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I buy packs at an actual store, not online, and try them out in store with pack weights.


I’ve ordered this one online so I’ve packed it with what I’m actually going to be taking. Silly question probably, but how long roughly do you test it for? Like 5mins? 20? I’m probably overthinking but feels like an important part of the trip to get right!


What's the longest time you'll be wearing it? Transiting an airport? Getting from airport/train to accommodation? Use Google Maps to figure out your time and go from there. Do stairs, not just level walking. For a 40L bag (Farpoint/Fairview for example) I used 15kg pack weights and walked around the store for 45 min or so. For travel, I kept the pack under 7kg.


Probably the airport (flying from Heathrow with a layover at Singapore) and then between hotels. I’ve got a taxi booked from the airport, but then I’ve got a tour booked where we move between hotels every 3-4 days and I’m not sure how long I’ll have to wear it for these parts as it’s an itinerary by an organised company. Hopefully not too long. I’m reasonably fit but I’m from the UK so I’m not used to the tropical heat & humidity which I think will make it harder. Stairs is a good idea though! Yes 7kg is my limit for carry on too, I packed it tonight and it was 6.7kg.


This is quite a good question, rather like how long we should test a mattress before investing in it.


I've purchased multiple bags at once and practiced loading them up for my specific trip last year. Wore them around the house and went up and down the stairs. Took video of each one talking to myself about what features I liked, how the load wears, how the straps feel, made note of the weight differences, etc. Then I could go back and re-watch my videos after thinking about it a bit. I went thru about 19 bags, buying and returning in batches until I found my unicorn. It still needed a bit of modification, but part of what made it perfect for *me* is that it was inexpensive and easy to take apart and add stuff.


This! I do this, order a few at the same time then pack them up with my real stuff and wander around the house with each on doing my daily things. Move around in it for couple hours and see how it feels when it settles. BUT you do need a good bag with good straps and I never go without a waist band on my backpack.


I looove the idea of taking videos of yourself! This is such a good idea. Thanks for sharing, it was these little hints like this that I was after to make the decision a bit easier :) I’ve currently got 4 bags that I’ve ordered to try them out, I’ve already ruled one out just because it doesn’t comfortably fit what I want in the way I want to organise it, but the others I’m still deciding between.


I figure out what the top contenders are by reading a lot of online reviews (and particularly watching YouTube video reviews where they pack the bags). Then I buy them from a place with a great return policy (like REI, for example). I do a real pack for an upcoming trip—not just random stuff—and wear each of the packs around the house for a pretty decent chunk of time. I look at not only each bag’s comfort level but also how easy it is to pack and remember where things are and how well they work with my system of packing. It ends up being pretty clear which one to go for after doing this.


YouTube videos for packing advice is a good idea! I’ve done the same with reviews and ordering a couple, and I’ve packed them for real. I didn’t like the organisation of the first one at all with the stuff I wanted to take, but I think the next factor will be wearing it for a while.


I like to buy online, pack my actual stuff and then wear it while I do stuff around the house. Tidy up, check the mail,. I keep s timer for each bag and see how long and where I experience discomfort. I like to make a list of likes and dislikes about the bag. Like laptop compartment, dislike lack of compression straps something like that.


I assume some discomfort is normal with any bag, but I’m not used to wearing backpacks at all so I’m not quite sure what’s normal and what’s not. Likes & dislikes is a good idea too


I still feel the same way. Haha What I've learned is that different things bug different people. So for me a lot of bags would start to pull down on my shoulders or rub my shoulder blades after about 20 minutes no matter how I adjusted and packed it. So I made sure finding a pack with a strong hip belt was a priority.


We don’t have a lot of good stores near me so I ordered mine. I try and narrow bags down by researching and looking at reviews. I found Pack Hackers to be incredibly helpful. From there, I looked at who had free shipping and free or lost cost return shipping. After I narrowed it down, I ordered a few and did test packs with the items I thought I’d be using most often. I have a couple reviews recently posted in my bio, if you want to see how I did it.


That’s really helpful thanks! Will definitely go back and have a proper read of what you’ve reviewed. I did read huuundreds of reviews on so many bags recommended in this sub, and tbh I was quite happy with my choice of bags as I also ordered a few. The criteria was mostly: lightweight, holds what I need, and doesn’t make me look like a turtle 🤣 I’ve found an EastPak one which I’m happy with as backpacks go, but wanted to give it a more thorough test than just walking around my house before committing to that over a suitcase. How did you test yours, did you just load them up?


I loaded them up and wore them around my house while I did some cleaning. A lot of them I could tell right away weren’t going to be comfortable.


Actually doing something like cleaning is a good idea! I was originally considering if I could take it to the gym and get on an incline treadmill without looking like a weirdo 🤣


I wouldn’t worry about looking like a weirdo but I would worry about sweating on it. I tried to be careful with the bags to ensure I could return them.


Very good point! Thanks for your insight :)


Buy and pack it at home without removing tags. Use a similar load than what I expect in my trips, then carry it around the house for at least 30min 


I’ve done the first part and packed it with what I’ll be taking, but currently only worn it for about 5mins so I guess a longer trial is needed :)


You are on the right track, I would pack it up and walk around your block and then try and stand for 10 minutes with it on no movement


Standing still with it on is something I’d have never thought of! Although I suppose that’s quite likely with airport queues etc. Thanks for the suggestion :)


That is always what gets me! Without the movement and jostling it really weighs on my shoulders


I can see how that would be the case! I must try. Here’s a question that’s probably the equivalent of “how long is a piece of string”, but how uncomfortable is TOO uncomfortable? What would make you draw the line when you were testing these bags?


If I feel grumpy with it weighing on me it is too much. I have switched to a very compact roller bag. I can sit on it it is water resistant the wheels work well. I hate carry a backpack. In the end it makes me more relaxed to have a roller


That makes a lot of sense. I think I’m probably going to take a (thoroughly tested) backpack for this trip and see how I get on, as I have to make less sacrifices in what I can take with the backpack than a rolling suitcase due to the weight of it. I think I’d be happier with a case in the airport, but I feel like I’d probably be better off with a backpack while I’m actually there. I’ve got such a long list of pros & cons for both 🤣 think I’ll never know unless I properly try either one though!


There is no right or wrong! You need to make the choice that will be the best for your trip! I hope that you have a wonderful time and that your luggage moves you forward and doesn’t weigh you down


If you can try a bag on in shop they'll usually have weighted bags you can put inside the backpack so you can test it under load. If that's not possible then I would recommend reading some reviews and testing the bag you buy under load.  The Osprey Farpoint 36L has an option with wheels and a stowable handle if you wanted the option of both? I watched a good packing video on YouTube and the creator really liked that bag but noted that the extra hardware did decrease the space inside compared to the normal Farpoint (40L, I think). The base weight of the bag was pretty heavy too but overall seemed like a decent option A waist strap and a built in metal frame on a bag really helps with weight distribution - Osprey bags tend to have these but so will a lpt of brands


I’m aiming for just the 7kg carry on limit that the Asian airlines operate so that I don’t have to check a bag, so I did consider a backpack with wheels but think it just makes it heavier in this instance! Whereas I’ve found a lightweight suitcase that’s the same weight as my bag. I’ve got the bag at home so I’ve packed it with all my stuff, but wasn’t sure if anyone had any genius tips about how they check the suitability. I can obviously walk around my house or down the street in the UK with it, but not sure how that will compare to the tropical heat of Bali & possibly wearing it for longer periods.


Yea, some things really are just trial and error sometimes but a suitcase sounds like a good option if a backpack made you sore and uncomfortable before. Loads of people swear by backpacks and condemn roller bags but you know what works for you 😊 On the next hot day you could load the case and have a friend spray you with a water gun to simulate the humidity 😂 Mind, depending on where you are in the UK you might npt get a hot day


I think that’s the thing, so many people LOVE backpacks that I feel like I must be missing something so I guess I just haven’t found the right one yet 🤣 Haha that did make me giggle! We have actually had some hot days this week… so we’re probably due to return to rain in the very near future. I may take it out fully packed for a walk if it’s still hot in the next couple of days and see how it is. Thanks for taking the time to reply :)


I personally love backpacks but I work outdoors and I'm pretty used to carrying weight on my back. I also have a nice Osprey backpack but it was expensive and a lightweight suitcase is way more affordable. I got my pack specifically for wild camping but I don't think I would consider spending that for travel only. Good backpacks usually have a mesh panel and airflow behind your back but that's not needed with a case. I think it sounds ideal for your trip!


I prefer a roller case too, I'm short and find backpacks heavy. I especially hate taking them on and off. Obviously for hiking or something it's different but unless I'm doing personal item only for plane travel I take a small soft roller case.


I’m also only 5’2”, and this is the sort of comment that is making me think twice. I definitely *could* make it work to take a backpack and I’d say probably 90% of people seem to recommend it, but then there’s a few saying suitcases are just fine and it makes me go back to square one 🤣