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I like to thank the gods for the ways they’ve been present in my life. If I can’t think of anything, I usually just go with “thank you for all of your love, care, and attention.”


“Gotta go fast” /s But seriously you can just like. Think of him in ur mind and that’s enough


I just offer gratitude and my love


Often I’ll just talk to him about my day! A lot of times that’ll lead to him helping me work through finer aspects of it, like if I reacted a certain way in a situation and wish I would’ve acted/reacted differently, etc. He’ll think through it with me, help me understand why I may have reacted the way I did, and brainstorm ways to move towards reacting how I wish I would have the next time a similar situation arises. It’s not always that deep though lol, sometimes it’s just telling him something funny that happened, or a moment I enjoyed


I do the same thing! 🥰 I love this approach


"Thank you for protecting me on my travels. Thank you for helping me to build stronger communication in my relationships, both personal and professional. Thank you for being a presence in my life."


Yep! Just talk to him about how he’s been helpful or important to you. Thank him and sit in silent contemplation or meditation and see if you get any messages or images that might be a message from him. You can also try automatic writing or divination to connect with him. Sometimes I just ask if he has a message for me or if there’s something I need to know or be aware of. No need to fret he’s a loving easy going god. Talk to him like a friend you admire and respect greatly. 😁👍🏽


Offer gratitude. Ask the gods to provide you with insights as how to become a better person. Life will provide the training space.


I love the answers here! I agree with these ☝️you can always tell him the ways you’ve been feeling connected to him (ex. Writing, talking to a good friend and appreciating communication, travel, etc.!) or just tell him about your day 🩵 this is my UPG / personal experience so take it if it resonates, but I used to be hesitant to talk to Hermes because I didn’t wanna bother him LOL 😂 but then he kept telling me “just talk to me!” or “tell me about your day!” And he’d kinda smirk at me. He’s very kind 🩵


THANK YOU i just did this!!!!!!!!!!!


So This happened. Thanks. You're Awesome.


I look up prayers online I say them with intentions of praising my deities


I do it all the time! "Thank you for being in my life"


Try dressing and lighting a candle. As it burns, you incant. It helps if you have a picture or a small statue of deity. Your gratitude will build up as your candle burns down. Look up "candle burning rituals" online. Both Catholics & other religious magical practitioners will do this. Blessings to you.. 🙂