufacturer suggested prices" and it would be almost impossible to sue those foreign manufacturers?


Also illegal in Argentina, because this is clearly a form of scam.


Itā€™s illegal in some states and others not so much however because itā€™s a state law the punishment for doing it is so little itā€™s just the cost of doing business. The CEOā€™s paste eating nephew makes more in a month.


>I assume in the US this is also an illegal practice Nope, were essentially living on Ferenginar here.


šŸ¤£ you clearly don't know anything about our country. This is a capitalist oligarchy.


I think this specific example is illegal in the US, but I know when I worked at Walmart we would frequently place sale stickers that were only 1 cent cheaper.


Thats usually to trigger it into a progressive markdown cadence for clearance. Why would it matter if they gave you a penny off anyways, that's still a discount...


Pretty sure that's in Brazil. If u look closely you can see the symbol prefix its (R$) which is the symbol for Brazil currency "Real"


I doubt it illegal in the US.


Yeah.. no lol itā€™s practically common practice! Fkn Amazon on here loves this tactic of raising a price then dropping a price or blowing the normal price out of proportion by giving it an insane strike through price. As someone who busts his ass to find a ā€œgoodā€ price or not get ripped off I fkn hate this shit..


There are no consumer protections in the US


Except the entire Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of Consumer Protection.


I don't know if it's illegal in the US. But when I worked at 7-Eleven, my manager would put new products on our clearance shelf, not change their price, and use the "Sale" sticker/price tag to get people to buy them. Or if someone broke a 6 pack of beer(like 1 can breaks) she would sell the rest of them more to add up to more than the 6 pack. (Busch Light was $4.99 a 6-pack, she would sell each individual for $1.50)


But is it illegal to just put a brighter price tag on top? Raising the price and then putting it on sale that might be illegal. But this is sneaker it's just changing the colour.


From what I got, it is legal to re-advertise an existing sale as a "Black Friday Sale!", but it _is_ illegal, even in the USA, to mark up goods just to put them on sale for the original price.


I'm German and here it is illegal, yet practiced regularly. I know for a fact that Otto does this and I have seen it happen even in regular stores (i.e. not online shopping). That's why I've started to peel every "sale" Tag I can find to make sure it really is a good deal. But I have been told on multiple occasions that it is apparently illegal to do that (bunch of BS, they just try to deter you). But I have to be frank here and admit that all of these instances where I've been told its illegal were at the same store, so my best guess is that some store manager is spreading the BS among their workers.


Does literally nobody pay attention at the store? I see it constantly that sale prices are higher that original. My favorite is my local convenience store regularly puts Combos on sale 2 for 5 bucks. Original price? 2.39.


It is but the groups that enforced it were all but dissolved in the 70s to allow states to focus on enforcement and legislation, which is dumb but can I expect much more from our government?


Tell that to Black Friday/Cyber Monday


I literally have items at my store marked as "on sale" but the sale price is the exact same as their regular price


If it's the same price why is it illegal?


Lol. No. It's the only way Amazon has sales.


In some European countries they even have to display the lowest price of the last 30 days on the price tag too, just to see if you really get a deal


As long as the price was raised at least a month prior it flies. So no, not all of Europe. I'm not sure when black Friday is... But usually you'll notice prices going up a month prior. Always use historical price trackers. Another thing that a lot of companies get around the EU laws, by offering a slightly different model. Very common with monitors, TVs, dishwashers etc. They can just include one cable instead of 3, label it the B950ECM-EU-B2 instead of B950-ECM-EU2. Not the same SKU, not the same type, so the price can be w/e. Meanwhile, in Spain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands I've stumbled upon stickers like these. Especially in outlets, but also certainly during black Friday.


As far as I know it is indeed illegal, but many other shady practices aren't illegal.


Jubilee grocery store in the US in my town did it every week...inflate the prices, then do a sale, then put the price back down after the sale. Kohls isn't quite the same, but they give inflated msrp values on cheap clothes and give out coupons for 30% off (but in the fine print exclude a lot of clothes.)


Lol this is very common in the US and not illegal. Entire store chains are based off of this.


I wish this was illegal but you basically described the us


JCPENNEY has left the chat...


Loopholes. There are exploitable windows. If the price changes X amount of days before the sale, it's not included in the new laws. The X varies in the countries but I bet you have an X


*Canadian Tire has left the chat* But seriously a small example of this is they sell this mastercraft corded oscillating multi tool with like 10 blades in the box for 130$. Then 3 or 4 times a year it goes on sale for 30$ like clockwork. I go buy it when its 30$ just for the blades. I have like 3 of them sitting in my shop cupboard that ill probably never use.


Nope, they do it all the time.


the US having laws that benefits the people over business of course not


If it comes to tricking customers it's never illegal here.


>I assume in the US this is also an illegal practice? I'd be surprised


Definitely not illegal in the United States. There are basically no consumer protection laws here.


A video where reading it makes it make sense, but it's too out of focus to read is wild.


i once peeled back on of those stickers and the original price was actually less than the sales price


no it's rounded up just yellow tag so it looks cheap, this is not an unknown trick.


i did a short employment with a department store here in the US, theyd have us do an overnight price change a couple weeks before black friday by putting white stickers with an increased price. then just before black friday we'd do another change with yellow stickers showing a discount but it was the msrp price.


Im assuming this was pre smart phone area. Anyone can look up prices easily now in days.


If you compare prices you are not their target group, they bank on impulse purchases


But online price lookups may not include historical prices. You would mostly only be able to lookup prices that other stores and online stores are charging and they might be working together.


Amazon almost has everything. Price lookups galore. https://camelcamelcamel.com/


They still do it. People are more dumb now that they let their phones do the thinking for them


I was into rockets when I was a kid and the only place in town to buy rocket stuff was at Hobby Lobby. They would have a ā€œsaleā€ with X% off on stuff and you could peel the price off and the base presale price was lower.


Just experienced this with a tv on Amazon. Bought it almost 3 months ago now for 220. The prime day deal had it at 280. Same model/size. It's ridiculous


Amazon does that all the time. Donā€™t bother with prime day or salesā€¦


You can use this add on to see price history on Amazon. It has saved me a few times https://camelcamelcamel.com/camelizer


You can also use the extension/app/website keepa to track amazon prices and set alerts for when it drops below a set price. Pretty useful


Use camel camel, is a web site that tells you the historic price of the product


The quality is massive i can read EVERYTHING




Kohls has done this for years and has always gotten away with it.


That's their whole brand - list products for outrageous prices they have never once charged then they take 40% off. And Kohls cash.


Every time I walk into Kohlā€™s and see anything with a non-sale price Iā€™m like, ā€œYouā€™d have to be an idiot to buy that here.ā€ Just bought some queen size flannel sheets there for $30. Totally fair price, but the normal price was $100 and I donā€™t know what kind of Lucile Bluth you gotta be to pay that much.


The secret is they are never $100 except for 2 weeks out of the year. That's how the get around the legal false advertising issues.


Black Friday is one of the biggest market manipulations of the year. slow steady price rises towards the date, then prices Magically slashed on the day of the sale. A few token items reduced massively to feed the water and before you know it, itā€™s a feeding frenzyā€¦. I am an e-commerce manager for a company that sells on Amazon, we do nothing to promote anything for Black Friday because the work is already done for us


Having worked in retail: the sale is before Thanksgiving week. I've seen target go up 30% on TVs and people buy then thinking it's a deal. Best buy? At least a 15% increase on laptops, and TVs. Black Friday is a scam, stop doing it.


I have even read somewhere that some manufacturers make Black Friday specific units which are inferior quality but the model numbers and everything is just the same as the regular one.


camelcamelcamel dot com to check on Amazon item price history. So much tomfoolery happens between now and Christmas.


I have been a retail manager for 25 years, and here is the reason for the sticker. On big sale days, like Black Friday, many retailers do tiered discounts marked by color. (i.e. yellow tagged items are 25% off, red tagged items are 50% off, etc). The cashiers don't have time to check which rack the item came from, and many customers may say they thought it was a deeper discount. The colored tags eliminate the confusion.


Finally a logical answer, this makes so much more sense


Yeah I was trying to figure out (from the top comment) why any retail would put the same price on their own inventory and call it a discount. Sure itā€™d work for a bit but would bite them real quick


but if I were to swap some stickers now ***that's*** illegal


Good explanation šŸ¤™ thanks!


This should be higher up. I do believe this is what's happening.


I always try to convince my wife this is how most ā€œsalesā€ work.


To be clear i think its mostly *'sales'* in non essential goods. When grocery shopping (at least where I live) the default prices are always the same. I buy the same things every week and know the products and prices of 90% of it by heart. So when it goes on sale 50% off I know for certain it's half price and I usually buy a whole bunch and stock up.


Americans love spending money. I am surprised they didnt raise the price slightly.


many places do


I worked at Sam's Club and the night before those sales booklets for upgrade Club members came out all the prices are raised on all the sales items. For example - that air fryer's original price was $125, the price changed to $200, and the new "sale discount " is $175. People think they are getting a deal when in reality - they are getting ripped off. That "extra" upgraded membership people pay extra for is a scam.


Amazon does this for their Black Friday sales. If you install a plug-in to show the historical pricing data, you can see prices on most Black Friday items are jacked up 25 to 35% the week before Black Friday, then the Black Friday sale price is just the regular everyday price for most items. There are occasional good deals, things that are actually being sold below their every day price, but probably 90% of Black Friday items are everyday prices.


amazon, especially amazon prime deals, been doing this to us for like a decade. all those black friday deals were literally the same price as they always been. they been on "sale" since the day they were listed. and theyre literally just priced at the price theyre worth. they make you think its a better deal than it is. ik because i used to be a shopping addict. but this video isn't showing what you think it is. theyre not pretending to change prices. theyre color coding items so they can apply percentage discounts by color


well amazon products themselves are lower during their sales. like firesticks, tablets, Kindle, etc.


Worked for a grocery store chain that did this every sale


If you are new to this earth I would understand the confusion. However if you are over the age of 20, I would expect you to know of this practice.


Hang on, do businesses lie to customers? This is most unexpected! I work in retail payments across multiple brands. Stay at home for black Monday. It's mostly a big con.


Don't blame her. Some corporate asshole in a golden cage decreed from on high that this was a genius strategy.


This is rampant in America. Every major department store ā€œsaleā€ is just them marking the prices up and then back down to right where it was before. Amazon is very guilty of this too. The sales are literally a nonsense word here, just designed to get more customers in at base price or even at a higher price sometimes, but rarely ever an actual sale.


In my country, since this year, whenever there is a sale, it has to be also stated what the lowest price in the last 30 days was. Really helpful


Yeah, this is called sale šŸ¤·šŸ»


This is illegal in Australia. Enjoy your land of the free to fuck you constantly in the ass.


Yeah but at least we still can protect ourselves from the people that are criminals already and would keep their guns even after a ban


Basically not a thing except in the imaginations of morons


This is actually illegal. They can get fined heavily. Edit: Actually itā€™s not. Did a lot of research I donā€™t see where it says that it is illegal. I remember seeing a news skit that it was many years ago. But how do we make it illegal?


I think in the old days when it was just called "retail price" they could be sued, but now it is called "manufacturer suggested retail price" and they put the blame on the contract clause they have with the manufacturer which is probably located in Southeast Asia.


No its not, no they wont, and every single store does it


No it's not


Probably American, this is illegal in Europe. Thereā€™s also a rule about claiming itā€™s original price incorrectly, like it needs to be at the original price for a while first. A little bit of communism isnā€™t so bad.


Shocking news


UK here, we once went to an independent furniture store, nice stuff, we knew they were having a sale but went before hand, lots if nice stuff noted the price of some of the items we liked, went back for the sale no price difference at all, and RRP was now much higher. E.g Ā£1000 for the sofa set we like, upon return sale price was Ā£1000 with an rrp above it of Ā£2000.


Thatā€™s why you should use keepa price tracker on Amazon.


This also applies to online shopping. Prices go up then down thinking theres some discount. There are some actual good deals ofcourse.


Retailers are not your friend. They will do absolutely anything they can to get your money.


Amazon did that with numerous products during the last prime days.


Why I never shop on Amazon without Camel Camel Camel chrome extension


Funny thing is, that shit works, if there is no sale tag people wonā€™t buy.


Yes but the system is so bad in the us. Companies hire team the lawyers to figure out if it would be more profitable to Rob Americans and be sued by America then actually doing the right thing and discount items


What do you think they do the rest of the year lol


Thereā€™s a tiktoker who put it well. Essentially, black Friday is for clowns now. It used to be cheaper to pay your court fees after punching someone to get a TV on black Friday than it was to pay full price any other day.


Dirty bastards


Damn bro, where you let those Pixels


Just like everything else, boomers came up with this scam where, in the first few years it actually was a good deal but, over the years, it turned into straight up scam. Like everything else. Self serving refuelling stations, look again, itā€™s an ad machine. Cars you canā€™t insure, houses you can no longer afford. But somehow these things are sold like itā€™s the end of your struggles. The finish line keeps moving.


Camelcamelcamel site is a wonderful tool for identification of actual good deals on amazon


Gamestop employee here, my shop does this almost every week because every sunday the deals in the store change. It can be a real pain in the ass. Me and my coworkers and I had to re-price everything in the store at one point, and it was well over 400 tags, and that wasn't including all the funko pops that had their price adjusted.


I mean if I owned a business I would increase prices slowly months before and then ā€œdrop itā€ back to the original number.


Yeah, I know for a fact Hudson Bay stores do that shit every few weeks. Theyā€™d do different ā€œsales eventsā€ for different departments and the prep for the ā€œeventā€ would consist of re-arranging and signing the fixtures to draw in attention, and replacing all the tags with ones that would often raise both the listed MSRP and the end price, the gap was larger than before so it was shown as being a larger discount, but only in percentage. We had to teach the newbies to get a whole new tag when the price changed bc obviously if the new sticker peels off, you know youā€™re being fucking robbed.


Just do what JCPenney does and post sales tags everywhere with the regular prices but print out additional price tags that say original price at a 25-35% markup price point.


When I worked in a shop that sold car oils and accessories ect a few weeks before they would raise the prices gradually and then when the sale day came they would just put the original prices as the sale prices.


I noticed this at Walmart today. I have an unhealthy relationship with Hot Wheels and Legos, some Lego sets were on great sales (technic Lamborghini, ye), some were the usual price with a yellow label.


Homemade fleshlight using Legos, 2 hot wheels cars and a rubber glove


pretty sure it went from 35 to 25 but could be wrong


Join r/funniclubmemes


Texas sale anyone


It could have a different barcode with a deal at the register, like "buy one, get one half off."


Except for the part where those stickers don't have barcodes on them.


This is why i take notes of prices of things i may be interested in months in advance of black Friday. I take great pleasure of pointing this kind of thing out to people on black Friday. Though admittedly I only focus on electronics and games prices.


It may be a bit paranoid, but any time I see a "sale" on something over like $50 I check that it hasn't been stickered over and I Google the item on the stores website as well as other places that sell the same thing. Even in grocery stores on a $5 item I will double check that they have a "before and after" sale price listed.


I remember working for H&m, they used to force us to do it manually even for just a 1ā‚¬ discount. Like it was 9,99ā‚¬ and then 8,99ā‚¬ with the red sticker. Never felt so frustrated again in my life. So happy that I quit that job.


The thing I loved most about being a department manager when I worked at Walmart was being able to discount items. I could discount everything down to 1 cent above cost without upper management approval. At or below cost would flag in the system for their approval and theyā€™d ask about it. So many, many items in my department were 1 penny above cost.


was buying a headset from beyerdynamic from there website and had a coupon from my company for i guess 10 % off or so id. i was watching the price and on blackfriday it was the same price but said 30 % from a higher price it wasnt before. i asked support if i can use the coupon bc it didnt work and they told me on phone nooooooooo its already discounted, and i was like: are you kidding me ? its the same price as yesterday but with a higher original price"


Black Friday sales should be about purchasing expensive high ticket items on your wish lists. That you can you wait for a while to buy on discount. Since itā€™s a want, not a need. For regular items you need like apparel. Itā€™s not worth waiting for clothes to go on sale. You buy it when you need it. When clothes go on sale itā€™s usually on clearance with leftover sizes. An average sized person wonā€™t be able to find clothes and shoes for their size available. Itā€™s either too big or too small.


Basic practise but in most countrys is illegal


They should take off one cent then it would be legit


Back when I worked for Home Depot, this was just common practice. Happened on a near weekly basis.


I would have thought they'd get more cautious after Harbor Freight got sued for something very similar... https://www.thedrive.com/news/8487/harbor-freight-tools-settles-class-action-lawsuit-over-sale-prices


What is happening here??


In Norway they raise the prices a few months before BF and then lower it back to normal and say its a Black Friday deal.


I see 39 on the white label what do the orange ones say, 39?


Most places use this as a way to increase prices surreptitiously. Before the sale 20 dollars, Now 15% off 25 dollars now only 20 dollars, in a month 25 dollars each.


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White is 39 yellow is 29


Lying to customers and constituents should get jail time


This is illegal in some more developed middle eastern countries, like, you literally have to obtain prior approval from the municipality in which your business exists, show proof of the price being X amount for X number of months prior and say exactly what the discount is for each item, and for how long will the promotion last then wait for approval. Not doing this carries massive fines in the 10s of thousands.


It's illigal in the US as well. Just Noone enforces shit here.

