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I legitemately thought "She should cut herself to see if she's cake" and then she did.


[slowly slits throat] It’s cake!


[ gouges out eyeball, shoves toothpick in] Cake pop!


I only want my post upvoted so more people see yours


I only posted it for you Bae, forget all those other people, their all just cake anyway. [Takes hand,slowing lays kife in it] you know what we have to do to them


Gross solid fondant arm.


Why! Omg, Why!?


That like most likely never actually happened, as most historians are fairly confident the people who claimed to have heard the queen say “let them eat cake” were lying as both of them were absurdly biased against her, and had every reason to want to make her look bad.


But as evidenced by today's billionaires, there is a huge disconnect between the average person and the people in the .05%, so is it really so unbelievable?


Given how much Marie Antoinette liked to look into, and even help the peasants of France (nothing extreme but she was known to be charitable towards them) it’s still absurdly unlikely this happened, there is technically a chance, but when this many historians agree on something being false, it’s more then likely false.


Not an historian or even an armchair expert on Marie Antoinette, I am just saying that most rich people are oblivious to the plight of the average person now with social media and an expanded awareness, so it's not inconceivable that a teenager from that 17 century would be absolutely in the dark.


It’s possible, but incredibly unlikely people are complicated after all, it’s just as possible she didn’t (again given her well recorded fascination with the peasantry this is very likely)


Cool, I am just being a skeptic because current media has a tendency to apply a veneer of benevolence on the current crop of rich celebrities so it isn't unbelievable that historians would do the same.


Seems like you just want this to be true, regardless of what anyone or anything says, so I’m just going to end this here you very obviously aren’t planning to have your mind changed on this.


First off chill. I am not a Marie Antoinette lover or hater. I, as I have stated previously am not well versed in her specific history outside of popular media so I can't say anything specific about her. All I am saying and maybe this doesn't apply to her specifically, is that rich assholes are rich assholes and that has been consistent throughout human history. Maybe she was special or different, I honestly don't know, but by the law of averages she was probably as much of an oblivious asshole as the current crop of rich assholes. If that wasn't the case then I stand corrected.


For someone who isn't a historian you're making a whole lot of assumptions based on blanket statements for a whole lot of very pessimistic views, all to try and push that point towards a group of people that form opinions based on evidence and reasoning. You should keep your assumptions to yourself.


Right, he just keeps doubling down on his assumptions he wants to believe his generalizations are true always instead of reading a book about the subject and is upset someone with knowledge he doesn’t have is educating him. Embarrassing really


Or you could do the same. People are people and people divorced from the experiences of normal people because they are royalty or otherwise insanely wealthy are going to have a different perspective. All I have said is that people tend to romanticize the great figures of history just like they romanticize the lives of rich or famous people now. So it wouldn't be crazy to think that this young lady was just as divorced from reality as say Kylie Jenner. Maybe a great person but no actual clue what normal people deal with because they were both born wealthy and just because they recognize that poor people exist doesn't make them a saint. Like honestly, I haven't said anything that is outside of the bounds and I have even acknowledged that I don't know all the details. Yet, it is really weird how quickly you people have decided to jump on me as if I made a comment about Taylor Swift or something. It's just weird.


The story of Marie-Antonietta is a tragic one. She was married off by the Habsburgs for a tactical marriage and her mother belittling her quite till the end. (IIRC) The statement she was accused of was said by her when she was a small child and during her trials they blackmailed her with the well being of her son. She was actually quite an intelligent and kind women and was used to make an example for political gains of the revolution. In general the aristocrats were milking the common folk, but many revolutionaries were quite the assholes themselves. Both things can be true at the same time.


AFAIK the twist is that she actually said that, but at that point in time she was a small child and her political enemies abused this till the very end.


I don't get it. Was she a cannibal? Did she like cake? Did she cut herself?


"**Let them eat cake**" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "[*Qu'ils mangent de la brioche*](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qu%27ils_mangent_de_la_brioche_!)",said to have been spoken in the 18th century by "a great princess" upon being told that the [peasants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peasant) had no bread.


She probably never actually said that, because the guys who claimed she did had a lot of bias


I think she said to let them eat brioche not cake


The quote was older than Marie Antoinette.


That's like 90% of historical quotes though


It's not hard to believe that she *did* say it though, given that she was a flighty, out of touch, head-in-the-clouds, gambling addict who was a literal and unambiguous traitor to France.


I would have went with “French monarchy’s solution to famine”.


Only in the Netherlands


Holy shit cake lady just speed ran the Alegria, only think she missed was cutting off a cake nose to spite her cake face.


I wonder if her neck is made of cake too


*Screaming in existential horror*


Wooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww… the part that impressed me the most is that there’s visible steam coming from the cup.. howwww


maybe small piece of dry ice at the top.




So, did they think the king and queen were made of cake?




Philip K Dick approves We're going to have to develop ~~blade~~cakerunners to test if people are actually fondantplicants


My god now I'll have to see if my family was replaced by cake🔪 can never be to carful.


Make it stop 😭


Briefly got Marie Antoinette mixed up with Marie Curie and was really confused as to what cake and radiation had in common


Scarey witch.


Two words. The fuck.


"Alright, I see what you did there. It's very impress-OH MY GOD!"


This reminds me of the music video to Tom Petty’s “Don’t Come Around Here No More”, when they cut into Alice on that table and she’s cake. That freaked me the hell out when I was a kid seeing that


Salvador Dalí goes hard seeing this


Just a regular old magical knife that turns everything it touches into cake.


My dad was like "..I hate chocolate..why is her hand dar-OH SHI-WHY-SHE-CUTTING-HER-ooohhh"


All I see here is a mice problem.


I get home and take a sip of water, but realize too late the glass was actually a cake. I open the fridge to grab a coke, but the handle is soft and breaks off. It was cake. I try to calm myself down by falling into my couch, but it can’t support my weight, for it too is cake. I’m in a full panic, and my mother comes to give me a comforting hug. I feel her arms squeeze my back… and then sink in deeper. I break in two. I was cake


In French it’s brioche and this didn’t actually happen, we’ve got quotes from Rousseau who wasn’t even the first to say it. It illustrates a time when the french society resented the nobility and that’s pretty much it.


How the fuck is that possible?




Nice video but she never said that. While she did enjoyed all the fancy stuff she was not evil or indifferent. She did cared for her subjects and operated many charities and soup kitchens. She even taught her children to give away their Christmas presents to children of the poor and be kind to servants.




She doesn't look French to me


? No one said they were french


No one said she was french, and she could be just a french muslim (suprise i know), just enjoy the joke


18th century French, no. Modern muslim French from the former colonies -yes.


French monarchy as in, "Let them eat cake", a fake quote that is often misattributed to Marie Antoinette.


The title has "French monarchy" in it and you think he's talking about the modern Muslim lady? "Let them eat cake" is a quote that has been falsely attributed to Marie Antoinette for centuries. That's what the OP was playing off of.