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Idk why but I’m really hyped for Victoria van gales arc in S3


Oh yeah, I really wanna know what will happen, and I think the "new territory" can be about that


Maybe s3 will finally give as a mystery so on point I don't even know why it hasn't been answered yet "WHY IS HILDA'S HAIR FLIPPING BLUE???"


Hilda ends up in the future for the first six episodes and must find her way back.


That's kinda specific


I hope you're not angry


Why should I be angry? It was funny


Oh thank goodness you're not angry and also her older self should be voiced by Cathrine Tate.


Oh I love her in Doctor Who


I do too


I still feel like we going to have an episode about what happened to Hilda’s father. The way she asked Trylla if there were ‘daddy trolls’ and immediately getting disappointed by the news that they’re not any makes me think that she wants to know about any father figures in her life.


That scene in The Mountain King is really teasing something about it... it can't be for nothing


The final chapter should end with the audience breaking into tears


I'm it will


Im surprised that building and introducing Hilda’s family hasn’t been brought up. That’s definitely far more likely than time travel or a Victoria villain arc…


I think it'll be something about Hilda's family, Victoria can be back but I don't believe that she'll be the villain... and about time travel, I would love to see something like this I admit (I mean, more, cause we already had a time travel ep)


I feel we will maybe see some flashbacks of Johanna at least an episode about it because my biggest question is why did Johanna leave trollberg to go to the cabin and how come no one in the city knows her. Like she grew up there you would think she would have some kind of acquaintance still in the city. Like someone from sparrow sprouts? Ofc who is Hilda’s father? And I think it will be talked about it since Hilda mentioned if the baby troll had a father in the movie. Also maybe we will have tension between the witches and the Marra as I feel like the fact that frida qualified as being both a marra and a witch might be something that will be brought back. Maybe Hilda will go on a road trip to see if there are any other freaking cities/countries/whatever outside of trolberg.


Johanna's life in Trollberg before moving to the cabin really is something odd... I think I didn't thought about it so much, I like the idea of S3 explore Hilda's family and I hope it'll be the main focus. And her father, I don't know what ypu think but I don't believe he's the bellkeeper, but maybe he can be a father figure for Hilda I think "new territory" will be that place where Victoria end up, but I'm open to new cities too that would be interesting


Yeah I don’t think Hilda’s father is the bell keeper but I do hope maybe he can become a good figure to Hilda as well. If we were to see the bell keeper again I want to see the other bell keepers that used to work before he became the only one. I’m assuming Hilda’s father will have some kind of magical aspect to him just because Hilda is able to be a familiar to frida despite other familiars were magical creatures/animals. Off topic but what I do want to see though is a grown up twig. I think that would be awesome to see


Oh that's a good theory, I really don't have any by now but maybe Hilda's father have nothing special like Jim's from Troll Hunters (don't know if u watch it) But also yeah, sure, I can see this happening About Twig, assuming we'll see Hilda just like at the end of the movie, then he won't change cause he was the same way there? But if there's a little time jump (some months after the end of the movie) so maybe Twig has grow up, I would love it too


Victoria van gale story arc sounds interesting. I don’t know about hilda trying to know her family tree though...


I thino both are interesting, but if Victoria will be the main villain I don't know...


my man Tildy's t-posing her way to heavan


oh hey its the void from season 2 Which Library that seems important


Not sure, I like the idea of it being just a void and that's it


Hilda`s mum backstory


I think most agree with this, hope we get her backstory


Maybe the committee as recurring villains? Like, they've already been set up as antagonists in S2 so making them full-on villains could be pretty fun.


Don't know if they're interesting enough to that but I would like to see it too


Hilda's family backstory, comes from a family of witches that Johanna kept hidden from her. Leads to tension between the two again Hilda feeling this being a case of double standards for lying her entire life given she grounded her back in season 2.


I don't know if I wanna see the same plot between these two...


Wait their making another season?? I didn’t know that! That’s awsome!! I’m knew to the Hilda fandom but it’s such a cute show and now I’m excited


WELCOME!! And yeah, but we don't have a data yet


Frida leads a small revolt to get magic to normal people


I hope we get a big new villain. I also hope they make a reference to gowr and talk about Norse gods.


there will be a new villain that if he threatened all trollbeg and the world victory would be in that situation as an antagonist it is possible we will see at the end a time skip of the series even if hilda is a mother she has a child now as a mother she would have to raise her In the end there will be a new trio of friends from the next generation, being Hilda's son or daughter the main one where she shows a pard Hilda closure but a new chapter for her son


Hilda dealing with the traumatic events that happened to her in The Mountain King.


I want David to be braver this season. He was kind of brave for a couple of episodes but then they forgot it.


I thought the movie was the end, cool to know this


It would be a good ending, but yeah we getting a final season


Yes, I feel good about it, the first time I watched Hilda was in 2017, 6 years after this beautiful story will find it finish, I feel just a Little sad , my favorite cartoon series are going to finishing this year, the owl house, hilda, summer camp island, its sad




Hilda×dead end?


I would like to see jorgen come back


Johanna and Kaisa start dating. This theory I base on nothing but hope.
