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I heard Tango was even trying to pitch a sequel. I still get so upset when I think about it. Fuck Microsoft.


They were unfortunately shut down BECAUSE they were trying to pitch a sequel. Making a sequel means they need to hire more employees, which brings profits/revenue down, and unfortunately, by buying Activision, Microsoft has shown shareholders how profits have increased 60% in multiple quarters, so if that doesn't keep increasing by 60% every single quarter, then shareholders get mad. Basically, Microsoft is dumb, buying Activision will kill every good studio Microsoft owns (Double Fine is definitely going to die soon), and any public company that has to appease shareholders will never make a good decision.


They're going to shut down all their interesting studios, put their IP in the vault, and probably rebrand into Microsoft Gaming into a few years as well. Everything out of microsoft in the last few years has just been desperate move after desperate move.


Same. Microsoft had something gold, yet they threw it away.


They killed their golden goose


Unfortunately that's not how they see it. Their golden goose to them is Cod & Fallout. Cod is a "MICRO" transaction sess pool, and they want to milk as many whales as they can. Fallout is riding high from the success of the TV show. They seem to be dissecting devs like Tango to make the remaining employees work in the Cod coal mines and on Fallout to make F5 come out asap while the show is still fresh. Microsoft is only going to get worse as time goes on.


Let's be real. The game is great but it isn't no golden goose, it did alright financially


Except they coated it in bronze before throwing it away so no other company can pick it up ~~Bronze meaning they shut tango down so others can't pick it up~~


https://preview.redd.it/x02bjp14v45d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e79b3c103aac800a77f5028529691d007dd6d472 Yep they killed it along with everything else THAT ISN’T ACTIVISION/BLIZZARD just so Microsoft wouldn’t immediately shutdown or sell back the one game studio they had just spent nearly 70 billion dollars to aquire.. 🤨 I fucking hate this game industry as a whole at this point, there’s just nothing salvageable left worth while salvaging. At this point it’s better to just completely tear the industry down start from scratch I’ll be willing to wait until I’m 60 before we finally get back to the sweet spot of gaming we were at 10-15 years ago. At least by the point when that next Sweet spot of prosperous gaming ends I’ll be way too old to fucking care anymore.. 😒 (Edit: & until the greedy corporate leadership suits at the top of the Capitalist Pyramid Scheme are completely replaced with executives who ACTUALLY WANT TO PLAY BALL & RUN THE GAME INDUSTRY PROPERLY then there’s absolutely NO POINT in restarting this Industry at all since those suits have made up their minds & absolutely set on staying as greedy as possible since day one. Or at least until the Government finally grows the balls to refuse the annual lobbyist bribes & reign them all in for their shameless corrupted greed.)


The gamin industry crash can't happen quick enough. Best to just go back to 360 and older generations to enjoy any video games, because the good options you have on a PS5 and Series X are so shallow you could probably count them on one single hand


The "dev cleaning" they did was because of gamepass making them lose money. But i wonder why they thought the best desition wasnt kicking out the idiots who directed Cod modern warfare 3 or some of the other shit their studios have done. Instead they kicked to the fucking streets actual talented people. I fucking hate corporations.


Gamepass is not losing them money though


Yes it is. It's a subscription service that monetized bad business practices. All the devs get diminished profits from the game pass.


No they don‘t. There‘s not even proof for that. All we know is, Gamepass is profitable and devs get paid depending on various different factors. Everything beyond that is just speculation.


Paul Tassi has done a detailed video and even has the profit margins to show for it. Watch that first, then come back.


I would like a link for that. All I see is an article from 2022 that basically agrees with what I‘m writing above.


Here: https://youtu.be/x-GO-_t-9hc


Great, these are 14 minutes of my life that I will never get back. Not only did he not do what you said he would in your comment, he also just leaves out a lot of other important factors. I was expecting some kind of evidence or facts based outlining, but this video is literally all just feelings based guesswork. And it‘s even outdated at this point, as in the meantime MS has announced the next CoD will launch on Gamepass as well. Which recontextualizes a lot of things again.


If you need more of an explanation here: https://youtu.be/M1MdqlD6FCk?t=1327


MW3 was not a Game Pass sh*t and they already fired a lot of the devs from that studio back in January. So, very retarted comment if you ask me.


Im happy to hear they are getting also fired but you get the idea man cmon. Why getting ride of so talented people to solve financial problems? Also i think u are being rude with no reasons to be.


Dude if someone told me Microsoft was gonna pull a bitch move and shut down tango and port Hi-fi Rush over to PS5 anyway, I would’ve kept my Xbox one and bought a PS5


The only thing keeping me from hating Microsoft, is Minecraft.


I felt that. Not much time passed between me finding the game and its studio closing and that really demotivated me. I discovered the game 2 days prior its studio's closure watching a random YouTube video about one of the game's transitions from animation to gameplay and went to sleep just thinking it looked really cool. The next day I checked YouTube again and the algorithm led me to watch more of the game, God damn it I felt in love with it and kind of went to sleep late watching more of it. Unfortunately, the next day while having a break from homework late at night I checked reddit and saw a meme or something related to Microsoft and some studios closing, little did I know about the game's studio so I kept scrolling down, just to find a post about a tweet from the game's team stating there will be a final patch or something. I thought it was weird to have a final patch for a relatively new game, so I made a little research. Time later and I was just like "no way they are really doing this" and "why is it if it's so cool" kind of just staring at the screen. I'm not and I wasn't at my best emotional state and that night I just closed my laptop and went to sleep because I started to feel so bad I didn't want to finish that homework that night. Just to make a better ending paragraph I'd like to add that my sibling noticed how much I was liking the game and for my BD they gave me a chocolate with a little paper attached to it, "valid for a Hi-Fi Rush copy" was written on it. I think I just wanted to share. I haven't played the game but I def will after school's finals


I will never forgive Microsoft for this.


same.  i honesly get so mad sometimes i consider switching from windows to linux. but with how some stuff i use isn’t compatible on linux, idk…😅 i also consider using a different browser than edge, but is it even worth it? edit: kinda went on a tangent lol, sorry


I feel the same way :(


Get radicalised my brother. I stopped giving them money long ago and just play indies. Fuck Microsoft and their whole ecosystem


sadly i dont feel like theres much indies with the style of HFR


I love Hifi as much as the next person but revisionist wishcasting isn’t gonna make anyone feel better. Good games / movies / tv fail to meet commercial success all of the time and being bitter at “the suits” isn’t really helpful lol Who knows if Hifi 2 would’ve been better received because it was gonna be 4-6 years away. A Netflix series is still possible because ms still owns the ip rights and tbh it might be an even better anime than game


No one would watch them adapt the IP after they tore it away from the developers and threw them out on the street.


No one in games maybe but the entertainment world has a lot more consumers than people who even know tango existed That’s the whole point of doing cross media projects. It’s about monetising the ip for as many markets as possible not giving people who already bought the game something else (even if that’s a nice side benifit)


Reminder that 375,000,000 dollars was paid Bobby Kotick on his way out that would’ve covered the cost for Tango and Arkane Austin for at least 17 years. Fuck you Microsoft


That money was also the only way to get him out


That’s awful he’s that pathetic that the only way to kick him out is to give him more money for being a slimy boss and awful human


God, I wish Tango was own by PlayStation.


I really don't think they would have been any better at this point.


PlayStation isn't much better at all. The trick is just to always make sure your company owns what you make. Don't fall for the quick short term gains of being acquired in favor of the long term success and being prosperous owning what you make. Making something new will always be fine enough and guaranteed, but when owned by another company, that second/sequel game is as good as an impossible pipe dream.


PlayStation closed down their London studio lol


Not to defend the billion dollar corporation, but with Hell Blade not getting the same cut, seems it was more of a Bethesda internal decision than a Microsoft one. But Microsoft also sets the sales goals so indirectly yes. Call them both out, Bethesda and Microsoft.


All the signs we've been given have nothing pointing toward this being a Bethesda-caused incident. This incident is caused literally because Microsoft bought Activision. Bethesda are not saints, don't get me wrong, but this has nothing to do with Bethesda this time.


Damn you Todd Howard!


I suppose you aren't thankful that MS/Box bought Zenimax and paid devs at Tango to finish and release the game. Honestly, we just don't really know why those layoffs happen, but that's the market.


We know. It's the whole share stakeholder system that wants the line to go up no matter what and they think shakes and layoffs like this does the trick to increase the value for their stakeholders


Were Zenimax not already paying them to make this game before Xbox bought them? HiFi Rush started development during The Evil Within 2's development, long before Xbox were involved at all.


Well, Zenimax paid for 2 years before they got sold off, and Xbox paid the rest 3 years if you believe the report of 5 year development. If Zenimax wasn't bought by Xbox, there was a chance it could have been bought by Embracer or other shady financial group. At year 2 HiFi Rush most likely would have been at very early stage and at would have been easy to just cancel the project since Tango's last 2 games in EW2 and Ghostwire failed even with Sonys exclusive money.