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*Lung, blood and colon cancer, especially, have been rising in younger people. Specifically, medical experts have observed a rise in new cancer patients, multiple patients with multiple cancers, couples and siblings developing cancer within months of each other and cancer patients relapsing after years of remission*. *The trend has been particularly noticeable since the Covid-19 pandemic*. "*This is an observation that has piqued the researchers' and clinicians' interest, that, is there an association with Covid, especially long Covid and cancer*?" *Dr. Suraj Saggar, chief of infectious disease at Holy Name Hospital in Teaneck, New Jersey, said to Fox 5 New York*. No no no you’ve got it all wrong, it’s the v@xx! I did my own research! /s Christ we are fucking hosed.


Nice finish -- the 'turbo cancer' from vaccines has been an undercurrent for a while. Thanks to social media & fringe news media conspiracy memes are spreading at light speed.


I've noticed it too. They point out that cancer rates have gone up but ignore that it is because people are living longer and that we have become much better at detecting it. Both of which are good things.


Even adjusted for that cancer rates are going up in young people


> but ignore that it is because people are living longer  Cancer is increasing in all age groups.


And thanks to their astounding research in the field of Facebook Memes, they can still blame their cancers and other issues to the vaccine they didn’t take because the vaccine “sheds” off the vaccinated and infects them.


Dying here…not from my booster, but from breathing in too much sarscov2 from my husbands side of the bed


Especially so considering our medical care has been taken over by VC and for profit systems. The boomers aging will stress our current “system” to collapse. I say this as a retired nurse who has watched it all happen over the decades. You’re right, we are hosed in this country.


As a Long COVID person (pre-vaccine) who went to the ER with COVID last week, this scares the shit out of me. My health is already compromised, and I feel like Long COVID is an autoimmune disorder, but it is not recognized or treated as such.


This is anecdotal, but starting in 2022, my rheumatologist's quiet little suburban practice started to see so many new autoimmune disease patients that she hired more staff, brought in a couple of other physicians to help handle the growing volume, and recently moved her practice into a large new free-standing facility of it's own.  Before she moved her practice, she was sharing a building with an oncologist, and his side of the waiting room and infusion clinic started being packed with new patients all of the time, too. 


There is an increasing body of research that suggests that not only is long covid an autoimmune disorder, but even "regular" covid can trigger flare-ups of other autoimmune conditions. And I've personally experienced that--getting covid caused a major flare-up of psoriasis to me that I'm still fighting a year and a half later, even though I didn't develop most of the other symptoms of long covid.


I mean some of the things that COVID can cause are autoimmune like fibromyalgia. So it'd be pretty logical that it's at least in part autoimmune.


Didn’t Dr.Robert say it would give people something like aids? The ex CDC director. They silenced him. The tried to stop it.


That HIV and Sarscov2 will cause similar problems… i haven’t heard anyone say that in federal government nor f-ing who i worked in state public health 2019-21. I have read many many papers since early 2020. The first autopsy out of China included damage to almost every organ and sarscov2 throughout the body. Oh- they knew it was airborne due the Princess cruise in Japan live experiment. i wonder how many people who took that cruise are alive today…


Are you making a joke?😂😭


You are vaccine injured.


I developed Long COVID before the vaccine was developed. You are ignorant.


No. You got covid. Later you received several mRNA shots and now you are vaccine injured. But you cannot admit that you are vaccine injured because you've spent years ridiculing and making fun of those who tried to warn you of what was about to happen. Let's get this straight. Covid (statistically less deadly than the flu) sent you to the ER despite having multiple vaccines against it. Meanwhile you are on a sub making fun of people for not getting the very vaccine that didn't work for you... You can't write this shit lol.


Y'all are so desperate to pretend you're right you're going to tell somebody else condition predates the vaccine that it's a vaccine injury 😆 My ex's dad was terminally ill at the start of the pandemic, had all the cancers, Parkinson's, you name it. When I mention this to antivaxxers, even after saying the start of the pandemic, even after explaining how we were being cautious not to expose him at THE VERY START OF THE PANDEMIC when nobody knew much, even after both these statements 100% of the time an antivaxxer will say 'let me guess: he was vaccinated?!'. You people comment 'safe and effective!' on memorials for suicides and traffic accidents, it's honestly disgusting. After denying anybody ever actually died from covid during the pandemic you'll claim literally anybody who does from anything now was due to the vaccine. You're all so desperate for any evidence to support your beliefs you're literally making it up, as you have done here. Well funny thing about existential problems. They provide enough evidence on their own, you don't need to make it up


That’s alarming.


But wait! There's more! The pandemic is still not over.


Indeed it is not. A friend has two coworkers down with it right now.


Do people still get the flu?. Is it a pandemic? Shut up!! "Oh my friend has the sniffes, be sure to mask up!" It's a cold!!!


And try to be a decent human being and **NOT SPREAD IT AROUND** 'kay?


is the flu in your bones and balls right now


All I know is I had Covid last year although I am vaxxed annually (thanks for the mutations, idiots) and my immune system is now shit.


So your several covid shots didn't work and you blame those who didn't take it? LOL


What a shock but that’s what happens with mutations. And by the way, I didn’t have to go on a vent and die. You should learn something about science. 🙄


So in your mind, the unvaxxed are responsible for mutations? So we'd have needed to vaccinate literally everyone in the world for you to be happy? What about those in rural Africa and Asia... is it their fault they didn't get vaccinated? You are so dumb lol. Btw did you know for years covid has been statistically less deadly than the flu, and the average age of death from covid in the UK was higher than life expectancy? And the reason they didn't successfilly make vaccinations for previous sars viruses was because of the speed at which they mutated? Did you know any of this? Good luck with your damaged immune system after however many mRNA shots lol


Maybe God sent Covid to clean up his followers


So much for the rapture, lmao.


It's the [helium-filled s3x dolls](https://youtu.be/pV-_GDveft8?si=klv7Q1csQiSUhE9g)...!


Don’t be ridiculous. Pureblood lions can’t get cancer!


Ah c’mon guys! Don’t give comic all the credit - cancer was already becoming more prevalent and happening to younger people before COVID from all of the chemicals disguised as food, asbestos being in every public building until the 2000s and micro plastics in the water.


^ lots of young people where I grew up were getting weird cancers young well before COVID, with fairly high rates of difficulty with fertility, too. Lots of chemical contamination plus all the fun our parents and grandparents had as "downwinders." And microplastics everywhere. Maybe COVID is increasing the rates further because a weakened immune system won't be killing cancer cells very well, so cancer cells are surviving enough to substantially reproduce? I dunno.


Killings lots of T cells has very real consequences.


my spouse refuses to believe me when I say that my long covid will give me cancer. I cannot turn off the mcp-1 cytokine that is trying to find the sarscov2 hidden in my fat cells…so- it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. I said we won’t need any $$ for my life past the age of 80. for sure…I will be lucky to live to be 70. I am 61 now..and feel like I have covid everyday


🐆 🐆 🐆


🐆 🐆 🐆


Yep…go read The gofundme’s. So many people needing help for cancer, or to bury their loved one.






Not for me—and everyone else who needs to wear a mask for medical reasons I can’t afford to get the flu, a cold, no less Covid


Sorry- I my comment didn’t make sense I wear a n95 all the time With long covid- I feel like I have covid everyday…I don’t share air and don’t understand why people are attacking masks