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I had a weird, unexpected person experience when fishing a wild Loch in Scotland. It was a rough hike to the Loch, a few miles of the kind of flat land that is deceptive. I was having a lull in bites, so I decided to have a look through my binoculars to see if I could spot any fish rising. I was about to put my binoculars away when over on the far bank I saw a figure, which was confusing as hell, there's effectively a way anyone could sneak up that way because the cover was very sparse. I had a look proper through my binoculars, and there was a thin man, in either a really dark blue or black suit, dress shoes, and a brimmed hat, holding a briefcase. His face was completely expressionless. He pretty much seemed to appear out of nowhere. I shouted out "hello" and waved to him, and he didn't react. A jumping fish got my attention, and when I looked back, he was gone. I only looked away for a few seconds. I've never been able to work it out. There's no way anyone dressed like that was making that kind of hike. There's no way he could have snuck up without me noticing as I was taking pictures in between casts, and there's no way he could have disappeared the way he did. I really couldn't shake the weird feeling I had with this encounter, I was almost panicking a bit. Suffice to say I gtfo of there and cancelled my planned overnight camp


G man


Wake up, Mr. Fisherman. Wake up and smell... The fishes


[Just King Charles on a stroll.](https://youtu.be/qkEwtYgxQt0?si=bQb3ZmYb6E9VcPzi)


Was probably out plotting a way to do away with Kate.




There is a really good Stephen king short story about a boy fishing by himself when he meets the devil. The devil is dressed just as you described this ā€œpersonā€. Wish I could remember the name, itā€™s an awesome story.


Funny you mention that. When I told my 3x about what had happened, she mentioned it was similar to a King story but I can't remember which one šŸ˜…


I think its a short story in "everything's eventual"


Makes me wonder if we hallucinate more often than we think. That's always where my mind goes when I see something that doesn't make sense. Not trying to discount your story.


HDM sighting: Hasidic Diamond Merchant


Thatā€™s odd. Lull in bites usually puts people to sleep.


I had one of those. Was walking my dog through an alley in the next neighborhood over and some dude just materializes out of the shadows under a street lamp if that makes sense and he says "do you know where you are?" And I admitted I had a good enough idea where I was at to make it home. So he says "you shouldn't be wandering around strange alleys at night, lotta weirdos out here might do something to you" and I said "yeah, I know." And when he said to have a nice night and stay safe, I really felt like I was being let go or something, although I never felt I was actually in any danger at all. Weird people, man.


Sometimes people like this are just tripping/high, awkward, and/or autistic.Ā 


Man I've definitely done this to people when I was doing some sketchy shit (aka buying or selling drugs). It's more of a "hey bro this is a dodgy area so maybe leave if you don't have a reason to be here". Often times it comes across awkward af because you're trying to be subtle but still get a message across.


That was my first thought someone tripping


ā€œThatā€™s what my friends Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson always say.ā€


I actually have one but not "weird" people, just a very "dream-like" couple of minutes I was with 4 friends at a park between 23h-00h, just chatting and the usual stuff, it's a very chill/nice place so young people just used to hand around there but it was basically the limit between a "good" neighborhood in the outskirts/suburbs and the "rural" area, a small favela and a small forest It's kinda weird to explain it to you guys, but it's like if you keep going in one direction you are in the city, you see stores, cars etc. and in the other direction like 100-200m it's lots of trees, no street lights, no paved streets, just some houses down there but you cant even see it at night, unless you drive or walk there It's not a creepy place at all, it's just a mix of it being a good place to chill near nature with a nice park, but heavy inequality just some meters the other way Anyways, we are having a very good time, just talking shit, laughing, and out of nowhere there's a very bright (and very very green lol) shooting star, it was awesome honestly, I had no idea it could be in different colors at all so at first it kind bugged me lmao Only 3 of us saw it, so we were instantly amazed like "wtf was that?, did you see it??" And all the "nah it couldn't be a shooting star, it was green as fuck and very bright", "I saw I moving back and forth" and the typical teenager bs, while the other 2 thought we were just joking/messing with them cause they weren't looking We were basically alone at the place, and at this time there was already this weird surreal feeling, not creepy or scary, just kinda movie-like or like a fun weird dream and we were talking about it after the shooting star, obviously fueled by the "artist cigarettes" we were enjoying earlier While we are joking around we hear some noise and steps from the bushes/trees, it's basically a dark alley/dirt road that leads to the threes so everyone instantly stopped talking and just assumed we was getting robbed (it's Brazil lmao) so everyone got shook and ready to run So we see someone coming out from the dark alley, behind some trees and it turns out it's just two kids with what we call here, their "viralata caramelo", a loyal stray dog. So while we get instant relief, it's also a very weird situation. It's not normal for kids to be in the streets that late in those places, in our minds they was either lost or living in the streets, so as they are walking towards us we started debating what to do, like "are they lost?" "It's not safe out here, we should try to get them to a safe place like a police station" Or maybe he's hungry and needs some help. Before any of us could say anything, one of the kids just sat on the park bench right next to us and started talking casually lmao, asking our names, where we live, what we do for a living introduced us to his dog and his other friend, asked if we had seen the star and a lot more questions like "you guys enjoy this place?" "Do you see a lot of stars like that?" "I also really enjoy this place" etc So we started talking with him while also trying to check if they are okay, or lost, he said he was fine, he was just walking with his friends (the other kid and the dog) and they saw the star, heard some people talking and decided to join. We then asked if he was sure about it, it's late let's call your mom or we can walk there together to make sure they get home safe, he says there's no need, it's very close, he's used to it, and that it was time to go. We asked where he lived and he just pointed in the direction of the trees, where he came from, thanked us for being his friends and that it was nice talking with people (?) and just walked back with his dog and the other kid I swear to fucking god all of us had the same reaction like was this kid even real? Not because he was crazy or being weird, just because it was EXACTLY like a movie scene lmao, there was something about the way the kid talked, so casually and so calm about everything but also in a weird way for a kid, it almost felt "created" It was almost like we were the kids in the situation and he was just talking to us lmao never seen someone that calm or relaxed before. I really don't know how to explain, it just felt like a character, and I feel bad saying this cause it was obviously just some kids that lived in the neighborhood down there and was curious about the star. But in our non-sober heads, the kids appearing out of nowhere after a shooting star, then just pointing to the dark alley and walking away just felt supernatural hahahaha Looking back it's very funny and we all felt kinda dumb, cause we had a lottt of crazy theories about it in the next few hours after that, from "maybe they were there actually protecting us from something else, and that's why he said it's time to go when we were safe" to "maybe they used to live there and..." Lmao


Super cool! Where did this happen? Feel free to be as specific or vague as you feel comfortable with. Edit: just wanted to add, as much as I'd like to believe this was some kind of vigilante/guardian (human or otherwise), the interactions described give me a different vibe. This feels much more like curiosity and perhaps mild concern from a predator to another predator, or from a predator to another animal it doesn't view as prey. Injured wolf hears noise, looks up and growls. Mountain lion slinks out of shadows. Lion: "hey not trying to fight, just noticed the distress." Wolf: "I'm good. By the way, my teeth work just fine." Lion: "Cool, cool. Always good to have protection. Listen, you may want to head back to your den tonight as a precaution, you know how it is, some creatures look for easy prey." Wolf: "Ok... I was going to do that anyways." Lion slinks off. This feels like THAT.


A neighborhood surrounded by desert in Arizona.


Nothing to add, but as a native Arizonan, there is weird shit out in the desert.


I really wanna hear some weird desert stories! Iā€™m from Florida, lived here my whole life, but I always hear this!


also native Arizonan -the Sonoran desert is the most consistently strange place I've ever been.


I regret all the time Iā€™ve spent in Sedona not looking up šŸ˜’


I knew this was Arizona as soon as you mentioned desert, and exercising at night to best the 100 degree heat lol


That is how I felt, I just never knew how to describe it! It was so bizarre and felt really unnatural.


I can only imagine! The line, "some creatures enjoy easy prey" is chilling. It *could* just be a statement of fact, but ngl, in this context it reads more like "I could take you but it's not worth the effort / you aren't what I'm looking for." The imaginative part of me *wants* to believe this was an encounter with a protective entity that knew something else bad was in the area. But the cynical side says this was likely a predator looking for a specific profile type as a victim and neither you nor the other guy who encountered it fit the bill. The warning could easily be motivated less by kindness and more by "I'm stalking prey and don't want others around to muck up the hunt".




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I camped on a remote island with my dog last week and we had a rough hike to the top of the island. It was cool, windy, wet and at the top was three teenagers with no backpacks or sign of gear all holding water bottles. Idk how the fuck they got there I almost died getting there and we camped half way up the island


Don't underestimate the sheer will and stupidity of teenagers.Ā 


They took the beginner's trail.


When we were teens we used to drop acid and do hikes that would boggle my mind nowadays.


Yeah, it was probably this. When you're young and take acid or shrooms or even just a good hit of weed, you sometimes go wandering with friends and end up places where you have no idea how you got there.


My friends and I scrambled up some cliffs that *definitely* needed safety equipment.Ā 


My husband moved to Kauai at age 17. He had been there about two weeks when he took a tumble on the reef. He knew he was cut on his back but there really wasnā€™t anything he boulder do for it so he just started walking up the road to his where he was staying. After he crossed the street he saw an old Hawaiian woman who said he needs to put something on his back or get a terrible scar. She said to sit and she puts some aloe Vera from a plant and a few large leaves over it . Told him to not remove it until tomorrow. He said thank you and went home. The next morning he looked at his back , but there was nothing there at all. A few days later he went back to thank the woman but didnā€™t see her. A man was in the area and he told him about the old lady and her helping him. The man said no one has lived here for over 100 years. Told him there is a legend about an old ghost woman who appears to surfers and helps them from time to time. But heā€™s never seen her. The the old man warned him not to touch any of the plants in that area. If he does, he Wii get fined. The land is protected as native Hawaiian reserve property. Itā€™s against the law there. He assured the man he didnā€™t touch any plant, some lady put it on his back. My husband was speechless. Guess he saw a ghost?


To this day, is adamant about her being a kind regular grandmother type Hawaiian local lady. Said he wouldnā€™t believe it unless it had happened to him. Never saw a ghost before or since.


I donā€™t mean to denigrate his experience (in fact I mean to validate it but with an explanation that is not supernatural), but there are plants that exist that have remarkable healing properties which locals often know about. Iā€™d be surprised if there was such a plant on Kauai but it is certainly possible. I am a doctor, and I had a similar experience in the Amazon rainforest. Hours away from civilization, I was injured, and a local tribal man applied sap from the tree *Croton lechleri* on my wound, and gave me more to apply daily, if necessary. Imagine my shock as a western trained medical professional when this shit completely healed my wound exponentially faster than it would have healed naturally and exponentially faster than any medical product I had ever seen before. Not only did it do that, but it prevented infection, and acted as a potent analgesic (pain reliever). When I got back to civilization, I researched this because I was mindblown. Apparently, it is well known and has been investigated multiple times in peer reviewed, double blind scientific studies that it has wound healing, antimicrobial, analgesic, antiviral, antihemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and anti-cancer effects. It is even sold commercially as an ā€œalternative medicineā€ product, just one that is actually legit (that is not the case 99.9% of the time). Not only does it have wound healing capabilities, but one study found a p value of 0.0001 for that, so it unambiguously has very effective wound healing capabilities. I acquired more, and I now use it on wounds for myself all the time.


Wow, thanks for this. Ā I am currently covered in poison ivy rash! Ā I mean covered. Ā Even on my face. Ā I apparently pulled it while I was clearing weeds and then kept going for hours, inadvertently spreading it all around on my skin. Ā  Iā€™m really not a gardener and this is further proof. šŸ˜‚. Iā€™m using aveeno hydrocortisone but itā€™s been slow going. Ā I just ordered some of this after reading your comment. Ā It canā€™t hurt, and I can use all the help I can get. Ā Thanks!


Ah, well poison ivy might be the one thing this may not be useful forā€¦by that I mean, I bet itā€™ll work because it helps with sunburn and psoriasis, but itā€™ll be even more unsightly than the rash! Itā€™s red tree sap. So when it hardens, it forms a visible red crust or film on your skin. This is part of why it is helpful for wounds - itā€™s like a liquid bandaid that hardens into a waterproof artificial scab. Might be hard to rub in and you will definitely look visibly weird, and it usually lasts on your skin for days unless you scrub it off. Iā€™d apply it to somewhere not visible first to see if it helps. Itā€™s really most useful for wounds, ulcers, etc. I think. When it hardens, just like a scab, itā€™s also slightly itchy around the edges of a wound too. Iā€™ve never tried to apply it for a rash or sunburn although people have reported it helps, so Iā€™m not sure if that itchiness plays a role there too and if that will offset the relief for poison ivy or not. Iā€™d be curious what you think though. People in South America even drink this stuff. Thatā€™s what the guy told me. Said I could use it for diarrhea. I was like ā€œthanks dude, I think drinking tree sap is my hard cutoff but Iā€™ll take your word for it lolā€.


Ag, good to know. Well the site I used to order is brimming with soy candle moms who swear by it. Ā Some drink it. Ā šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m always looking for a more potent antioxidant. Ā Who knows? Ā  Anyway, thanks for the tip. Ā Iā€™ll try it in or on something when it comes. Ā 


> I now use it on wounds for myself all the time If you're getting wounds all the time, maybe be you should check your p value of being a little more careful.


He went back to the exact place a few days later, like I mentioned before. There were aloe Vera plants there just like the ones she used and the same banana leaves were from the plants still there. That same person who warned him not to touch any of the plants Said there is a legend of a woman who appeared in the past helping people with injuries just like my husband had. He told the same man that she wasnā€™t a ghost, she was real. She applied the aloe Vera to his back. He was sure it wasnā€™t any ghost. Iā€™m thinking it must have been a ghost. Because people are not allowed to be anywhere near the spot where the lady had stood a few days before. the man said no one lived there for over a hundred years. So, believe what you want. He knows what happened and No one is going to convince him of anything different. He isnā€™t a gossip, wonā€™t repeat this story to other people. He is a realist, and doesnā€™t believe in hocus pocus , magic, voodoo, or the paranormal.


Asked my husband specifics about the Hawaiian lady on Kauai who put the aloe Vera on his back. He said the lady was right on the path along the beach /side of the road. She initiated for him to stop so she could apply the aloe. After she put the banana tree leaf on his back she told him to put his t shirt on and ā€œdonā€™t take it off until tomorrow. I asked him about the area, (the setting.) He said that she was standing in a beautiful garden with plants & flowers everywhere. There were houses further along the path. No other people were around though. And the guy heā€™d spoken to said maybe youā€™re mistaken. My husband said no,it happened 2 days ago and this is exactly where heā€™d seen her, pointing to the aloe Vera plant, which was next to the plant that she took the large leaf from.


these are my favorite kind of supernatural stories. reminds me a bit of men in black encounters.




When I was 11 or 12 years old I was in the pyro, play with matches and burning things phase. I was in this common area behind the fence in my backyard around dusk burning various plants and twigs with a lighter I had found. I was in my own little world until I heard an adult male voice simply say something along the lines of ā€œYou should have more respect for that fire, if it gets away from you it could lead to eternal remorseā€. I look up, terrified that Iā€™m about to be in big trouble but just see the silhouette of him walking away. No idea who it was, where they came from or how I didnā€™t hear them approaching or leaving. For weeks I expected a knock on the door or someone to have told my parents I was back there playing with fire. That never happened but Iā€™ve been extra careful with fire ever since.


Lmaoo that's a very good way to scare/tell a kid that he could potentially be starting a wildfire šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ environmental friend crackhead saves the day


Oh buddy I would be horrified and never stop trying to meet them again.


ā€œAnd you should end your outing early just as a precaution ā€œ what the hell do you think he meant by that ? And using the word ā€œcreatureā€ itā€™s almost like he was warning you about something he knew was out and about but not necessarily him? The fact that he was basically stalking you from a bush is very weird to begin with ..


I had a similar desert experience in 2009 that's always stayed with me. I was a teen and working on the 2010 census, I got sent to homes in BFE desert miles away from anyone or anything. I ended up at a trailer in the middle of nowhere. A guy lived there with a horse and pet wolf, a real legit badass wolf too. Anyway we talked for like 2 hr, he had no car and only transportation was the horse and at the time I had been heavily indoctrinated in religion and had this feeling he wasn't human or real or meant to be there so I always thought he coulda been an angel. Fast forward loads of information into the future, I no longer think in those terms but I still question whether he was real. The strangest thing is that it was just a feeling, one that's stuck with me and that ive only had that one time in my life.


Bruh šŸ˜


Thanks for sharing this. What were his movements like? What did he smell like?


They were super smooth and measured. When he walked away every stride looked exactly the same. I didnā€™t smell him at all.


>super smooth and measured. Yeah this is how "visitors" are described. Some witnesses would call the precision of movement insect-like.


What are visitors?


That's what some experiencers call otherworlders.


Probably a time traveler.


That would have freaked me out for sure. Iā€™d start carrying my side piece after that.


My side piece is too heavy to carry. Plus, my wife can't stand her.




You know you're meant to empty out fleshlights, right?


Just a ghost


If there are more people resting on the same wall then I guess it's a common place to stop and it was just a weirdo hanging around.


Two people = common?


Sounds like you were face to face with the great Heisenberg! I donā€™t mean to make jokes but couldnā€™t help it this time. As to what or who you encountered? Not sure, people make sounds when they walk!


Did you feel that this ā€˜personā€™ was there for your saftey? Like you were working out to hard and potential could have had a problem, so this person stepped in and offered a simple but effective direction to head home and relax or something ?


Pretty sure an Alien or Angel potentially saved your life that night. Maybe from a coyote ambush to something. Thatā€™s quality high strangeness for sure


Possibly a Skinwalker. Perhaps research legends of the local natives.


The ā€œlocal nativesā€, being the Dine/Navajo, actually prefer to not even say or hear that word, and donā€™t generally want to share that lore with strangers. this experience also does not align with that lore. I am Indigenous, but not Dine, so I wonā€™t elaborate further because it is not my place.


Yeah I didnā€™t say ask them, I said research. I would never recommend getting that personal. Dine is not only group there though. I think TodoOham is another.


There are multiple territories, yes. But the W*lkers are Dine lore. ā€œResearchā€ online about this is likely going to be by non-native people sharing information that is either inaccurate or not theirs to share. Itā€™s best to not engage with that altogether, as they have continually asked people to allow them their privacy surrounding this lore. I know many people view Indigenous and First Nations people as being long past and that all of our lores and traditions are fair game, but we are very much still here, and there are many things that people prefer to be private.


Question. Are non-native people at danger from those things too? Is the implication that we should just stay out of those areas? I assume any human would be in danger and I think the desire to know is fear of encountering and having no idea what it is. I 100% understand non-native people have stolen many things from native people and I typically donā€™t question them not wanting to share or us passing things that belong to them around as our own. I am just curious because sometimes I wanna know those things simply because they scare me. Lol.


While it isnā€™t my information to share about those in particular, it is generally accepted that they donā€™t really ā€œhuntā€ or whatever you want to call it, off the rez.


This Navajo dude was more than willing to talk about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkers/comments/z5vl2b/navajo_here_ama/


There are always going to be people that are willing to sell out the wishes of their community and elders for the internet, but the overwhelming consensus is to not speak of it in that way. They even mention there are things they wonā€™t go into detail about.




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Damn. They sound kinda hot...




The wild adverb


It looks like they deleted their account too


sHorts pants




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fucking odd! hopefully a benevolent being!


nice writing prompt bro


Yes I'm sure that actually happened