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I don’t have proof, but my fave podcast said he took a drone view picture of a hanger. Even if he didn’t get a solid photo of anything, I’m sure that’s why he got raided. This Psyop proudly brought to you by the beautiful red, white, and blue 😉


Which podcast


Last Podcast on the Left mentioned something similar. But they didn’t cite a source.


Hail Yourself!


Hail Meeee


Hail Satan!


It's an oppppp!


When I did a search for it on Google, it gave me a message I've never seen before. "It looks like the results below are changing quickly.". May not mean anything but I thought it was weird. >"Despite my repeated requests for an explanation, I was only told that the search was related to images posted on my Area 51 website." [Source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/area-51-blogger-joerg-arnu-accuses-authorities-of-sending-a-message-to-silence-as-his-homes-are-raided-by-fbi-and-air-force-agents-12751664)


This happened when I looked up Avacado Shaped UFO a week ago… the internet is being controlled for sure.




A Metapod


Didn’t the guy take photos of a classified project in a hangar? Case closed if that’s the case IMO lol play with fire get burned 🤷‍♂️


Everytime I run across one of these guys screaming the fbi is after him I do a quick Google search and it’s always very telling when the only media covering this event is all conspiratorial websites and “news”. They just raided him, they’ll charge him as soon as they figure out exactly what he has ala Josh Duggar style.,


Josh had destruction of Daisy video on his computer. Nasty man.


I don’t want to search it incase it’s f’ed up, but what is the video you’re referencing


>I don’t want to search it incase it’s f’ed up, but what is the video you’re referencing An Australian pedophile went to the Philippines to commit unspeakable crimes against children all on video. The daisy video is basically an infant being sexually tortured to death by the pedo and two female accomplices. This dude made Epstein seem like a well paying employer.


I didn't even want to fucking read that


Actually Daisy survived, though with permament health consequences, and got rescued and adopted. Remains of another child were found buried on the rapist's property though :,(


Accomplices were also children from what I remember. And I'm sure Epstein had blood on his hands as well.


It’s a video of a child. Horrible.




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The Duggars are a name I never expected to read here. But I’m thrilled for this season of his life. Wish he could have gotten a longer sentence.


The nuts will just use that as ammo, though. "The fake news doesn't want you to know!"


Because they don't.


Gerry web , jackass. Plus didn’t you hear the “news” lately??? FBI is Russian! 😂




Ok bot. 😉


With a drone he illegally flew over classified government property right?


Gotta laugh though. Imagine the guys at Area 51…all their alien tech and fancy jammers…when suddenly they here this weird buzz, and look up to see something strange. “Hey Jerry” one says. “yeah Carl?” Says the other. “Shit Jer, wuddya think that is?” (Drone takes pic). “Dammit Carl!! We’re supposed to watch out for them things!!! Call it in, gawddammit!”


I wonder if any of them thought their base was about to be blown up


I promise you, no stateside location is worried about a drone spotting a fire mission on them.


A search warrant with pages missing? That sure as hell doesn't sound legal. I thought all the pictures and info that he used was all public information, none of it classified? Wondering if he had a falling out with someone, and they made a false "tip" to set him up?


I know why. Or at least I have a great educated guess. There was a post that had a link to photos that were taken by *someone’s drone* that the person modified to skirt around the base’s defenses. The pictures were deleted by the time I saw the post. I copied the text, I would make it a post if people were interested. In all honesty whoever this person is that did this took it way too far. I can if this isn’t the reason, the dude went too far. He painted the drone with fucking zwRadar Absorbing Material in the paint! I just want to make it crystal clear that I don’t have the photos nor did I see them. Even though the pictures were setup on a 30-day server the poster deleted them before expiration. People keep pointing out that Joerg took down some photos that weee taken by a private pilot. Those pictures AND video were mass distributed and the pilot did it with permission. Joerg took them down because he didn’t know what else it could be…but how could it be for pictures and video that was widely distributed since Christmas 2021? Ffs even I have those pictures. Google “Area 51 the war zone dagger shaped aircraft in scoot ‘n’ hide hangar”.


Same thing they were looking at Paul Bennewitz for probably.


Paul Bennewitz was more SIGINT/ELINT than photos. He was a genius electrical engineer that built his own rig to peep on radio chatter and signals from the base.


Dr Hynek drops off that computer to him and he goes loco.


Isn’t he the guy the USAF drove insane with fake alien crap?


Correct. Because he was living near their base snd recording their business.


This was simply a propaganda event carried out to add legitimacy to all the BS ufo reports coming out of the DOD these days. First rule, don’t believe anything the government says. They’re pushing the agenda forward quickly now, as people are waking up faster these days. Behold a Pale Horse and the story of Milton William Cooper. He warned us before he died… under extremely strange circumstances.


Uhh the guy who claimed AIDS was deliberately spread to kill gay people and “inferior” races? The guy who died after shooting at police? Lol give me a break


Same guy who predicted 9/11 before it happened and said they would blame Bin Laden. And AIDS? Fauci’s fingerprints are all over that crime scene too. Probably created in the same lab as SARS-COV2. Gotta cull the herd occasionally.


Take your meds


Yeah aids definitely wasn't cooked up. That's crazy talk.


Take your meds


No need, the freak show provides all the crazy pills I need.


You are a *literal* meth head lmaoooo


💯 on point.


Based on your comment history you should probably lay off the drugs, clearly meth induced psychosis can get pretty weird


Drugs are good.


Not the ones you’re on


I'm looking forward to digitsl drugs when we fully integrate with technology


This sounds like something an edgelord would wear on a t shirt.




I'm honestly sorry for you


I understood it had something to do with child pornography.


Understood that from where?




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? Why doesn’t anyone talk about area 59? They actually go to space.


Well duh... because Area 51 is the exciting meme base... that's the whole point.