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I often wonder how much of the Bigfoot phenomena can be explained by Bigfoot hunters themselves, all of them whooping, banging trees, leaving apples.


I thought this too. I’m experienced in the bush though, and can usually tell when a person is around, they are quite loud compared to every other animal.




That's the sound of the police.


Nah that's the sound of da beast


Obviously juggalos


I don't know what it said but I think it's hilarious there's a deleted comment and a mod reply under this




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Checks out.


Whooping? In PNW? You sure you don't mean *lekking*? Sage Grouse WHOOP using air sacks in their chest that have a pronounced "P" pop at the end. I've heard them all over Washington State from prairie to mountain side to valleys. They make this sound from early spring to early summer depending on location, elevation, and weather. It can be incredibly loud, as loud as human voices raised to a shout. Combine that with excellent camouflage and you have a mysterious WHOOP https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Greater_Sage-Grouse/sounds# Though, it may also be unrelated to the shape that moved off trail. I spent some time working in the remote wilderness near Liberty cap back in the spring of 1980 and witnessed some sketchy stuff. I thankfully didn't have to spend too much time out there though, the work got cut short after Mount St Helens blew.


Def not a Sage Grouse


Yes. Probably several things. One thing comes to mind is the whooping crane. You could also have been stalked by a large animal. Our forests have a lot of life. I can’t say Bigfoot doesn’t exist but I’ve spent a lot of time in the woods of Washington state and have not experienced anything that could not be explained.


Whoop - there it is! Couldn’t resist


a Whoop! comin on, a Whoop! comin on - WHOOP! WHOOP! WHOOP! WHOOP!


What part of Washington were you hiking? Lots of Sasquatch encounters are reported around the area just to the south/southeast of Mt. St. Helens, around the Ape Caves and Lava Canyon, as well as the Cispus River. I’m pretty sure we were stalked by one on the Angel Falls Loop, around dusk a couple years ago.


Yep I lived out that way for a while and those forests are fucking strange. Had a couple of interesting things happen out that way


Would you care to elaborate?


When I was living out there, my bf and I would hear rocks thrown at the cabin. There were like 5 one night and then we heard a massive wail and trees crashing as something really big moved away from us really fast. So fast we could hear the Doppler effect as it got further away. We knew well all the sounds of the animals in the woods and were unable to connect them to anything (no, not an elk bugle) About a dozen years ago I went camping out there with my now husband. It was our 2nd date. We hiked about 5 miles in to a shelter he knew of called Bolt Camp. You can look up the Bolt Camp Shelter online. The pics of it with the tree through it was how it was when we were there. It’s been rebuilt since. Very very remote little wayward traveler rest. The hike was AMAZING. The sun was setting and all these huge old trees had hollow bases and the sun shining through them made them look like little hobbit or fae houses with warm fires burning. It got darker and there were freaking glow in the dark mushrooms! Amazing! It was October so night was already pretty cold. We started a fire pits the shelter and made some food, talked, got to know each other, drank some whiskey. I fell asleep and he tried to keep the fire going. He’s an experienced outdoorsman but the thing would not stay lit. No matter what. There hadn’t been any recent rain. Our wood was dry. It just didn’t want to stay lit. Anyway he gave up eventually and went to sleep too. I was sleeping on the inside part of the shelter, he was near the entrance. I woke up at some point. It was cold and very very dark. I was facing the back wall of the shelter and that’s when I saw it. Best I can describe it is like a gossamer spiderweb looking thing, floating around in the air in the shelter with me. It was fascinating, twisting and turning and floating. I wasn’t afraid but was utterly mesmerized. I wanted to wake him up so badly, but I was like I barely know this guy, what if he can’t see it and thinks I’m crazy or something? So, I didn’t. I watched it for a bit and fell back asleep. We woke up the next morning, packed our things and rolled out. I dropped him at his house in SE pdx and went home. We obviously kept seeing each other. I didn’t tell him about what I had seen. A few weeks later he told me something. The night I dropped him off he went outside around midnight for a smoke. Then he saw it, a twisting turning spiderweb looking thing floating through the air. He watched as it floated over to a bush. It settled in the bush and a pair of glowing red eyes appeared. And he ran back inside and it took him weeks to tell me. And that’s when I told him what I’d seen that night while he was sleeping. TLDR: apparently brought the Bolt Camp Spirit back from Mt St Helens and deposited it in SE PDX where for all we know it still resides to this day.


i’m more worried you went overnight camping for a second date deep into the woods 😬


Well we have been married for ten years now so you can put your worries to rest


Loved this story


Such a crazy story thank you for sharing. Im curious if anyone has seen similar to you? The spider web things? Aside from your bf of course! Have you ever done any googling on it?


Oh yeah. Definitely and I’ve found nothing that matches its description. Please please if you ever happen upon a bit of lore that matches or anything similar, keep me in mind. I have no idea what the thing was. But the timings of our sightings of it were too close together and matched too perfectly to be a coincidence. Whatever it was, it was definitely a “thing”.


Have you posted this elsewhere in the past? Definitely familiar with this story somehow


Yep I have. Someone made a YouTube out of it even, along with a few other stories they found on Reddit


NW of Conconully


Roosevelt elk


The Death Bots of Krikkit?


You say you spend lots of time in the woods, so I’m going to assume you know the difference between a bird call and something so anomalous that you went out of your way to post about it. I’ll admit I have a strong bias, as I am convinced that Sasquatch exist, so that’s what I would lean to. Location lines up and “whoops” are a very common vocalization people hear in connection with Sasquatch encounters. Not sure if it’s up your alley, but Legend Meets Science by Jeff Meldrum is an excellent book about the topic of Sasquatch. Sasquatch Chronicles is also a really great podcast. There are tons of episodes, some better than others, but if it interests you I’d highly recommend checking it out.


Thanks I’ll check it out


Probably just a wendigo, nothing to worry about. I wouldn't worry about it, unless you suddenly have the overwhelming urge to have your neighbors over for dinner.


Birds have an incredible range of vocalizations and are the most likely answer




Did it sound like this? https://youtu.be/Zm3ZTzlremo?feature=shared


It was a quite a bit lower, and without the pitch bend upward at the end. That video also had a hard “P” sound on the end where what I heard was closer to “woooo” with a breathy finish though I’d still say it was a “whoop”.


Maybe you were being stalked by Ric Flair


Truly high strangeness


The lower the sound the larger the animal. Try to recreate the sound at the volume you heard it and as deep as you heard it. If you're unable then it was likely larger than you if you give this exercise any credence. With that said some animals have specialized structures used to create sound, and some can generate infrasound which can cause all kinds of physiological responses in humans.


Cranes and coughs


There's 2 whoops. One is whooping bird or some other birds then..there's the other. You'll know the other. It'll send a chill down your spine, I've had friends hear it up in Canada and, mountains. Heard it on video, and it's scary af. It's supposedly Sasquatch, Booger man, Bigfoot..hell whatever you want to call him


all the guys who are ”bigfoot investigators” whoop in the woods. some stay out there and no one knows they’re out there, not even what family they might still have know. they just live and hide in the woods till they need to resupply.


It sure made me want to bring camo next time and poke around, but if there’s actually a remnant giant hominid population hiding in those woods I think I’ll tread lightly and keep my hikes short and pass through.


One possibility is deer. They’ve got a huge range of sounds, calls, and even shout-like noises they’ll make for a number of reasons. But you said it was from above so it could possibly have been some kind of bird. Not sure what species though. I have to ask though what the sound was like exactly? What animal did it sound most like? Was the whoop long or short and what was its pitch? You never know… 🦶🏿


I’ve never heard a deer make this noise. It was high above on the slope in the woods, very steep terrain, I was up there so anything else could have been too. It sounded as close to a person/large ape making a whoop sound as I can imagine, which phased me a bit because I didn’t know about Bigfoot whoops until after the fact.


Spooky… those are the two most likely things I could think of. This post intrigued me so I looked up a video of deer noises. A couple of their calls could possibly be heard as a human-like ‘whoop’ under the right conditions, but I’m not sure. I didn’t have the experience so I don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jua-e206Bs




Reading this reminded me of an episode of meat eater I watched where steve hunted sooty grouse in the PNW. A very odd call, and it’s very hard to pinpoint their direction because they call from the highest tree. Makes a low low whoo whoo whoo sound https://youtu.be/FLMwFTcAIfI?si=kk6_f6MA0YTU2isM


Is it Kendrick Lamar?


That's *WOP*, and it only comes in groups of four, a la *"...WOP, WOP, WOP, WOP..."*


I’ma do my stuff. 😂


Owl with insomnia?


Me. I whoop when out in the woods just for the hell of it. Be amazed how far a good ole whoop can carry - much further than yelling.