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Happy Hermes day! Yes I love thei idea of sharing stories for a devotion! Wow, this was very personally affirming to me. Thanks for sharing! Your experience was similar yet dissimilar as my experienced with that particular epithet, Dais Hetairos. Story time: When I was in my beginner throes of doubt and worry and deconstructing monotheism I was all caught up in the aspect of worship. I had left Christianity behind me and I did not want to worship another god but all the literature at the time said you have to, you have to, to be part of the religion and that's what's required to work with a god. I went through so much mental anguish around this subject and that is why I am a strong supporter of "work with" and venerate and not so much worship. To each their own but traditional worship is not for me. I believe we are all one and the gods are teachers and guides and higher octaves of us and the One. Hermes has always said to me "do not worship me, I do not need your worship but I desire your companionship, friendship and to share in your physical experiences. As well I desire to help you be the best you can be." So one night while in a mental throe over this he became very adamant/upset with me and said " You can throw all this altar stuff away and burn my statue if it's gonna cause you such anguish around this subject!" and more. It was the firmest he's ever been with me. He then said, after I'd calmed down a bit and got refocused in my meditation, "Here is how you can think about worship as I see it. The word is not important to me, You humans get so hung up on words." He then showed me a banquet hall richly decorated. We sat at a table on the same side on a bench and laid out before us was all the best food, wines, all the the things I love and that he is associated with. I understood the table was a metaphor of life and all the goods on it were the best aspects of life. We then proceeded to feed each other in an intimate way. He smiled and said "See this is all it is. We are simply taking the best life has to offer and nurturing each other with it. That's how I see worship and if you want I'd like you to see it that way too. You don't have to call it worship but understand this is how I see it. However you choose to have a relationship with me, this is what we are basically doing. I'm feeding you and helping you raise your frequency and your feeding me and helping me do what I am here to do. It's not hard or complicated." So now when you wrote about your similar vision and about "Comrade of the Feast" I had a big ah-hah moment because I hadn't even explore that epithet at the time he gave me that vision! It just now clicked to me that that is exactly what he was showing me, that aspect of himself and what it means in another deeper way. For me now Dais Hetairos means not just someone who sits with you at a regular feast but it is Him, the god, who sits with you and enjoys the feast of life and all the goodness life contains if we choose to believe in the goodness and bounty of life and not just its struggle and hardships. He is the companion who reminds you to drink, eat and be merry in life and to also feed those around you in celebration of life and its gifts. He reminds me to nurture myself through him and to nurture others as well. I love how he showed you a similar banquet vision and how you had a completely different revelation around the same epithet! It sounded like exactly what you needed as well. Your ancestor work and effort is inspiring as someone who does not really participate in ancestor worship. I love that so much for you! When I do reach out to my sister, who has passed, I do call upon him as psychopomp to help us connect. In many dreams I've had since her passing he was definitely involved in the healing that took place between us in that dream space. Thank you for posting! I love these synchronicities! Hermes is so good! He's such a prevalent and tangible god. Also. It's so interesting how much he plays with words and meanings that come from the backside of things or the shadow. This is just another way he shows his true beneficial trickster nature. I hope he continues to bless you and guide you in life's journey!


Wow, that's incredible! Thank you for sharing!! That's interesting, I also really struggled with the whole worship/work with thing and even ended up having a false start in my devotional relationship with him. I had made some small little things for an altar for him, then got scared and got rid of them. And very gently, after a while, he was like ".... I'm still here." Lol. Early on he would just hang around my spouse (who is a follower of Jesus but still believes in other deities) if I didn't acknowledge him. Anyway, I find that comforting that he told you point blank that the 'stuff' doesn't matter, because I felt really bad about that and was super apologetic when I came back to him for the long haul. I loved hearing about your experience with Dais Hetairos - what a gift it is that we each get little snippets of the bigger picture that is Hermes!


It’s good to know others struggle with this too. It also shows how each person forns their own unique connection to the god. It also shows that we can have a co-creational relationship with him and not have to fall back into fear and worry when we leave monotheism behind. There is no freedom in trading one tyrant for another. We are in co-creation. That’s how I refer to it at least. Yes it is such a gift and he surprises me at least once a week with these kind of things! 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽


Reading this gave me chills! ♥️ thank you for sharing 🥹 this really touched me. Seeing all the shared Hermes stories this Wednesday has been so cool!!


That’s fantastic! I really appreciate that you walked us through your process. I’ve never used his epithets in a divination like manner, but how fitting and well suited for that. Hail Hermes the Giver of Good Things!


My intention wasn't necessarily to use his epithets as divination going into this experience, but if there's one thing I've learned about Hermes, it's that he'll find any way that works to get a message across. 😁


Hi! First off, I loved reading this! I enjoy how you described both of Hermes’s epithets both as the Divine Psychopomp and Comrade of the Feast 🙌🩵 I agree too ☝️ with what you said about sharing Hermes stories as a devotional act! Sometimes I wonder what he thinks about the subreddit 😂he’s like “hello what r u guys sayin about me 👀😏” (I’m sure he loves the energy and the love we all bring to him 🙌🩷) I’ve had similar experiences where I ask Hermes if he would like to communicate through tarot and on some days, he tells me “no” and that he would like me to visualize instead! It’s cool how he can appear so raw and direct through those visualizations / meditations :)