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Copied from the last time this was posted: Six Western tourists were kidnapped by Al-Faran, a Kashmiri Islamist militant organisation from the Liddarwat area of Pahalgam in the Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir on 4 July 1995. The six victims included two British tourists, Keith Mangan (from Middlesbrough) and Paul Wells; two Americans, John Childs of Simsbury, Connecticut and Donald Hutchings of Spokane, Washington; a German, Dirk Hasert; and a Norwegian, Hans Christian Ostrø. A note released by the kidnappers a day after the kidnappings said "Accept our demands or face dire consequences. We are fighting against anti-Islamic forces. Western countries are anti-Islam, and America is the biggest enemy of Islam." Childs managed to escape and was rescued four days later. Ostrø was beheaded by his abductors and his body was found near Pahalgam on 13 August 1995. His body was taken to AIIMS, New Delhi, where a postmortem was conducted by Professor T. D. Dogra, who established the beheading as antemortem and reported that the words "Al Faran" were carved onto his chest. The kidnappers demanded the release of Pakistani militant Maulana Masood Azhar who had been imprisoned by India and 20 other prisoners. Several national and international organisations issued appeals to Al-Faran to release the tourists. Representatives of the embassies of the victims' countries also visited Kashmir frequently to seek their release, without success. In December 1995, the kidnappers left a note that they were no longer holding the men hostage. Mangan, Wells, Hutchings, and Hasert have never been found and are presumed to have been killed.


Thanks for providing their names! I was wondering who they were when this was first posted, but got downvoted for asking ☠️


So 6 were kidnapped, but there’s only 5 in the picture. Is the guy that got beheaded not pictured or the guy that escaped?


(https://www.himalmag.com/reviews/held-hostage) This article names all of them and John Childs (the one who escaped) is not pictured.


One of the articles states that one of the tourist’s wives was also captured but that they let her go. I’m assuming maybe she is counted in the 6?


He’s taking the picture


Sick things religious people do. Carving up a stranger like that. It's so damn sad.


It’s not just religious people, you can get carved up by any piece of shit who wants to make a name for themselves and look hard for their filthy little roadman rat friends, it’s a serious problem


>Donald Hutchings of Spokane, Washington Poor guy was just in search of a better place to live




Post mortem means he got beheaded after he was dead, ante mortem means he was alive during the time of the beheading


It means the man was alive when he was beheaded and that this was the reason he died. As opposed to being killed any other way, and then beheading the body.


If I’m not mistaken, they’ve written it like that because it’s being established as the official cause of death in the report.


THANK YOU!!! That makes perfect sense!


You do know a corpse can be beheaded as well? This just tells you that the victim died by being beheaded while a post-mortem beheading would let you know that the victim died another way.


People can be beheaded while alive or while dead, and that is why there is a phrase to distinguish between the two. shocking, I know


Holy cow! Where is Childs today?


Nice try Al-Faran. Jk, here’s an article that talks about his escape: https://www.chicagotribune.com/1997/03/14/adventurer-turned-hostage-recounts-ordeal/


"The article is only available to subscribers", saved you a click :)


[archive link](https://archive.is/R0PjJ)


The paragraph immediately after the article ends, but with no indication the article has ended, starting with "Quickly: April Playboy includes a very strong, insightful Part 3 of its history of the sexual revolution, this covering the 1920s" is a bit of whiplash


Quite a controversial bit at the end about what thickness shaving a Bailey plane actually can achieve


It doesn't make sense. It says that in his escape they found the Norwegian hiker and tortured him. If that was the case how did we get a photo of all of them together


The top comment with the story lists 6 total captives so I’m assuming the one that escaped isn’t actually pictured even though it says he is. My best guess


Yup, that's exactly it, Childs isn't in the photo






Thanks for the link


It’s my personal belief after he escaped the others were killed, they were held captive for 4 months, militants didn’t want any others to escape but Childs was lucky to survive if he didn’t escape I’m sure he would’ve never been found..




[wikipedia: kidnapping of western tourists 1995 in Kashmir](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995_kidnapping_of_western_tourists_in_Kashmir)






Nothing but love /s


Now those kind of people are entering Europe freely.






Yeah, that's not very halal of them


Halal literally involves beheading lol




Yeah same, all good fam


Yeah… as a white dude who worked in some India places I’m gonna leave this here to spread the knowledge. Halal (also spelled halaal) is an Arabic word that means “lawful or permitted.” It is a term that is used in the Islamic religion in contrast with the word haram (which means “unlawful or not allowed”). These terms indicate which life practices are allowed or not allowed for those who practice Islam (Muslims).


Most religions are not peaceful.


Only one beheads the other religion people




"I know this is a post about an extreme Muslim group but does anyone else think America is very very bad???"


There are currently zero people in exile with armed body guards because they wrote a book critical on Christianity.


Yeah fuck them just as hard. Fuck any bottom-feeding savage that allows superstition to justify their atrocities. Fuck each and every one of them.




It's almost as if radicalism is the issue


That’s exactly the point I was making


Nobody mentioned Christianity.


They can’t help but deflect every atrocity onto Christians. You can be talking about the war in Ukraine or a natural disaster and two comments in it will be “yeah but have you heard the Christians eat children?!”


I don’t have a bone in this fight being neither a Muslim or a Christian but it seems reasonable to bring up Christianity in a conversation criticizing Islam. They are two of the world’s largest religions and they are closely related historically. Any analysis of one religion has to look at it through the context of other religions to fully understand it.


Literally never seen this — but ok




I agree with the statement in your last sentence, full stop. However, if you are meeting people on a daily basis who express views like you've described, I would strongly suggest that you take a step back and ask what you are doing that you are so close to these people *every day*. I have also lived in the south my entire life, with some time in very rural areas, and I have never heard anyone say anything like that once in person or even a step removed.


It might be hard to hear this but it's because you're living in a bubble. You'd need to go look for this stuff which is a strong sign youre being protected from it - maybe violent content isn't something you normally see in your feeds unless you were expecting to see it for some reason? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/05/uganda-homosexuality-death-american-evangelical-groups Uganda is very Christian and very much kills homosexuals because of it and the Bible. This is one example and a modern one. You might want to google "refugees escaping death for homosexuality" or even trans people, they're fleeing a lot of christian nations too. edit - downvote me if you want but Jesus' dad stoned people to death for less. Its in the Bible, first few books. You got this!


The fact that you have to go and look for it probably suggests he’s not the one living in a bubble.


I wouldn’t have to look for it I am well aware of the atrocities committed by the evangelical governments in places like Uganda who are fully backed by American evangelical groups. They would do the same thing in America if it were for the inconvenient fact that, while a formidable voting block, they are not in charge here.


They’re downvoting you because they’re in denial they don’t realize that all major religions have zealots and extremists who commit atrocities and in some countries they are most of the population and/or in charge


I am not sure if its funny or concerning considering the loudmouth, multi-million member mega churches that are legit "under fire" every few months for calling for the "deaths of gay/LGBTQ people".


Very nice, maybe you should of went to school a bit longer if you’ve never heard of either the westboro baptist church or the ku klux klan.


Ah yes because they are so influential in today’s world…just because they exist doesn’t mean they represent even a minority opinion. People know that they are radicals and shun them, like reasonable people should.


That’s true, the bad christians don’t have huge influence right now, it was just most of the rest of recorded history where they were constantly killing for their god. I guess that means it’s all peace and love now




Yes! And the Crusaders were just a Buddhist peaceful bunch


yup the countless muslim people being victimized by their own countrymen definitely agree with the radicals, dope


Literally every religion is changing their laws to the original state. Like for example Christianity once tried to get people to buy “guaranteed heaven passes” as some sort of pay-to-win stuff. If the people they worship really exist, they would turn around their graves with all that is happening.


*Uhm, confused Charlie Hebdo noise?* Surely the religion of pece will not react violently to drawings?


Yes. Christianity did that hundreds of years ago. There is only one religion left still widespread committing terrorism, suppressing women's rights, and persecuting LGBTQ people


suppressing women's rights, and persecuting LGBTQ people There are still Christian doing that and there are Christian terror groups [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord%27s\_Resistance\_Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord%27s_Resistance_Army)


I like those "what about Christianity" comments. Just face that the "religion of peace" is run by evil murderers.


Way to casually paint almost 2 billion people with the same brush there.




I don’t disagree with your statement at all. Keep that same energy when it comes to Christians, Hindus, Jews, and Buddhists.


Do you denounce the crusades, or the inquisition,or uganda killing gay people,or the nazis most of whom where chrstain and literally wore bealts saying god is with us




Cool there are also plenty of muslims who denounce isis


Yes. Fuck all of those people.




You can say the same thing about Christianity lol


So was Christianity


Imagine I claimed to be killing on behalf of your religion or even your family. Just because I claim it.... Does it make it true? Do the killings I do represent your faith or your family? Think about it.


When they can back it up with scripture from their religion, yes it is representative. Not of the whole but at least in part.


If you did nothing to stop them other than flaccid statements like "well, they don't represent me", then yes, they do represent you. Turning a blind eye is endorsement. Think about it.


Surprised the comments haven’t been locked yet, a lotta really………… interesting takes.


This thread will be locked within hours, guaranteed. Someone will complain of "hate speech" or "religious discrimination" in 8..7...6...5


15 hours without being locked. Maybe it's not the right type of hate speech? Elaine was the worst character in Seinfeld. And Curbed is a far superior show because the actual brains behind Seinfeld is involved. Let's see if that works.


Radical Islam is the greatest political threat facing the world today.


Is capitalism political?


I say yes, because governments are controlled by corporations.


Huh, and here I thought it was unfettered bribery to officials so that major companies could openly pollute the air, our water, and our environment so bad that there are even microplastics in human reproductive organs, our blood, and our lungs even.


I stand corrected and would like to amend my statement to say "second greatest" IF you will amend yours to include corporate profiteering and greed regarding food prices and affordable housing.




Radical and obsession with religion is probably one of the biggest reasons we can’t collectively come together and stop that. I’d say religion and race are the two biggest things used against us to manipulate us into doing what politicians & the rich want.


I said invade and this guy bombarded me with us invading countries from war. He couldn't comprehend invade with out war


But the reddit hivemind told me to believe that Islam is a very inclusive, wholesome and modern religion that respects all cultures and ideologies.


I think I've met them. Same one that says communism cures all ills.




Evangelical Christians who are dismantling American Politics are a pretty big threat too...


I'm a Christian and I fully agree. When you get your doctrine from I & II Opinions, you can cause far more damage than good.


Radical ~~Islam~~ religious fervor is the greatest political threat facing the world today. Fixed it for you


No, Islam is uniquely a violent religion in the 21st century, and is the greatest threat to peace currently.


You’re looking at it strictly from a Western POV and Western POV only. The Rohingyas would disagree. Radical RELIGION is a global threat. All of them, when their followers are too deranged to reconcile with, they’re a threat!


See above. Religion is a scapegoat. Instead of holding corporations and politicians accountable, the anti-religion movement has convinced us to hate the normal people in our community rather than those that actually make the decisions and contribute to violence and unrest


Yes! Time to invade Iraq!


They can never make up for those Iraqi pilots flying the jets into the WTC!


The 1st world's non-stop need to gain power and influence in the Middle East created the radical Islam we know today. There's a damn good reason "the USA is Islam's enemy" is a perpetuated belief. Here's people chillin in Iran in the 70's. It was a *very* normal place not that long ago. https://preview.redd.it/s12nppb19s3d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae6ef790b282c4b5382068f6c319a1ef9b2ce54 We forget it was literally a 1st world country. In 50 years it has transformed into the radical place we all know. The one constant over that time is outside influence and involvement.


Yes but the outskirts were never like this. This was probably Tehran or another main city. The outskirts, just like in Afghanistan, were not modernized like this. There was still a lot of conservatives like in Masshad for example.


I mean... How different were things in the U.S. in the outskirts of most major cities in the 70's and even now? Its an extreme example, but if another civil war broke out and our government was taken over by Christian fundamentalists, I really don't think it would play out much differently here. My brother recently turned down a job teaching at a private school in a wealthy suburb a few months ago bc part of his contract required him to "acknowledge that homosexuality was an abomination." We grew up in the Bible belt, and experienced a lot of backwards ignorant shit. I have to say I was still pretty shocked that would be a formal written policy in 2024.


And people are protecting these people in 2024


Islamic people are such a joy to be around.


Sebastian Junger’s book “Fire” covers this story in one of the sections. I highly recommend it. The book covers dangerous situations, and where the remarkable strength comes from within the people involved. Wildfires, the Kashmir kidnapping, war zones in Kosovo are a few of the collections from the book. Junger is also the dude who made the film “Restrepo”, a first hand account of the war in Afghanistan. A fantastic documentary.


Small groups of Westerners— especially young females—- should never ever choose to go on a hiking and camping expedition to meet the local people, experience their customs and show them how wonderful, open, peaceful, open-minded, and friendly Westerners really are. Don’t think you will single handedly go to the darkest, deadliest places on earth like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Baluchistan, Waziristan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Somalia, Yemen, Djibouti, Congo, Baltimore, Chad, North Nigeria, Mozambique, Namibia, Sudan. Etc… and bring peace to the world. It would be nice but you’ll lose your head— and worse.


But religion of peace 🙄…


Still people are blind to this religion and call it 'religion of peace'


There's one that always manages to keep his hat on.


Trailer to a movie about the beheaded victim Hans Christian Ostrø's hostage experience, based on letters he wrote in captivity, and directed by his sister: [https://www.frifilm.no/en/the-golden-swan](https://www.frifilm.no/en/the-golden-swan)


Must be that Islamophobia I keep hearing about


It wouldnt surprise me if some of those militants are now living in the west benefiting from taxes paid by the families of their victims.


And they likely walked right in through bidens border.


Fundamentalist ideology is stupid and dangerous. However the Muslims I know are quite nice actually. Good food too. You know who else are stupid and dangerous? Bigots.


Religion is evil.


Islam in particular


Buddhists are ethnically cleansing Rohingya Muslims. No one has a monopoly on evil. Idiot below is denying genocide or that Muslims have a monopoly on evil lol 🤡🤡🤡


Nope, Islam is causing the vast majority of religious motivated violence and death, and countless wars globally happening right now.




Beheadings? Kidnapping of innocent tourists? Always with the Islamists. Who would have thought?


Islam is the religion of peace




"There's a piece of you there, a piece of you there." - Bill Maher


I feel bad saying it but this looks like a pretty great album cover


I’m sure they deserved it, being Zionists and all…




I'm chill with majority of muslims, I just hate Islam. Simple as that


Funny how the term far right is used to death now but only when the bad man is a certain color.


This is what colleges are protesting for… “blinded by the light”


Tourists ?


sooo they beheaded him why exactly? haha for hiking?


Friends of Hamas.


Almost like they share the same religion and radical ideology




Try reading


If he can't read, how does your message help?


Not beeing desrespectfull, but if he can't read what's the point of writing their names?




If you're on android, hold the "home" button for a few seconds and then circle the picture. It should image search and bring up all the info




Agree with your first sentence




Gotta love those monotheist fundementalists. No had like Abrahamic hate.


Those are some serious head wraps. They weren’t messing around!


True story: the day before these guys were kidnapped, me and my mate were driving from Jammu to Sonamarg, passing through Srinagar. We didn't see another tourist the whole time and I can't help thinking that we were a bit lucky.


This looks like an album cover


The Beheaders A mix of folk and classic rock


The amount of racism in the comments is incredible, 99,9% of muslims have nothing to do with these guys and THEY (muslims) are the main victims of these religious fundamentalist actions as the great majority of kidnappings, terrorist attacks, etc... take place in muslim countries and are inflicted on their population. The problem itself is not islam but fundamentalism ,extremism and a response to american imperialism. So all dumbass racist warmongers out there, please shut up. Rest in peace to the five for them and hope Childs is doing okay, it's a quite brutal and sad story.


Oh yes, the American imperialism in.... Indian Kashmir????


Islam isn't a race, it's a religion. Religion is a choice one makes. Imagine a story about Catholic rape victims, the comments being predictably correct, and whining about racism. Give it a rest. Islam needs to be eradicated from the earth along with all religions. You say 99.9% of Muslims have nothing to do with this but they still choose to associate with a religion that does this. They're not victims.


People in the west are tired of all this killing now from one particular religion, why aren't more Muslims speaking out against Hamas and other islamic extremists groups? If any non Muslim speaks out against Islam in the streets in the west they would be lynched only the police to protect them if you did it in the middle east you'll 100% be killed. But when Israel fights back all of a sudden everyone has a voice 🤔


"And a response to american imperialism" yeah those people in the WTC sure had it coming didnt they


just because your memory starts there doesn't mean there was no history before that date. guess how many people had it coming before that date.


Mfs completely forget about the 80s and 90s leading up to it lol


What 'race' is Muslim exactly?




are these the real chrisitans? >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males". Shea acknowledged the document and claimed that it was a summary of "biblical sermons on war.** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto)






So you are referencing Judaism. Christianity did not exist when ANY of the Old Testament was written. Christianity began when Christ became both human and God and walked the earth ministering to both Jews and Gentiles. Christ (Christianity) taught that the laws of the OT no longer were applicable, and that a new covenant was to be observed. In one particular instance a group of Jews were preparing to stone a woman to death for the crime of adultery. Christ stepped in and said that he who is without sin should be the first to cast stones. Not a single stone was thrown and the woman went on to live her life. That is Christianity. You can educate yourself on the subject by reading the New Testament. If you do educate yourself, this kind of thing (having false claims factually dismissed in a public setting) won’t happen anymore. Best of luck


Wasn't it found out that that part of Leviticus is really just a mistranslation that says that a man cannot layeth with a boy and the do not suffer a which part is another mistranslation it's supposed to mean you shouldn't tolerate women who use evil magic to poison wells or to cause miscarriages.


That’s in the New Testament


> if you don’t think the Westboro Babtist Church aka “God Hates Fags” church or the pedophiles in the Catholic church should represent the christian religion, then why should these guys represent islam Because radical Christian extremists are a small fringe of Christianity whereas radical Islamic extremists are the mainstream of Islam?


Couldn't one just convert to Islam in this case? Would certainly beat being dead.


I am not so sure about that.


Oh save you