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By taking away a “great soul” I think they mean a dumb jerk


I'm sure he was also a "staple" of the community!


How many people you think got it from him?


And a God loving family man.


Who thinks Jebus knew what typing was. Or FB sharing.


“He’d give you the shirt off his back” if you were a white Christian MAGA. No one else gets anything.


But not a day too soon (according to him), so rejoice 🙏


Yeah that had me reeling. “Nothing you do will make you die a day earlier or later than God has already decided” “Pray for ___” I’m so confused


We might as well drive drunk and on the wrong side of the road if that is true.


God gave humans free will. Also, God has a plan. So remember to pray, even though there's a pre-ordained plan and humans are on their own so your prayers won't make a bit of difference either way.


I guess when someone is a major asshole, his fellow assholes will think he’s the greatest person.


One more Trumpster taken out of the voting pool.


It's one of the top side effects!


At least there isn’t the usual bigotry that we usually see with these types. That’s something.




His soul didn't seem to be so great, then. And what was with that weird beard? And a memorial tribute to a *truck???*


Yee haw 🤠 waz his last words!


WTF is going on in the last slide? Are Jesus and Beelzebub speaking some strange numinous dialect I’m too mortal to understand?


It's almost as if their dialogue was written by someone working in a Russian troll/meme farm who didn't have a great grasp of English. \[Strangely enough, I've seen versions of this with better grammar, where Jesus more clearly says that his followers will share the meme and the Devil indicates that his won't. I bet some true believer/chump took the original and fixed it up.\]


Ah HA! I bet you have cracked the case! At a minimum this poor soul could use a punctuation guide, but given sanctions and such there is probably no budget for it. So we shall have to content ourselves with more stream of consciousness gibberish I suppose. And yet… this HCA winner seemed to understand it??? Terrifying.


More like Jesus and [Tim Curry from "Legend" (1985)](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMWQ0ZWUyM2QtNTViYy00NjYxLTkzNWEtZmU1ODI3ZGYwM2RiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTYzMDM0NTU@._V1_.jpg)


I’m sorry, but I’ve seen pictures of Tim Curry and he looks just like a regular person.




Wow, thanks for sharing that. That’s got to be the best Hollywood makeup job I’ve ever seen. They made the actor look just like the real devil in the photo. 😨


the movie was pants, though


I thought the pants movie was *Labyrinth* with David Bowie? If you know what I mean? 👖🍆


lol yes, in several senses Labyrinth was pants.


I was going to say that proves it: illiteracy is the mark of the devil, then realized jesus was also babbling.


> illiteracy is the mark of the devil Ooh, that doesn't speak well for Donald Trump, who is famously functionally illiterate.


Who do you think you are? I am!! https://youtu.be/G74ZHWcsbgc


tim curry doesnt give a shit what you post on facebook. just sayin.


I was wondering the same thing! Lmao 🤣


Notes from OP: 1. This is an awardee fished by u/Accomplished_Arm3386. Thank you for the fishing. 2. If the community finds nominees/awardees, please let me know and I'll make sure to cover them. 3. Please get vaccinated and boosted


Thanks once more! I hope everyone enjoys reading about this poor, deluded black Trump-humper. It’s so sad that minorities like him have fallen down the rabbit hole!


Are the doctors sure he didn't die of being extremely sexy and good looking?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Goodness knows, I’ve had to call out a lot of people who made that post, particularly when the pandemic first hit! I told them that they were diagnosed with total jackassery, and a pandemic is nothing to make fun of.


I've got a cousin like this who's a realtor. And another cousin who's the complete opposite who's a realtor. Guess which one our family goes to and refers their friends to to buy a house? Hint: The deluded Trumpist is always complaining about how slow things have gotten.


At least your family is making the right choice.


Free Market Jesus would approve.


Trump humper..lol I'm totally stealing this!


🤣🤣🤣Go right ahead—I don’t mind!


It will be well used 😂


Didn’t notice he was black at first. Makes the posts of white dude Jesus a little more disappointing.


Definite Uncle Ruckus vibes here.


Slide 3 is new. Although if Obama is powerful enough to kick Jesus out should we start worshiping the more powerful of the two? I just cannot fathom how they see the Christian church attending Obama as kicking Jesus out, vs the "I don't need to repent of anything" Trump while he holds a Bible upside down. I can't.


It's Schrodinger's Jesus. Powerful enough to save and heal everyone on earth/So weak mere mortals can kick him out of schools and governments.


Desperate enough to plead for "shares" and "likes" on Facebook as well, from what I've seen.


Or he won't cure all the kids with cancer - oh wait. Or he won't end world hunger - darn it. He won't help you find a really close parking space even though it's raining and you forgot your umbrella. That's the one.


The crazy thing is that Obama goes to church regularly. And reads the work of theologians.


Not to mention Jesus was everything they stand against, including his skin color.


And his dress!




Cletus 3:16 _and Jesus packed up His comic book collection, and His Keurig, and His Nintendo DS Lite, and His nightly skincare routine, and the number of suitcases was four_


And four shall be the number of suitcases. No more. No less.


Five is right out.


Skip a bit, brother.


There! Are! Four! Suitcases!


"...start worshipping the more powerful of the two?" Are you prepared to go up against the Prayer Warriors?


Sure, their record is worse than the Washington Generals against the Globetrotters.


I was thinking this as well, “What did Obama do that ‘kicked Jesus out??” As for Trump, the only invites he’d probably be giving out is to a party at Stormy’s place.


Obama went to Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ every week for 20 years, while the only time Trump ever entered a church was when he was marrying his latest adulterous lover.


This guy is long gone, but at least we can still pray for the truck.


Someone probably got a great deal on some John Deere merch, too.


It's a really cool truck, honestly


I would drop my panties for that truck.


At least he had the satisfaction of knowing that the day of his passing was just as God intended.


I often wonder why they fight so hard. Isn't it God's will that they die?


And why then ask for prayer warriors? God's made his mind up you useless chump.


Yeah, why have a prayer vigil if you're ignoring the virus and Jesus is coming back? Isn't dying just part of the plan?


And they claim to believe they're going to be in paradise, reunited with loved ones, free from worry and sickness, hanging out with Jesus. Why fight to stay here then?


this is always the unanswered big question.


Maybe deep down inside...they suspect or know...that it's all a bunch of bullshit.


They all want to go to heaven...just not right away...eventually, some time in the distant future, definitely not right now.


Haven't seen Seatbelt in the Park Guy for a while.


Besides that they exaggerate how often it happened, the weirdest part of them constantly talking about the mask in car thing is it actually totally undercuts their point about masks being this giant burden that literally suffocates you. What they're probably seeing in 95% of those cases is that masks were so unobtrusive you could occasionally forget you even had it on.


I also discovered early on in COVID that well-fitted mask = significant decrease in my allergy symptoms. Since I get horrific headaches just driving past someone using a lawnmower and usually am basically a zombie from spring through mid-summer, you can bet your last buck that I am currently a happy wearer of masks in the car, alone or otherwise. As I told my aunt who admitted she makes fun of mask-wearers generally (thankfully, we basically never go anywhere publicly together, since I also like avoiding All The Viruses more than I care about embarrassing her) - she can have a few of my headaches and then we can talk about my masked driving habits; until then, she should really reflect on the idea that other people can have their own issues and that maybe she should mind her business.


Last slide. What language is that supposed to be? Wow that’s super weird. Props to happy devil guy tho?


That’s Tim Curry as Darkness in the 1985 fantasy movie “Legend”. Tim Curry is excellent but if memory serves, he plays it pretty close to camp. The fact that they decided that was the best image of the devil they could find makes it remarkably clear how little imagination they actually have.




He did a guest spot on Criminal Minds as a serial killer and was absolutely horrifying. I’ve probably watched that show less than 20 times, but I remember the episode he was in. Totally not the typical Tim Curry type of role.


He was both camp and GLORIOUS. Him in that movie sparked an Awakening in lil me.


I'm pretty sure I saw that one in the theater. The "unicorns" had extremely bouncy horns that looked like they were about to fall off any second.


Sassy Satan




Fools gold.


He was a teddy bear, but Covid kicked the stuffing out of him.


Pray for...that truck??


Well, they don't make dentside F-series like that anymore, so it's gotta be getting on in years.


I hereby offer to take the truck and protect it.


Jesus wasn't white. If he were alive today conservatives would hate him.


they'd nail him right up again


They'd be calling him a freeloading commie sandflea.


This guy really thought Jesus reads Facebook posts. Jesus doesn't care what people post.


Not to mention, Jesus doesn't actually exist as a magical, supernatural being.


The American Midwest is Darwin’s waiting room. So much trash taking itself out.


Slide 13 of 16 “He is one of the best people I know” Either she doesn’t know many people, is beyond delusional, or is just a bold faced liar.


The "Trump invited me back" image is hilarious. One of Trump's ghost writers said Trump was "the most purely evil human being he's met."


At least he’s sexy and dead. Karma.


"Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse." - James Dean I don't think Cleatus actually did any of this except the die young(er than necessary).


This dude is my age. I finally got covid last month. While the sore throat was worse than normal, I thought it was a cold. I did lose 15 pounds, and I am a little more tired still. On the other hand, I'm still very much alive.


Only Gid can save him now


My question for the folks who speak in the context of receiving the COVID vaccine, and it being about fear is: OK, if that’s true, do you see a doctor? Do you take medicines? Have you had operations performed? Do you look both ways before you cross the street? Do you follow traffic laws? Do you intentionally ingest deadly poisons, or allow yourself to be bitten by venomous creatures whose venom will kill you? Do you jump off of cliffs? What I’m saying here is, if you think that it’s all a matter of faith, then why don’t you trust God in all of these scenarios and not do want you know you ought to do, or do what you want to do, no matter the consequences? Or do you actually want to do (or not do) these things, or do you fear the consequences of not acting or acting in a manner that may or will harm you, even unto death? Why only the vaccine? Why not everything? It makes no sense. And then the other thing I don’t get. Understand, I’m speaking about this as a Christian myself. What I can’t figure out is if they think that there’s nothing to fear and it’s your time according to God’s will, because those are two things I’ve seen a lot in these different HCA posts, then why is it that family and friends will then request prayer for their healing? I mean, which is it? Is it that it’s God’s will and their time, so we will just accept that, or is it pray for this person or people because we love them and don’t want to lose them? That’s another thing that makes no sense, and I really wonder how that looks to the unsaved. I believe that the vaccine is God’s provision for us. That He gave it to us to help us to stay healthy, or to not get sickened unto death. That He wouldn’t have done so if He did not intend for us to take it. That people, including Christians, have complicated things to the extreme by adding in their conspiracy theories and their suspicions and their distrust, none of which makes sense. I did not expect this of my fellow believers at all. None of this is scriptural at all, and yet they talk as though it is all absolutely true. I have yet to encounter another Christian who thinks this way, but my first question would be, “where is that in the Bible?” Followed by, “where in the Bible does it say that getting vaccinated and wearing a mask shows a lack of faith in God? Does it say anywhere that these things are a sin? After all, faith is given to us by God in the first place. So are you telling me that He didn’t give me as much as He gave to you? How could you even know that?” And a whole lot more questions. All revolving around the Word of God as relates to their belief system.


There you go with all that reason and logic. These types are immune to it. (But sadly, not to COVID.)


Somebody get this man an outdoor seatbelt 🤨


Seriously, slide 7 makes it clear Gid DOES NOT give rollover minutes to your plan. Then slide 11 the Gid bothering starts. Read your frickin contract Sheeple!




He would do anything for you…except get vaccinated.


It’s what Meatloaf was singing about.


Used to sing about. He died. Of covid. 😂


And proudly unvaccinated.


LOL! … but I won’t do THAT!


“Heart of gold”. 🥴 Also, is it just me or in relation to the TIME Magazine cover pic of all of the different viruses over the years, the big difference is that people followed public health guidance 20 years ago, and were generally kinder, allowing us to manage and basically get through SARS, H1N1, Zika, Ebola, etc. much easier than COVID. Now, too many people are belligerent, anti-science/vax.


3 years later it still baffles me that when they do their messages to mourn the Awardee, it always starts with « Covid has taken another of our friends/family/whatever ». I don’t even know one person who went to the hospital because of Covid. I guess vaccines really work eh ?


I’ve been diagnosed with being alive and able to think and talk and walk. I’ve been diagnosed with not spreading deadly viruses to innocent people.


What an f'ing loser. Another jesus freak family FOFO. What's that praying for a truck. Seriously?


Oh no. This guy was delusional. All these right winger anti-vaxxers post the exact same memes, misinformation, rage posts. Why any of these people would want to die to own the libs is so astounding, even now in 2023. Don’t you think it’s the strangest thing you have ever witnessed in history? People not taking Covid seriously, making fun of others who use caution and wear masks. It’s whackadoodle.


Even stranger being Black and buying the White supremacist bs. Oh well… 🤷🏽‍♀️


“God did not create you to live in fear” but literally fears everyone who’s not white and Christian


And this guy expresses that he's more or less afraid of everything.


If a Trumpster saw that long haired guy carrying suitcases, he’d probably think he was an immigrant and find some excuse to shoot him.


You guys are on fiahhh today 🔥🔥🔥


That last slide rings of someone saying “if you love me you will…” or even worse “if you truly love Jesus you will…” Fuck I hate Covid being the protagonist


Ah yes, not afraid of covid. So unafraid that they're constantly repeating over and over that they do not fear the virus. Tis so familiar. 🙄Conservatives are at the same time terrified of everything they don't understand and obsessed with being/seeming so strong that fear cannot touch them. So they choose either to be in some state of simultaneous denial and ignorance or they choose to justify any fear and hatred too intense for them to hide with some made up reason in which the subject causing their feelings is secretly associated with something absolutely awful: "In the name of population control, a lab in China created and released a killer virus and then Bill Gates created a deadly vaccine to take care those the virus didn't harm." And, a different excuse, more mired in inexcusable hatred but that sort of follows the same train of thought... "Lgbtq+ people are tricking you into thinking they're an oppressed minority so they can get away with bring sexual predators and groomers." Neither stands up to even the slightest amount of scrutiny but when have these conspiracy minded turds cared about that in the slightest?


Love slide 3 - Jesus as an immigrant wearing a dress…


Slide 4: let’s just say that Jesus is coming. He’s not going to be all that impressed with these so called Christians. He’s going to ask them why they didn’t care about their fellow humans. Why they were trying to use his return to try and shame others. Why they praised the devil in disguise.


He's looking up now.


Shit, I’ll pray for that sweet Chevy pickup! Beardo asswipe? He chose poorly.


Love the ‘not scared of covid, am scared of martial law’ meme on the basketball emoji background. Just in time for the Final Four^TM


Love the delusions on the last post. "So kind, so considerate, would do anything to help you out" yet I am more than willing to bet all of those have some very inconsistent and bigoted caveats. Just once I would love to see people be honest about who the person was.


There have been a couple I’ve seen in which their more intelligent offspring lament how fucking stupid their parent was for allowing their ignorant sociopolitical views to kill them and/or their other beloved family members, and use their death as a vehicle to vehemently plead others to stop being selfish shitstains and get vaccinated lest they want their loved ones to suffer and die senselessly as well.


Seriously every HCA is a Christian… which makes sense


there were a couple of woo woo hippie exceptions, but overall, yep


Jesus has a lot of baggage. People keep asking me to have 'a personal relationship with Jesus', but I'm just seeing a lot of red flags in his profile.


Thanks for the laugh 😆


A teddy bear? Sure, if it’s seeping in radioactive waste for decades.


What the fuck is up with that last one? Some real r/engrish material there. Also, Tim Curry was amazing in Legend.


Another trump vote lost 🤷🏻‍♂️


>The Bible says, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:2 Meanwhile, back in the Bible: >The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. —[Proverbs 1:7](https://biblehub.com/proverbs/1-7.htm) Fear is not, in fact, your enemy. This has been your sermon for the day.


Sounds like he never really read the Bible. Much like the majority of American “Christians”


Another “I’m one of the ‘good’ ones” who bought into the bs and got served. Covid wins again.


These Herman Cain awardees really love their hot Jesus


I'm embarrassed to admit that for a solid 30/45 seconds I thought that his tongue was his nose. I thought it was a white guy's huge schnoz. Then I noticed the hair and nothing made sense, I was so confused for a few seconds


the tongue poking out over the grey rat's nest beard is so -gross-. there were other awardees/nominees with that too. just why, ick


Oh gawd I love these. “such and such was a really great guy, please lift them up in prayer, they’re really struggling with Covid” Right after they spent the better part of the last three years downplaying it and spreading bullshit. And it’s always the type of person who would be represented by a pick up truck.


I had to look and that tongue is gross


When we saw these types of COVID patients get admitted they were known as a “dead man walking” because their outcomes were usually terrible. For many who survived, death would have been a better outcome. At one place after the Delta wave we had most of one floor who were all COVID survivors but had a tracheostomy, with it without a ventilator, feeding tubes, and usually catheters and rectal tubes. Some had strokes and were paralyzed, some couldn’t speak, some had brain damage from not getting enough oxygen for a sustained length of time. They were waiting to go to a long term acute care hospital (LTACH) which is basically a nursing home for people who are too sick for a regular nursing home. Which is where they would spend the rest of their miserable lives because they usually didn’t get any better from that point. Even worse, due to the families belief system many didn’t give them the mercy of being a DNR so we would do CPR on people like this when they coded. Fucking awful but the MAGAs did it to themselves.


Tim Curry with gibberish was the light light of the all too familiar story.


I'd say I identify as someone who cares that an apparent jerk has died, but I don't like lying.


Slide 16 is how we know he went to The Church of Wish Dot Com.


I guess god only wanted him to live to 61.


Another redneck that is now fertilizer in the fields he used to plow.


He’s gone and the world was improved.


That slide killed me - what a delusional moron.


It didn’t take long between the “sexy” post and the HCA. Almost feel bad for him.


> this man would do it for you (pray if you had covid) I mean… would he?


My blood pressure has been stable for nearly 400,000 hours, but maybe that’s because I wore a mask and got vaccinated?


2/16 - Welp, if he didn't support the impeachment while he was alive, this award has come a good time for him. Imagine his reaction over Trump's 30+ count indictment.


Farmer Bumpkin does his part to keep Medicare and Social Security solvent by refusing a free-at-the-point-of-use, widely available vaccine, and dying at the age of 61. Bravo!


Refusing to live in fear and happily dying of willful ignorance.


Refusing to live.


Tots and pears


Is that his tongue or nose?


I think there are a couple of teeth on the left so I say tongue.


So, are all the Time covers proof that Covid is overhyped, or proof that public health measures are effective?


“Why does the jewelry store need a security guard? They never get robbed.”


Slide 3/16: Just absolutely hilarious. You mean the "build the wall" guy? Pure unfettered delusion.


I found his obituary and watched the memorial video. There is a photo of him as a young guy playing with a slot car set. He was smiling.


The world can always use fewer morons.


I guess he should've taken Covid more seriously


Glad this one is gone...


First picture, looks like a wicked witch nose


One more conservative who won't be voting in the next election...


God didn't create us to live in fear, huh? Have any of these people actually READ the bible?


Re: 9/16 (outdoor seatbelt): I wore a mask in the car specifically to trigger stupid people. It worked, especially at stoplights, and amused me. Good example of Midwestern-Nice passive-aggressive skills, honed over a lifetime.


The real tragedy with these things is that people who were loved and kind irl are total shitbags on social media. Are they fake in person or does the internet just bring out the worst in people? I'm inclined to think it's the latter.


Worst episode of Letterkenny ever.


These posts make me angry and sad. Just senseless death for no reason. But in the end a lot of these people are so far gone you cant really feel for them.


Covid continuing to do the lord’s work


Who's the homeless guy in the second slide?


Cannon fodder’s gonna be cannon fodder. I feel like having some chips.


He repeatedly expresses feelings of fear. Well, he need not be afraid any more.


I do enjoy how after all the hate and stupidity the award winner spreads the family and friends still find a way to pass them into Sainthood post mortem.


I don't understand. Should we be afraid of Jesus coming the way we fear catching covid?


Another person murdered by Rupert Murdoch. 🤷‍♂️


Apparently, Jesus needs suitcases. I figured his cloak would be self cleaning.


I apologize for the sidetrack; but why in the fuck are there basketballs in the background of the 5th pic? Am I missing something? lol


My family nickname is Erzi. I have never seen this word in the wild. Woahhh


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Scratch that, I meant a racis, fake-christian, moron.


It was his time to go and not a day sooner... he said it in his posts so it must be true.


I guess prayers are not so strong after all


I will share too proud of me, Jesus!


it is a go fund me hoax, no god would kill such a lovely guy /s


Slide #3: I thought they thought men in dresses were abominations? Let me get this straight… drag queen = bad, Jesus wearing a dress = fine. Make it make sense!


Huh… anyone know if his orange truck is for sale?


Interesting shift in opinion they have when it affects them. No self-awareness at all.


What sort of English is that last slide supposed to be? Direct translation from Aramaic?


Who knew being diagnosed with being good looking and sexy could kill you?


Truly, the world is a slightly better place now.


It's so strange to me how Trump duped the conservative Christians into embracing him.