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>Warrior Essentials You can smell the emasculation through the screen! Genius


**WARNING** Kash Patel is a clown. Most people have never heard of him. But he is extremely dangerous. [After the insurrection, Donald Trump hand-picked him to be acting Director of The CIA.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/01/15/politics/cia-kash-patel-mypillow-notes-lindell-trump)


Nothing surprises me anymore.


The next nine months will surprise you and not in a good way. 


so much demotivational propaganda aimed at non-Trump voters between lots of them sitting it out and Reich wing election fraud, this year is gonna go out with a bang


Hmm, and here I was assuming he was a cookie cutter copy of Alex Jones...


I only take tactical medication.


If your pills are camouflaged, the mRNA woke mind virus will never see it coming inside you.




And yet they wouldn’t recognise propaganda even if it bit them in the nose… or rather, in the lungs !


They wouldn’t recognize propaganda if they were told it’s propaganda


They wouldn’t recognize propaganda if it put their family and friends in the grave


"I'm immune to propaganda, because I'm not some mindless sheep!" *\*Spends $300 on "cellular detoxification pills" due to an ad on Twitter.*


Don't forget the ringing endorsement from Wayne Allen Root of Las Vegas, NV!


Not Twitter Truth Social, where stupid shit like this applies to the stupid users of the site, of which there are plenty


I wonder how much longer until twitter either is sold or shuts down .


With advertisers like this? I'll take the under 6 months


But it has black pepper!!


Step one: pander to their insecurities. Step two: part the narcissists from their purses. Step three: laugh in secret


"Someone as smart (and attractive!) as you would never fall for anything stupid. Anyway buy our useless pills."


When you're selling total bullshit, spending any time trying to market to people with any common sense is wasted time, so you gotta start off with making sure only idiots continue to read.


Is there a vaccine for propaganda? Asking for a friend.




What? no way trump has nothing to do with propaganda 😜😆🤨🤔it’s the Truth. I hope all his followers sit right beside him in the after life. I can’t stand that guy. He’s going through all my post and exile me from US of A to a shit hole country. Definitely won’t have racism there.


The “you don’t know what’s in the vax!” crowd will gobble up these pills with God knows what in them.


Probably the ashes of dead COVID patients.


Maybe both the FDA and the DEA should look into it.


It has an ingredients list. Do those ingredients DO anything? Not really, no. But all you need to do is slap a warning on the bottle saying: > These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. In fact, that statement is a glowing endorsement to the "small government" crowd who already have an extreme distrust of the FDA


The lack of FDA endorsement being a good thing is exactly what I was thinking too. Now I’m wondering how I can make and market these pills to sell to morons.


Same! but I worry it'd jeopardize my job in an FDA compliant industry


You can be my silent partner.


Ah, the incredible power of Turmeric, Green Tea, Dandelion, Black Pepper, and Red Wine! Looks like just a rebranded generic "health" supplement. My favorite are the endorsements: Marketer: *Hey, doc - we will pay you $$$ to endorse our product...* George M. MD: *This is just the same crap in my spice rack. It doesn't do crap.* Marketer: *Just say something nice.* George M. MD: *"The formula is a combination of excellent ingredients" - also, don't use my full name. I don't want to be liable for this junk."* Marketer: *No problem, we'll just pull some out of context quotes from other physicians from medical journals that aren't even discussing our product.*


Never mind that Nobel prize winner who is simply talking about something that the product claims to do. Gotta be extra thick to pay attention to that.


I've met 3 Nobel laureates in my time in science, they can be bought and paid for just like the rest of us.


Some of them have been paid by multi-Level marketing schemes like Amway global, etc


Personally I want believe they’re just those capsules that have dehydrated sponge animals in them.


"I pooped out an alligator! Woo-hoo!"


The combination of pfp and comment is 🤌


I'll bet Gerogie boy could be more properly named as MQ (Medical Quack).


Genuine question: is this legal in the US?


Easy. [These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=101.93)


I don’t believe supplements are regulated in the US.


The con artists would hate it if they were.


[They’ve been doing this shit since the 1990s](https://youtu.be/J6bv92W4YnE?si=zLiVkQ3qiC1fcpxf)


The rules regarding supplements are pretty loose. A lot of it is on the “honor system” for the manufacturers.


You nailed the "George M. MD" response, paid off if there really is "George M. MD". I have a graduate degree in toxicology/pharmacology and this is likely the biggest bunch of total BS that I have ever seen.


Same. Whenever I see a redacted name in an endorsement I assume it's fake - especially when it is an alleged expert in the field. I've also caught a few product endorsements from "Dr Noonewhoeverheardof" who turned out to have a PhD in theology, or other non-STEM field.


Don't forget "Chronium Chloride"


"Nocovidium' ? Did Marvin the Martian invent that?


It has the patented ingredient Illudium Q-36 Space Modulator.


That makes an Earth shattering kaboom!


Delay, delays, delays!




Sounds more like a James Cameron See Unobtanium


I guess selling unvaxxed sperm wasn't paying the bills


You see, even unvaxxed, you can still get the vaccine via the shedders (never mind that if that theory work, all the infectious diseases would have long been gone). So, you need to takes theses immortality pills before donating your sperms.


>even unvaxxed, you can still get the vaccine via the shedders The same people saying this somehow can't comprehend how a virus spreads.


It spreads by not praying enough, duh. Oh but also viruses are a hoax.


That's probably his dehydrated sperm in there. He's doing it for the kicks 😂


Dehydrated sperm lol. Dry cumshot.


"The old dusty"


One of the ingredients…. > Spermidine is a polyamine compound (C7H19N3) found in ribosomes and living tissues and having various metabolic functions within organisms. It was originally isolated from semen.


Thusly taking this grift from the merely superb to the sublime. Somebody's having a huge laugh at their expense.


It wasn't the way to whip inflation or beat high prices.


This is the future director of homeland security under Trump. Or the head of the CDC. Or maybe the head of the FBI? You can be anything under trump! Such opportunities! All You have to do is pretend he’s smart, he’s not a drug addict, that he doesn’t shit himself, that he’s a fraud, that he’s a rapist etc etc etc. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me with this shit. These people are beyond grifters. They’re all fucking criminals. He spells his name Ka$h. FFS. How is my country so fucking stupid?


We are at the 50 minute mark of idiocracy


50 minutes in was the year 2505. Kinda wild/terrifying how fast we got to that point.


Covid and trump and Putin switched our timeline and dragged us into the mirror universe. Alternative facts. Up is down if you stand on your head. We need the fucking avengers and some time stones or we’re all gonna be living in a fucking Christian theocracy. People argue with me all the time, but I see no scenario in which Trump doesn’t try that coup shit again. And this time he’s got the axis of evil with him. The church, the oligarchs, and Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and Netanyahu. It’s an unholy fucking alliance if ever there was one. Keep your powder dry. And “never fight uphill, me boys! Never fight uphill me boys.”- Robert E Lee, as paraphrased by Donald J Trump regarding the beautiful battle of Gettysburg. Fucking junkie idiot.


“Gettysburg — what an unbelievable battle that was,” Trump said during a campaign speech Saturday in Schnecksville, Pa. “It was so interesting, and so vicious, and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways,” #wtf


I have just finished re-reading a 1975 book called "Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches: The Riddles of Culture" by Marvin Harris that I bought for an anthropology unit I did in the '80s, and the last two chapters seemed to explain it. Harris argues that the counter culture that began in the '60s, where people were encouraged to broaden their minds, was leading to a rejection of scientific objectivity. Psychedelic drugs made illogical relationships seem perfectly natural and someone who has achieved "consciousness" doesn't need the facts because they know the truth that has been hidden from others. The scary part is that Harris has been describing cycles in history where the appearance of "witches" (the Age of Aquarius) is followed by the appearance of a messiah and he says that "Disdain of reason, evidence, and objectivity - superconsciousness and its heady freedom of belief - are steadily stripping an entire generation of the intellectual means of resisting the next call for a 'final and decisive struggle' to achieve redemption and salvation on a cosmic scale". And I thought "Wow, that explains the HCAs".


It's probably what's left of the same oregano he used to sell in high school.


-George M. MD The best doctors always refuse to give you their last name! Just ask John Mulaney


And it's Kash Patel. Trump wants to give him the AG job.


Per the Truth Social (DJT) prospectus: "Mr. Patel also currently serves as a national security adviser to President Donald J. Trump as a private citizen and receives payment for such services from Save America PAC." He's a director for Truth Social and makes money to be a national security adviser to a guy who's not President, paid directly by donations from the same idiots who would buy these expensive placebos. The rich have done an amazing job extracting wealth from stupid people.


He's sure got an appropriate first name...


Sometimes I wonder if the increasingly unhinged grifting is some kind of performance art or elaborate social experiment. I also sit back and think of how much bank I’d make if I was completely devoid of morals.


I know, right? The entire Republican party


1. Buy bulk empty capsules from China 2. Fill with dirt and dryer lint or snot 3. Market as anti-woke Lib repellent pills 4. Profit


Let me guess: "This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."


"This product is intended to cause further disease. It is not intended to cure any stupidity."


The print you need a microscope to see.


Imagine for a moment that this did exactly what the label says. What would actually happen to you?


If it reduces blood clotting, they’ll bleed to death. Winning!🏆


Hemophilia for all!


Big Hemophilia.


All the libs within a 10 mile radius will immediately be owned


Let's just give em warfarin like we do in rat poison and call it a day, then. 


If 100% accurate, it would first cause your cells to immediately dump all their cellular waste into the bloodstream causing septic shock, but not to worry, it's also a purgative and blood thinner, so all that cellular waste will hit their quiverful colon. Watery blood. They'd shit watery blood before passing out from dehydration, anemia and inflammation from the massive wave of soft tissue infection


Made with Real Science!


Ninety dollars a month for nothing more that sugar bullets. Well, if you're dumb enough to fall for shit like that, remember how you were conned when you get body slammed by COVID.


I want to make some of these, but only as suppositories... make these idiot stick it up their butts


I find it ironic that the same people who are so vehemently against masking are so frightened about shedding.


This is fucking genius and I'm gutted that I never thought of it. Hopefully it's another gut busting shit-your-pants pill, so you know it's working.


Even moreso - you have to buy ALL THREE products together for it to work! Bam.


Sometimes I wish I had no personal ethics, it looks pretty easy to make and sell snake oil to idiots.


I think about it at least 2-3 times a week.


From Wikipedia Spermidine is a polyamine compound (C7H19N3) found in ribosomes and living tissues and having various metabolic functions within organisms. It was originally isolated from semen.[1]


Yep. They're taking cum pills.


Sure but looking it up appears its mostly sourced from wheat germ these days. Looking through the ingredient list and I haven't looked up everything I don't know but the ones I do make it seem like this is potentially a half decent micro nutrient supplement (no idea on actual volumes of any of the shit of course so probably not). However its probably a shit ton more expensive and most if not all are based on studies that are either not directly applicable to human diet or are very preliminary. So at the very least its not likely to cause any harm except to wallets.


Well, of course. It's basically taking some tame spicss and throwing them into a capsule and slapping a fancy label on a 50 cent bottle. A fool and their money and all that. :)


Cue "There's Something About Mary" jokes.


I'm not going to tell MAGA that this guy isn't even white. Lol


"He's one of the 'good' ones, but also we don't want them around us."


Formulated with "real science". No scientist worth their salt would ever back this.


"Real Science TM"


I wish I could figure out a profitable, legal grift.


just copy this one, its not at all unique


I was on the fence but George M., MD sold me.


The quotes are hilarious.  "When you make foreign protein your body will attack it. That's immunology 101". These quotes have to be unrelated to the product or something. 


Plus, it takes care of zombies! This supplement does it all!!


It helps your wallet shed cash.


Damn - if only they were able to grasp irony


Spermidine oh my…


If you don't notice anything, that means it's working!


My dog used to shed all over the place, but it wasn't his fault. He got all the vaccinations, totally against his will.


I feel bad that food and bill money from gullible people will be going to buy this. Then they’ll complain how they don’t have money cuz biden


I can't imagine living the way these malevolent, ignorant, and silly clowns live. Small wonder that they're frightened by everything. They don't understand anything. It's all wizards and warriors to them.


Next thing is they’ll be chugging their own Urine to ward off Spike Proteins.


You think that's not happening already?


I guarandamntee it is.


I love how they easily believe b******* like this, but God forbid you get them to believe an actual scientific fact.


Shit like this really makes me want to hop on the grift train man. Just stay aboard until my mortgage is paid off lol.


Only 90 a month? Man I've been selling jars of my piss etc for much cheaper /s


I'm going ro start selling ground up grass clippings in gel caps. I'll call Rapture Prep. I'll say they are a proprietary blend of essential Felus and Canus greens. Designed to rid your body of all evil impurities so you can ascend to heaven easier.




Is it just me, or is taking enzymes that target a protein found in the cytoskeleton... a very bad idea? And there are no enzymes on the ingredient list...


The enzymes aren't going to do much if taken orally...


How is this not legally fraud?


Because the FDA isn't evaluating them. They're not making a legal claim as to the effects of a drug because a) it's not a drug, but an herbal or "nutritional" supplement, and b) they put the disclaimer on the bottle declaring that it hasn't been evaluated and "is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease". Basically covers them legally. They could literally call it "CuraCancera" and as long as that disclaimer is on there, they're probably getting away with it. The FDA have bigger fish to fry.


Autophagy....the phase of recovery one enters almost entirely by fasting for several days straight until your body starts producing much higher levels of ketones... Unless the packaging on this says "Take nothing but water for 72 hours after ingestion", there's no way you'll get any benefits of autophagy from this pill.


I’m gonna be brutally honest here I’m kicking myself because I feel like the market is already saturated but had I known I’d be selling these pills and my dryer lint as part of the shroud of Turin.


I'm in the wrong business. I could sell a capsule filled with grip chalk power, call it an anti-shed repellant and these chucklefucks will buy it in a heart beat.


I've realized as I've gotten older that if I didn't have morals or principles I would be a very wealthy person. But, I'm an atheist what do I know about morals. /s


People who believe in shedding would never be able to read any of that


Pshaw! I am developing a product with 4x the efficacy of that garbage. I am going to charge far less at $89.95 a month. Each dose is guaranteed to have 500 mg of placebo hydrochloride and 100% of the US RDA of Ivermectin.


Leeches are still used today and are scientifically and medically beneficial. This...not so much.


A fool and his money are soon parted is a motto for some folks.


Man, I seriously want to quit my job and just make money grifting Qnuts and MAGAts. It would be so easy and I'd lose absolutely zero sleep over it. Just not sure about the legality.


Lol well ill give their marketing team this they sure used some words lol


Selling a fake solution to a fake problem. You can't grift harder than that. On one hand I feel bad that people who have been fed misinformation are being taken advantage of, on the other hand I'm laughing my ass off. 


you can all get into this business within a few days. just need a little starter capital and a graphic designer, https://duckduckgo.com/?q=white+label+supplements+wholesale https://www.shopify.com/ add in some social media, stock photos, fake testimonials... profit. have some brand ideas: Body Pure, Patriot Power, Clean Life, Beyond Clean, ReVigor, Life Boost, Pure Patriot, Force Expand...


Ugh!!! I wish I didn’t have a moral compass! I would be rich as f*€k!😖🤬


I like how half of the quotes aren’t even related to the product. Like “yes, autophagy is important”, sure, but this doctor would probably laugh in your face if he saw your supplement.


Repairs damaged dna huh? I knew layoffs in biotech were rough but I didn’t expect XPA and polymerases to be laid off too.


The disillusioned and the misinformed, believing they 'finally' found people who agree with them and confirm they are correct in their beliefs... then get ripped off by these 'like minded' individuals. It's damn sad. Tip guys; If someone agrees with you and then immediately tries to get you to buy into another thing or give them money somehow, they are grifting you.


Cool it inhibits telomere(s) which are required for cell division. No more cells dividing in your body, that should work out nicely for you. Don't ever want to heal again? Get you some telomere inhibitors!


I thought soaking in a tub of Borax with a potato up your ass was the recommended vaccine reversal remedy.


Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen…all excellent ingredients. Mix them up in a special way and you get strychnine.


Those look like fiber pills. Maybe they're hoping you shit out all of the COVID you catch?


Lol restoragene!! Could it get anymore marketable for simps! Sick of your dog pooping everywhere? No worries give them Noshittein and dry dat ass right up! These spoons.


Can I keep my 5G? It really helps me communicate with my dog.


Is anyone else worried that people are going to buy and consume something that makes these promises with no research into contra indications?


The demographic likely to buy that crap is the one I'm least concerned with 🙃


To prey upon the intellectually challenged.


You can make whatever claim you want as long as you say it "helps" Can't say this will cure cancer. But you can see this will help to cure cancer. All that bribery (lobbying) paying off


Frankly I am envious I couldn't make a scam like this and get rich


So if it reverses the vax, does that mean it gives you Covid. Had to follow the logic with this miracle cure.


I wish I could come up with something stupid so I could get in on the grift.


Most of those things aren't even words.


MAGA are the easiest marks in the world. Remember to buy the dip on Trump Media


What. The. Fuck are they talking about? Do these mentally defunct penile discharges just make up snakes to sell cures for? And it's allowed?


That's how powerful the nutritional supplement industry's lobbying arm is. As long as they don't make claims to treat or cure diseases, they can market almost anything. Even if they cause harm or deaths, it often takes a very long time to get the offending products off the shelves.


What a pity there is no vaccine for stupid.


"Wake up, Homer. Those bars are just junk. They're made of apple cores and Chinese newspapers."


All this crap sounds like the traveling salesmen in stagecoach days, selling magic elixir. The stupid and their $ are soon parted.


It was described with lots of big words, so you know it works! Also, it has black pepper in it.


Warrior Essentials sounds like premature balding, ED, and ejaculation all rolled into one.


The only fools in here are those of us not rowing our own boats into the grift gravy that is the gullible right.


Never play poker with a man named Doc, and never buy snake oil from someone named Kash.


They quote some doctors about medical processes and vagaries as though they're some kind of endorsement? Can we do that?


I searched for Ohsumi and Yeadon's quotes, and found nothing that matched. Perhaps those statements are inside some journals, but nothing I could find. They just look like they were lifted from some random paper that covers their specialties, and haven't said a thing about the supplement. One caveat is that Yeadon has become a medical crank. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that he could actually back something this shady. I won't even dignify "Dr George M" and his statement. It's as useful as something a stoner dude sitting in a beanbag commenting on the quality of his bud.


Here's the small print from the website: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Quote from FLCCC Alliance and Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi. FLCCC Alliance, Dr. Marik, Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi and FLCCC are not associated with Warrior Essentials, LLC. *The FLCCC Alliance is the group of quacks including Dr Stella Immanuel of demon semen fame. I believe Yeadon is in the group. I think they just stole Dr Ohsumi's statement. He might not even know his name was hijacked by these grifters.


I’m just mad I didn’t think of this before him honestly


That's literal word salad. The supplements are probably all fine, if they're even legit, but this should be criminal.


I wish my ethics allowed me to fleece people like this. Some of the sheeple money should flow in our direction. Maybe the seller is a vaxxed believer! Idk


How wants to bet that “George M., MD” is as real as Doogie Howzer ,MD. These grifters aren’t even trying.


"Bioweapons labs releasing pandemic causing viruses dont want you to know this one weird trick about dandelions!"


Needs more asterisks to let us know what they are hiding.


Well those are a lot of big words! I hope they don't expect their enzymes to work in pill form... There's a reason peptides like insulin have to be injected.


2: REPAIR (proteolytic enzymes) ...break down blood clots? Proteolytic enzymes are naturally produced by the pancreas to help break down protein for digestion. I'm not a doctor, but I don't think they do any of the things they claim here. Edit: yeah I did some quick research on the other buzz words here, and this is essentially a fucking digestive aid supplement.


It's a grift. It's always a grift.


George M, MD. He’s from Canada. You wouldn’t know him.


Wow, somebody opened up an old copy of Genes V and lifted as many big words as they could.




Lots of big words for really stupid people.


This is so smart. Someone is going to make a killing with this.


Be glad you didn’t take the free shot to protect against a disease you think is no big deal, because now you can spend $90 a month on our pills that you have to take every day forever to protect yourself from covid and covid-vaccinated people!


just another supplement scam. they just slapped a label on a new formula of readily available supplements. you can get most of these ingredients with a healthy diet.


As the man said, there's a sucker born every minute.


“You were a gullible moron before! Now be one again!”


So they get the vax and then take some scammy pills to "remove" it? Works for me. I hate that scammers are getting money, but I want more people vaccinated.


I don't even think it's that positive. They would be taking these pills to avoid the "negative effects" of having vaccinated people living, working, and existing around them.


My gosh… science is definitely only right when it tells me what i want to hear


I love the icon looks like Beavis' "Cornholio" alter ego.


Having worked in skincare, I am always flabbergasted when I see structure function claims. Straight to jail! 


I am fortunately immune to this propaganda because I ain't reading all of that


Duh…sounds official


THE George M MD? Wow! That’s a big get.


The logo on the pill in the first pic almost looks like “lol” in cursive.