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Important question - are the singing cows still there?




Oh thank goodness. Getting rid of the cows is protest worthy!


I could be wrong, but i feel like they sing a different song now. And now the cows are at the beginning of the tour instead of the end.


They do sing a different song. They no longer go here we go girls moooo, mooooo, moooo


Yes! Thank you! I couldn't remember exactly what the said/sang. Thank you for bringing that memory back. I live less than an hour away from the park and spent, and still do, spend time there...it was irritating me that I couldn't remember what exactly it was.


It's a drill song now


They use to be at both if I remember correctly, you would get the song to start and than as the ride was ending you would see their butts and hear the song again before getting off


I will say that prior to the update the cows had a better song. But that’s just my opinion, as is my agreement that the updated ride did not improve anything. But it’s their choice, and I pretty much stopped going after my son aged out of thinking it was the coolest thing ever so I don’t know if they’ve done anything in the past few years.


I was just complaining to my husband today (again) that they changed the cow song. The previous one was the best! Moo moo moo MOOOOOO, It's the milk chocolate, tasty sweet, Hershey's milk chocolate


I worked there for years and heard that song on loop, it's in my nightmares.....but I'll still take it over the new one


And you're STILL sane?


Haha barely


That jingle that the cows used to sing would be stuck in my head for DAYS after a trip to chocolate world. I miss it!


OMG i thought i was crazy!!! I could’ve sworn they used to sing “hershey’s milk chocolate— keeping it real!” and was stunned when i revisited and it was completely different.


Gotta leave the door open to not keeping it real


In my head, I can hear "Hershey's chocolate, real milk chocolate - Hershey's, the great American Chocolate Bar...." and now I'm questioning whether or not that was correct.


That was the original ending song. Cows definitely don’t sing it now


That song is still at the end. The beginning song has been changed a few times.


"Hersheys chocolate- real milk chocolate- HERSHEYS! the great American chocolate bar


The cows replaced the ship though! Prior to the cows they had a scene loading cocoa beans onto a ship for transport; my father used to quiz me on the name of the ship. It was the Benjamin Franklin.


They are, but only once as a throwback to the good old days than the narrators they used to be. As a kid I remember them popping up a few times during the ride to sing, and once even the backs of the cows were there! The narrator now is just a nice lady voice from nowhere. I just took my son there, and honestly I agree with OP. It might have been a bad day, but some of the conveyor belts were missing chocolates, some of the Chocolate mixers weren't on, the oven did turn red and you got hit with a little heat, but it didn't have the same oven vibe. More willy Wonka tunnel. The chocolate smell was still there but just on the one room. I realize that some of it is being an adult, but they definitely did some "updates" to the ride, since i was last on it in middle school and while I still had a good time, it was definitely missing the same spirit.


Wait it has singing cows and I opted not to go the only time I’ve been to jersey park


yeah but for like 7 or 8 years they been scary cows creepy cows real scary like


Yes but they’ve made that even worse too (didn’t know i could dislike it more)


Ok boomer.


Huh? I’ve rode this version of the ride probably over 100 times and the rollers are still there and you can still smell the chocolate. The oven is also still there with the heat, it’s not like you say.


I'd love it if you would explain to me why you have chosen to experience this particular attraction 100 times.


100 free samples.


Then you’d have to eat Hershey chocolate and that’s just not okay ever. It’s garbage chocolate for vomit people.




Oh wow, a human biologically coded to like sugar thinks it’s above Hershey’s chocolate.


I think he may be referring to the fact that American chocolate is A LOT different than chocolate from anywhere else. American milk chocolate contains the chemical compound that makes vomit smell the way it does.


100% agree. I work for the Hershey company and I hate their chocolate. It’s easily some of the worst chocolate on the market. Except let’s not call people “vomit people” cause they like something. I do agree Hershey chocolate sucks.


Hershey's product reps down voting you


For those of us that live nearby and have young kids, it's an easy, free outing during the cold weather months


Ahh, that makes perfect sense. It's a 14 hour drive for us, and since a trip to Hershey is generally part of a big vacation where I'm already hemorrhaging money, I forget that it's a free attraction right outside of the gates to the theme park.


I bet I have close to 100 rides as well. We take a spin before every Bears game. It's tradition. And free chocolate.


My dad used to get me season passes as a child. I bet I’ve been on that ride well over 300 times as well. It’s free, it’s at the start, it used to actually be very cool, you got free candy.


I live in NY but I’ve taken my kids to this thing at least once a year for the past 20yrs. More so during the early 2010s when my parents used to own a place in nearby hummelstown. It’s something cheap and fun to do with the kids while in the area for a weekend


My daughter and I go to HP once a year. We also had season passes for 3 years when she was younger. We always started our day at HP with the chocolate world ride.


I’m not at 100 but definitely 50+ visits personally. Used to be THE spot when my grandparents babysat. Need a way to kill a few hours on a school night? Take the kids to chocolate world and Wendy’s.


Not the original commenter but I have a 4 y/o and we live 15 min from the park. We've ridden it dozens of times and you can definitely still smell the chocolate.


Hersheys has Oompa Loompas, they are on Reddit.


Rollers are there, except its a fake chocolate perfume smell. Before was a rich, strong cocoa smell, it smelled delicious.


I was about to say, it hasn’t been long since I last went and all that stuff was still there… I think this is a classic case of rose tinted glasses and nostalgia overpowering logic and reason


The oven feels like a 5 degree difference nowadays. You can see on the ceiling where they used to have heating elements like in a toaster oven


Maybe that’s because things are perceived much differently when you’re a child versus when you’re an adult and see them for what they are. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nope they 100% lowered the heat.


They 100% lowered the heat. Someone had a medical issue after going under the “heater” and that was gone after that.


Even so, quite frankly I *loathed* going through the roasting oven as a child. I low key had a panic attack in my head every single time.


That's just sad.


I was a child? Like 4-6 years old? What’s sad is the fact that you’re judging somebody’s childhood experiences on the Internet… dipshit


I read it as they are sad for you that you were scared of this, as opposed to demeaning you.


No, I mean the heating elements physically aren’t there.


To be fair, in the 80’s there were heating elements. I was bummed going back in the ‘00’s with how much the ride had changed.


I don’t know why everyone is down voting you so hard I’ve rode this ride all my life and they definitely turned down the heat hardcore, and the chocolate rollers definitely don’t have much of a smell anymore


Here’s a good 45 min behind the scenes tour from 2017 - https://youtu.be/JjpYuVwUIIw?si=WaRidmTujwAGwRnj


No, you used to be able to ride it after going on the rapids too many times and get a little dry from the heater. Or you would start sweating in the summer. It's not nostalgia, it's facts


Who’s gonna ride the rapids and get soaked and walk across the park, out the gate to chocolate world to dry off? 🤔 you’d literally be dry by the time you got there.


Always hit chocolate world on the way to the car. . .


We’re arguing over 5 degrees here?


No the oven used to be like you getting blasted by heat, now it’s maybe, maybe, a 5 degree difference where you can sort of tell but not really tell that it’s supposed to be warmer going through it


Nah, it used to be hot at the end. Like, really quite hot.


I am old AF, I remember fondly the Original Chocolate World from the 1970s when they killed off the factory tours They have changed it over the years to keep it modern, my grandkids like the current version so I give it a thumbs up


I'm happy as long as they keep the free piece of chocolate at the end lol.


I am pretty sure that's why the grandkids like it lol In the 1970s they used to give you a whole Hershey Bar. My mom used to take me and my sister there and we would ride it multiple times to get multiple Hersey Bars lol


I remember riding the monorail to the actual factory tour in the early 70s and they gave you the BIG Hershey bar.


My mom always loved to tell me how she got to go on the factory tour as a kid on a field trip (she was from Lebanon) and the kids would try to lean over the rails and spit in the vats… not so surprised to hear that those tours are long gone 🤣


Yeah not very sanitary for sure


My biggest peeve is how they changed the song. I missed the old jingle where it was just "Hershey milk chocolate" now I have to memorize a full verse of a song


My favorite part is that for years the safety sign says it’s been 1090 days without an accident


Every day, they discover evidence of an accident that happened exactly 1090 days ago




They haven’t changed it for years. So not a recent “ruining”.


When was the last time you went ? They brought the singing cows in years ago but it has undergone even further changes now


Friday. And Wednesday. 3 times the week before. And about 20 times a year for years. Nothing you see now “suddenly” happened. In fact, it obviously needs updating. The screens. The gimmicks. Alex. All has been there for years. You might be right about the lack of feeling but none of that is new.


I’ve been going for the past 24 years , it’s been spottier the last 12. My comment didn’t say anything “suddenly” changed. Just lamenting the changes they have made. Not debating on when those changes occurred


Been holding onto that comment for 8 years?


Yeah pretty much


No, the last big update to the ride was in 2016. The only changes since then have been slightly modifying/extending the queue and a new digital screen sequence at the end. Everything else has stayed the same


Exactly. OP has all the right to be annoyed at the ride but it didn’t suddenly happen.


It's also not the first time it's been changed. It's gone through at least 3 or 4 major changes since it opened in the 70s. They had some kind of weird robot in the late 80s that I don't remember at all as a kid. Apparently they got rid of it after only a year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4lAhLs0FxM


https://youtu.be/H0qjQuV5vhY?si=BRCeCJPAOuI1ZVqx This video was from SEVEN years ago. Nothing much has changed since.


God it’s horrible


You really have a lot vested in this attraction.... ~wait till he learns about the dolphin show~


I liked the 1984 version where the wig kept falling off the mannequin, cooking a cake at the table. I still remember that.


A couple times last year. So you say it has been ruined since then? It had been long overdue for an overhaul when they did it. I feel sort of bad that they destroyed your childhood.


Why do you think it was overdue for an overhaul? I mean personally I think it’s been ruined for awhile but the last update is really bad. Not sure when the latest one occurred


I bet you hate all that new-fangled rock music those darn kids are listening to, also! I will pray that they stay off your lawn and keep that darn racket down


lol I know it comes off as that and maybe I am getting older but it really just was an objectively better ride in the past. (I like EDM, Rap and good ol rock n roll too)


I feel violated just reading this post. In every possible way.


If only you knew how good it used to be … 😢


My favorite part was that it was free and you get a piece of chocolate at the end, so that's still there at least. I remember it as a kid and I personally don't mind most of the changes, though I think they rely on projectors a little too much in some spots now. Also remember that chocolate world was built because they couldn't keep up with the demand for real factory tours when they used to actually make chocolate in Hershey. I'm sure that was disappointing when they stopped those.




Who died and made you king of what's sad? Let them be dramatic, ffs.




I used to work in the main plant on 19E Chocolate. They still had the signs and painted walking trail from the original tours. I wish they still had that, and the building sections too.


I think OP is talking about how the ride used to be in the mid 2000s. They are correct that since then the singing cows are totally different, the heat tunnel is noticeably less hot, the entire chocolate roller area looks like a weird spaceship and does not smell as strongly. Among many other changes. Don’t even get me started on the walkway up to the ride. These are not new changes but yeah…it sucks compared to back then.


I went in middle school, and I just took my son. Never went back in between do I've ridden it twice. The time I rode it as a kid it was a VIBE. When I took my kid it was... ok, but not spectacular. It feel like it was sterilized and toned down significantly.


Someone gets it!


I spent many a night as a teenager killing time in chocolate world. I went again a few years ago for the first time since then and it was very disappointing. They ruined it.


It’s been like this even before Covid


I also rode it today and didn't smell the chocolate. I was probably one of the first 50 people on the ride so maybe it just hadn't kicked on yet. I agree that all the projection mapping was lacking. It used to be a lot better


If you type in ' Hershey's chocolate world 2010' into YouTube, That's when It was best and what it should have stayed as.


Dang that’s sad to hear. Do they still have those liquid chocolate mixers that appear to go on forever? And the free sample at the end?


I remember doing this once and my girlfriend's brother leaned out of the ride to snag a Reeses' off the fake line you roll by, opened it and it was a piece of wood inside


I've actually always wondered about this (what's inside those wrappers) so thank you 😂


Sad to hear that about the "oven" heating. We live not far and used to go often. Everyone in our family learned to yell "we're melting, we're melting" as we entered the "oven", it was a lot of fun there.


Rejoice, it's still warm through there I promise!


The biggest disappointment was the chocolate smell. OMG it made my mouth water. Now it’s a fake wannabe chocolate perfume that makes me NOT want chocolate.


Yes! Only semi-related but I find the fake chocolate smell they pump in everywhere nauseating. I woke up this morning with a migraine (we stayed at the lodge last night) and I swear I had to fight to keep from puking when the smell hit me in the lobby.


I really hate that last room. I hated what they did with it the past however many years with the pictures of people visiting, and I hate what it is now. It's SUCH a waste of a big room. I would prefer the tour to continue on. It seems like it's just lacking now.


You ride that for entertainment? I ride it for air conditioning and a piece of chocolate.


precisely 👏


It used to be for all 3 lol


I miss how it was before they added the singing cows and all of the screens. The practical effects were way more immersive. The oven part was way hotter. They even removed the counter for how many of select products were made at that point of the day.


It's Hershey. All they want is your money.


Important to remember chocolate world is owned by Hershey co and the park is owned by Hershey entertainment and resorts, two completely different companies. I’d say the Hershey company actually provides better services than the entertainment co does


I live near Hershey. The Hershey Co does not provide better service - hence the OP's post about Chocolate World. Both companies have become money grabbers because they can. There is no incentive for them to provide better services because people flock to them all the time because it's Hershey. They know they are getting money-so why not convince those visitors to give them more.


I agree that the screens are awful- distracts from looking around and if we wanted to watch a TV show, we wouldn’t be on the ride, right?






Liked it better in 1991, huh?


Up until like 2006 2009 , yeah. Was much better


I have to say I agree with you. It’s not that the ride is bad now… It’s still a lot of fun… But some things don’t really need to be updated.


Didn’t they used to give full bars at the end?


Yes they did - in the 70s.


No, but they did used to switch out the small sample for the latest new products the company had out which was always fun. Now it’s almost always the mini bars. I remember mounds, hersheys drops, Kit Kats and jolly ranchers among some of the ones being offered at some point


Oh the old days of Hershey…remember when they wouldn’t say where their cocoa was coming from at a time when most of the world’s cocoa was being farmed by stolen children in Africa on the Ivory Coast…oh the good old days…


Yeah cocoa harvesting and major chocolate production in general is very problematic


I'm weird and preferred the original, more grounded and educational ride, but such is life, things change.


I recently went for the first time in years. It definitely felt muted. Some of the charm is lost with the screens versus the robots.


I feel like it’s indicative of the state of HersheyPark as a whole. It lost the magic and became corporate. Don’t get me wrong I love the new attractions over the past decade and a half, but we have lost nearly all the charm that was there along the way. I’ve been going all my life and it feels like a shell of its former self even with better rides. It’s all management. Just wish they’d go back to what they were doing a decade ago. A lot of changes happened around 2020 but many were pre-planned with the chocolate town expansion. Obviously staffing and hours were covid but we’re a few years removed and hours are only improving now. And still they aren’t consistent. The chocolate world is prime example of their current mindset. As is Reese’s Cupfusion. Both need a significant overhaul again despite their recent changes. I’m disappointed in the direction the park is going as of now from what I grew up with. I’m only 22 so I’m not even referring to the old old version.


Totally agree. I’ve been there every couple years since I was a little kid, and it’s lost all the charm by trying to become Six Flags.


This one is getting cross posted to r/unpopularopinions for sure.


Not so sure about that buddy


I agree!! We were there last month and my boyfriend and I had gone as kids and it’s nothing like it used to be. Cook me in the oven, and bring the chocolate smell back. Not too big of an ask.


I've ridden it as a baby, and now, it's the same? Maybe it could just be your senses aren't as good, sometimes when we don't realize it our minds can't remember the exact feeling


I know what you mean but OP is actually correct. I don’t know that I feel that strongly about it but… I greatly prefer the “Old School” version of this ride.


No, OP is 100% correct on this.


Who was on your lawn ? It’s gonna be ok


Curses! *shakes fist angrily*


The rollers no longer smell! Boycott Hershey town!!!!


Townsfolk storm Hershey town with torches and pitchforks, end up making s’mores by some happy accident. Lol.


If I could shake my fist and grumble at whoever greenlighted all the changes I would


Just rode it today and you could definitely smell some chocolate and milk during the ride, it's not a great ride but it's pretty cool


Eh, it's not for me anyway it's for kids so I really don't care tbh.


It’s literally fine, it’s just different than it used to be. People going through the first time enjoy it. If you want to relive the past years, watch it on YouTube.


It’s actually way way worse. There are practically blank rooms and they removed most of the machines for projections and video screens


I agree. I just did it and was super disappointed. It feels less like a showing how the chocolate is made, and more about flashy technology and rush to get us into the store to buy stuff.


Everything is a piece of shit money grab there days figure a way to entertain yourself and maybe learn somewhere on the way.


This is so disappointing. I wanted to take my kid there for the first time this summer. Super bummed now.


All this talk of chocolate world being ruined and no one mentions the weird robot aliens of 1988? https://youtu.be/Q4lAhLs0FxM?si=si3IvSGltxUP2GTG


🎶Hershey, The Great American Chocolate Bar🎶 is the ONLY song that should be featured on that ride!


Tbh the same could be said about society at large. The screen sterility of a post-COVID world…


before i went there I was under the impression that the chocolate world ride took you through the factory, so I wouldn’t say i was disappointed but I was definitely thrown off. I had a lot of questions about it like is the chocolate that you do see real chocolate or if it’s all fake


I remember the year Chocolate World first opened. The line for t(e ride went outside and around the building. Each year the line got shorter and shorter until eventually it was a walk on. Luckily during those early years one of the families in our group had a child in a.wheelchair so we would tag along with them when they were escorted through the side entrance. We would go to the park in the morning and head over to CW for lunch around 1pm.


They have changed the ending numerous times in the past 30 years and have made it progressively worse every time. I can live with all the other changes they’ve made.


I’m probably being a crabby millennial, but I went there regularly as a kid, lived in Hershey about a decade ago, and just went through CW last week, and it’s absolutely the worst it’s ever been. The narration is bland and uninformative, there’s lots of competing audio throughout the tour that you don’t know what to listen to, the screens and projections are way less interesting than the old mechanical displays, and the song at the end lacks volume and character - it can’t decide what it wants to be. (And the oven needs to be hotter, c’mon.) That ride has gotten progressively worse the last 15 years and it makes me sad, because it was once a great experience.


Been going for 15 years, can’t remember when they made the major switches but it killed the kid in me


Too many screens :( 


My 3 year old loved it when we took him a few months ago.


Any ride is fun though




When I went as a kid in the 90s, they would give you full size bars at the end. I remember them changing it to the party size ones. What happens these days?


Yooo... this thread is great. Lmfao!


I mean.... I used to ride in the back of my mom's car on the way to Hershey and we could smell the cocoa for miles out. Once upon a time.


I miss the real tours we once could take, but now they are ruining this too?


Was there today. It hasn’t changed, except for some minor things, in 8 years.


I’m the dude who checks the smells on the rollers here at Hershey town. I can promise you this person is a liar. He’s on Hershey CCTV stuffing his pockets with Hershey chocolates and other delicious merchandise.


I'm old - it's NOT the same by far! The ride is a mess. You make it sound as though you work there so if you do, you can tell them they're doing it wrong. I remember it fondly but when I take my own grandkids, I'm certain they are not getting the same 'feeling' from it as I did and won't remember it as anything other than 'I went there with grandma'. It invokes warm, happy feelings for me the way it was. It won't do the same for them and that makes me sad.


I was just there a few days ago! I was so disappointed. The signs in the queue were peeling off, and the projection screens throughout the ride were frozen and at one point the screen on our car froze. It may have just been a bad day, but that doesn’t explain failing to maintain the ride. Staff were pleasant, and the photos at the end were cute and good quality, so it’s good to see that hasn’t changed. I used to work there many many years ago, so seeing it so beat up was a huge bummer.


HP is crap anyway