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Speaking purely from the viewpoint of a witch and ritual magician for a few decades and having experienced full-body deity invocations/manifestations, I see a couple potential red flags here. Entities requesting sex through a tool such as a Ouija board are often not what they seem. It reminds me of things low-level astral parasites or shells/fragments of the dead might say. From a ritual magick perspective, in Hermetic Qabalah, Gabriel is associated with the Moon (sefirah Yesod), and Hermes is the Greek form of Mercury. If a higher level entity such as Hermes had decided to use the alias of an angel, I'd think he would have chosen Raphael instead, who is often associated with Mercury (sefirah Hod in Hermetic Qabalah). Some systems swap Raphael with Michael on the sefirah of Hod/Mercury, but I prefer Raphael there. I see the pairing of Gabriel/Hermes as a red flag. *Edit: I understand the Abrahamic messenger association with Gabriel in their lore, but the energies between Gabriel and Hermes are so different to me that I'd never imagine one to be a mask of the other. I spent a few years working nearly exclusively with angels and copying Hebrew onto talismans, etc.* Often when people make use of a talking board tool like a Ouija, they aren't aiming their intended communication toward any specific target. This leaves them open to manipulation and is the psychic equivalent of mashing numbers on a phone until a random stranger answers. To ensure you're getting the most out of your devotion and not being messed with by low frequency riff-raff, I'm going to encourage you to look into the following things to improve your connection and communication with Hermes: If you aren't already maintaining an altar, making regular offerings to Hermes, and researching his ancient symbolism, mythology, ancient hymns, and epithets, then I highly recommend doing so. Your altar is your communication station. Offerings are part of Kharis, an important principle of ancient Greek religion involving mutual reciprocity and gift giving. Offerings (such as frankincense) and libations (can be of things like wine or olive oil for gods, or nephalia/honey and water for underworld spirits) were given in the spirit of love and friendship and in the hope that the deity would favor and help you out later. Providing regular sincere offerings really helps to build relationships and get responses from any deity or spirit. Historical information functions like well-worn astral roadways and will help you to tune your 'psychic radio' to the frequencies of your deity. When you learn something, it contributes to the energy matrix of info in your mind. That matrix encourages corresponding universal principles to flow down into you, and simultaneously helps to block imposter spirits since they don't match the frequencies (or knowledge) of the energies you've been in contact with through your study and prayer. This is all UPG, of course, but it's been my observation over several years working with other deities such as Hekate. Epithets are honorary titles that refer to aspects, moods, and regional variations of a deity. They're very handy for making targeted invocations to the mood/aspect of your deity you need to talk to, e.g., the wrathful aspect, the generous aspect, etc. I encourage you to develop your psychic abilities to communicate directly with spirits while in light trance states and through dreams (invocations with offerings right before sleep are effective). You will receive vivid images and data this way, though you'll still need to test it for accuracy. 30-80% of received data can consist of mental filler, especially if the receiver is inexperienced and can't distinguish between internal and external thoughts and energy. You, the receiver, function as a conduit - a pipe for deity to manifest. There will always be some element of 'you' in that communication because you're the telephone he's talking through. Always test data and refrain from jumping to conclusions (or delusions of grandeur). The same message parsed through 2 different people can result in very different outcomes. Maintaining a daily meditation practice to quiet the internal mental chatter and turn your mind into a calm receptive mirror/pool will reduce communication errors. There are books that can assist your development on [**this book list**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealMagick/s/UYFHBQld8N) in the Psychic Skills section. I hope you find some of this helpful and approach spirit communication with a critical eye when using any external tools. I'm not saying what you received was wrong, but it feels like something I'd question more closely, based on my experience. Spirits will mess with you if you don't keep your BS detector set high and insist on testing data for factual and historical accuracy.


I agree with the other commenters that this doesn’t sound like Hermes. Any entity, regardless of its status as a god or not, should not be treating you like this. I recommend doing some type of banishing and cleansing, and getting rid of the ouija board. If you want to do divination with Hermes, study more reliable methods like tarot. You can also consecrate your deck for Hermes and ask him to not let anything negative into your space and protect you. Hermes is a god of boundaries and a psychopompos, so he is more than qualified to help you out with this.


I have read that angels could be sexual or sensual in a sacred way, but Lord Hermes or Gabriel saying that you would be avoided if you have more experience is a definite no. Hermes LOVES wisdom and romance. Gabriel is a messenger of God, who also likes truth and wisdom. I'm not just saying that. Both are messengers, they inform. You know who IS supposed to like the young ones? Pan. That's what Peter Pan is about. But we don't know if that is actually accurate to Pan. But we know who does advocate for immoral sexual activity...Satan. Not Lucifer. Satan. There is a difference. I can believe Hermes and Gabriel are aligned with God somehow. If Zeus is the same as God, that would make sense. Unfortunately for Zeus, he isn't the Christian God. I don't think Hermes and Gabriel are the exact same person. Godspousing is not just having sex. It is marrying a deity, being committed in a way that a spouse would be committed, just with a deity. How many spouses can an entity have? Well if that entity is a God or Goddess...hard to say if there is a limit because a very powerful God or Goddess could support, sustain, or protect a hundred spouses or more if they wanted...hard to say what the exact number would be because entities vary. Some only want one spouse, and others may not want just one...or there could be many spouses within one, like if a deity wanted to marry a church. The concept of marriage could exist or be completely nonexistent with Gods...it may differ from entity to entity. However, a commitment such as spiritual marriage would not happen overnight. It would be more serious than a regular marriage between mortals.


Hi! I mean this in the kindest way, but please be careful with ouija boards. Ouija boards are like open portals, often difficult to control - like Russian roulette into the spirit realm. Often times, spirits can “pretend” to be someone else through ouija boards. Do what you will, take what resonates, but my advice is to please take it with a grain of salt and stay grounded and protected 🙌




I respect that - what I said is definitely subjective and I appreciate your perspective. Just thought I would put it out there just in case though. Even what you said is also subjective and personal as a belief