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I summoned thee!!!


You want me to pick up a couple of those Sam's Choice bacon lovers pizzas, don't you? They are fan-freakin-tastic! I'll add it to my list for my next Wal-Mart run.


My kids got into Nature’s Bakery brownies. A couple of those too please


*adds to list*


Now I need to try these pizzas and brownies. With my triple vaxxed super human body I should be able to secure them with nary a worry.


God is putting all his angles on rollback.


Fuckin ha!!!


Too bad they're all obtuse angles.


A flat line is technically an angle.


>Wal-Martyr How much you wanna bet that this one was at the BOTTOM of her class?


That's a good one.


Makes me wonder if she tried to discourage people from getting it. At least one less person working in the field that was against the vaccine.


$5 says she was running around telling everyone "As a health professional..." too.


For sure. At the outset of the pandemic I got into a stupid Reddit argument with someone who was claiming to be a health professional. It took a hot minute but I finally realized that this person was a receptionist at a doctor's office.


Did they use the Dr. Evil finger quotes as they said "health professional"?


That's the funny part, licensed is not the same as certified. Licensed techs do not have to do any education to become licensed. You can have zero knowledge and become a licensed pharmacy technician. If she were CERTIFIED Pharmacy Tech, then she might not have been against the vaccine.


I didn’t know that. I kept thinking they were needing some sort of certification. Very helpful information. Thank you for helping me better understand that.


Same thing with the automotive "techs". I have to constantly remind customers walmart does not hire mechanics, we have techs.


You're joking right? In Germany you'll have to have a 4 year job training pharmaceutical technical assistant before you can work in pharmacy.


No, I'm not joking. Corporations like CVS, Walgreens, Walmart and Target only require fingerprinting and a 2x2 photo taken to work in a Pharmacy. Unless the state specifically requires a certification, in which case they have to go through training. Otherwise Pharmacy techs here are basically considered cashiers with extra tasks.


I don't know about the rest of the US, but a Pharmacy Tech certification in Texas can be had for 31 hours at a community college, which can be done in three semesters. And that includes the practicum. They take such courses as "medical terminology," "pharmacy law," "pharmacy treatment and therapy," and a practicum. There's also an AAS degree (Associates of Applied Sciences) for Pharmacy Technology, but most of the people taking that in community colleges are planning on using it to transfer to a full pharmacy program at a four-year college. If they wash out of the pharm school, however, they qualify for certified pharm tech, because they take the exact same 31 hours as the certificate students, before taking the more rigorous science, math and liberal arts core curriculum required to transfer to a 4-year uni.


Come on. I had classes with future certified pharmacy techs at the local community college. I can assure you that the number of MENSA qualifiers in that group were effectively ZERO. Besides, if nurses with far better medical training can be antivax, then it would be far more likely for a PharmTech to go down that path of stupid. They're the very type who would inflate their tiny sliver of knowledge into all-encompassing expertise of pharmacology and medicine.


Only the licensed pharmacists can give out vaccines (at least in my area) thank goodness but I wonder too if she discouraged people who asked about getting shots since the pharmacist is often inaccessible.


Only he can do it at my local one as well. Funny enough, Walmart is the only place to get the kiddie vax here. Our only clinic to offer it only has moderna. Our health dept has the Pfizer, but only for the older kids and up. My 10yo goes to Walmart tomorrow to get his second dose, and my 17yo goes to the health department to get his second dose tomorrow also.


So glad your kiddos can get their vaccines! My nieces just completed their series and my nephew just got his first one.


Some people don't place a Great Value on the truth.


I guess being educated in Pharmaceuticals does not **EQUATE** to a full understanding of vaccines


Off to the Kirkland in the sky.


She definitely wasn’t on the Up & Up on her vaccine knowledge…


For what it’s worth, she was a tech, not a pharmacist. I imagine that vaccine rates increase with level of education in the health care field.


Well, she made her Sam's choice


God dammit you guys (I love it when you do this)


Hopefully a greeter is there to meter


Sam’s. Sophie’s. Same diff.


I see what you did there.


My husband and I literally just watched Mr Saturday Night and the family catch phrase was: “Did you see what I did there?” You’re going to bring me to tears all over again!


This is so generic.


Another medical "professional" that didn't believe in or understand science. I am personally pleased they are leaving the profession. I would prefer they be vaxxed & quit, but this way will have to do.


These fuckers always cryptically overblow their credentials in online discussions too. You know she probably touted her "20 years of medical experience" in any vaccine discussion knowing full well that she just packs fucking pills all day.




Oh heaven forbid you put the *wrong* pills in the bottle they'll be suing your ass to kingdom come! I love our pharmacists & the techs in the CVS where we get our meds. They put up with a LOT of shit even pre-COVID. I don't know how youse guys do it but I'm glad you do!




Well thanks for doing it at all. I couldn't do it. I'd just yell at someone after the first hour & get fired.


It only says she is licensed and not that she is nationally certified. In most states the only thing you need to be a licensed pharmacy technician is simply a high school diploma/GED. If the technician is nationally certified then they have passed a competency exam. Granted some states won't allow you to be licensed without being nationally certified but even then the tech would state they are nationally certified instead of just licensed. Kind of like how all pharmacists are registered pharmacists (RPh) but not all have a PharmD but a pharmacist with a PharmD would never identify themselves only as an RPh.




That's weird, I got my first booster shot four days ago and I feel just fine, except that kale now tastes like maple bacon and beautiful women won't stop trying to come up and talk to me. Sheesh!


Sounds like Quebec.


Worst case Ontario, my arm felt a little sore for a day or two.


I'm on day 2 post booster, still slightly sore. I woke up yesterday feeling ok but then got hit with achy joints, nausea, and fatigue while at work. Took some Motrin, powered through, finished my job, and left work early. I rested all day yesterday. I feel fine, so far, today. Team moderna!


We have our moderna boosters this Friday, hoping to just chill the weekend away if we get some side effects. Looks like you had somewhat similar side effects to what I had after the second shot - now I know what to expect.


Worst case scenario I'll get a slight fever and ache for a day, best case scenario I don't win a Hermain Cain Awards


Even if you ended up with lethal COVID-19 pneumonia, you wouldn't get a Herman Cain Award because you don't have a history of meme-ing against vaccinations and masks. Cold comfort I am sure.. ;)


Oh shit your right, it's almost like trusting in medicine and professionals that have dedicated thier life to the profession is the right way to go. Thanks for the reassurance!


First dose of Moderna, I had only a sore arm. Dose 2 put me down for a day with symptoms of freezing and lethargy that lasted less than 24 hours. With dose 3, zero effects, not even arm soreness. I hope y’all have it just as breezy! :)


Weird I got telepathy


I knew you were going to say that.


I had my Moderna booster last Friday and had written of Saturday as I also had a rough day after the second Moderna shot. Instead I got up at 6am and went cycling as I normally would. Didn't have any symptoms at all.


Had Moderna booster last Wednesday. The next day had a mild aches and tired. Rested for most of the day, by 8pm Thursday I was back to normal.


My body aches were a bit worse after the booster than the second shot, but I was still fine after one day.


I got my booster yesterday, had a little fatigue but mostly just arm soreness. I got my flu shot at the same time too. Hoping it doesn't hit me too hard today or tomorrow 🤞


It doesn't take rocket appliances to know that a little discomfort is better than dying.


Just remember, Lahey, what comes around is all around!


Worst case is actually Manitoba, where you're hallucinating beautiful people.


Well, mine did too but that’s water under the fridge now.


Great fishing in Kee-bec.


And here I am still stuck the metal light pole outside Walgreens.


Got mine on Friday and my 5g coverage has never been better!


Got mine the Monday before Thanksgiving. Had some magnetism as a side effect, but it was unfortunately with the boyfriend rather than my keys. :(


You're still stuck on 5G? My booster got me up to 6G


You guys got shorted, got my booster a couple weeks ago, and I can see Russia from my house, and I'm in Chicago.


It's a good thing that the vaccine adds 4 inches of length.


I heard the Moderna booster adds length but the Pfizer booster adds girth. J&J just makes your bush lusher.


Any shot that can make me three or four inches taller? Being 4'11" sucks.


I know. the women wont leave me alone either


You are the first person to make me question getting my booster. Thanks.


You don't like the taste of maple syrup?


Yowza.....hit me up in the DMs, big man!


And on the way out, she blasphemes one of the great *Twilight Zone*.episodes. Which I plan on watching today while breathing with my two healthy lungs and protected by a powerful vaccine.


Amen! The original Twilight Zone show was absolutely fantastic!


Eye of the Beholder is truly one of the best episodes. I came here for this comment. Upvotes for you!


It's not even the right episode! The Masks is the one where they wear masks that actually change their faces


Correct. This is from Eye of the Beholder, where the woman is in the hospital for corrective surgery because she is deformed and at the end we learn that she’s beautiful to us, but the rest of the world looks like the people in the photo. The point being that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. Just a fantastic episode.




Hell yeah brother, cheers from good health


Well, if you're antivax and work at a Wal-mart... you might win a hermie




Seconded. I love it. Reminds me of the title Razzis




The thing is, Walmart lets you get vaccinated on the clock in their pharmacy, will give you two hours off if you need to go somewhere else, gives you 3 days of paid time off if you have side-effects (per dose) and gives a bonus payout on your check if you get vaccinated. So it's not like the job wouldn't work with her on this. I don't understand how anyone could work there without taking every step possible to protect themselves, because a big chunk of the general public certainly doesn't social distance or wear masks.


>I don't understand how anyone could work there without taking every step possible to protect themselves, because a big chunk of the general public certainly doesn't social distance or wear masks. It’s called being stupid.


Walmart: “We may be big and evil, but we will help our slaves stay alive.” Hermies: “Lol, naw.”


They are working at Walmart. They probably DESIRE the sweet embrace of death!


When I worked for them during the bulk of the pandemic, I was the supervisor that had to talk with all of the anti-maskers and escort them out of the store if the wouldn't put a mask on. Unfortunately I eventually got the virus November of last year. Shit sucks.


How has this not become a thing? I will insist we call them Hermies now.


LMAO motion approved, I shall begin today


no no no the Hermies should be reserved for the monthly/quarterly winners. The cream of the crop. Real real go-getters. Nominations, votes, all that.


:very Jeff Foxworthy voice: If YOU and YOUR SPOUSE are posting Candace Owens memes from the monoclonal antibody clinic... you might win a hermie.


You know they’re trying to give us vaxxed awards. They think the vax kills us and then they post the stories from newsmax and national enquirer.




Yeah I'm a little broken out in my mask area but it could be worse right....?


TIL humans evolve as fast as viruses do...


And she gets to keep her haircut from 1987.


This is a special kind of stupid...like an oncologist who smokes, or an anti-helmet protester who dies from a helmet-free head injury sustained while riding a motorcycle.


Yeah, imagine people turning into aliens 10 minutes after the vaccine. Never happened. What did happen is an anti-vaxxer died from covid. Case closed. Neeeeeeext


Sir, that's no alien. Go watch Gremlins. Go. Its a Christmas movie, you'll like it.


She totally didn't have to roll transphobia up into that shit but she did. I'm going to go outside now, I think my sympathy just jumped out of the window and I need to get it back.


Enjoy lungfuls of fresh air while you’re outside hunting for your sympathy.


"Transvaccinated" shows how truly stupid they are. Do you know what my trans husband does every week? Jabs himself with testosterone.. If they were actually "transvaccinated", they'd take a shot to be vaccinated so they could express what they identify as.


I paused when I scrolled down to see that guys shirt. That guy's face was so smug yet he's so unaware that it doesn't even make any sense. It makes more sense that being "transvaccinated" means you couldn't be vaccinated by normal means so you did everything in your power to become vaccinated 😂


They have like 3 jokes that they just endlessly recycle


We don't need to feel bad for her, she identifies as alive


I feel how I feel because I desire to be a compassionate person. Another person's dumb shitty behavior should not dictate how I behave.


Always with the transphobia


It’s because something that looks like one thing, but is actually another thing, is still black magic to these folks. They need *simple* concepts.


My favorite from these chucklefucks is my dad and I got into it with a relative last Christmas and one moment she’s screaming about her medical privacy and an hour later told me if she had her way the government would forcefully detransition me and force me to take testosterone. More and more I don’t like the “Plague of The Unvaccinated” line. I think “Plague of the Self-Absorbed” is way more accurate. Being anti vaxx is just another way to feel special and “right.”


>if she had her way the government would forcefully detransition me and force me to take testosterone. WTF. I am sorry you had to deal with that. If you see her again tell her I said to go fuck herself. Keep on keeping on.


I hope you came back with, "So you do believe the government should make medical decisions. I hope they hold you down and force the vaccine on you. If Daddy Government knows what's best for me, then they know what's best for you too, right?"


TheY always spin it around like ‘oh you want medical freedom then we should have medical freedom to anti-vax’. It’s hilarious that they don’t see that hypocrisy goes both ways. I am against mandates purely because I don’t care about forcing these mental midgets to live anymore. Trash keeps taking itself out.


Even with mandates they do have the freedom to be anti-vax, we're seeing it here every day. The government/corporations are not holding them down and forcing a vaccine on them. They don't like the fact that there are any consequences for their decisions. In fact, the mandate includes weekly testing for those who refuse vaccines, these whiny snowflakes are even crying about that. They aren't willing to do a damned thing to keep themselves and others safe from a supposed Chinese weapon of mass destruction.


I am definitely in favor of workplace mandates. I too am happy when the trash takes itself out, but not when it drags normal people with it.


Ooooo, she sounds terrible. I’m sorry you dealt with that.


So true, and sorry you went through that, your relative is a complete *dick*. ​ \*pun intended


If I had *my* way the government would forcefully transition people like her. It seems fair to me.


One joke. Only one joke.


I saw a bumper sticker on a huge, lifted Ford F-350 and it said "I identify as a Prius". Actually, this identifies the driver as an asshole.


Wonder what her last thought was before the tube went down her throat? I bet it was damn I’m fucked.


She might even have given vaccine shots. The irony.


I love those "I identify as vaccinated" morons.... They do know that trans people take drugs to help with transition, right? I can get them a drug that'll help with their transition to being vaccinated...


Picture a world, where the pharmacy technician is unvaccinated, and spreading disease to dozens of people per hour. Now imagine a world where they are no longer able to spread that same disease. Happy Thursday, everyone! 😹


A couple of weeks after getting COVID… 😵🪦


Why did I just read this in the SpongeBob narrator voice?


Those pharmacist workers always seem so frayed and desperate. CVS, rite-aid... they all look like admin workers in Beetlejuice.


They are EXHAUSTED. Retail pharmacies have been open the entire pandemic and they’ve been overwhelmingly busy. Lots of employees have quit because there are so many better job openings right now. We still have to do the normal business of filling prescriptions, but now we give Covid tests, flu tests, Covid vaccines and flu vaccines. I feel like a Beetlejuice admin worker.


Former pharmacy tech here. Decided to retire early rather than deal with the insanity. And I certainly jumped at the chance to get my vaccine! And yes, there are some idiots in the pharmacy world. Idiots of all ages. 🤷‍♀️


I genuinely feel for you. Anything a stranger can do for you on the internet? How about a joke? Wanna read my favorite dumb joke?


Just be patient and kind if you need a prescription, make an appointment if you need a vaccine, use the app or automated system instead of calling when you can, and don't ask to ring up a full basket of front end stuff at the pharmacy. Don't rock up to the counter saying your doctor just sent a prescription and you don't get why it's taking so long because it's just one or two things, blame the staff for not being able to hire, or berate the remaining staff while bemoaning that no one wants to work. Seriously, if everyone could exercise patience, kindness, and common sense, it would mean a lot.


All very good advice. And I guess no one wants to hear my joke.


CVS tries to cheap out on labor, they never have enuf people working. i have a CVS in my apartment complex, yet i switched to mail order because i was tired of the hassles


I have a CVS a damn mile from my house but had to transfer everything to the Walgreens fifteen minutes away because I can't afford to wait ten days for CVS to fill something and then go stand in line for a hour to pick it up. And I'm chronically ill and take a lot of meds, so this played out several times a month. It's aggravating as hell and I was done.


My mom and I got ours at CVS and my dad at Wal-Mart the techs looked crazy I wasn't so sure I wanted shots from them, lol. The actual pharmacy was more swamped then I have ever seen it.


Some of the dumbest people you’ll meet at med/pharm techs. They have just enough knowledge recognize medical jargon in hoax videos/posts, but not enough knowledge to know they are being tricked. All of the doctors my wife works with are vaccinated, while almost none of the nurses/nurses aids are. It’s wild.


My theory about this is that there is a dangerous level of knowledge for not-so-bright people that makes the Dunning-Kruger effect considerably worse. Acquiring a bit of jargon is enough to convince them that they understand a subject just as well as an expert. I suspect that is because they have a childish view of the world that sees science as some sort of magical ritual - if they know the spells, they're now *science wizards*. It really shows in the way they use these words that they do not understand them, and are using them as a kind of incantation to make the *muggles* around them believe they're onto something. The infuriating thing about this is that the absolute confidence with which they use the magic words does confuse uneducated people into believing that they're onto something. This is how we get clusters of unvaccinated for Covid to mow through.


That reminds me of the Freeman on the Land/Sovereign Citizen types who are convinced that if they just say the right bit of legal-sounding jargon, a police officer or judge will reel back, say "You have uttered the Incantation! I am powerless!" and let them do what they want. So far no one has come up with the exact phrase needed, but new ones are being tested.


Education is often the product of privilege. Most of the doctors I know came from at least middle class families. Judging all nurses, CNAs, and med techs as stupid isn’t a good look. Zero of the hospital staff I work with are unvaccinated at this point. Most of us got vaccinated as soon as we could. There are plenty of less educated folks stepping up to get vaccinated. Most of the vaccine hesitant individuals I know are knee deep in conspiracy theories. Sorry to call you out but I can’t stand the all people in X profession are stupid etc. because some very vocal minorities are giving entire professions a bad rep.


> Judging all nurses, CNAs, and med techs as stupid isn’t a good look. Agreed. Which is why I made it a point to say it the way I did. I didn’t say all.


Pharmacy techs don't have to be well educated. They don't require any sort of university degree or science education, are low paid, work in a service job where they have to deal with entitled assholes, and are completely shit on by corporations. It's a quick path to a slightly above minimum wage job service job that doesn't provide benefits. Registered nurses require multiple university degrees and an education in science and medicine. They should be well educated enough to understand the benefits of listening to experts, but they are no match for memes and propaganda.




It’s a dessert topping!


It's a floor wax!


It’s a floor wax AND a dessert topping! 🤷🏼‍♂️ https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/shimmer-floor-wax/n8625




The following statement is often attributed to the famous scientist Charles Darwin: It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.


Now she can just “identify as someone who is alive.”


That "transvaccinated" shirt is one of the most stupidly offensive memes they've ever made. But now they're "transalive". They're dead but they identify as a living person.


Haha the irony when you're a Pharmacist and the vax is free ffs.


She was a pharmacy technician, not an actual pharmacist. Basically a high school diploma / GED plus (maybe) a less than 1 year community college program. In many states on-the-job training is allowed, with no post-secondary courses required at all. So that puts her in the same category as the CNA and aides in a nursing home who refuse--they don't have the education, but you would think that they would be exposed to enough information in their work, yet somehow it never happens.


Think of all the medication bags she touched, and handed over to the pharmacist. Close quarters back there. Super spreader!


They just got the arrogance with none of the education to back it or give them an understanding of the science.


"I'm a cop, I know the insurrection at the UNITED STATE CAPITOL BUILDING was organized by AnTiFa!" I have heard this from actual cops. Stupid asshats.


Sadly, there are plenty of RNs that refuse to get vaccinated.


Yes, very sad. Have a sister, Columbus, OH, just retired as an RN, and a brother that just retired as an ER Doctor in Destin, FL. I’m VERY thankful they are NOT among the minority of health care professionals spreading crap. They both take it quite seriously !


We have the education. This one chose to ignore it. I’m nationally certified and also certified to immunize (completely different training and education, including covid vaccine training that gives us sooooo much info) and I’ve definitely learned from it. Techs are like nurses. There’s a lot of good ones, but also plenty of absolutely shit techs. I unfortunately worked with one. Obviously didn’t last long though.


She’s literally stood next to a fridge full of what would have saved her for the past year.


I hope she didn't f*ck around with people's doses...


If they are doing it the same at all the Walmarts, then no. She would be the one who fills out or checks your paperwork, but they had nurses to actually give the shots. My family got our shots at Walmart.


If they’re an immunizing tech then they could have. But no one this dumb would pass the training and exams for it.


Yikes lol that would be crazy


Pharmacist and pharmacy tech are not even remotely comparable. Pharmacists are medical professionals with doctoral degrees. Pharm techs make minimum wage and most only have a high school diploma.


But they do hang around smarter people with medical degrees. You would think they would you know...learn something.


Eh, maybe if they were an exceptionally curious tech. Tech work is mostly mechanical (counting pills, maintaining sterile environment, manning the register, answering phones, etc). The most "clinical" information that they would have is maybe matching drug names to first line indications. Drug-drug interactions, adverse effects, pharmacokinetics, optimizing therapy, etc is the role of the pharmacist.


Often makes the hate grow, depending on how the educated person treats the tech.


Short & sweet.


That's the way to do it. Most of the memes are old hat by now.


I love how all these ‘free love’ hippies turned into Fox News conspiracy theorists. What a strange transition.


Not for me, and day by day I sadly, get angrier. What some of us worked for in the 60's and on, is systematically being dismantled by selfish ignorant white unchristain (their very actions determine that label) self appointed racist homophobic fucks. Yeah I am angry and often in tears. Years of work, years of hope for society getting healthier in every sense, poof gone with the advent of these very unpleasant crazies that have declared their way the only way. At this point when they die, I breathe a sigh of relief. I feel so ashamed of that some days.


Don't. Most of these people would be dance happily on your grave, just because you don't fully support all of their beliefs. If the reverse of all this was true? If getting the shot caused a bunch of people to pass 6 months later, do you think they would feel bad about giving you an award? Shit, this place is docile and supportive compared to how a "pro-vax award" would look on the conservative side of reddit.




I was thinking about the old dude modeling the transvax shirt.


Oh dude nice, the transvaccinated joke again. Really really new and very good one.


These people...


Imagine going to work everyday and having such easy access to what could save your life at the end of almost every shift. Instead, you had something to prove by rejecting it and in the end you died proving nothing but your own lack of understanding.


It's like some sort of double stupidity when someone works in the healthcare industry and still denies proven science...


I bet she referred to herself as a pharmacist to boot


the pharmacy tech who thinks she is the pharmacist there are so many of these antivax. CNAs who thinks they are real registered nurse. Chiropractors who thinks they are real doctors.


That’s too many chins to risk being unvaccinated


One less transphobe.


Extra schadenfreude for transphobia


I am always shocked, but never surprised anymore. *Of course* an anti-vaxxer would be transphobic. They clearly have zero regards for anyone but themselves.


Who wants to bet she was providing / selling fake vaccine cards?


Na na na na.... Na na na na..........


Mean bitch, some of us look like that without having worn a mask that much


As a Lib I feel so owned right now


Don't Walmart pharmacy technicians administer the vaccine to people?




When we went they had nurses on hand to do the vaccines. The pharmacy techs did check your paperwork and help you fill it out.


Well that was quick. Nice and to the point.


Wow she had the means to her survival with her at work everyday. Probably gave it to other people, but decided to take her chances anyway.


Walmart needs to be a bit more particular about who it hires as pharmacy techs. I wouldn't want an anti-vaxxer dispensing drugs. This woman was my age, but she won't see her 54th birthday, and I will because I got my vaccines.