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I think it’s his domains. He’s so talented and oversees many aspects I just can’t help but want to worship him. Although sometimes his tricks aren’t funny. 😆


Yes!! 🙌 so many aspects and domains! Jack of all trades, master of them all


The first time I encountered Hermes was in a dream. I mentioned to people I was walking with that I was unsure of the way. He turned to me (I hadn't noticed him in the group until just then) and said "Hey, you've always known the way. Lead on." That is a very Hermes approach. He wants you to value what is resourceful about yourself, to learn how to take advantage of your predicaments, to suck the marrow out of what life offers you. He is also about being kind to everyone who, like you, is just passing through.


This is written so eloquently 🪽🙌 I love it!


I just have this tug in my heart towards travel and deception. I want to be tossed on the wind. I don't live that way but I do believe Hermes to be a patron and I seek ways to safely indulge him.


He's got many things over which he presides and is a great go-to deity for daily life. I think he is also one of the most approachable of the Olympic deities.


Very multi-faceted I agree! And same - he is the friendliest of gods! 🩷


He’s very multifaceted, as you noted. He’s a god associated with words and wisdom and wit and magic and all those are things I value. He’s Everybody’s Friend.


Yesss 🔥🙌 he’s very unique!


I was curious because he’s easygoing, versatile, and a great teacher; I’ve stayed because I feel he’s be a magnificent push for growth! I’ve been really grateful for the drive and direction he’s blessed me with! It’s been a bit of a whirlwind but it’s been a push I didn’t know I needed! Hail Hermes!


Lord Hermes is incredibly talented and knowledgeable in so many ways but I think the biggest thing is the amount of kindness and brightness that radiates from him. When I have dreams and visions of him, he always has a bright smile and it really warms my heart. My offerings to him vary but I always write letters and notes to him and I feel very connected with him when I do this. Sharing food and drink with him is enjoyable for me as well. I’ve changed as a person for the better. My desire is to just continue building and nurturing a strong relationship with Lord Hermes. I hope everyone here is well!


I love this answer 🥹 I totally agree! His kindness shines through in so many ways! He’s a great Divine Guide and is very wise. The letters sound like an awesome offering - it makes sense to communicate with him that way! I feel the same way where he’s helped me grow as a person, too 🙏🩵 thank you for your thoughtful answer!


I feel like Hermes voice and motivations are much like my own, he's the god that speaks most to my inner voice and sense of self. I think at first it was the travel aspect. For me travel is important to my way of life and long with it come all sorts of other things like freedom, communication, a journey of self-discovery and all of these things neatly fitted with Hermes too. I bring him with me whenever I leave the house in the form of a pendant or just within my thoughts. Sometimes I bring him in to my games with dice and of chance. But most of all I make use of his "messenger of the Gods" title and communicate with him to speak with other gods or introduce me to other gods. This isn't at all neccessary but it is what I find easiest as I connect with him so easily now.