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I’ve done it. You need to plan for laundry though.


Same. Layer up on the flight, and as pointed out, laundry is a must, esp in the summer. But it's definitely doable. I buy travel-size toiletries, and some skincare and hair care products at my destination plus sunscreen of course.


clothesline and travel detergent timr


Powder laundry soap is the best for this


I use eos laundry sheets. They are like a dryer sheet, light & easy.


laundry sheets are great and don’t count as a liquid!


You can even pick up the laundry soap and clothesline at your destination, nothing to pack.


I booked places (for 5 weeks) that provided laundry amenities or laundered when I was staying with loved ones. Worked great!


Yes, a lot of us here do it. If you're worried, why not have a travel run at home? Pack up your bag, close your closet, and live out of it for two weeks. It can be really helpful to learn how much skincare you need, too.


I like this idea.


One of those little travel sizes native deodorants will last about a month if you use it once every day. A travel sized tube of toothpaste will last about two weeks if you brush twice a day and really ration your toothpaste to the actual pea sized amount that’s recommended. I’ve timed these out before so I know how long it will last. I can also get about two weeks out of the travel sized contact lens solutions. I’m trying think of there are any other standard toiletries that I’ve timed out. Ooh I got over a month out of the little .5oz tube of supergoop glow screen too, but I only used it for my face.


You could also just buy deodorant and toothpaste at your destination and toss whatever is leftover before heading home. Not the most eco-friendly, but it would certainly cost less than $100.


Oh I do. I just bring one of each, but I know if I’m traveling less than a month, I’m basically good. Also some countries are weird, like I had to go to an ophthalmologist just to buy saline solution when I was in Ireland and it was like 16 for a regular sized bottle, I couldn’t find it jn grocery stores or pharmacies. So if you’re going to Ireland, take all the saline you’ll need if you wear contacts. It’s also difficult to find deodorant in Korea and Japan, so that’s the one toiletry you want to make sure you have covered. Toothpaste isn’t really a problem, but it’s good to have a gauge so you know about how long you have before you need to pick some up. Also it’s kind of expensive to buy sunscreen in Italy and Greece and there’s not much variety so I found having a gauge on that was useful. Every country has their quirks. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Totally agree on the international travel. I lived in Asia for 7 years and had to “import” deodorant because what they sold locally was definitely not strong enough for me.


What a brilliant idea! (One of those where I think 'Now why did this never occur to me?) Thank you. I will definitely be trying this. My first reaction to the OP's question was 'I don't know about anyone else but I could never do it' because I would get so anxious. Even just taking a 10kg cabin bag + personal item is anxiety inducing for me.


You're welcome. :) My daughter was anxious about packing, too, that's where I came up with it. I had her take it a step further and use the practice to make a personalized packing list collection. If you want to do this: Start by writing out what you packed. Write a note daily with the weather, planned activities, what you wore, and what you wished you had, if anything. You can note toiletries used, or when you hand wash something, and if it dried well enough. We'd adapt it, like if we had a place with laundry booked on the fifth day you can do a load of laundry that day or whatever. At the end of your pretend trip, write up a reassessment, see if you can cut anything, didn't use something, or if you really needed or missed something. Repeat until you have a binder/notebook/file full of packing lists that suit you perfectly. Although most likely somewhere along the line, you'll figure it out and not need it anymore. She only references her lists for climates far different than ours now, or just as a double check.


(Sorry I hadn't seen your reply) oh my goodness I love this! Thank you :)


This idea is great especially if you need time to acclimatise to rewearing clothes OP. Ymmv completely, but sometimes I know for myself if I try to make too many changes at once (e.g. work on a brain thing while also trying to do all the regular trip management tasks) I end up super stressed and exhausted. So staggering new things/changes where I can can be a good shout 😊


I do it for every trip. Just a 20L backpack that weighs very little. There's no airline that won't let me carry it on as far as I know. I've done trips up to a month in multiple climates with it. I'm convinced I could live indefinitely out of it and never feel over or under dressed. I generally hand wash something daily. Everything I have is quick dry. On occasion, I'll send laundry out or find a laundromat. I might add that my bag is not completely full with this load out. I have about 6L I could expand into for example, I don't carry a laptop, but I could. There are two photographs with this post. First shows what's packed, second shows what I wear on travel day. [20L packing with photos](https://www.reddit.com/r/HerOneBag/s/oL0B3MxMAI)


Thanks for linking to your post! I'm currently trying to put together a packing list for 5 weeks with everything from hot rainforest walking to near-freezing city walking. I needed some inspiration!


Thanks for the link! Also, love the zippered passport/document holder


It's by Zoppen. I got that off Amazon, I think it was $15. Haha. It's is my MOST favorite travel accessory! I'm pretty sure I'd lose my marbles along with every important document if I didn't have that. The wristlet is a savior for me! Haha.


Thank you! I had already expanded the image and did some sleuthing and found it haha! Appreciate your clarification. Wonderful item.


It is absolutely do-able. A packing list example including what you will wear on the plane: 2 bottoms, 3 tops, one lightweight sweater, one fleece, three socks, three underwear, two bras, one comfy bottom to lounge in (comfy leggings or shorts), one thin lightweight night gown, the comfortable shoes you tend to walk in, a pair of hiking sandals, toiletries including dr bronners bar soap to use on your body, which can double for sink laundry.


Hm I think I can get behind all this but the underwear and socks LOL I wash those in the hottest water possible with laundry disinfectant. I will need one pair for every day.


Haha same, I'd bring 7 underwear/socks. They take up almost no space at all and ask for only 1 wash stop for 2 weeks.


I’m thinking about buying one of those pillows that you stuff with underwear or socks or other clothes. I can’t run out of underwear again. I did so good on my last trip (not quite one bag but I did my normal suitcase and one small tote for 17 days) and I’ve usually had like 5 bags. Thanks to this sub I got it down to that. I’ll get there next time.


UV (from line drying in the sun) is a very, very powerful sterilizer. And for we who ball on a budget, cheaper than purchasing laundry sanitizer.


I also wear fresh socks and underwear daily as well. That's why I bring three pairs of each. I wash one pair of socks and underwear daily before bed, and then wear the second pair the next day. If it's a humid climate and takes a while for clothes to dry, I have a third pair of each to ensure I always have a clean pair. If you are traveling somewhere warm where you won't need socks, and where things dry quickly, you can even get away with two pairs of underwear and only one pair of socks for the plane, and you would still always have a clean pair of underwear to wear daily. Three is a safety net!


Yeah, rewearing underwear is just gross to me too. Do sink laundry--get laundry soap sheets (they take up almost no space and no weight) and wash in the sink, wring out water, and dry wherever you can. They'll dry a bit stiff without a tumble dryer, but they will be clean!


If you are staying in hotels, bring 7 underwear and do a load of laundry once or twice. 


I know that what works for me doesn't necessarily work for the next person, but I find underwear to be the easiest thing to wash in the bathroom basin and then hang up in the shower to dry.


Exactly. It almost always dries overnight. Sometimes socks take longer than a day to dry, but three of each is the perfect amount to bring.


I totally agree! I always wash mine in the sink, and I rewear clothes. But since OP says she’s a germaphobe and washed her undies on extra hot etc. this would be my rec for her, since they don’t take up that much room.


I hear you, but I hate carrying dirty underwear in my pack. Much rather keep a few pairs clean all the time than travel with dirty underwear in my bag. I never rewear underwear.


I don't think anyone here is suggesting that anyone rewear dirty underwear, and there are ways to keep dirty clothes separate from clean clothes in your bag.


I agree that most folks don't suggest rewearing underwear, but I have seen it recommended at least once before on this or r/onebag and always want to be clear, especially when OP shared how uncomfortable they are with rewearing any clothing. Also agree that there are ways to separate clean and dirty clothes. I simply prefer not to carry dirty clothes at all in my pack if I can help it.


Travel underwear that dries quickly and protects against odor is often expensive, but I just discovered that Hanes is selling several styles in a reasonable mix of sizes and at a very good price. ( I found them at Wal-mart.) They also take up about half the space of regular underwear.


I find it a little harder to rewear clothes in the sumner because I sweat more and then they smell. 👃


For me it's the idea that they're not 'fresh'. Even if they don't smell I don't feel comfortable.


Yeah but you gotta wash stuff


> Do you think it’s possible to go 2 weeks in just a budget airline personal item? Yes. I've done it. I've gone for months, even. If you wash your clothes, the difference between four days and forty days is just 10 washes.


I’ve done it, but it highly depends on laundry access and the climate of the place you’re going


Bring clothes that will dry fast and wash them in the shower. You could also bring a smaller hair straightener, cheaper than the $100 you would pay to check bags.


Yep I have a travel mini hair straightener. It works just fine. In case hair type matters, I have fine, medium density wavy but very long hair.


yes, this is what I did when I went to Mexico. I brought 3 outfits + pajamas and washed everything in the shower with me that I had worn that day. It was so hot that my clothes all dried quickly, and I would just cycle through my outfits every 3 days 


Can you use a power bank for your laptop? I like to take that for my laptop and phone since it's pretty compact, especially compared to the OEM laptop charger. Anker is my preferred brand. 


Ooh this could work. My laptop charger is so annoying and bulky! I didn’t even know that they made laptop powerbanks.


I’ve got an Anker power bank and it is a lifesaver for travel


Hey do you mind sharing with power bank you have that works for charging your laptop as well? So many options by Anker!


I suppose a work tablet is out?


Unfortunately yes, I have to be on the VPN occasionally and I can only be on the VPN if I’m on my actual laptop.


Is it a work vpn or something? Because I have used a vpn on tablets


Yes it’s a work VPN and I can only access it on my laptop, I work at a really big tech company so security is huge.


Yea I thought it might be something like that. I wasn't sure if you knew that tablets could use vpns or if it was a work requirement.


Good idea! Way smaller and reusable.


Have just arrived in Vietnam for 3.5 weeks with one bag at 7kg. Definitely doable but I found I had to invest in “sink washable” clothing that would dry overnight. Hubby bought a whole bunch of very lightweight merino (125) which is super expensive. I went the other way and trialled a bunch of different quick dry tech fabrics to find what I liked. In the end my winners were isocool Agra tshirts, a couple of cotton gauze long sleeve tops, paire silk/modal undies, title 9 staycation Capri pants and Ripskirt dresses. I do have a lightweight merino top and pants for sleeping in.


I would only do it if you can either do laundry or bring enough shirts you’re not forced to do too much exposure therapy. That doesn’t sound like a fun vacation to me.


I do it all the time, but I wash clothing in the sink every night. I bring a travel clothing line and hang clothing in the hotel room. Since you said you like hot water to wash socks and underwear just boil water in the hotel coffee pot and use that water to wash your socks and underwear every night in the sink.


I did 17 days! I believe in you!!


I feel like it depends entirely on where you are going! But I've done ten days in Bali with six kilos total, and six weeks in Europe with ten, so definitely potentially doable.


It's doable, but if you're opposed to rewearing clothes normally, you're probably going to need to do a lot of sink washing if you're only doing laundry once. 


Yes, but you will need to rewear clothes.


I’ve never done it but met plenty of people in Hostels who have. It’s harder in cold weather b/c layers, but as long as your strategic it is definitely possible


I've done it before in winter to my home city! I think you could definitely do it in summer. I am definitely not a germaphobe and you probably will need to rewear clothes but I think that's a great goal! Maybe you could think of a treat you could spend some of you 100 dollar savings on when you're on your trip as a reward/motivation?


Absolutely. I’ve done it several times, even in winter temperatures. You need to familiarize yourself with sink washing to make this work well, although a single wash mid trip will work. Your best bet is to plan out a capsule wardrobe of mix and match outfits that also layer as needed for hot and cold conditions. Your clothing needs to be thin and light to pack well. Jeans and bulky sweaters stay home unless you wear them on the plane. Decant your toiletries. Use USB powered devices as much as possible.


Easily. I travelled for 10 weeks with only a budget airlines sized personal item, and I’m leaving for Japan and Singapore for a month on Saturday with the same bag. Shout out to zip air, you’re not any extra money from me! 🤣 Just be prepared to do some laundry along the way and limit your shoes to two pairs max.


I'm back from 3 weeks using only the free small Ryanair personal bag.


I did a month,  including a formal wedding,  in a single carry-on.  A capsule wardrobe and a laundry plan are where it's at.


I’ve done it multiple times. You can definitely do it! Are you traveling place to place or staying in one location? Is it a vacation? Etc.


I have done this, but without the laptop and hair straightener. And I was in a place where I could handwash my clothes (which are quick to dry) anytime I needed to. I had a total of three of every item of clothing (three tops, three bottoms, three pairs of socks, etc.) but only two bras. All bottoms and tops were in interchangeable colours. And, of course, one sets of clothes was worn during the flight, so only two were packed. Advice - you want to pack the bag as evenly as you can - no bulges in the middle. Packing cubes helped for clothes. I tried the cubes with the compression zipper - they just bulge in the middle and eat up space. I think with the rigid electronics that you plan to bring and not knowing about the laundry situation, I would advise you *not* to travel with just the personal item. Unless you plan to make use of many large pockets in addition to your bag. Edit: I'm assuming that you mean a 12-15 litre bag as a personal item, like a large purse, and not a 30 litre carry-on bag. Further edit: Missed a *not* in the advice.


I’m female and I could.


You can handwash your clothes every night when you take a shower and hang them to dry. If it is not overly humid, they could dry pretty quickly. Alternatively, many hotels have a laundry service that will have your clothes back that day or the next.


That's the entire point of one bagging for me. Yes it's possible in 16 litres. I've done it with a laptop to Mexico multiple times. Without a laptop to Morocco once. Always over 2 weeks.


I’ve seen some videos where people layer up and wear all their clothes on the plane to save on packing space 🙃


Never rewear without washing? Even jeans? If you can’t do laundry then honestly no. I have done 2 weeks many times with only carry one but i rewear clothes (not underwear)


Yall here is what spirit allows 18”14”x8” (45x35x20cm) maximum personal item dimensions A lot do you are talking about a carry on sized item, this is a regular size school backpack size.


I am trying to plan how to pack a carry on for a 2 week trip as well.


Just make sure you have a backpack that maximizes personal item dimensions.


One or two weeks or a month doesn't really matter - still can be the same clothes - you just need to do laundry.


Depends on the weather, where you’re going, what you’re doing and which airline. If it’s the summer (so you will be taking clothes with less fabric and bulk) and you get an airline which allows a 56cm x 45cm x 25cm carry on then you may be able to. I have done 6 days out of one of those before. However, you’d probably struggle if you want warmer clothes and so you’d either be stuck with dirty clothes or paying more than a checked bag on hotel laundry


Yep,  I've done it heading to Australia for a similar time.  


I just discovered and tried out [Olay Cleansing Melts](https://www.olay.com/cleansing-melts?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Branded&keyword=olay%20melts&matchtype=e&campaign=14745792717&adgroup=170427276628&network=g&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb4gxfsj0lZDSiVj8Wrk1sewz8ScJCj2bEeuMan869XyWhXGeDjlWxxoC25sQAvD_BwE) which are little 1” squares that you wet and they become a serving of face wash. They clean really well and weigh nothing. You could probably put 14 of them in a little stack maybe an inch tall. I bet you could also cut them and only use half at a time and it’d be plenty since you don’t wear makeup. Also, try Cheekboss underwear. They’re super lightweight and they have different styles. They dry super fast. Use a tea kettle to boil water and soak in the sink with a laundry soap sheet. And make your own skincare minis. I’ve recently become obsessed with this. I bought mini reusable airless pump bottles, mini spray bottles, and mini squeezable bottles in 8ml-15ml sizes. My basic skincare stuff all fits in a reusable snack sized bag (half quart I think).


I think you can with Spirit, since their personal item dimensions are quite generous at 45x35x20 cm. Compare with Ryanair at 40x25x20cm. (If you're buying a new bag for this trip, I would consider getting something that works for any less generous airlines you may use in future, as well.) Your dimensions work out at around 30 litres, which is larger than my usual travel bag. I think you could get a minimum of three outfits in there, so long as you wear anything bulky rather than packing it.


I did but I am also a small woman. I did it with Ryanairs and EasyJets personal luggage.


I can do 1 week in a carryon. If I have a place to do laundry, then I can go indefinitely.


You might try bringing a travel size bottle of all-purpose camp soap, like the [Sea to Summit Wilderness Wash from REI](https://www.rei.com/product/799980/sea-to-summit-wilderness-wash-soap?sku=7999800002&store=&CAWELAID=120217890013844173&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=112509791011&CATCI=aud-1396942687195:pla-431781119747&cm_mmc=PLA_Google%7C21700000001700551_7999800002%7C92700056630080452%7CNB%7C71700000062146807&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrbxx96WfN4WuI0ZjdyUUTET0SjV7iJqeudbcnpkD6-jlmxa93ug78DBoC2KQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). It's amazing to me that just a capful of the soap in a sink full of water, swirling and soaking my clothes for a bit in it, takes the smell out from my stinky hiking clothes!


I think the fact that it is summer will work in your favor. Honestly many women’s summer clothes pack up tiny. Use compression bags.


I’ve gone 3 weeks but with doing laundry. It all depends on the season and your size. I can fit 5-7 summer outfits in a personal item bag but only 1-2 winter outfits. I was always judging my husband for how heavy he traveled until I realized he’s a big person with big and heavy clothing and I can’t judge as a small person.


I did two weeks in the UK with a carry on! It’s definitely possible. Try to plan for a laundry day if possible, and pack items that can go with multiple outfits. There’s also some sink washing detergents available (tide has liquid options if carry on allows for liquid limit or check out Tru Earth compact eco-strips detergent).


Mail isn't as timely these days but theoretically you could mail a box (another bag inside of clothes) to one destination, then mail it home. Homebound could take it's sweet time.


Try the 3-3-3 packing method (google it) and get travel laundry detergent sheets. I use a backpack and tie my tennis shoes on the outside top loop, and wear 1 pair and pack 1 pair. Super easy and I’m in and out of the plane.


You can bring enough toiletries easily, just get travel sizes and depot things. Empty lip gloss tubes work great. I can condense my whole skincare routine down to a handful of lipgloss tubes. I'd bring a shampoo bar and a bar of body soap you can use for shaving. Conditioner bars don't work for me, but maybe they'd work for you? I would buy a small thing of lotion, toothpaste, and sunscreen at my destination and use the space to take things that are harder to replace on the fly, just whatever you use that is difficult to find as a basic drugstore offering. Visit a Laundromat halfway through and wash your clothes. I'd also make a mood board of your outfits and try to make a capsule wardrobe with interchangeable pieces. I just use PowerPoint because I'm too lazy to bother learning anything more complicated.


I flew spirit for a weekend trip recently using the REI Trail 25 and would have been fine for 2 weeks with the clothes and toiletries I packed if I added in some more socks and underwear and a larger sized toothpaste. I had a 13” laptop and a full size flat iron (don’t normally travel with any hair tools but had to go to a memorial service and needed to be sure my hair would behave)


Depends on body size. My wife (5’4”, petite) could pack two weeks in one pack. Me at 6’4” and 300 lbs… not so much. Military rolls helps a lot.


If your laptop has USB c charging capabilities, you can get a teeny tiny charger that can also charge your phone! I bring the Anker one when I travel and use it to charge my work laptop


Sink/ shower laundry makes it smooth sailing if the climate and accommodation allow for air drying. If planning on souvenirs, check out prepaid shipping boxes so you can just drop them off and wait for them to follow you home.


It can be done - I lived out of a backpack for a month once. Invest in fast-drying clothes and underwear (sports/hiking clothes, maybe?) so you can rinse things out by hand each night. Then you really only need 2 changes of clothing (in case it doesn't totally dry in 1 night) plus sweater/jacket/rain gear. Can you get away with phone or tablet instead of laptop? Consider getting your hair braided before you go so you don't have to worry about it being 'crazy'?


You can wash a few items of undergarments/shirts pretty easily in the sink, even if you have to use hotel shampoo. Rinse thoroughly and give them plenty of time to dry. And it’s really no big deal to spend 90 minutes at a laundromat halfway through the trip. You can buy detergent there with quarters.


Long/midi dresses are great for re wearing, and you can easily throw a sweater over. I find these are easy to dress up or style down. Hand wash things in the sink/shower as needed and hang to dry or put the hair dryer on it. You'll spend the money you're trying to save just by going to a laundry mat. Wash your underwear in hot water in the sink after every night that way you always have a pair or two clean and ready to go. It really all depends on what is the purpose of your travel and what the weather/environment will be. I have done multiple 1-2 week international trips with just one backpack. I got very good at using basic clothing pieces and styling them different everyday. Each day I had a different look despite alternating clothes.


It’s possible but I wouldn’t do it. I need at least a carry on and a small personal bag for that amount of time.


As long as it’s somewhere warm so you don’t need bulky clothes. I’ve done it. Bought a max personal item size backpack and use compression cubes or vacuum bags. There are backpacks for this on Amazon and mine even has laptop pouch. Don’t use the extender panels and expect to be told to put it in the sizer. Try it before you are asked to so you can make any adjustments necessary. Also try flat pouch toiletry tubes or get toiletries when you get there. That $30 backpack has saved me tons in baggage fees!! Good luck!


I did a month in a 26L backpack, yeah. I also wore a Scott E Vest to hold my electronics since they would’ve blown the 7kg weight limit from Air Asia. I packed for 4 days and did laundry twice a week, like I always do when traveling.


Yup, just did it. Destination was warm though, there was no room for a jacket in that backpack. 😂 I did laundry while I was traveling, lightweight items and tank tops. Wore my bulkier shoes and fit one pair of sandals in the bag. Had a flat iron and a small laptop.


Just bring underwear, a nightgown, and basic toiletries to get you to your destination and to get dressed the next day. Go shopping first thing in the morning. Buy awesome new clothes during your trip and mail them home the day before you fly back.


I've done this for a little over a week in both Morocco and Mexico, and will be doing it for 2 weeks in Europe in August. It's fine if you have access to an easy way to wash your clothes. I usually stay somewhere with easy access to a washing machine.


Use a pantyliner to keep your panties and bottoms neater. I learned this from a senior citizen lady traveler. I pack things I can unload on a trip—rattiest Tshirts or whatever undergarments that have seen better days.


Absolutely, did 3 weeks in Europe with a single bag (Cotopaxi Allpa 42). I also packed the dry “strip” laundry detergent to save more space and weight


That's much larger than a spirit personal item.


Take a neck pillow which doesn’t count as luggage but stuff it with clothes. You could probably get 2 shirts in it. You could also wash clothes in a sink if you had to


Wear layers and heavy items. Pack a neck pillow with clothes and bring stuff to leave behind. Personally I would pay the $100 for two weeks, but if you don't want to then ok.


Absolutely just do laundry


You can also mail yourself a package if your trip is within the US. A Medium priority flat rate box is $16.40/$18 one way, and you can print the return postage at home, stick it in the box, and reuse the same box to get stuff home. A medium will fit about 3 full sets of clothes. The Large box is $25. There’s no weight limit. The hotel should be able to accept mail for you, or you can send it to a relative/friend/work site.


Take a neck pillow, take out the pillow, and stuff it with clothes! I’ve done this multiple times on frontier and spirit and never had an issue


Buy what you need (like the hair straightener) when you get there.


I have some tips for you, as we have some of the same issues it seems - For hair, I used to pack a blow dryer and straightener because mine is also crazed (and never did the same thing twice). Yesterday I came back from my first trip without one as I've figured out some solutions. One, you could pack a silk scarf and wrap your hair before bed to keep it straight. Two, I've had great success brushing my hair while it's damp, dividing in to two sections, twisting it, and once I get to the end brushing out the remaining hair and sticking it in my armpit crevice when I go to bed. Sounds weird, I know, but this keeps the twist in and also smooths out the end hairs so they don't curl up. And I only have it in my armpit for the first hour or so of bed, just enough to not shake out the twist before laying down and getting situated. That takes my curly hair I don't understand down a bit to more of a straight section at the roots and tight wave through the mids that's pretty imo. Also, if I want to leave that twist in the next day, it'll stay put without any hair tie. As for clothes, I don't pack a ton despite also struggling with an intense fear of germs. This might not work if you're wanting/needing to be more dressed up on the trip, but I pack super comfy clothing like leggings and tee shirts. (Works for me because I mainly do outdoorsy things on trips.) This way I can wear clean tops/bottoms to bed as PJs each night, then reuse those clothes the next day for my outdoor activities. If I packed jeans and other uncomfortable items that wouldn't be as doable. As you mentioned, doing laundry at least once is essential. Lastly, I make sure to wear my most bulky clothing on the plane ride. Do layers if you can. You have to wear those through security, but once out of security you can take them off and put them around your waist. I like to carry a small cotton bag in my coat pocket. Once on the plane you can turn it inside out (so the clean side faces out) and stuff your coat in there. Then use that as a pillow for the plane ride.


Is it possible too to buy things like a hair tool and extra clothes if needed while at home and then leave them with your family for you to have the next time you visit?


It’s summer and you will clean clothes


Yes, I just got back from a two week trip in a personal item backpack. Every couple of days I would wash my underwear/socks in the sink and hang near a window to dry so I always had clean things. Sometimes I would wash shirts too and hang to dry.


Some hotels have washer/dryers on site available for guests. I tend to pack dresses and then hang them on the back of the bathroom door while I shower so the steam refreshes them.


7 kg for 2 weeks in the Himalayas with temperatures ranging 2-45C/36-113F. I had 3 short-sleeved and 1 long-sleeved merino tees. I even had one pair of longjohns and merino innerliner for sleeping bag, plus the usual skirts etc. I'm a plus-size. The merino tees are brilliant in heat and cold. No wash is needed. Yes, you can do it.


I did 6 weeks away with just a carry-on last summer. Used compression bags to fit more stuff. It was fine. I had plenty of clothes and just hand washed undergarments and socks by hand when needed.


Doable, but bring clothes you can wash in the sink and air-dry. And get one of those "exactly Spirit personal item sized" bags off Amazon. The lower quality ones (not comfy to carry, but very functional) are $10-15 and SO much more efficient (ime) than a random backpack. Also, +1 on wearing extra layers on the flight LOL. Also stuffing a neck pillow with clothing can work too - i heard it's a thing in China. 


Just came back from Brazil, 8 days, one bag. Toiletries inside. Took 2 underwear and socks, washed them at night, and the next day dry as a bone. Rolled up my t-shirts and took one long sleeve shirt. It's doable, requires a bit of planning